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WhiteSTi3 23 August 2002 03:48 PM

I have a problem with my speedo, It seems to be 5-10 mph too fast, I have a 97 Sti3 (MY?? never could understand that!) it is on Technomagnesia 17" alloys with S03 215/40/17 any ideas???.

I dont know if it is connected but the speedo makes a clicking sound when you drive & the faster you go the faster the click is. The needle on the speedo is perfectly smooth though.

Any help would be appreciated!

scooby_si 23 August 2002 03:53 PM

MY just stands for Manufacture year i believe thus MY97 = yer car;)
As far as the speedos go it just depends where the needle has been put on really:eek: Has yers been changed over 2 white dials? In which case it may have been put on slightly OTT. But bear in mind that yer allowed 2 be 10% over reading but not under so i reckon all speedos will overdo it sumwot.
If u want accurate display wot u really want is a HUD, which i shall b getting kuz they're funky anyhow accuracy & function r just a bonus;)

WhiteSTi3 23 August 2002 04:04 PM

Thanx 4 the reply m8!, It has been converted from KPH to MPH, but as you say, maybe incorrectly. what is this HUD you are getting "Head Up Display"?????? what is it & where is it?! wadda's it do??? (being nosey now!!)


scooby_si 23 August 2002 05:59 PM

OOOHHH dont get me started;) Bin looking in2 em 4 quite a while now & have many a thread, link etc in me favs list:D
General info & best links can b found in following threads:
sum1 who got there b4 me ;) another swine gloating over how he has got sum goodies fitted :p defi site good un that 4 looking at the various different types of HUD available:D Oh sorry 4 tempting u but oi w8 yer turn:eek: lol

[Edited by scooby_si - 8/23/2002 5:59:48 PM]

WhiteSTi3 23 August 2002 06:45 PM

hmmm I dont want one..... I NEEEEEEED one!!

Is there anywhere I can take my car to be checked?? I hear that the police have to calibrate their speedo's every month!!, (Do you think they would notice if I slipped mine into the queue??)

scooby_si 23 August 2002 07:21 PM

As i say yer allowed 10% over so it depends how extreme it is when u say 5-10 mph over if if's only 10mph over when doing 150mph then yer more than legal:eek: as long as it's on those private roads of course;) lol.
U kud try yer luck with the coppers but dont like yer chances unless u have blues behing the grill or full on cop colours:p
OK deal 4 ya on the HUD front u buy me 1 1st & then i allow u drool on it for a few mins b4 checking it's working (sub clause 22b: never 2 b seen ever again in the history of time) lol;)

scooby_si 23 August 2002 07:23 PM

god damn just realised how obsessed with scoobies i am i mean even my relevant sub clauses r scoob based;)

WhiteSTi3 24 August 2002 02:51 AM

Hmmmm I think I might possibly come worse off, out of that deal!! hehe. There must be somewhere I can take my car & they would say if it is out or not & hopefully fix it!

scooby_si 24 August 2002 06:32 AM

Well u can work out speed with satelite tracking goodies or alternatively work out a route that you know the exact distance of, & u can drive at a constant speed across, then all u need 2 do is time yerself across that distance & work out yer actual speed & compare with wot yer speedo said u were doing. Bit more tricky that last un i suppose but u seem eager 2 no just how quick yer going.
PS infact no need 4 all these checks let me enlighten u, YOU ARE GOING FAST!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

Andy McCord 24 August 2002 07:11 AM

what bothers me is mileage increase 5/10% I have a 99 STi V which defo reads OTT, im on standard 16 205x45 & on the m/way sat doing 100 passing not that many, I knowm we all speed just a tad but everybodys doing 95, no way, answer dont know maybe tyre circumference?

skoobidude 24 August 2002 09:12 AM

"WhiteSTi3"! Same as mine. And very spooky that my speedo clicks too! Guys at TSL Notts reckon that whoever put the KMH to MPH convertor on, pulled the cable too tight, hence the clicking noise!

Just drop your windows more often, or turn the radio up!

Hope this helps!

Is your car standard mate?


WhiteSTi3 24 August 2002 11:38 AM

yeah it is completely as factory Standard on a 97P all except 17" Gold Technomagnesia Alloys & a Bailey dump Valve. I am going to take my dash out next week to find this clicking noise. The main reason for wanting to find this noise, is that I do approx 40,000 miles a year & dont want any unwanted mileage!!

teambwr47 24 August 2002 01:07 PM

have posted about this before but the speedo in my P1 is way out in the range 70+ but seems to get it all back together in lower ranges. I know the potential reading error is less at lower speeds but alongside ttrucks on flat m4 the speedo is near as damm it spot on 56ish mph. However had the speed tested with a friendly LTi 20/20 speed gun at 80,90,100 readings on the clock there was about 10% error. The error is allways on the side of caution though ie shows more speed than the car is traveling at.
My previous concern was that if the mileage reading is linked to the speedo reading are you clocking up 10% more mileage than your car has actually traveled. Not to important when your pride and joy is nearly new but what about when its getting on and approaching the 100,000 mark. There is a big selling disadvantage to passing the big 100 when you could actually be 10000 short in real terms?
Opinions anyone?

skoobidude 24 August 2002 01:22 PM

WHITESTI3 keep me posted with any findings, mate!


WhiteSTi3 24 August 2002 01:45 PM

hmm I really am worried that mine is clocking more miles than it should be... I am going to phone the police & put the problem to them & see if they can help, because they have to calibrate every month!. The local Subaru dealers aren't interested in my Import, so I think it is the next best thing!

I will keep you posted

scooby_si 24 August 2002 03:25 PM

Surely the speedo is out because of where the needle is aligned 2 point thou whereas the milometer is er well based on well i dunno wot but it surely aint on where the needle is pointing;)
PS good luck with da coppers thou i wont hold me breathe:D

WhiteSTi3 24 August 2002 03:53 PM

The Coppers were VERY Helpfull!

They have told me the locations on the M20 & Bearsted bypass where they have police Calibration posts. The posts are checked by the Council (With Police) to ensure they are EXCACTLY 1 mile apart. The Police rely on these markers to check their vehicles on a daily basis!. They are white with Red reflectors on them & so I am gonna go a try 'em out l8r!!. Cool, should be interesting to see what the result is!

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