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EdwardH 23 January 2000 10:21 PM

Cruelly limited to 4000 rpm, in the early days of my new scoob, I am perpetually harrassed by sales managers ( or those with similarly empowered rep-mobiles.)

Is this a common phenomenon and what is the best policy?


Dave Thornton 23 January 2000 10:24 PM

Best policy is to think of the D word: Depreciation.

Paul Wilson 23 January 2000 10:33 PM

best policy is to drive 1000 miles this week, book the service for Saturday and thrash the pants off them on Monday

In the meantime just look smug.

Jonathan 23 January 2000 10:55 PM

How many Scoobies did you have up your arse ?

Being a Sales Manager and driving a Scoobie I seem to miss Vectra's up me. You must be driving veeeeeery slowly. i find that 99% of Rep cars keep their distance. 2 Years ago I noticed this when I got my first Scooby, but the word must now be out.


MY00 still running in.

Tim W 23 January 2000 11:00 PM

Hang on a sec, what's going on here Jonathan! Are you back from the land of Raudi again ?

I thought you were waiting for a 'special' MY00!


Who surprisingly still has the same ( ) scoob as a year ago...

[This message has been edited by Tim W (edited 23-01-2000).]

yunus 24 January 2000 12:39 AM

Both the mondeos and vectra V6 cars are crap, they have big displacement yet, you just cant feel any power at all.

he scooby has to get the "king rep mobile" award!!


Markus 24 January 2000 12:47 AM

umm, OK, I've been harbouring a deep dark secret for a while now, It's about time I came clean. I am a mondeo V6 owner! there, I've said it, feel a bit better.

I'd like to state for the record that I'm not a rep, I just got the mondy (ST24 to be precise) because I needed a cheapish to run four door (yes I *know* I could have got a second hand scooby!) with a minimum of a V6 engine, cos that's the type of scum I am!

I don't go tailgating other cars, and I would never dream of holding up a scooby driver, I feel like an honarary scooby driver!

BTW - I'm on the bbs because a) It's cool, and b) I was going to get a scooby but at the time financial constraints and uncertain employment situation caused me not to be able to. Hopefully one day I'll be able to redress this issue and get a scooby.

Just thought I'd add by mondeos worth to the debate.

Wonder what mr rainbird thinks of V6 mondys?

Yex 24 January 2000 12:52 AM

Interestingly these "reps" do not seem to have the power of learning either. I usually get out of their way in traffic, but if the road is clear I give the Scoob a tap on the loud pedal and put 200m between them and me before they react. Strange thing is that when they catch me up because I've eased back they think they have "won" and proceed to get closer to try again...or are they pi55ed off a bit more now


Andy_T 24 January 2000 03:35 AM

Yup, it's a common phenomenon for drivers of cars faster than average to drive faster than average (or was that bloody obvious, given what this BBS is all about?). As for suggestions on how to deal with Mondeos and Vectras? Well, some might suggest that you pull over, let them past, then pull back out and nail them with all the lighting power you've got for having the temerity to overtake you. Of course, some others might suggest that treating other drivers like this and acting like you own the road is kinda childish and stupid

You could make up one of those "Running in - please pass" signs that used to appear on Rovers and Triumphs in years past. You might even get a few smiles.

Andy T

Doc 24 January 2000 03:44 AM

You could always avoid the reps by driving on A and B roads

Or just relax, drive at your own speed, safe in the knowledge that you could leave them far behind if you wanted to.

[This message has been edited by Doc (edited 24-01-2000).]

The Zohan 24 January 2000 09:46 AM

I was a Vectra driver until December whe i took delivery of my Scooby. Fromn a personal perspective people who drive 'normal' cars rahter than 'performance' cars have no idea just how quick the imnpreza tubro is. They believe they they 'can give it a run for it's money'. The only area the vectra/mondeo has a Scooby beat is in the race to see whoa's car depreciatess the most.
The Vectra was one of the most unrewarding cars i have driven, It does most things adequately, nothing well. The Scooby does all things Brilliantly. Ignore them and remember. When they go out to their jely mould, annonimous rep mobile they won't have a big smile on their face at the though of the impending drive.

Paul Habgood

Ian Cook 24 January 2000 09:50 AM

Yep, a common problem with rep mobile drivers, especially the V6 owners, they think they are special cos they have a V6, and can beat anything, including a McLaren F1 GTR

One thing to remember though, not all Vectra and Mondeo owners are reps, some are unmarked Police cars ?????

NickF 24 January 2000 10:03 AM

Best thing you can do is pull over and let them by - it's worth remembering that the fastest car in the world is neither a McLaren nor a Scooby, but a company car.

Stick Schumacher behind the wheel of a Mondeo 1.8LX, hang a jacket by the rear passenger door, and he'd have won the championship easily last year. Stick a mobile in his hand, and he'd have set new lap records at every track.

If you don't believe me, just consider how many times you've seen a white Astramax (with obligatory ladder on top/bucket hanging from the end) screaming past!

Having had a good number of V6 Mondeos myself (ex Ford employee), I can safely say that they are a LOAD better than you might think (though still only average, it has to be said).

Markus 24 January 2000 02:13 PM

I have a lot of fun with rep types (BTW - I *know* that not all reps are tailgating peeps) as they are not sure what my car is as it has no badging on it. As I said It's an ST24, but unlike most it is a saloon and does NOT have the rather tacky bodykit,the bummer is that lack of this effects resale value - so does it being a ford I hear you cry, anyway I digress.

So reps think it's a 1.6 or maybe even a 2.0 and start flashing the headlights and gesticulating wildly for me to move over as they are the road kings and are trying to secure that elusive contract.
They are more than PO'ed when I a) put my foot down and lose the gits, or b) pull in, let them pass and then repay their graciousness in kind.

What a rouge I am! must be due to the Ford blood in my veins!!

Grubby 24 January 2000 03:58 PM

I had better join the confessional, I drive a V6 SRI Vectra! Yes it is awful, that is why the scoob is on order! When I got the V6 it was the quickest car available to me on the company scheme and was available from stock. Now the scheme has improved!

Ian Cook please don't generalise! Not all of us are the same.

For the record: I only use foglights in fog, I don't undertake, I don't tailgate (except when idiots are lane-hogging without reason), I don't have a jacket hanging on the hook (it falls off on the first fast right hander!), I have never tried to race a Scooby (little point in that).

Roll on June - new car arrives!

[This message has been edited by Grubby (edited 24-01-2000).]

robski 25 January 2000 08:43 AM


learn to undertake, you will have to in the scoob, cos some people wont let you past deliberatley. Thats my opinion anyway!


Mike Rainbird 25 January 2000 08:52 AM

Put it this way, I'd rather have 4wd than fwd! Try driving it backwards, might improve the experience! Although I do "really" know the Mondy ST24 is supposed to be a great handler - it's just not my cup of char!
Mike R

Ian Cook 25 January 2000 09:22 AM


You may not all be the same, but unfortunately you are in a minority

Markus 25 January 2000 09:35 AM

Aggree with you on the fwd vs 4x4, would love a 4x4 mondy with decent power, handling, looks, etc..

What with the current trend for sportier fords, eg; ST200, racing puma, maybe the big blue oval will see it in their heart to make us both happy and give us a decent performance model for the next model change mondy, which would hopefully be the rumored twin turbo V6 (cossie tweaked?) engine. Well, we lives n hopes!

EdwardH 25 January 2000 10:19 PM


You mention the Racing Puma - lots of hype in the mags but its almost as slow as a current model Golf GTI.

Can't get excited about that.


[This message has been edited by EdwardH (edited 25-01-2000).]

GaryC 26 January 2000 12:01 AM

New addition to the debate - only thing worse than V6 rep-mobiles....

1) Hyundai coupes - drivers obviously believe the ad comparing it with a 550 Marenello

2) Audi A4 TDI - well it a 1.9/2.5 turbo....

Both seem to think they can hold their own, both are not prepared to let us 'leave them to it'

KRS 26 January 2000 12:21 AM

I think it funny that no one has mentioned the 3-series. Borrowed one for a month whilst without a car. I like them and the new one is nice. But most people tend to harrang anyone that mentions them.

It is good to see they are not causing havoc like the Fords and Vauxhalls of this world.

Looking at new car prices, can't believe how cheap the Impreza is against rivals.

25K for Vectra's and Mondeo's, Toyota's etc (Competent as they are) its outragious!!

I'm about to join the company car brigade so have been looking at cars in my budget.

Lexus IS200 Sport on the way!!

Andy_T 26 January 2000 01:34 AM

Edward -

are you sure about that? The stock 1.7 Puma is already quicker than a non-turbo GTi. It's not that far behind than the turbocharged version, so presumably a 160 bhp (or thereabouts) Puma would at least match a turbocharged Golf. And having driven a Mk4 GTi I imagine it will be more invigorating to drive.

I wouldn't have thought that one day I'd be singing Ford's praises. Then again it seems quite easy against VW's overpriced, cynical efforts.

Andy T

Grubby 26 January 2000 10:34 AM

Ford Racing Puma? I don't understand how the whole batch are supposedly already sold at £23K. This seems very expensive for what you actually get in terms of performance in a car no bigger than a Fiesta?

dholmes 26 January 2000 10:49 AM

The V6s are main source of cars that over take me to and from work on the A1(M) Alconbury. I generally drive at 85 mph on this 4 lane motorway, but regularly get passed by these cars doing at least 20/30 mph more than me. I always move straight over. I like my license too much to bother. However, give me a roundabout and a 2 lane slip road onto a motorway and I can't resist showing them a clean pair of heels.

GaryC 26 January 2000 01:28 PM

forget the IS200 - Alfa 156 is the clear winner

Speak from experiance of owning one for 12 months

Grubby 26 January 2000 02:36 PM

IS200? Why?

Why does a 2.0l, 6 cylinder car with 6 gears take 9.5s to reach 60????

Why have they only got 150bhp from it? (my wifes 2.0 Honda CRV shopping mobile gets 147bhp from 4 cylinders!)

Great car in many respects but I cannot take it seriously with such poor performance.

Prepare to be eaten daily!

KRS 26 January 2000 04:20 PM


I don't mind being eaten every day......

Sorry, back to cars. I have not made my choice yet (test drive on Monday). But the Lexus will be my work car and if you ever fancy checking out the spec against rivals from BMW, Mercedes, VW, Audi et al the Lexus beats them hands down.

It is a 2litre for tax reasons, and has just about everything a driver could wish for in terms of gadgets.

For performance, I will satisfy that by using my STI at the weekends!! (almost double the power of the Lexus!)

The Lexus is a gadgets man's dream!!

The gadget Man

Grubby 26 January 2000 05:08 PM

Being eaten daily does have its' merits I suppose??

I didn't realise you had a toy for the weekends - now the Lexus idea starts to make sense! Let me know what you think of it.

GaryC 26 January 2000 05:23 PM

and again I say......forget the IS200 - go Alfa 156 - gadgets - how does semi-automatic sequential manual gearbox sound?

Having driven IS200 and owned a 156 there really is no comparison

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