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Tal 12 February 2000 03:25 PM

Don't know if this applies to us SIDC members - but check out

chrisp 12 February 2000 04:05 PM

I think you are prefectly safe, if you brought from Mark Underwood at Zymol UK. On my credit card bill its got Zymol UK Ltd. I dont think he would have brought banner space off the webmaster either. The Zymol stuff I received is fantastic and its got my approval Deal with Mark Underwood and I dont think you have anything to worry about.

Mark is a really great guy and very knowledgable and has demoed the stuff on quite a few of the SIDC cars.

I also received the same email on IWOC about the warning. Keep 'em peeled



[This message has been edited by chrisp (edited 12-02-2000).]

R19KET 12 February 2000 04:28 PM

I'm keeping an open mind, until more info is available.

However, it is a concern that Zymol US, in posting the warning, hasn't given "Zymol UK" the all clear. It may also be a coincidence that the Zymol banner add is unavailable.

As an aside, it's interesting that people always say how nice, and polite the person who conned them was !!!!!!!.

That comment has no reference to Mark Underwood, or Zymol UK, who I have never had any contact with.


ChrisB 12 February 2000 04:44 PM

Indeed, the warning is very open ended.

I just saw the Zymol banner but following it resulted in Internet Explorer telling me the server was unavailable ( Could just be a temporary thing though or my ISP going up the spout again.

There does seem to be a lot of people who are very happy with the results and have said so on here. If the stuff being purchased is fake (*which I'm not saying it is any way*), then perhaps the real Zymol should buy some of it!

Again, I've never had any contact with the Wizard of Wax (Mark) so I'll shut up until more information is available.


Ian Cook 12 February 2000 04:44 PM

I have emailed both Mark and Zymol USA to confirm if this involves us, once i have the replies, I will post them on here ???

BTW The pot i have from Mark matches perfectly the correct pot shown on the US site.

[This message has been edited by Ian Cook (edited 12-02-2000).]

Tim Bomford 12 February 2000 04:46 PM

Yup....I have nothing but praise for the stuff and Mark! He also does provide leaflets and any info you ask for. Have NO doubt that he is genuine. It is interesting the ad is unavailable though, as I need to re-order some stuff. Hint Hint Mark email me!
I also tried a free demo of Marks lemon seed engine cleaner today....The ****e just rinsed away with no scrubbing at all and engine is now gleaming!
A happy Tim

pnebbs 12 February 2000 04:59 PM

All my dealings with Mark have been great - He has been very helpful and all the products have worked pefectly

However on Zymols US website they say that they have no UK distributor/retailer and that we have to order direct from the USA. Also there is no mention of Subaru Wax, one of the things listed to check.

Saying that I feel that I would still buy these excellent products from Mark


Ian Cook 12 February 2000 05:06 PM

The wax Mark sells is not actually called Subaru wax, it is Zymol Carbon for the dark colours and another one (cant remember the name) for the lighter colours.

I recieved this from Zymol USA yesterday, this is not the reply to the mail i have sent to confirm the situation.

BTW The reason i have only just sent this is because i have not been home since Friday afternoon, and have only just seen it myself?

"I need your help. Please put this into your notices to Bulletin Board and Forums that you frequent.

I am passing this message to everyone in Europe.


C. E. Bennett



Hello. This is an email from Zymöl Enterprises, Inc. (zymöl Factory)

Please visit the following pages on the official factory web site for a very important warning;

chrisp 12 February 2000 05:09 PM

The container I have says Subaru Wax on it.


Ian Cook 12 February 2000 05:11 PM

Hmm, mine says Carbon on it ?

johnfelstead 12 February 2000 05:38 PM

i have just emailed the USA to find what they have to say about Zymol UK.

I am keeping an open mind at the moment but am a liitle worried for the following reasons.

The bottom of the tub on my "titanium" wax has 4 spaces between the , and the Inc.
On the warning web site it has no mention of this space and yet is very specific about the other spaces on the company name.

My Multiclean and tyre & vinyl protectant bottles are not the same shape as the other zymol product containers and have lables on them which could easily be manufactured on a laser/inkjet printer and not the usual sticky backed labels.

I want answers on this now, i am very concerned.

pnebbs 12 February 2000 05:51 PM

The Subaru wax, is a new wax Mark released over Christmas that is supposed to have been developed especially for subarus and has a higher Carnuba content than even Titanium

Has anybody tried calling Mark today?


PS just ckecked my container of Subaru Wax, the only markings on the Base are "MADE IN SWEDEN" - Sounding stranger by the minute

[This message has been edited by pnebbs (edited 12-02-2000).]

firefox 12 February 2000 05:59 PM


This is a good one.... very intriguing...

According to the USA website (assuming it is the legit parent company). ALL products sold in the UK in the last 18 months are fakes ?

That seems strange.

Are people sure the website is the real one?

They claim to have offices in London... anyone ever dealt with the London office ?

Someone call Mark (WoW).. I suppose I could.. I have his home and mobile number....



Kev 12 February 2000 06:35 PM

I've had a few dealings with him recently and the one thing that did baffle me was the "hotmail" e-mail address ..... which he has'nt replied to for 2 days ??

Having said that I have always found him a OK bloke to deal with ..........

I have'nt been able to get to their UK web site, although he did tell me he was in the proccess of setting up another site ? I'm gonna keep an open mind on this one for the time being, I'll wait till we can find out some more before I make a judgement ..... not having the full picture can be a bit dodgy ...

Tal 12 February 2000 06:43 PM

Well the stand at the motor show seemed okay I want to buy the Subaru starter pack but need this clarified ??

Mark r u there !!

This could be just Zymol USA flexing its corperate muscle ? has Mark done somthing a bit naughty with the new Subaru wax ?


Kev 12 February 2000 06:45 PM

I just sorted through my in-box and found out the e-mail he sent me a couple of weeks ago ....the jist is, I revamped my site and put a zymol plug on it and his reply was this .........
However, whilst I did not object to zymol appearing, perhaps it would be better to have the UK website featured instead of the usa one. This namely becuase we have some unique preoducts to the uk and europe and they do some products which for a variety reasons we cannot import here to the uk.
Currently our website is undergoing a major revamp and will cover all products listed on our pricelist together with hints, tips etc etc etc. Also we are adding online ordering via a secure server and accept all major credit cards. Many users of our products are confused with the usa website as lots of prices do not equate to uk/european prices etc a well as the availability of products etc.
Perhaps you'd be most kind and alter the links that you have created and instead use the links to our website which is as follows:

Nick 12 February 2000 06:47 PM

I rang Mark this morning (Saturday). He is not on IWOC so did not know about the earlier posting. There IS a problem between Mark & Zymol in the USA & Mark went some way to explaining the situation to me on the phone. I will leave him to post the details, which I understand he intends to do very soon.

AFAIK The Zymol products from Mark are bona-fida Zymol stuff, but there is a commercial "situation" between Mark & Zymol USA. The Zymol UK site is "down" on purpose for a short time.

Nick 12 February 2000 06:55 PM

Reprinting a personal email is a bit off isn't it??

I am aware that Mark was an Internet newbie (remember the CAPS in his early posts?). He did not get domain hosting for email - just the web site with a commercial package.

>Web site
He got a lot of grief from people emailing questions about the US site's info & also the US manual. There is product available in the US that Mark does not import & also the prices listed on the US site are cheaper than the UK prices. From a commercial point of view Mark would not want to have to constantly explain import duty, VAT & shipping charges to customers.

Kev 12 February 2000 07:07 PM


I thought it was going some way to help Mark out as it helps his corner a bit .... I thought . From the mails we have swapped he's a top bloke, it does go some way to help him I feel.

As for the " hotmail " account I wasn't aware he was a newbie and set it up for that reason. He does usually reply almost instantly to my mails, so if he's had a bit on his plate over the last few days that would explain it .... eating my words as much as possible here !! like I said a bit nearer the top .. it's a tad early to judge till we have a full picture. I'm sure there is a valid reason for all this confusion.


sickboy 12 February 2000 07:10 PM

This wording doesn't sound like some marketing tiff surely? Unless Zymol USA wan't to get rid of any competiton in Europe. Really, really odd.

"We also do not make; Subaru Wax, 911 Wax, 356 Wax etc. The only way you can be sure you are getting genuine zymöl is to order here on our web site. To help you we will offer special pricing and special freight allowances.

If you bought them by mail or post order, tell your credit card company you want a credit, call the company you purchased them from and return the fake zymöl for a refund.


Nick 12 February 2000 08:03 PM

Hi Kev

I know that you were supporting Mark with the email posting.

Mark has explained to me a lot of what is happening, although I will let him post the details. I have suggested that he posts something pretty quick & I'm sure he'll do that soon, as I don't think he wants to have to explain the situation 2,000 times by phone on Monday!

Kev 12 February 2000 08:14 PM

I've just been back to the .com site in the States and it's as if it's some sort of spook site or something ( it's not though,same US site I've had bookmarked for some time), not at all profesionaly worded, not your usual legal blurb where they don't actually say what they really mean so as not to commit any comercial suicide. This site is very direct and straight to the point no holds barred "all fake, refunds etc etc"......very very strange... not at all professional and not comments you would expect from a top company


JasonHook 12 February 2000 10:39 PM

The info at the bottom of this note shows the owner of the domain. The address is not the same as the address on the catalogue I was sent by Mark. I don't think that is a spoof site however.

I'm in Florida from Sunday & out of interest I might visit the local Zymol stockist. If I get access to a browser while I'm there I'll let you know how the American products compare to what I have.

BTW the Subaru wax I have is Blue, smells great and keeps the water off my car so I'll keep using it. The pot it comes in has a Zymol Sticker and a sticker saying "Subaru". The underside has a sticker with some numbers but none of the markings shown on the Web Site.

For the most I think Mark Underwood is OK so I'll be interested in what he has to say about all of this when he's ready.


Phitech, LLC (ZYMOL-DOM)
Killingworth, CT 06419

Domain Name:

Administrative Contact:
Bennett, Chuck (CBD133) cbennett@ZYMOL.COM
203-484-1631 EXT 16
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Domain Administrator (DA909-ORG) domadmin@PCNET.COM
Fax- 860-278-7488
Billing Contact:
Bennett, Chuck (CBD133) cbennett@ZYMOL.COM
203-484-1631 EXT 16

Record last updated on 21-Dec-1999.
Record created on 07-Nov-1995.
Database last updated on 11-Feb-2000 15:09:04 EST.

Domain servers in listed order:



johnfelstead 12 February 2000 10:47 PM

just recived this from my mail to the states.

read it and weep. I am not going to let this one lie untill i have all the facts.
below is the message i received from the USA zymol email address from a mr Chuck Bennett.
i enclose my message to him below his reply.


Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say you have been duped! The products you have are fakes.

Return them, ask for a return of your funds.

Review our factory web site

Ian Cook 12 February 2000 11:17 PM

Everybody, I have been in contact with Mark, and he has explained the situation to me. Unfortunately for legal reasons I cannot pass this on, but Mark has assured me there will be an official comment very soon.

At Marks request we are removing the banner ad, again for legal reasons, but only temporarily.

Its interesting to note i sent an email to the US as well, and my reply was that all products in Europe are counterfeit or bogus, and they have never licenced there name for use outside the US, even though the tub i have is Identical to the one on their site.

I am keeping a very open mind about all of this, until i see proof either way.

Some interesting sites i found are well worth looking at though

Wreckleford 12 February 2000 11:22 PM

I've been following the whole thing with interest. It al seems strange to me. The CEO himself sending you an e-mail? The wording doesn't sound too profesional to me either. Ay talk of legal action? At the same time why would anyone make up such an elaborate hoax?

Ian Cook 12 February 2000 11:26 PM

Thats something i have been concerned about, i would have thought if legal action was to be involved, especially from the States we would have a letter/email written by a lawyer ?

But as i said i am keeping an open mind at the moment.

JamesH 12 February 2000 11:39 PM

From the looks of it, there's been a barney over something & the yanks have reacted with their customary knee-jerk (sorry rsquire). Note that all Europe sites mentioned, UK, Germany & the other have got the counterfeit message". I got an email from Mark this evening promising a "new" product line ("watch this space"). I, for one, will continue using Mark's products as long as they are of the same high standard, whatever the name...

johnfelstead 13 February 2000 01:27 AM

two further emails i have recieved from the USA after speaking to Mr bennett, he rang me at home from his factory.
still waiting to see a post from mark!

John, as you suggested I checked your site: SIDC.

You are right! There are many people who doubt the truth.

This disturbs me greatly!

You can check with BMW Car Magazine in the UK for photos of me at the Birmingham Motor Show and
if your group needs further proof of my position in Zymol you can ask the fine people at the BMW Car Club of America.

johnfelstead 13 February 2000 01:44 AM


email me, i have an interesting proposition for you when you are in the USA


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