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The_Gza 12 July 2002 02:12 PM
Used to happen quite often - once you'd overtaken a truck they would flash to let you know you were past safely. I never get flashed now ;) and rarely see it happen to anyone else either.

Perhaps they just got fed up as no-one seems to pull back into the slow or middle lanes any more :( See this more and more often - pull out to overtake slower moving traffic, pull back in after passing and lo and behold - a queue of about 5 or 6 cars still in the fast lane going no faster than me and no traffic in the slow lane apart from a truck about 3/4 mile ahead. Durr hellooo. WTF are you all playing at? Wakey Wakey!

I think most people are so comfy sitting in their cars now, listening to their radios, daydreaming about other things that they simply don't pay enough attention/can't be bothered on the motorway anymore :( I do quite a lot of mway driving (including several Scotland to London hauls a month :() which *is* very boring, but I'm never so inconsiderate that I think it is my god given right to have the fast lane all to myself or that the whole thing is so not worth my time that I'll go into autopilot.

Example in point - M6 two weeks ago, traffic stops in the fast lane for *no apparent reason*. Grind to a halt - first reaction - chech rear view mirror and stick on hazards. Phew, car behind stops no problem. See through his window that the MX-5 behind also stops okay. Next - you guessed it - screech of brakes, Honda Civic locks up, clips the rear RHS of the MX-5 and ends up in the central reservation alongside me :eek: I just sort of turn my head slowly in disbelief and wonder who the next daydreamer will be :rolleyes: Anyway, no-one is hurt, details exchanged and everyone lives to chunter down the mway another day :(

There - feel better now :)

MarkO 12 July 2002 02:47 PM

Perhaps the truckers have realised that flashing to let somebody know they're past (particularly if they're not in an HGV themselves) is rude and extremely irritating.

When I'm overtaking somebody, I don't need some idiot trucker to flash me to let me know I can pull in. Funnily enough, I know when I'm ahead of the vehicle I'm passing. I find it extremely patronising to be flashed. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] :(

Perhaps they're not flashing because they're spending less time over-taking each other at a 1mph speed differential, and they're concentrating more on leaving a stopping distance of more than three feet between themselves and the vehicle in front. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

However, considering the ludicrously dangerous driving and tail-gating I see HGVs regularly partake in, I suspect it's just because they're more asleep than normal. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Reffro 12 July 2002 02:53 PM

You've hit the nail on the head, why should truck drivers bother with flashing their lights if the car isn't going to move back in anyway. Waste of time. One thing that does guarantee a flash most of the time, is flashing your lights to let them into the overtaking lane, lets them know you've seem them indicating, though if your paying any attention you can anticipate them wanting to move out, and be out of the way any way. They'll usually flash to let you know your clear to move back in front, unless your going at such a rate of knots for it to be unnecessary.

LG John 12 July 2002 03:05 PM

Really!! I used to get well annoyed at them flashing cause I thought they thought I'd done something wrong :( I always leave ample braking distance and wondered why they still seemed to get pi$$y. Turns out they were being nice all along :eek: Ooops!

Gordo 12 July 2002 03:10 PM

I drive a truck and still flash!

Two young birds in a Golf cabrio didn't appreciate it the other day when I waved my old chap at them mind! Little minxes clearly wanted it..... :)

The_Gza 12 July 2002 03:16 PM

Gordo - why did you wave your Dad at them? :confused:;)

Crapaud62 12 July 2002 09:00 PM

When I'm towing my race transporter with all the karts in, the truckers always flash if they can see that you intend to pull back in. Helpful really:) Lets you move out of the way of fast nutters in scoobies coming up behind you :D:D:D

sebastian 12 July 2002 09:19 PM

Surely they only flash other LONG vehicles for obvious reasons????

Theres no need or point to flashing a car as its bloody obvious to all involved when it is safe to pull in.

cement man 12 July 2002 09:43 PM

When i'm acting like an IDIOT & FALLING ASLEEP MORE THAN NORMAL i hope your along side me so that i can put you into the central reservation!
I find your comments very offensive.

alcazar 13 July 2002 06:29 PM

Yep, agree with Trucker Ted, and I only drive class 2.
I really appreciate being flashed when I've got my caravan behind me; thanx truckers!

mattstant 14 July 2002 02:46 PM

have to get this off my chest to the truckers posted on here

top viz tip when driving on dual carriageways dont piss off all the car and van drivers by having a ding dong battle trying to overtake at youre rev limiter of 56 mph for miles on end then let the truck you have just tried to overtake for the past x miles crawl ahead at .oo1 mph past you on the next incline as he has one less crate of bannans on the back than you and finally admit defeat and pull in and observe a 40 car stream of angry motorist pass you as you cheerily wave back.

err dont deny it because i wintness it nearly every day
and i am well aware of the size and braking distance of your vehicles and make the most considerate allowance for this that i can.
but when motorist see this all the time dont be surrprsed when they refuse to let you out to overtake a similar size truck cos they know whats coming next and dont fancy starig at the back side of a shiping container for 10 miles.

errr rant off

soory truckers plenty of pillocks in all sorts of vehicles probably me included but this one is annoying and totally avoidable


ps personally like the flashing thing i consider it corteous and consciencious and car drivers should take more note.

[Edited by mattstant - 7/14/2002 2:49:41 PM]

alcazar 14 July 2002 09:49 PM

Can see where yo're coming from on this, BUT: I'd love to see some stroppy get in a £20k motor stop me coming out when I'm driving SOMEONE ELSE'S 30 tonne truck. LOL.

MarkO 15 July 2002 08:59 AM

Cement man, I'm sorry if you find my remarks offensive, but I've driven long enough and far enough to know that most truckers on the road exhibit dangerous behaviour regularly without exception. I'm sure you're one of the few that don't (and no, that's not being facetious), but *every* time I travel on the motorway - particularly the M20 - 95% of trucks are tailgating (we're talking 6ft off somebody's bumper when doing 60-70mph[1]). [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

And the number of trucks who use 'barging tactics' (already mentioned) to just pull out, regardless of the consequenses, is frightening. On Saturday, on the M23, I had to do what was almost an emergency stop from 80mph because a long HGV just decided to wander out into lane 2 of a dual-carriageway without signalling or checking for my presence. :o :rolleyes:

Trucks are reputedly called the 'Knights of the Road' - IMO they're the nightmares of the road. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

alcazar 15 July 2002 09:05 AM

Come, come MarkO, if you had to try and make a living driving one of them, would you want to hang about in the inside lane while a never-ending stream of reps and other assorted animals drove by in their shiny motors, all one-up, most paid for by their company.
No, truckers aren't the "Knights of the road" they used to be, but then, road rage never existed either, did it? And I've yet to see a report of a trucker having time to stop and smack some inconsiderate get for his crap driving....unless, of course, you know different?
Keep smiling, mate, Alcazar.

MarkO 15 July 2002 09:16 AM

Nobody's forcing 'em to do the job. And just 'cos they're doing a **** job doesn't mean they should try and kill me every time I venture onto a motorway. ;)

Gordo 15 July 2002 09:44 AM

I thought this was supposed to be about flashing - much more interesting than slagging each other off for being inconsiderate drivers!


alcazar 15 July 2002 10:00 AM

Nope, nobody forces 'em to do the job, but if they all quit, who's gonna deliver all your goods?? Think about it, and i'm not just talking parcel force here.
Also, you're quite right, no-one does force 'em to do the job, maybe that's why the UK is 40,000 truckers short?? These guys are as fed up with the UK roads as we are as car drivers. Only difference is: they are trying to earn a living from it, or is that a bit deep for someone from the "soft south"? (Tongue in cheek mode:off).
definitely DO NOT take offence, it WAS a Piss take.

Trucker Ted 07 December 2002 09:53 PM

Sebastian hit the nail on the head.I only flash in other lgv's,pcv's or anything pulling a trailer or caravan.

The reason you see trucks bunching up and so called tail-gating is that were restricted to 56 mph and with varying weights on board and differing power to weight ratios it does take time to pass,and when you indicate to pull out you sometimes get kept in by car drivers not wanting a truck in front of them. There is nothing worse than loosing your momentum before pulling out as it can take a while to regain always thank anyone who lets me out)

The fact is most people do not realise what is involved in driving an artic.Next time you see a truck parked ask the driver to sit in the seat and look in the mirrors.The back of it is a long way away,not to mention the 14 speed gearbox you have to contend with.

[Edited by Trucker Ted - 7/12/2002 10:00:06 PM]

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