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Jolly Green Monster 2 04 July 2002 01:12 PM

Has anyone been followed and thought something fishy was going on etc..

The other week had my family in the car and we picked up Fish and Chips and went to a park over in Derby (Marston I think it is called) as we drove into the carpark this guy dressed in black jeans and a black t-shirt and glasses carrying an open face crash helmet stopped and stared.. Thought perhaps he was a Scooby fan and thought not much more about it.

We stopped over one side of the car park away from where everyone had parked and got out and put down a blanket to sit on the grass in front of the Scooby to eat dinner.

I looked up and the guy was now on his scooter about 3 car lengths behind the car was windy so we had not heard him. He saw me clock him and put his helmet back on and rode off..

I wonder what might have happened if I had parked up and walked across the park to eat etc...

Later we went over to take our daughter on the swings and I moved the car and parked it next to everyone else in the hope that it might get noticed if someone was trying to nick / vandalise it..
All was fine when we got back.

It might have been innocent... but it might not too...

Wife thinks I am being paroniod..... am I?

JGM :(

Dave_UK300 04 July 2002 01:22 PM

Better to be Safe rather than sorry

Riftzone 04 July 2002 01:26 PM

Like u, I'm paranoid. Wife got followed back to our house a few months back (not in the Scoob), the other car sat and stared at her on our drive fer a few mins then disappeared.

Nothings come of it. A lot of sad strange people out there. I always tend to think the worst.

I never keep the Scoob on the drive unless I have to - figure the less people that know about it the better.

Paranoid ? Prolly :-)

Hanslow 04 July 2002 01:26 PM

Quite possibly paranoid. I can look well shady sometimes (according to my missus :D) but am not (honest ;)).

Unfortunately, cos this country is rapidly going down the pan, you have to think with a paranoid mindset just so you feel safe(r).

He could have just been a daydreamer...but I would have taken the same precautions ;)

Chris L 04 July 2002 01:42 PM

I think you're right to be paranoid. It doesn't hurt to be aware of your surroundings. The number of Scoobs that have been stolen from houses following breakins etc would suggest that they have been targeted (recently, you'll remember the three that were stolen in one night in Hertfordshire). Sal and I are always aware of this coming back to our house. Being at the end of a cul-de-sac, you are always conscious of people following you onto the estate, especially if it is a car you don't recognise. More than once, I've done a deliberate circuit taking me away from the house, just to make sure I wasn't being followed.


Katana 04 July 2002 01:45 PM

He just have a crush on you. Come on now, don't tell me you don't go round following the woman of your dreams around campus right? Am I the only one that does this? :D

DavidRB 04 July 2002 02:45 PM

Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you! ;)

Seriously, if someone did that to me, I'd shout "Alright mate, can I help?". If they were just a Scooby fan, they'd probably say "nice car", if they were a thief, they'd probably ride off. Most thieves don't want to be seen, so they'll just disappear when challenged. That said, if they did express an interest in the car, I'd probably let them look at it, but I wouldn't unlock it or start it up so they could "listen to the engine".

As for being followed, if you do suspect this is happening, NEVER, EVER drive home. Drive to the nearest police station, or somewhere public like a petrol station forecourt. The last thing you want to do is let them know where you live. I've driven past the end of my road on more than one occasion only to have the "following car" do a left at the next junction. ;) Yes you feel like a fool, but it doesn't take much effort to protect your baby! ;)

RaZe-=Buzz=- 04 July 2002 04:12 PM

Should have clubbed him into insensibility, rifled his pockets and wallet, pinched his scooter and let the wife drive home. You'd have mad a profit on the day and he wouldnt have followed you anywhere else ever again... :P


I have a company car. If the wife wants to go out she takes that and leaves the scoob at home, ESPECIALLY at night. I havent ever been followed that I know of, but we park the scoob up the drive and I always park my car across the drive so you couldnt get it out anyway.

Jolly Green Monster 2 04 July 2002 04:19 PM

It struck me as weird for him to go out of his way and then sit there watching and then leave when I noticed him and he realised we were not going more than 3metres from the car.

JGM :)

lokokkee 04 July 2002 09:21 PM

JGM, have you considered the possibility that the chap may not have eaten for days and was eyeing your dinner rather than your car?

scoobypig 04 July 2002 11:49 PM

Get BLACKJAX.......then this kind of thing worries u less.
I cannot recommend it enough for peace of mind.

Fullonloon 05 July 2002 02:19 AM

Probably paranoid. I got chased once by this old boy as I was pulling out of a car park. He followed me all over the place, really got me quite worried. Reason for following me, he thought I had broken in to his car and stolen his pension books. I mean, what the hell would I do with them anyway? Don't want people to start chasing/following people when there could be an innocent explanation...

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