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SimonH 02 July 2001 05:06 PM

I know CDs, DVDs, books, hifi, electronics, clothes, garden furniture, toys, etc, etc are all far cheaper in the USA but how does car "stuff" compare?
I'm off to the States for 5 days and was wondering what I should be buying over there to bring back (almost unlimited "baggage allowance" ). What about stuff like tyres (or tires)? All within my duty free allowance of course...


andrew6321 02 July 2001 05:13 PM

You'll get a couple of classic Corvettes in the back of your Herc - need I say more?


rsquire 02 July 2001 05:17 PM

I don't know that tyres are that cheap over here

Andy Tang 02 July 2001 05:25 PM


With the current exhange rate, it's a bit poor buying stuff from the States! US$1.30=£1 (or there abouts!)

If you want cheap car stuff go to Oz Au$3=£1 (or there abouts!)

Still you can stock up on jeans, trainers, DVD's, books, etc!

Go to somewhere like PepBoys (similar to Halfords and laugh at the add on bits!)

Still, a Valentine 1 radar detector will cost you about $399, which is lots cheaper than the £600 they are here!!

Enjoy your trip!

MorayMackenzie 02 July 2001 07:15 PM

Human Life?

Apparently it's actually a legal requirement in at least one southern state to keep a firearm in the household... Illegal to NOT own a gun... ho hum.

Basil 02 July 2001 08:18 PM

Can't go by without at least one snide comment about guns, can we? Tell me, why does your violent gun crime keep going up, even though you've banned guns? Sounds like you've really found the solution there, eh?

Anywho - although it won't count much towards your baggage space, definitely pick up a Valentine 1 if you get the chance..


[This message has been edited by Basil (edited 02 July 2001).]

MorayMackenzie 02 July 2001 08:34 PM


Maybe it's because we haven't banned politicians yet?

Oh, and I wouldn't even bother to begin comparing gun related crime statistics... I suspect my little country will be completely outgunned there, so to speak.


PS: Radar detectors are well on the way to being illegal again on this side of the pond... thank's to those aforementioned politicians.

rsquire 02 July 2001 10:17 PM


Don't suppose you are coming to the Pacific North West by any chance??


SimonH 02 July 2001 11:14 PM

Thanks guys - like the idea about the 'vettes...not sure I'd be able to pull it off though..

Richard, sadly not this time - we're Florida bound this time; possiblity of something out your way late July or early August though...any special requests from ole Blighty?

BTW I've got a Whistler 945 detector - any you folks going on your hols to Tenerife you pick them (and other makes) up there for about £50 (less with a bit of bartering ). It's my second one; the first was confiscated by the French Gendarmerie, shortly after they drove me to a cash point so I could give them the £500 on the spot fine....

rsquire 02 July 2001 11:18 PM

Tell you what.. If you have space "down the back" there's always a blue car and a white car

Let me know if/when you are over this way and when can get together for a pint..


Basil 03 July 2001 04:46 PM

Hehe - can you tell I'm a little defensive about that?

Radar detectors are already illegal in several states over here - in fact, in Washington DC, they can confiscate your detector - just yank it out of the car, and not compensate you for it - oh, and then write you a ticket for it..

Believe me, the quicker we ban politicians, the better off we are..


chiark 03 July 2001 05:04 PM

Car audio gear is significantly cheaper. Particularly, and this may surprise you , American brands...

Blackscooby_USA 03 July 2001 05:23 PM

I'm currently on Long Island (New York) right now and the way the pound is with the USD right now things ain't too cheap.

DVDs etc are probably comparable.
Petrol is cheap though at about $1.70 per gallon. Dunno how British Airways would take it if I came back with Gallons of the stuff

Mind you I'm not sure that my Scoob would run on the stuff that my girlfriend puts in her '84 Chevy.

When i get back I'll post some pics of the Chevy. It'll make you laugh

Corner 1 mile head....prepare to tack
Mark AKA

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