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coolangatta 11 December 2019 01:19 PM

Greta Thunberg
Creepiest saviour ever! Sorry but makes me shudder.

BMWhere? 11 December 2019 01:40 PM

I think she's amazing!

Together with David Attenborough, they have done more to raise awareness of climate change in the last two years than all the other activists combined have done over the last decade.

Her speech today has hit the nail on the head! The real danger is politicians pretending they're doing something but it's nothing but "Cleaver accounting and creative PR!".

Electric cars come straight to mind for pretending we're taking action but in reality we're doing nothing!! Prioritising economic benefits of the climate change "industry" rather than tackling the real problems!

ALi-B 11 December 2019 01:44 PM

This thread needs meams!

Tidgy 11 December 2019 01:45 PM

fell so sorry for her, she's a mentally ill child whos be raised believing the world is ending next year.

her parents stole her child hood by feeding her such crap.

BMWhere? 11 December 2019 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 12067734)
fell so sorry for her, she's a mentally ill child whos be raised believing the world is ending next year.

her parents stole her child hood by feeding her such crap.

I wouldn't necessarily call someone with Aspergers mentally ill.

Given her condition, I'd say its unlikely her parents raised her to believe the world is ending and much more likely she saw a news story and felt she needed more information to understand it, so researched the hell out of it until she understood the problem to the minutest detail.

I've given SCUBA diving courses to a few kids with Aspergers and you can't just brush over the subject like you can with most students. You have to go into the finest details to explain what everything is for, how everything works and the whole physics and medicine aspects. Only once they are happy with all the details and they feel they know everything they need to know, will they trust you to take them into the water. In every single case I had so far, they have dived like a pro on the first dive. Their ability to understand everything and apply the knowledge is really quite phenomenal!

I have no doubt that her parents have done nothing but give her all the help and support she needs to pursue a course of action that she feels she had to do given what she has learnt. I'm also quite sure she understands far more about the details and truth about climate change than you or I ever will!

RAGGY DOO 11 December 2019 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 12067734)
fell so sorry for her, she's a mentally ill child whos be raised believing the world is ending next year.

her parents stole her child hood by feeding her such crap.

How dare you

Tidgy 11 December 2019 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by BMWhere? (Post 12067741)
I wouldn't necessarily call someone with Aspergers mentally ill.

Given her condition, I'd say its unlikely her parents raised her to believe the world is ending and much more likely she saw a news story and felt she needed more information to understand it, so researched the hell out of it until she understood the problem to the minutest detail.

I've given SCUBA diving courses to a few kids with Aspergers and you can't just brush over the subject like you can with most students. You have to go into the finest details to explain what everything is for, how everything works and the whole physics and medicine aspects. Only once they are happy with all the details and they feel they know everything they need to know, will they trust you to take them into the water. In every single case I had so far, they have dived like a pro on the first dive. Their ability to understand everything and apply the knowledge is really quite phenomenal!

I have no doubt that her parents have done nothing but give her all the help and support she needs to pursue a course of action that she feels she had to do given what she has learnt. I'm also quite sure she understands far more about the details and truth about climate change than you or I ever will!

she has alot more issues than just aspergers (OCD etc), but given it is classed as a mental illness then not really an argument.

BMWhere? 11 December 2019 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Tidgy (Post 12067745)
she has alot more issues than just aspergers (OCD etc), but given it is classed as a mental illness then not really an argument.

Yes her conditions are classed as mental disorders rather than mental illness. When you call someone mentally ill, the implication is generally negative and that the persons mental ability is in someway impaired. A mental disorder is a condition where the brain works differently to the normal, but is not dis-functioning in any way. Conditions such as Asperger's, Autism and OCD are not conditions where the brain is impaired, but more because the brain is over-active and requires more in-depth resolution and order than usual.

Its a technicality, but for me there is a big difference between having a mental illness and a mental disorder!

ALi-B 11 December 2019 03:29 PM

Point well made BMW, however I must stress that these conditions do often lead to illness because of the multiple of issues surrounding them both with their own train of thoughts and impaired (or alternate on a more milder scale) social awareness/ability, putting them at odds with a world full of neurotypicals.

^Qwerty^ 11 December 2019 03:39 PM

We'll only fix climate change by addressing the problem of the human plague - nobody is carbon neutral and everything is currently based on growth and building new houses etc. That however is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. There was an really interesting phone in on LBC last night with someone from the Green party who said we can't stop people having kids as it's a fundamental human right. And there lies the problem.

BMWhere? 11 December 2019 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by ^Qwerty^ (Post 12067753)
We'll only fix climate change by addressing the problem of the human plague - nobody is carbon neutral and everything is currently based on growth and building new houses etc. That however is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about. There was an really interesting phone in on LBC last night with someone from the Green party who said we can't stop people having kids as it's a fundamental human right. And there lies the problem.

We might not be able to stop people from having children, but at least raising the issue then people might be encouraged not to have children or stop at one. Population growth is simply not sustainable and therefore nor is our economic model that requires constant growth!

The current political solution to switch to EVs and creating a trading market for bullsh1t climate credits is completely missing the point and is more about making money and our growth economy than anything to do with climate change!

My guess is this hatred directed at Greta stems from propaganda by the rich elites who genuinely fear that this girl might just spark real change and bring down their money making machines in the process.

^Qwerty^ 11 December 2019 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by BMWhere? (Post 12067754)
We might not be able to stop people from having children, but at least raising the issue then people might be encouraged not to have children or stop at one. Population growth is simply not sustainable and therefore nor is our economic model that requires constant growth!

And that's exactly what the first two callers put to the Green party candidate last night but they just didn't seem to get what was being said. I was actually getting really angry at the radio, which is silly really as it's just a thing in my car :) The other one that someone threw at me recently was that as a world economy, we need to come up with an alternative to everyone doing ~40hrs a week, because there is going to be a deceasing amount of work per head of population.

ALi-B 11 December 2019 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by ^Qwerty^ (Post 12067755)
And that's exactly what the first two callers put to the Green party candidate last night but they just didn't seem to get what was being said. I was actually getting really angry at the radio, which is silly really as it's just a thing in my car :) The other one that someone threw at me recently was that as a world economy, we need to come up with an alternative to everyone doing ~40hrs a week, because there is going to be a deceasing amount of work per head of population.

Yep even Attenborough acknowledges over population, but it is scarcely highlighted. It doesn’t anger me, but as myself being childfree (by choice :smug: ), it irks me that i’m being held responsible for the acts of breeders compounding a whole host of issues and taxing me for their ‘human right’.

Its the same with the over-population of domestic cats, one of the few issues highlighted by Chris Packham that I totally agree with (that elephant in the room called Tiddles).

lozgti1 11 December 2019 10:17 PM

Not a favourite in

dpb 12 December 2019 12:53 AM

The Amazon isnt a managed plantation.

She's not alone.

Tidgy 12 December 2019 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by BMWhere? (Post 12067751)
Yes her conditions are classed as mental disorders rather than mental illness. When you call someone mentally ill, the implication is generally negative and that the persons mental ability is in someway impaired. A mental disorder is a condition where the brain works differently to the normal, but is not dis-functioning in any way. Conditions such as Asperger's, Autism and OCD are not conditions where the brain is impaired, but more because the brain is over-active and requires more in-depth resolution and order than usual.

Its a technicality, but for me there is a big difference between having a mental illness and a mental disorder!

Either way do you think being int he public eye is a good place for her to be?

dpb 12 December 2019 10:10 AM

Should special people be hidden away ? :Suspiciou

Tidgy 12 December 2019 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 12067790)
Should special people be hidden away ? :Suspiciou

No, but there is a difference between putting them in situations that cause them harm.

dpb 12 December 2019 11:41 AM

Well by that token trump should also be standing down

1509joe 12 December 2019 01:22 PM

That wee girl has been brainwashed by her peers who should be ashamed.

Henrik 12 December 2019 01:32 PM

There are lots and lots of people with Asperger's syndrome living successfully in society, and doing very well for themselves.

Using Asperger's to attack someone like Greta Thunberg just shows that there are no good arguments to counter her arguments, so the "opposition" (for lack of a better word) goes for an ad hominem.

Tidgy 12 December 2019 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 12067798)
There are lots and lots of people with Asperger's syndrome living successfully in society, and doing very well for themselves.

Using Asperger's to attack someone like Greta Thunberg just shows that there are no good arguments to counter her arguments, so the "opposition" (for lack of a better word) goes for an ad hominem.

But how many of them are that young? and how many of them are only famous for making a speach? (written by others)

And as far as the arguments against what she says, well there are plenty.

dpb 12 December 2019 01:54 PM

Well the average diagnosis age is 11

ALi-B 12 December 2019 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Henrik (Post 12067798)

Using Asperger's to attack someone like Greta Thunberg just shows that there are no good arguments to counter her arguments, so the "opposition" (for lack of a better word) goes for an ad hominem.

You can flip that the other way to...they also say because she has Aspergers it makes her better at the subject she is obsessed with over and above anyone else, just because people with this condition tend to have better intellect, are ‘gifted’ or appear to be a savant. Because of this they say she is right in everything and we should not or cannot argue against her logic.

And of course, how dare anyone argue against a child, let alone one with a disorder. Fact of the matter this the exact reason why she’s been put at the front under the spot light. She is being used as a publicity weapon, I seriously question the morals of those responsible for putting her in this position.

Much like parents that defend their child for their behaviour and that we must excuse them because they have xxxx or xxxx type disorder, one questions that if this excusing and treatment is what resulted in that teenager that thought it was OK to put a bomb on a train as a ‘joke’.

We have to be careful on who we listen to when those who use conditions and cognitive disorders as a excuse to accept someone’s statements willy nilly; Was Hitler a person with a high functioning disorder? Bin Laden? Trump?

As a musing point on Hitler, Aspergers is named after its Austrian eugenicist that put to death children with these conditions as part of the Nazi regime (something highlighted as a side-plot on ‘World on Fire’ -awesome series btw ).

Sad Weevil 12 December 2019 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by ALi-B (Post 12067803)
Fact of the matter this the exact reason why she’s been put at the front under the spot light. She is being used as a publicity weapon, I seriously question the morals of those responsible for putting her in this position.

I just searched "who's behind Greta Thunberg" and the only thing that comes up is a single rambling inconclusive article from the Daily Mail (so badly written that it refers to "existence rebellion") repeated verbatim on dozens of other "news" outlets. So perhaps you could help me out here and tell me who is using her, and who is responsible for putting her in this position? Real facts please, not speculation. Genuinely interested.

Wurzel 12 December 2019 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by Sad Weevil (Post 12067809)
I just searched "who's behind Greta Thunberg" and the only thing that comes up is a single rambling inconclusive article from the Daily Mail (so badly written that it refers to "existence rebellion") repeated verbatim on dozens of other "news" outlets. So perhaps you could help me out here and tell me who is using her, and who is responsible for putting her in this position? Real facts please, not speculation. Genuinely interested.

I can't answer your question but there must be someone behind her, I can't imagine a random tiny teen would be able to have enough clout to get the crew of a 3 million $$ yacht to sail her across the atlantic and ferry her round the US for a few months before being invited to speak at he climate meeting in Madrid.
She must have some sort of media team backing her who used conventional transport to get to the US and back.

ALi-B 12 December 2019 05:45 PM

I’ve personally not cared to look (ergo not bothered), I certainly doubt the usual news outlets to be of much use, as Weevil has sadly found.

However as Wurzel highlights, someone with so much media attention combined with scheduling and travelling to various venues along with all the stuff that surrounds her is on par with a pop celebrity. Often requiring a entourage of folk to rally around. First and foremost person that springs to mind is a publicist and PR manager. Quick google suggests Ingmar that who you came up with, Weevil?

Obviously as world media attention turned towards her the entourage has probably changed and grown. Again I don’t care enough to investigate; search engines seem to be getting worse these days, too often I get links to the daily fail and daily despressed as top results even though I NEVER click on a link to gutter media websites on this device. :rolleyes:

ALi-B 12 December 2019 05:50 PM

Oh and with the high functioning autism being mentioned, thought this was worth a revisit:

Oh dear :D

New link to a working version of AQ test:

Mr Fuji 13 December 2019 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Wurzel (Post 12067812)
I can't answer your question but there must be someone behind her, I can't imagine a random tiny teen would be able to have enough clout to get the crew of a 3 million $$ yacht to sail her across the atlantic and ferry her round the US for a few months before being invited to speak at he climate meeting in Madrid.
She must have some sort of media team backing her who used conventional transport to get to the US and back.

Oh I can see how that would happen.There are some very well heeled backers green parties/organisations, and if nothing else, would be a publicity coup for someone. Once she gained some traction, I reckon plenty of people would have helped her along. She is seen as honest, passionate and as a young small girl, vulnerable. She has none of the cynicism or baggage of the usual crowd. She is the ideal poster girl for the cause.

Tidgy 13 December 2019 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Fuji (Post 12067894)
Oh I can see how that would happen.There are some very well heeled backers green parties/organisations, and if nothing else, would be a publicity coup for someone. Once she gained some traction, I reckon plenty of people would have helped her along. She is seen as honest, passionate and as a young small girl, vulnerable. She has none of the cynicism or baggage of the usual crowd. She is the ideal poster girl for the cause.

She is also looking at the situation in a very simplistic and biast way. Good or bad you can decide for yourself.

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