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chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 11:00 AM

Problems with next door tenants - how to get landlady details?
Hi guys, hope you've has a good Christmas/holiday season thus far :)

We have newish neighbours in the rented house next door and after a few weekends of rowdiness and loud music at silly o'clock, it came to a head last night with threats our way and the police attending.

It's a private rented house and I'm wondering if there is some way we can contact the landlord/lady to explain the troubles we've had (as apparently they're friends with the tenants) and to see if there's an amicable solution.

Is there a way of finding address/contact details or is it not (even partially) their responsibility over the tenants?

I can go into details of last night if it doesn't make sense but approaching the tenants directly I think would be a bad idea and lead to another police call out.

TIA guys :)

Dingdongler 29 December 2013 11:35 AM

The homeowner can of course evict the tenant if they don't abide by the terms of their contract which always incudes a 'causing a nuisance' type clause.

Sometimes the landlord is reluctant to act. My friend had a similar problem with a landlord not taking appropriate action so he would ring the landlord at stupid o'clock whenever the tenants would disturb him. The landlord soon took action when he knew what it was liked to be disturbed at all hours of the night.

I'm not sure about the easiest way to get the owners details. Going on the land registery website only costs a few quid and will definitely give you the owners name but not always the most current address.

I hope you get it sorted mate. I fecking hate people who behave like this.

Edited to say; the land registery will also give the lenders details if it is mortgaged. You could always contact them to make sure they know it is tenanted and contact hmrc just in case she isn't declaring the rent:D

RICHARD J 29 December 2013 11:41 AM

Try asking the other neighbours, some busy body type is bound to know.

Chip 29 December 2013 11:45 AM

Council noise abatement officer would get the owner involved I would imagine.

paul98typer 29 December 2013 11:45 AM

Don't know how you would find out the landlords details but they are responsible for ensuring there tenants behave in a reasonable manner. See if any of your other neighbours know who the landlord is.
Last option would be to contact your local council and they can step in.

the shreksta 29 December 2013 11:49 AM

The best thing to do is make a diary of every thing that's happening and try also to get video proof of any anti social goings on

chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 11:56 AM

Cheers guys.

After it was all kicking off last night, the gobby woman let it slip that they are good friends with the landlady. The landlady is actually ok as I've seen her a couple times but never got details (hindsight), but it's her husband who's the moody ruffian, who I guess knows the tenants.

I've also just found out the tenants have been evicted from previous council/private property before and have lived in caravans before too - not pikies but act like it. Painting a picture, banger cars and trucks parked all over the street etc. and the getting aggressive when you (politely) try converse about keeping the volume down at midnight.

The local police have just called back and confirmed they will speak to them today if they're in. I won't go round now as I think that amicable stage has passed due to her getting readily aggressive at any given opportunity. The police have logged everything I've said and will liaise with the council, so I hope once I make the council aware of the tenants previous and the police involvement, it gives my complaint some weight.

I've lived here 22 years, 9 as the owner, and this is the first real issue with neighbours I've had and the first 999 police call out I've had to make because of it. Unfortunately with the info I have now, I doubt the tenants will be bothered as they're probably used to complaints now.

f1_fan 29 December 2013 12:12 PM

Be prepared for a long bitter battle as these things always end in tears. The police sound like they have been helpful which is good, but good luck getting the council involved as they will take eons to do anything that actually deals with the situation (the worst of all the public sector jobsworths work in the local authorities and usually its endemic right throught the organisation). They will make the right noises, but action will be a long way down the line!

Anyway at the end of the day these tenants sound like they don't care and will have no qualms about making your life a misery if you try and escalate it as that is what scum like this do.

My honest advice is to either ignore it and get on with your life as best you can or if you can't do that deal with it first hand if you get my drift!

tarmac terror 29 December 2013 12:14 PM

I think in England, the council take primacy for dealing with neighbour noise issues. Worth having a chat with them to see what your options are. If the link between the tenant and landlady is closer than a business relationship, I wouldn't be confident that this will turn in your favour.

Is there a neighbour on the other side of the property (assuming terraced) who can corroborate the facts? it may be worth teaming up with them to raise the complaint, it makes it a bit more difficult for the tenant or landlady to spin the situation.

Good luck with it, neighbours are a complete pain in the arse.

chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 12:20 PM

I'm going to chase up with the council tomorrow. The process is I get forms to fill and log stuff that happens. Then they bring recording equipment round to get evidence. That evidence is the used to prosecute them, if nothing improves. I'm not bothered about noise in the day but coming home at pub closing and ramping up the stereo and shouting past a reasonable time I can't take.

I don't want to have to deal with it around the law, as you don't know who they know, being scum of society. But I know some really bad characters and don't want it to go to that.

f1_fan 29 December 2013 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by tarmac terror (Post 11305919)
I think in England, the council take primacy for dealing with neighbour noise issues. Worth having a chat with them to see what your options are.

Yes but it will still take months or even years. They will require evidence, a diary and may even need to hear it/see it for themselves before they take action which initially involves talking with the tenants (who will promise to be good but won't be) before moving onto something more legal which in itself takes months and then can only be enforced with the tenants' co-operation without having to take it further up the court system! All the while they make everyone's life a misery!

Sadly in many cases councils, council workers and councillors etc. are some of the most bone idle self important jobsworths in existence! :(

David Lock 29 December 2013 12:30 PM

Why would the council get involved as it's a private property?


97TURBO 29 December 2013 12:38 PM

When me and the wife first got together we had a similar problem only with the flat above us. After a few party weekends I spoke to them and said if it was once month we would leave it, but if every week then they would have a visit from the police. Of course they ignored the warning, so we phoned the police everytime for the next month, eventually they gave up with the partys. Just stay consistent and let them know you wont go away.

Aaron1978 29 December 2013 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 11305932)
Why would the council get involved as it's a private property?


Noise pollution is a council issue.

ScoobyWon't 29 December 2013 12:53 PM

Get over to PistonHeads. Look in Speed, Plod & the Law, there are plenty of similar threads with relevant info.

f1_fan 29 December 2013 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 11305932)
Why would the council get involved as it's a private property?


I sometimes wonder if you are on the surface of this planet to be frank :cuckoo:

Mus 29 December 2013 12:59 PM

first see if you can notice any estate agents boards in their garden, failing that do a land registry search online get the owners details on there.

chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 01:15 PM

We're working on several things now. The PCO who called me earlier just came round as they're not in - did one earlier in the car so she's concerned they're drink driving now too due to time elapsed etc.

Anywgo, I've passed on their names after detective work on Facefart and the info of them being previously evicted/ASBO's etc. She has the means to check this in order to pass it on to the council.

Baring in mind I've not said one word to them yet, I still hold wishful thoughts of an amicable outcome but have all the above noted incase I need to build evidence. I want to be organised should this get messy.

It helps my best mate is in the force too locally so I can pick his brains for advice.

I also want to say I appreciate all the advice so far guys - genuine community spirit :)

Chip 29 December 2013 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 11305947)
I sometimes wonder if you are on the surface of this planet to be frank :cuckoo:

Age related I would imagine;)

johned 29 December 2013 02:14 PM

chocolate o brian be careful what you put on forums as if it got back to your neighbours things might get worse.

GC8 29 December 2013 02:30 PM

Keep quiet for a month or two then set fire to their house when no one is in. Ensure that your insurance is up to date, family is out and that the fire brigade are called before it beomes too serious.

Tell no one about it, ever.

GC8 29 December 2013 02:35 PM

Also, dont worry about details shared here. There was a time when SN was one of the biggest car forums on the internet, but that day has long since passed...

chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 02:51 PM

Bit of an update and hopefully positive.

Nat has just seen the other side neighbours (terraced houses if I didn't mention it), and for a usually mellow quiet chap, he was fuming and is sick of them making noise too. He and his wife/kids were woken last night as well but we got the police out first as per above. They're more than happy to put a joint complaint in too so I will discuss this tomorrow with the council when I ring.

Also, as we'd heard off Facefart that they're planning another party on NYE we had made alternate plans to try be reasonable. I'm DJing in leeds and staying over anyway and we decided it was best if Nat and Isaac stay at her grans in a nearby village for the night. A friend who I did a favour for one time is actually driving 100 miles down here to house-sit for the night for us to ensure nothing goes on.

I'm in the process of making sure my house insurance is upto date now too.

donny andi 29 December 2013 03:25 PM

Plastic soil pipe on back of there house ?
If so nip down to b&q for a can of expanding foam.....
Drill a small hole and get some foam whacked in....NYE party won't be a good one ;)

GC8 29 December 2013 03:35 PM


chocolate_o_brian 29 December 2013 03:46 PM

Lol, sneaky ;)

I'm not looking for revenge, just a suitable outcome as they are underclass scum and will act like it as retribution.

I've just managed to find the land lady on Facefart and have sent her a politely worded message outlining our and he other neighbours problems with them. See if she responds, but I've let her know I've got the police and council involved so the ball is in her court of they're supposed to be pally.

RA Dunk 29 December 2013 03:51 PM

Nothing worse than selfish asshole neighbours. :(

cookstar 29 December 2013 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by donny andi (Post 11306070)
Plastic soil pipe on back of there house ?
If so nip down to b&q for a can of expanding foam.....
Drill a small hole and get some foam whacked in....NYE party won't be a good one ;)

That one's going in the memory bank. :thumb:

chocolate_o_brian 30 December 2013 02:33 PM

Little update: just got home from work and rang the council.

Lady said there's only the skeleton team on between now and new year (which I'm not exactly surprised with). I explained the situation and that I had more information to add to my online form of completed. She's taken note but I won't hold my breath. So gonna leave it till Thursday or Friday and ring back again.

In the meantime anything relevant is being logged incase the council lose what I've submitted. I'll encourage the neighbours on the other side to complain too as it obviously adds weight and creditability to mine.

All out tomorrow night so I don't even care what noise they make. Fortunately we've not had any run ins since Saturday night when the police were here. They probably accept this behaviour as a way of life and think fcuk all of it :(

chocolate_o_brian 11 January 2014 01:38 PM

Another update and 2 questions for advice too.

The council are sending me the sheets to log the noise before sending the recording equipment round. It's got to where they have the tv (backed into our wall) loud every night so we get all the rumble from them drowning out our tv (which is quiet as Isaac is in bed). They've not changed anything from before, ie still slamming doors, she's still giving the gob in the house when her mates are round etc etc.

I've found out reliably that they are having a big party next Saturday night and have invited a couple dozen of their sceffy mates around. Now I'm worried as previous says they will be unbearable noise wise, well past a reasonable (or legal) time, but the police can't do anything unless it gets violent or spills onto the street. My saving grace being it's one night I'm hoping when it wakes Isaac up we can just sleep downstairs or something. Is there anything I can do about said party coming up?? Obviously going round when it's in full swing and asking for the noise to be reasonable didn't work last time and we nearly ended up in a street fight :lol1:

Also on the subject of them, their back yard is starting to proper stink cos of their three dogs they have pi$$ing and $hitting and it being left for days before getting cleaned up. You can really smell it through the kitchen windows when, ironically you're trying to get fresh sir in your house LOL. I could only find a section on dog fowling in public places on the North Lincs website.

Any help/serious advice appreciated.

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