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pslewis 21 September 2002 11:57 PM

Justice could be about to happen - Tony Martin, the farmer who shot those scum-bags looks like he is to be released after 2 and a half years in prison.

If, like me, you believe that a man has a right to protect his property and family with whatever means he sees fit, then this will be good news!

If the decent public stood up to these scum and took them out we clean up the streets ............... all this 'do-goody' stuff will have a backlash and I think the days of the gentle treatment of undesireables are over!


marty_t3 22 September 2002 02:38 AM

couldn't have said it better myself.... the guy should never have been in jail in the first place.

I consider myself to be (relatively) law abiding and i would have done the same thing. Just seems like the law is protecting the f&*@ing criminals instead of the victims these days.

Some gypo housebreaker comes into my home then he can expect to have a confrontation with the heaviest pointy object i can find.

[Edited by marty_t3 - 9/22/2002 2:42:39 AM]

super_si 22 September 2002 10:50 AM

i think the law is, if there upstairs in your propperty you can use force.

Same with the bloke in London, stabbed the robber but he died :(

hes getting sent down too.

bladerider 22 September 2002 10:52 AM

Pete, I totally agree with you. He should never have been put in prison. I myself have had first hand experience of trying to protect myself. In 1984 someone broke into my home. Being scared, I armed myself with the biggest kitchen knife I had, purely as a detterent though. I didn't think I'd have to use it. I had no idea at that time that he was armed with a knife and a hammer. When I confronted him he came at me with his weapons. He was a big guy and I'm only a little fella. I was really scared. It was quite obvious that he was high on drink. There was contact and the result was I had five stab wounds he had nine. It seemed like a kill or be killed situation. Luckily for him my knife was to big to go between his ribs, but he did have a punctured lung. I had one potentially serious wound in the centre of my chest about three inches deep, only about half a centimetre from my heart. He ran out. He had four friends outside who then tried to gain access to the house with the sole intention of trying to kill me for what happened to their mate. The police arrived just as I was losing conciousness, another five minutes and I would probably have been killed. We were all arrested and his four mates were just charged with breach of the piece. I and my attacker were both charged with attempted murder. It took almost a year to get to court. The trial lasted four days. I had absolutely nothing to hide. I fully admitted my actions. He denied everything and accused me of inviting him into my home and attacking him. The jury could see his blatently obvious lies. I was aquitted and he was found guilty.
When I was reading in the papers about the farmer who killed the boy I didn't think he'd be punished by the law. He will have to live with the memory that he killed someone for the rest of his life and that would be punishment enough. The law only allows minimum force, and killing someone would be seen as extreme. That was the reason behind his prison sentence. He made his point though.
I'm glad that in my situaton the attacker lived otherwise the court might have taken a different view.

tigman 22 September 2002 04:13 PM

Q. What right did barras and the other bloke have to enter tonys martins home?

A. None

barge 22 September 2002 04:27 PM

I agree he should not have gone to jail.

If they had not been there they would not have got shot, simple.

rr_ww 22 September 2002 04:31 PM

For once the UK should follow the good ol US of A. If someone enters your house without your permission you can legally KILL them (or something like that) to protect yourselves or family.

BTW Was speaking to an American who has lived here for a couple of years, he said we (Brits) are too hasty to shout and fight people whereas (he says) in America, because of the amount of Guns in circulation people tend to be a bit more circumspect.

I think its time we took back the streets from the idiots!


tigman 22 September 2002 04:46 PM

the sooner the better

boomer 22 September 2002 04:59 PM

The trouble is that Tony Martin will spend the next few months (if he manages that long) looking over his shoulder in case scum, or family of scumm, or friends of family of scum, or hitmen paid for by the family of scum decide to "teach him a lesson" [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

They (scum and co.) have already alledgedly intimidated witnesses and the jury to send him down in the first place. There is also (alledgedly) a contract out on Tony Martin at the moment.

Let us hope that Tony Martin gets as much support and protection from the authorities after leaving jail, as other, totally worthless scum seem to get.


Dave T-S 22 September 2002 05:58 PM


Damn - second time this year i've agreed with you on something;) :D

There is talk that Tony Martin will emigrate to America on release - probably a sound idea, because the scum will try to get revenge if he goes back to his home:(

Alpine 23 September 2002 10:27 AM

Ok... here goes.. I think that ultimately if someone comes into your house against your will to take your stuff and perhaps do you harm you have the right to use force to protect yourself and yours... Right up to killing the offenders...

If I'd have been in this guys situation, armed with a shotgun, I would perhaps have tried to detain them rather than kill them. The police case was that he gave no warning just shot in the dark. The evidence pointed to him being right up at the top of the stairs when he shot whereas he maintains he was stood in a different position.

In my view he over reacted... and life was lost as a result..In balance though nobody asked the guys to break in and they suffered the consequence of their illegal actions..

The American situation is quite extreme in some areas.. when driving in Detroit I was told never to use hand gestures or the horn aggressively even if I was cut up.. In some suburbs the other party was too likely to pull a gun and have a pot shot at you! Cuts road rage right down... give everyone a gun!

DavidRB 23 September 2002 10:40 AM

It was dark. Martin had no idea how many people had broken into his house. Martin had no idea if they were armed. Martin had no idea whether they were after his belongings or him. Yet, he is expected to act like a professional with years of training and backup only a radio call away.

Expecting one individual to use "reasonable force" and detain multiple armed men in this situation is ridiculous and the lawyers know this, but we live in a country where the rights of the individual are sacred, no matter what they are doing.

Here's a hypothetical situation. Imagine Tony Martin was an 11 year old girl and the two people breaking into the house were Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr. The ll year old girl shoots both of them, killing one of them. Who goes to jail?

Alpine 23 September 2002 11:06 AM

Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr have only so far been found guilty by the british press I believe...

DavidRB 23 September 2002 11:23 AM

OK, Ian Brady & Myra Hindley then.

Tommy 2000 23 September 2002 11:26 AM

Glad to hear Tony is gonna be released. Should have got a medal for ridding the planet of that scum IMHO. Let's hope he does go somewhere safe as the in-bred relatives are bound to seek revenge.

[Edited by Tommy 2000 - 9/23/2002 1:27:01 PM]

[Edited by ChrisB - 9/23/2002 1:41:16 PM]

CrisPDuk 23 September 2002 12:52 PM

T2K, you might want to modify your language with reference to P**y scum, we were told not to use that phrase on here not long ago.

BTW, I'm with Dave T-S

Dave T-S 23 September 2002 01:17 PM

Of course, its ironic that he is forced to leave this country because of this.....fat chance of being protected by the rural police force though (speaking as a rural dweller that has been burgled...:( )

ChrisB 23 September 2002 01:41 PM

Spot on CPD.

Tommy 2000 23 September 2002 01:44 PM

...for future reference, what is wrong with the 'p' word?

fatherpierre 23 September 2002 01:46 PM

Call me naive, but what does it mean?

Always thought it was slang for the lower end of society?

Dave T-S 23 September 2002 01:53 PM

It's slang for gypsies.

Jerome 23 September 2002 01:57 PM

The "P" word is a derogatory word used to describe gypsies.

Tony Martin should never have been in the situation he was in the first place. He had been burgled numerous times before the fateful night. The Police had been unable to help though. As his farm was quite remote, it would be difficult for the Police to protect anyway.

Bottom line is the burglars should not have been there. It amazes me that someone committing a crime has any rights at all.

Tommy 2000 23 September 2002 02:48 PM how come people above can say 'scum-bags' or 'gypos', but I can't say the 'p' word??

Dave T-S 23 September 2002 02:56 PM

Tread carefully, this caused a BIG issue last time round. Best off perhaps emailing a moderator on it.

ariel 23 September 2002 03:03 PM

yes scum and good riddance.
My thought that the kid was on "work experience" and that the guy that should have been sued was the thieving scum that took him there.
Something wrong when you end up in prison for doing society a favour.

Tommy 2000 23 September 2002 03:08 PM

DTS, thanks for the warning - I was just curious...

dsmith 23 September 2002 03:35 PM

we're all curious as to why a word used extensively in a recent film is banned to the point of being actively editted out by moderators. At the time we were asked to "trust" webmaster on this one. DOnt mind doing something but an explanation would be good.

Luke 23 September 2002 04:45 PM

Can we still call them Scum??

CrisPDuk 23 September 2002 04:53 PM

I do:D

ariel 23 September 2002 05:00 PM

and they are

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