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Claudius 24 July 2002 05:13 PM

An 2km wide asteroid will hit planet earth on that date and destroy a large part of the planet :eek:

"An asteroid discovered just weeks ago has become the most threatening object yet detected in space.
A preliminary orbit suggests that 2002 NT7 is on an impact course with Earth and could strike the planet on 1 February, 2019 - although the uncertainties are large.

Astronomers have given the object a rating on the so-called Palermo technical scale of threat of 0.06, making NT7 the first object to be given a positive value.

From its brightness, astronomers estimate it is about two kilometres wide, large enough to cause continent-wide devastation on Earth."

Whole story here:

Krade 24 July 2002 05:16 PM

Oh shall I file that with the other 100's end of the earth predictions that have been made???

I heard that they Scientist need to do some more accurate calculations to say if it will Deffinatly hit or not.

[Edited by Krade - 7/24/2002 5:17:19 PM]

H7 24 July 2002 05:19 PM

Beats worrying about our pensions ;)

Brendan Hughes 24 July 2002 05:20 PM

Earlier thread (more accurately posted :p) here:

Claudius 24 July 2002 05:27 PM

Sorry for the double, didnt mean to. I think this latter version is more accurate:

"Detailed calculations of NT7's orbit suggest many occasions when its projected path through space intersects the Earth's orbit.

Researchers estimate that on 1 February, 2019, its impact velocity on the Earth would be 28 km a second - enough to wipe out a continent and cause global climate changes."

yoza 24 July 2002 05:27 PM

Ill have just made the last payment on me car then,what a bummer[img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Claudius 24 July 2002 05:28 PM


A friend of mine's birthday is on the 2nd!!! :D :D :D :p :p :p

Shark 24 July 2002 05:32 PM

LMAO @ H7 :D:D:D:D:D

johnfelstead 24 July 2002 05:35 PM

If NT7 is anything like its predisesors such as NT4 it's bound to crash! :D

tweenierob 24 July 2002 05:37 PM

Will it make any difference if it is a leap year or not?? :D
Sorry guys just woke up so................

Chelsie-Bun 24 July 2002 06:15 PM

I heard something about this, this morning it's going to happen in 14 years, and by the way my birthdays the 2nd also.

I hope with all the technology we should have, i hope they can stop it, thats if its true.

Watch the news tonight.

SJ_Skyline 24 July 2002 06:44 PM

If NT7 is anything like its predisesors such as NT4 it's bound to crash!

fdpxfunix 24 July 2002 06:49 PM

It would have to happen on a Friday. That'll be one big night out ... if we last the day that is.

Typical that the end of the Earth comes on the best day of the week, and not a Monday :-(


tweenierob 24 July 2002 07:01 PM

Is alright DONT PANIC!!! we can just send a shuttle with a small crew up to blow the asteroid into two peices just missing the earth, i saw it on telly so it should work... :D

Alas 24 July 2002 07:04 PM

Nothing to worry about - its an import so no point in it coming here as it won't be able to get serviced.

Scooby Roo 24 July 2002 07:08 PM

If it does hit and cause climate changes does it mean that we might get some decent weather :D:D:D

davek 24 July 2002 07:12 PM

just our luck,we've already had one hit us that wide...its called jade.:D

Claudius 24 July 2002 07:15 PM

Scooby Roo! :D Best reply EVER!! :D LOL! Let's hope so (if it doesnt hit us).

Poll: Where would you like the astroid to hit planet Earth?
1. France (which would mean UK, too)
2. America
3. Australia (our former criminals anyway :D)
4. China
5. Japan
6. somewhere in the ocean / sea

zip106 24 July 2002 07:26 PM

I feel REALLy cheered up now-Thanks.:(

[Edited by zip106 - 7/24/2002 7:26:57 PM]

logiclee 24 July 2002 07:32 PM

Scooby Roo,

Yes mate bring you factor 30.

World wide temparatures 1000 degrees and with an atmosphere nearly burn't away should get a quick tan as the radiation from the sun will just stream through. ;) ;)


Claudius 24 July 2002 07:33 PM

It's kind of stressful when you have to admit an end to your life, isnt it?

Come on, joke with us about our soon-to-end-lives and let's see what we'd like to do before we die or how we can avoid it.

I thought about taking a plane on the other side of the planet than the one where the asteroid will hit. Is that a good idea or would a commercial plane not be able to get far away enough from the planet when it will be struck and shaken? It should, right? And also, what will the price for a ticket be? :rolleyes:

And also, when I get back down on earth once it's stopped falling apart, will every single building be destroyed or not?

Questions, questions...

ScoobyDoo555 24 July 2002 07:38 PM

Just think - IF it hits Earth, and if it hits the Ocean, I can just imagine thousands of bedraggled wetsuit-wearers all shouting " Surf's up dudes"!!!!!!


Besides, the South East (UK) will be ok - they've got the Thames barrier :rolleyes:



Katana 24 July 2002 07:56 PM

I'm not worried, Leonard Ron Hubbard is going to take me in his spaceship to the planet Xenu when the time does come and it strikes the Earth. And people laugh at me for giving 90% of my money to the Church of Scientology..

14,500rpm 24 July 2002 08:48 PM

If NT7 is anything like its predisesors such as NT4 it's bound to crash!

a guy from nasa said on Radio 4 this morning that we could put a solar sail on it and the pressure of the sunlight would deflect it (if necessary).

bluto22b 24 July 2002 08:59 PM

Does NT7 handle as well as NT4 and is it as fast because it is heavier due to the 200% stiffer make up. Is it uglier than NT4 ?....Blutes

davek 24 July 2002 09:28 PM

yes to most of them blutes, and worst of all still no date for the nt7 ppp,
bummer eh! :D:D:D

boomer 24 July 2002 09:37 PM

I wonder what sort of fine it would get as it passed a GATSO (er, safety camera)??


Alex NL 24 July 2002 11:41 PM

2019 hey..........

Well, I hope by then the fugly has been replaced by something better, so that I can enjoy it for a while.......


logiclee 25 July 2002 05:01 AM

From a film on this subject. :)

Nothing would survive, not even bacteria.
So dont think the plane ride would help much then ;)


[Edited by logiclee - 7/25/2002 5:02:53 AM]

tweenierob 25 July 2002 06:42 AM

we should get Bruce Willis to sort it, he knows what he's doing and has dealt with this kinda thing before...
Rob :D

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