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PaulL 28 January 2000 06:30 PM

It arrived today!! and its fitted already... I just couldn't wait... and WOW! What a noise! Freezing cold temperatures, yet I was still driving around with the windows down

Anyway, before this I was a complete "exhaust-virgin", but no longer!

So, if anyone else out there is thinking about it, but is apprehensive of doing the work themselves, I've just put the fitting instructions (with pikkies) on my web site at:

Akira 28 January 2000 07:35 PM


Pete must be shifting a few units !!!!
Also fitted my SS Backbox today 28/01 to compliment my recently fitted SS Downpipe.

Ohhhh the Noise ......... NURSE


RON 28 January 2000 08:11 PM

Hi Paul
Glad it arrived I bet it sounds brill Can't wait to hear it. Any chance for tomorrow eve


Philip Thurlow 28 January 2000 10:10 PM

These Exhausts your all on about - are they suitable for the sport aswell as the turbo ?
and what are these down pipes ? - no dont tell me - its this pipe that goes down huh ?
anyone know some prices and a supplier ?
cheers - Phil

Ian Cook 28 January 2000 10:54 PM

Several suppliers, Scoobysport seem to tbe the most popular at the minute

Blow Dog 29 January 2000 01:24 AM

Unfortunately, i have also fallen into the 'lets wind the windows down and put the heater up' trick since my scoobysport exhaust. It really does sound great, especially when you get the rare 'pop' from it =)
Should be getting my downpipe soon, so look forward to that

Keith Moore 29 January 2000 03:18 AM

Nice web site Paul, I'm planning to replace my current back box and this has made me feel quite confident to have a go myself.

Just got to convince the wife now


DavidG 29 January 2000 05:29 PM

It's true. Just came back from a blast with the rear windows down!

Dave Thornton 29 January 2000 07:26 PM

I don't suppose anybody knows of a website with a download of a Scoobysport exhaust noise? I once found a 'before and after' on an Australian site but it wasn't a Scoobysport exhaust.

Rob W 29 January 2000 10:10 PM

Dave T
If you go to

Sheridan 30 January 2000 08:52 AM

Wait till you go into a multi storey car park
You end up going to the top just so you can come back down with all the windows open. The burble whilst off throttle coming down the ramps has to be heard to be beleived.

RON 30 January 2000 02:42 PM


You'll find a sound of a Scoobysport exhaust on the IWOC site. Sorry I can't remember the address.

Stu 31 January 2000 03:01 PM

I also fitted one recently, the noise is heavenly but I have found a big downside. It attracts too much attention.

I've got a 5 door turbo and I quite enjoy the way that it goes relatively un-noticed. Since I got the SS back box I get challenged at all the lights by the max power brigade and I'm getting a little bored of it.
Then on sat eve I got pulled over by two police men that were standing at the side of the road. I had just accelerated HARD off the lights but stopped at the 40 limit because I was being careful. I pulled over and he said "evening sir, do you know why we stopped you?" I sat there for a few seconds checking that my lights were not on full beam or that my fog lights were not on and eventually replied "To be honest no!".
He then proceeded to tell me that I was speeding, did I know the limit etc.. I knew that the thing not to do is deny it so I apologised and said I hadn't realised even though I knew for sure (backed up by two passengers) that I was not speeding. He had no proof though and in the end just gave me a ticking off which he ended with "nice car though!".

Too much attention from the loud exhaust!

Aksan 31 January 2000 03:09 PM

I'm thinking about an S/S backbox and filter. Do I have to take the Scoob to Scoobysport in Essex or do they have appointed dealers closer to me in Woking?

Does anyone know?

alistair 31 January 2000 03:45 PM

Mail order, then either fit it yourself or take it to a local exhaust place mid week when they're quiet and drop them a few quid.

Neil F 01 February 2000 12:34 AM

I wouldn't bother with taking it to a dealer.
It took 15 minutes to fit mine and I didn't even use ramps.
I just parked it on a reasonably deep kerb and slide under with my spanner!

Paul Frank 01 February 2000 12:51 AM


Excellent web page . . . even us muppets could do that.

One suggestion: rather than removing bolts with WD40 get a can of PLUSGAS - used by mechanics for removing awkward, rusty bolts (lasts forever 'cos you only need a bit)


MIP 01 February 2000 01:10 PM


The sound gets better after a couple of weeks as I suppose it soots up ?

You get less boom and more burble


gets a little louder too....

Essential Audio equipment, every scoob should have one.


Subarussian 01 February 2000 02:46 PM

Will the SS exhaust affect (1) my insurance cost and (2) Subaru's warranty???

Also for not-technically-minded could you please explain what the backbox and downpipe are.


Subarussian 01 February 2000 02:50 PM

Oh, one more question...

What's The Noise like when your windows are CLOSED? Is it reasonable? I'm just thinking of the times when the wife and baby will be riding with me


PaulL 01 February 2000 03:14 PM


Insurance: depends on the company

Warranty: IM state that is doesn't - although obviously the new exhaust isn't covered. One dealer I spoke to said that if there really was a problem, that I should just stick the original exhaust back on again

Paul L

[This message has been edited by PaulL (edited 01-02-2000).]

Subarussian 01 February 2000 03:34 PM

Cheers, Paul L!

Makes sense

What about the noise level - is it baby- and wife-proof

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