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Paben 20 November 2017 01:42 PM

Jehovah's Witness child abusers
Yet another Christian organisation is revealed as a harbour for child abusers. I've noticed of late that when this outfit come knocking they bring young kids with them who do all the talking. Looks like they've been talking too much for comfort now.

Peedee 20 November 2017 01:45 PM

Religion and child abuse almost seem to go hand in hand unfortunately. Dread to think how much of it is covered up aswell.

RAGGY DOO 20 November 2017 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11979410)
Yet another Christian organisation is revealed as a harbour for child abusers. I've noticed of late that when this outfit come knocking they bring young kids with them who do all the talking. Looks like they've been talking too much for comfort now.

Your almost as bad as Taylor with all this religion crap give it a rest

Paben 20 November 2017 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979418)
Your almost as bad as Taylor with all this religion crap give it a rest

I suppose you think that child abusers should get away with it then? Perhaps you'd prefer to keep it hushed up too. Suppressed guilt maybe?

RAGGY DOO 20 November 2017 02:52 PM

ZzzzZzzz boring

Mr Fuji 20 November 2017 02:59 PM

To be fair, religion is just one of many organisations that do it and hide it. It's not as if all the abuses in children's homes were driven by, or covered up by, religion.

There are just bad people about, and others willing to be complicit in that abuse and hide it. Whatever their affiliation is irrelevant, I think.

Paben 20 November 2017 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979420)
ZzzzZzzz boring

Describes you and your opinions perfectly: well said.

The Trooper 1815 20 November 2017 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979418)
Your almost as bad as Taylor with all this religion crap give it a rest

The Catholic Church in Southern Ireland set the standard on child abuse and the laundry system thrived on young "fallen" women.

The Trooper 1815 20 November 2017 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Fuji (Post 11979421)
To be fair, religion is just one of many organisations that do it and hide it. It's not as if all the abuses in children's homes were driven by, or covered up by, religion.

There are just bad people about, and others willing to be complicit in that abuse and hide it. Whatever their affiliation is irrelevant, I think.

The church (insert various religions) make a big play on how they look after the meek, mild, needy, vulnerable or oppressed. An ideal environment for abusers.

An organisation (insert various religions) that have mainly a man as their lead, certain types even prevent their leaders from marrying women or allowing women equal rights but have rights over how women lead their lives or treat their bodies.

They are self governing with no independent external scrutiny.

Something is not quite right there?

RAGGY DOO 20 November 2017 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by The Trooper 1815 (Post 11979426)
The Catholic Church in Southern Ireland set the standard on child abuse and the laundry system thrived on young "fallen" women.

And the British empire murdered raped and robbed our country blind for century’s what’s your point?
The church is despised in Ireland now
Not as much as we hate the brits thou

Mr Fuji 20 November 2017 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by The Trooper 1815 (Post 11979427)
The church (insert various religions) make a big play on how they look after the meek, mild, needy, vulnerable or oppressed. An ideal environment for abusers.

Like children's homes?

Originally Posted by The Trooper 1815 (Post 11979427)
An organisation (insert various religions) that have mainly a man as their lead, certain types even prevent their leaders from marrying women or allowing women equal rights but have rights over how women lead their lives or treat their bodies.

They are self governing with no independent external scrutiny.

Something is not quite right there?

It is true that they are self governing, but as other instances illustrate, even governed bodies can have serious abuses and not be found out.

Also, whilst not necessarily young boys or girls, the entertainment business is clearly full of some very unsavoury people, too. The church is just bigger, it's bound to have more instances.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them, they are as bad and hypocritical as all the others. Just not unique in any meaningful way.

Paben 20 November 2017 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Mr Fuji (Post 11979431)
Like children's homes?

It is true that they are self governing, but as other instances illustrate, even governed bodies can have serious abuses and not be found out.

Also, whilst not necessarily young boys or girls, the entertainment business is clearly full of some very unsavoury people, too. The church is just bigger, it's bound to have more instances.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them, they are as bad and hypocritical as all the others. Just not unique in any meaningful way.

Wrong: religious bodies are unique in one very meaningful way: they are supposed to represent the purity of God and his works on earth. Should he exist I suspect God would be unimpressed by the multiple cases of abuse of children as young as three who have been entrusted to the care of those in various religious orders. The abuse has been concealed by those in high places, perhaps even tacitly condoned. What a disgrace.

The Trooper 1815 20 November 2017 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979428)
And the British empire murdered raped and robbed our country blind for century’s what’s your point?
The church is despised in Ireland now
Not as much as we hate the brits thou

Shooting fish in a barrel.

markjmd 20 November 2017 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11979434)
Wrong: religious bodies are unique in one very meaningful way: they are supposed to represent the purity of God and his works on earth. Should he exist I suspect God would be unimpressed by the multiple cases of abuse of children as young as three who have been entrusted to the care of those in various religious orders. The abuse has been concealed by those in high places, perhaps even tacitly condoned. What a disgrace.

At the outside, this would only make them uniquely hypocritical, but even that's a stretch.

The Trooper 1815 20 November 2017 06:22 PM

David Lock 20 November 2017 06:37 PM

I have always made an effort to be polite to the JWs who knock on my door. I don't agree with what they say but to some extent admire their courage in calling at a stranger's house knowing that they are quite likely to be verbally abused.

So the few JWs who have shamed their religion are going to make it so much harder for the vast majority of genuine, albeit misguided, ones.

As an aside I have never understood their view on blood transfusions as it seems reasonable to me that the bible is open to interpretation. As a kid I was taught that things were created in 7 days but I now accept that that is not literally true.


spindle121 20 November 2017 06:54 PM

Think you’re views are a a bit harsh. Raggy !!! By the way how’s the car. ,!!

Mr Fuji 21 November 2017 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by Paben (Post 11979434)
Wrong: religious bodies are unique in one very meaningful way: they are supposed to represent the purity of God and his works on earth. Should he exist I suspect God would be unimpressed by the multiple cases of abuse of children as young as three who have been entrusted to the care of those in various religious orders. The abuse has been concealed by those in high places, perhaps even tacitly condoned. What a disgrace.

So it's just another lying organisation, then. Still a human failing. Not really unique.

Whatever a god may mean, it still boils down to people hiding behind something, abusing the power they have. Bent coppers, priests, social workers, the list goes on. Man being **** to his fellow man.

ditchmyster 21 November 2017 05:13 AM

I think you'll find abusers in every walk of life, it's just easier to conceal in a closed group... religious groups also seem to attract weirdos and those with problems.

Personally I think people that feel the need to join any "group" are generally weak minded, needy or have some sorts of superiority complexes and either want to be told what to do or tell people what to do. ;)

The Trooper 1815 21 November 2017 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979428)
And the British empire murdered raped and robbed our country blind for century’s what’s your point?
The church is despised in Ireland now
Not as much as we hate the brits thou

But the Catholic church still are robbing and raping.

The Trooper 1815 21 November 2017 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11979510)
I think you'll find abusers in every walk of life, it's just easier to conceal in a closed group... religious groups also seem to attract weirdos and those with problems.

Personally I think people that feel the need to join any "group" are generally weak minded, needy or have some sorts of superiority complexes and either want to be told what to do or tell people what to do. ;)

The irony.

Paben 21 November 2017 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11979510)
I think you'll find abusers in every walk of life, it's just easier to conceal in a closed group... religious groups also seem to attract weirdos and those with problems.

Personally I think people that feel the need to join any "group" are generally weak minded, needy or have some sorts of superiority complexes and either want to be told what to do or tell people what to do. ;)

Of course you wouldn't want to be part of any group that would accept you as a member! :lol1:

ditchmyster 21 November 2017 10:30 AM

Ah two prime examples right there. ;)

Lets face it anyone that buy's into religion in this day and age isn't exactly going to be right in the head... much like other out dated concepts or serving ones queen and country, when you're really just a paid mercenary. :razz: :lol1:

urban 21 November 2017 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11979541)
Lets face it anyone that buy's into religion in this day and age isn't exactly going to be right in the head

Bit like believing in Santa.
You can believe all you want, but you won't be any Christmas presents delivered from him.

SmurfyBhoy 21 November 2017 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979428)
And the British empire murdered raped and robbed our country blind for century’s what’s your point?
The church is despised in Ireland now
Not as much as we hate the brits thou

Spot on :thumb:

Not just your country, countless others.

Still raping it's way through the middle east and Africa today. :mad:

The Trooper 1815 21 November 2017 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by SmurfyBhoy (Post 11979547)
Spot on :thumb:

Not just your country, countless others.

Still raping it's way through the middle east and Africa today. :mad:

Like the Dutch, French, Potugese, Italians and what did the Romans ever do for us?

The Trooper 1815 21 November 2017 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 11979541)
Ah two prime examples right there. ;)

Lets face it anyone that buy's into religion in this day and age isn't exactly going to be right in the head... much like other out dated concepts or serving ones queen and country, when you're really just a paid mercenary. :razz: :lol1:

You forgot well paid, great pension and loads of discounts and free stuff :luxhello:

ditchmyster 21 November 2017 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by The Trooper 1815 (Post 11979549)
You forgot well paid, great pension and loads of discounts and free stuff :luxhello:

:lol1: Yeah I know all about that... couple of my neighbours sons are in the forces... one just got a £40k pay out... his pension and a very decent salary doing his old job as a civil servant.... other one is coming out in a couple more years with something similar.

P.s... this place would be no fun if I couldn't poke the resident egits... so don't take it too personally. :thumb:

SmurfyBhoy 21 November 2017 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by The Trooper 1815 (Post 11979549)
You forgot well paid, great pension and loads of discounts and free stuff :luxhello:

Yea if you survive long enough and retire with a fully functioning body,

Not die in a cold empty flat unable to wipe your own ass when the government you risk life and limb for abandons you when you return, unable to mix with normal folk meanwhile the hell you have witnessed is glorified to temp more vulnerable young working class men to be crippled & maimed.

Yea our government really looks after its Vets......

Devildog 22 November 2017 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by RAGGY DOO (Post 11979428)
And the British empire murdered raped and robbed our country blind for century’s what’s your point?
The church is despised in Ireland now
Not as much as we hate the brits thou

All Brits? or just the English?

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