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imatrukahs 22 August 2002 03:03 PM

I know this is an odd topic for me...but i got a feelin that most will say yes.

Now i say do we have a right to take a life under any circumstances?...Let me put it this you agree with bombing Iraq?Or war in general?...Again alot will say yes..but that is mudering innocent children and mothers/fathers etc..what is the difference in the two cases?One man kills 2 girls...our prime minster sanctions the killing of innocent people..should he be executed for murder?

I know emotions are running high at present for the death penalty..but killers will always kill regardless of the punishent as thay are warped in the head..but saying that..bring the death penalty for theiving scum bags..i think that may work..;)

*No offense to anyone intended*

TomM 22 August 2002 03:05 PM

Agreed, death for those who purposely kill another.

What right have they to end somebody elses life? - none, kill them.

jasonwrxowner 22 August 2002 03:06 PM

Executing them will end any suffering that they may endure for their crimes. This is giving them the easy way out.

i think we should let the parents deal with them. If that is not acceptable then they should be sent to prison for LIFE( Meaning LIFE) and not segregated. that way they would have to live in fear of attack every day.

It would not take too long for the other inmates to realise that they can torture these scumbags for many years.

P1Fanatic 22 August 2002 03:07 PM

It doesnt work in the US does it - they have a far higher murder rate than we do although some of that could be put down to the ease of access to guns.

As has been said many times - the main problem with executing murderers is the fact that not everyone is ever guilty. Ok the high majority may well be and most of us may be willing to pass off a few innocent deaths as acceptable - until you or one of your family becomes that statistic - thats when it hits home.


imatrukahs 22 August 2002 03:10 PM

Tom no..!If you can kill someone you are a sicko and would never care about the consequences!

I say prison....for life,letting the in mates know the crime..;)

Tiggs 22 August 2002 03:10 PM

no, we should let them suffer in decent jails (decent as in tough..not descent as in TV in a cell)

also- why are child killers worse than any other type? is beating an old lady to death not as bad? or raping and killing a woman???


GaryK 22 August 2002 03:15 PM

yes when it is beyond doubt or for serial offenders, besides it costs the state *way* too much money to keep people in prison for 20years+

imatrukahs 22 August 2002 03:15 PM

As i said any killing is wrong..i know that so dont need a death penalty to deter me.

People who need to be detered are already insane..;)

D Brown 22 August 2002 03:20 PM


Do not play god.

Do not be stupid.

Even worse, don't become an American.

Nobody has the right to take another's life. Neither by war, execution, murder, accident, anything.

How many times have people been pardoned for crimes they didn't commit? If it is any figure other than zero, then you cannot for one second consider committing murder by execution. Especially when we find people guilty "beyond reasonable doubt".

MarkehB 22 August 2002 03:29 PM

"Agreed, death for those who purposely kill another."

So you'd have to kill the person who executes the murderer. EVentually there would be no just one person left who would have to kill themselves.

CraigH 22 August 2002 03:31 PM

Much as these fvckers don't deserve to live, the small percentage of getting it wrong should put paid to the death sentance.

Although for people who commit atrocious crimes, I don't see why they should be seperated from the rest of the prison - commit a crime then you should have to face the total consequences, not be kept away from everyone and everything. That would be the closest to true justice.

Andy Hall 22 August 2002 03:40 PM


I spent a bit of time working in prisons. The crims. have a pecking order. If you murder someone, you are not as evil as someone who rapes them first, as a rapist violates the person first, I can't remember how the list goes but its pretty weird. But then you have to be get in there in the first place.

555-Shaggy 22 August 2002 04:12 PM

Nothing like being innocent until proven guilty is there...

turb0s 22 August 2002 04:19 PM

yes, once they have been proven guilty they should be made to die slowly (hung, drawn & quartered) was a good punishment before final death.

these perverts/paedophiles/rapists deserve it.

It winds me up so much when they plead 'mentally unstable' when they commited the act.

Fine, put em in a cell and throw away the key, theyre liable to 'have a mental episode' again so locked in a cell will stop them commiting again.

thats my thoughts anyway.

alternatively, if i saw some1 commiting this sort of offence i would kill them

fivepint 22 August 2002 04:31 PM

NO.... they should be used for medical testing, chain gangs and really try and pay back society for their wrong doings just think how quickly medical science would progress with proper testing!!!


Grottbags 22 August 2002 04:48 PM

No, they shouldn't be put to death.

Innocent people are locked up all the time for stuff they haven't done. If the death penalty was bought back innocent people could stand to lose their lives for something they've not done.

They may get a comfortable life, but rather have them in prison, living with what they have done, not being allowed much contact with family and friends, and suffering at the hands of other prisoners than put them to death.

Huxley 22 August 2002 05:37 PM

No they shouldn't be put to death straight away make the feckers suffer some undignified death that lasts some time I’m sure they won’t mind as the have properly done it to someone else themselves.


Alas 22 August 2002 07:14 PM

We put down dogs that bite people. Why should people who kill be any different.
As I said on a previous post - when someone you know has suffered and then died at the hands of someone like a Fred West, then lets see how liberal you are. Everyone has an opinion but wait until one of these b*stards comes in to your life, commits a crime that is horrific to some one close to you and then see how well your opinion holds up.
And yes, I do speak from experience.

Sheepsplitter 22 August 2002 07:25 PM

I'm with Alas on this one.

Luke 22 August 2002 07:28 PM

Can we have it on TV maybe Friday night after the pubs close.......

imatrukahs 22 August 2002 08:15 PM

Alas...i would never kill them in that situation!..To easy way out,i would torture them to an inch of there lives and join them in prison for doing it..:rolleyes:

Cant beat the UK criminal justice service..;)

Sheepsplitter 22 August 2002 08:20 PM

Luke: Surely it would be more appropriate to have it on Saturday morning TV, so the kids could watch for a bit of revenge?
It's got to be a better bet than Ant & Dec!!

puppypower 23 August 2002 10:23 AM


Create an Island for them, say the island where they filmed survivor. They can then fiddle with themselves to their heart content.

People could buy tickets to go and shoot the b4stards.


Good_Elf 23 August 2002 10:50 AM

Hmm....not sure about the death penalty, TBH...but certainly I agree with making prisons more like prisons and not fappin' holiday camps for offenders.

Get them back out and cleaning grafitti or litter picking or SOMETHING, don't just let them languish at our expense, getting free meals, games rooms and pretty much everything they can except the ability to walk out the door.

MarkO 23 August 2002 11:25 AM

I rather enjoyed reading part of a BBC article yesterday. Having witnessed the raging crowd baying for Maxine Carr's blood (and remembering that she's been charged with perverting the course of justice, nothing to do with actually causing the death of the two girls), an elderly lady commented on the lynch-mob "Heaven knows what will happen if they actually convict somebody". ;)

jasonwrxowner 23 August 2002 11:30 AM

Cancer, AIDS, etc.

Lets make them give something back. Use them to test new dugs, etc to make decent people better.

In brief: Treat them a F**KING LAB RATS.

[Edited by jasonwrxowner - 8/23/2002 11:30:56 AM]

imatrukahs 23 August 2002 12:53 PM

Jason you probably have the best solution their,but like i say these people who kill are a picnic short of a hamper,so i would say that experimenting or killing would be a fetish to them.

south-star 23 August 2002 02:40 PM

Imatrukahs......i have to agree with you,any person who kills kids is obviously sick in the head,and the threat of execution would mean nothing to them.
They should be kept in prison indefinately,...not just for punishment,but also to protect the innocent.

CharlieWhiskey 23 August 2002 03:11 PM

'Execution' is too good for them, you need something much more powerful than that as a deterent!

Let them loose in their victims streets perhaps ;)

fast bloke 24 August 2002 01:01 AM

Dye/tatoo them bright purple and release them back into the community. Make sure everyone knows what bright purple means, so the ****heels can live out their days in fear. Peadophiles, rapists and bigots should suffer the same fate. (So should ford drivers)... (Ok then - not the ford drivers ima)

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