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Markus 16 May 2002 03:17 PM

Why not just lock her up and throw away the key, would solve a lot of problems.

it's not her fault, it's also the parents yeah, ok, to a point. maybe a bit of harsh discipline would have helped.

cruxifiction's too good for em ;) :D:D (This is a joke by the way!)

Diablo 16 May 2002 03:29 PM

Should have been jailed long before now. And sterilised so she can't breed any more like her. Wipe out the gene pool.

Here's a plan...

For every assylum seeker coming in, send all like her to the assylum seeker's country of origin. :D

See how that clears up the crime rate...LOL


Reffro 16 May 2002 03:29 PM

Cruxifiction would be too kind, now a brand on her face like they used to, that would certainly get everyone's notice.

Wurzel 16 May 2002 03:36 PM

"Imposing an anti-social behaviour order, he also banned her from threatening residents, assaulting police officers and encouraging others to threaten or harass"

I do not have this behaviour order on me so does that me I am legaly alowed to assult police officers and threaten residents:D:D:D

Jen 16 May 2002 03:38 PM is her fault.

Not good - saw too much of this in my teacher training at Manchester, no wonder no-one wants to be a teacher!! :eek:

hopefully they'll sort her out :)

Jen 16 May 2002 03:39 PM

Wurzel - you could give it a try ;) :D

Katana 16 May 2002 03:40 PM

For every assylum seeker coming in, send all like her to the assylum seeker's country of origin.

See how that clears up the crime rate...LOL
Can I vote for you instead when it comes to the next General election? You'd be the best President that we'll ever have. Make sure you put the price of Optimax down for us, or we'll impeach you like we did to our Ex-Presiden't husband, Bill....

Markus 16 May 2002 03:45 PM

There was a prog on TV a few months back about some Kid in Cheltenham, very much a little sh!te like this one. Suffice to say much screaming at the TV later I was soooo wound up. i was very tempted to take a trip up there and cave this little feckers head in. prick

sorry, venting in public!

I just get so wound up that gits like these are allowed to get away with this type of thing when us motorists are being used as cash cows.

What can be done? well, corporal punishment sounds like a start. oh, but we can't do that, that's not nice is it? we're not allowed to be nasty to other beings are we, oh no. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Think it's pretty obvious that I did have a rather disciplined upbringing, which may, or may not have given rise to my rather short temper and my views on this kind of thing ;) :D

Adam_K 16 May 2002 03:48 PM

i felt the back of a wooden spoon on my arse if i was naughty when i was a kid :(

Paul78 16 May 2002 03:49 PM

"I would urge the public to report any incidents where Maxine has breached the order as we would like to enforce it rigorously."

LOL - I bet they will !! ;)

Agree completely with all said above, Get rid of the little sh1ts. When you come into contact with these types then it is not a nice experience - they really get my skin up !
On the footy violence progrsm the other night, all the actual firm didn't cause that much harm to the police and general public - the6y simply wanted to kick the hell out of each other ... But its the litte 14 - 18 yrs old idiots trying to make a name and kicking the hell out of anything that moves !!! Shoot the lot of them I say!


[Edited by Paul78 - 5/16/2002 3:51:07 PM]

Wurzel 16 May 2002 03:50 PM

Also it says that the judge has banned Jeans from the town centre, I personally think this is an infrigment of my civil libities as I only wear jeans, do you think it means all jeans or just denim ones :D:D:D do you think I would get arrested for walking round town in my boxer shorts :D:D:D

[Edited by Wurzel - 5/16/2002 3:51:44 PM]

Adam_K 16 May 2002 03:52 PM

maybe just childrens size jeans ;)

Diablo 16 May 2002 03:53 PM

Love to stand, mate.

I would also:

Ban political correctness, but fight racism
Spend all the road tax money on the roads
Make car crime (any) a deportable offence
Up the speed limits on Motorways and good A roads
Cut politicians salaries to a more reasonable level
Make Jail a jail and not a fcuking holiday camp.
Privatise the NHS, but offer subsidised medical insurance to 100% for those who realy deserved it

And to pay for all that, I'd simply stop throwing billions of pounds down the drain on **** no one wants but every political party to date thinks we do.

Markus 16 May 2002 03:57 PM

yup, slipper from my dad if I was out of order. ok at the time I hated him for it, but it worked.

think kids have a very free ride these days.

but on reflection, society has changed immesurably since I was a kid (I'm 28!)

I'd not dream of letting my kids (if I had any) out to play on their own, even outside the front of my house in todays world, but 10 years ago, no problems at all.

don't think anything we can do can change things :(

Katana 16 May 2002 03:59 PM

Ban political correctness, but fight racism
Spend all the road tax money on the roads
Make car crime (any) a deportable offence
Up the speed limits on Motorways and good A roads
Cut politicians salaries to a more reasonable level
Make Jail a jail and not a fcuking holiday camp.
Privatise the NHS, but offer subsidised medical insurance to 100% for those who realy deserved it
That would definately win you the majority of seats here in the UK. Just make me finance minister so I can play "Gordon Brown" with the taxes and make millions!! Buahaahahahahaha!

Adam_K 16 May 2002 04:02 PM

realistically would it be possible to stand for election?? i mean what are the requirements??

i honestly think that most of us could do a better job than the majority of politicians.

Jen 16 May 2002 04:11 PM

Problem is - "normal" politicans have little power, it's the higher up ones that do - and then it's really the Civil Servants who write the speaches/fix the statistics/advise govt. So we should all work at Whitehall if we want to get things changed :D

Jolly Green Monster 2 16 May 2002 04:32 PM

cool my girlfriend is in the news!


:) lol

Agree with what you are all saying..

go back to chopping hand off for thiefing scum..

Dr Hu 16 May 2002 04:33 PM

The old saying of :

'The type of person who stands for government is not the type of person to be running the country'

springs to mind.....LOL;)

Adam_K 16 May 2002 04:34 PM

i vote we all just have a massive bundle and the last person alive gets to be priminister :D

3times 16 May 2002 04:41 PM


Excellent policies, but as they are not politically correct you may have a problem!

Does the car crime include excessive speeding?

Adam_K 16 May 2002 04:55 PM

speeding isn't a crime, people have just been conditioned by the government into thinking that its a crime.

did u know that the speed limits and braking distances were actually based around a 1976 ford fiesta??

think it might be time to update them a little.

Markus 16 May 2002 05:03 PM

damn right mate. The advert with "this car was travelling at 35mph" and it hitting the kid winds me up. yes it's true but the car does look like an old one, and todays cars have slightly better braking systems than in the old days, ok so there are still sheds out there, but in general things have improved, hell, i think standard scooby 2-pots would put an old fiesta to shame, let alone 4-pots or any other upgraded brake systems.

the braking distances also don't take into account ABS, which might (not sure) shorten distances, and if not it would possibly allow you to maneauver around the obstacle in your way.

Re-education of pedestirans might also help. Kids can tell right from wrong, so they can be taught to respect the road, I was and i still do.

Phill 16 May 2002 05:35 PM

Yep i agree tings do need to be re-visited any fool could tell you 90% of cars in the road could out break a 76 fiesta, and like you Markus i feel the 35Mph ad could and should have been done with a bit more thought and accuracy, although something is better then nout !

As to that young girl, how the fek come the police / gov. whomever have not nipped this in the bud years ago, there is no chance any bloke 16 or otherwise could be suspected for 40 attacks on a policeman would be walking the street, let alone the rest of it. Worst of all if you sendher to the nick all she is likelt to do is get some decent contacts.......brainwashing anyone !!


Maudi 16 May 2002 09:43 PM

I have spent much time pondering answers to problems such as these and have only managed to come up with one solution. Everyone who feels strongly about this should sign up to a kind of government group. Then members of this group would be randomly selected to give a total and utter kicking to the offender in the public place in which the offences were committed. I know violence doesn't solve many problems but in these instances maybe it would. If the justice system as we know it doesn't work for modern problems then maybe we need a modern system of justice.

boomer 16 May 2002 10:44 PM

Just watched the prog on BBC1 about CCTV, and i am videoing the one in BBC2 about "rat boy" and the like.

I feel a blood vessel about to burst [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Some **** steals a car (BBC1), rams the police and yet gets five minutes community service - of which he will serve zero time and yet not be reprimanded!



Luke 16 May 2002 10:48 PM

Forget world war 2, this country will kill itself from the inside. Its like the rest of the world has planned it.

cement man 16 May 2002 10:57 PM

One answer for over 16s NATIONAL SERVICE!

Maz-old 16 May 2002 11:54 PM

You've got to love the Magistrates that imposed a conditional discharge for her 123rd offence! I can hear her barrister now:

'She's turned a corner, give her a chance to prove that she is no longer a threat to society.'

Oh, for the love of God.

A few colleagues and I are soon to be part of a working party on Youth Criminal Justice. Oh, great. How the feck did I get roped into that one...


Alpine 17 May 2002 12:10 PM

Maudi... interesting concept 'Violence never solved anything'

Tell that to the Singapore government.. People there are publicly cained.. There re-offense rate is practically zero.. Violence seems to work there.. OK it could be argued that it's a barbaric practice but I would like to argue the contrary. It teaches people that the society they live in is not prepared to live with their unsocial behaviour. Perhaps, allowing them to confront the error of their ways and go on and live fruitful existences...

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