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pslewis 16 November 2012 06:48 PM

Labour win Corby!!!
Corby have always selected a canditate from the winners of the General Election!

Looks like the writing is on the wall for the Toffee Nosed Tories ....... the useless bunch of Eton Boys.

Let's get MEN back in - real MEN, not silver spooned tossers!!

The end is nigh for Cameron ...... EXCELLENT!! :thumb:

pslewis 16 November 2012 06:53 PM

The last time Labour took a seat from the Conservatives in a by-election was in Wirral South in February 1997.

And we all know what happened next in 1997!!

Yep, that's right, the Labour Party won the general election in a landslide victory, leaving the Conservatives in tatters after 18 years in power, with Scotland and Wales left devoid of Tory representation.

Same again ....... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - bye, bye, little rich boys!! :lol1:

dpb 16 November 2012 07:34 PM

Every dog has its day

zip106 16 November 2012 08:37 PM

Labour win a Corby?

Great, sharp pressed trousers all round then.

alcazar 16 November 2012 10:33 PM

Labour elected to power?
What with a little H...H...H...H...Hungarian in charge?

And a nasal little twonk at that?

jonc 16 November 2012 11:07 PM

Real men?...Ed Miliband....Ed Balls....

alcazar 17 November 2012 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by jonc (Post 10871555)

I think he means the Labour women, Harman, Cooper, Blears et al.

Real under-arm hair lefties........

madscoob 17 November 2012 10:59 AM

very slack posting , only 6 victims, your slipping lewis:nono:

ronjeramy 17 November 2012 10:59 AM

What happened to Prescott though? :lol1:

alcazar 17 November 2012 11:27 AM

Got beat, didn't he?

Hull voters might have voted for him, but turnout was less than 16% in Hull, the rest was over, or around 20%.

If he'd got in, the South bank might as well have floated off into the North sea for all the money we'd get spent here.

Leslie 17 November 2012 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10871114)
The last time Labour took a seat from the Conservatives in a by-election was in Wirral South in February 1997.

And we all know what happened next in 1997!!

Yep, that's right, the Labour Party won the general election in a landslide victory, leaving the Conservatives in tatters after 18 years in power, with Scotland and Wales left devoid of Tory representation.

Same again ....... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - bye, bye, little rich boys!! :lol1:

How do you feel about the state of our country when Labour at last ran out of cash to buy votes with and were voted out of power Pete? They inherited a strong economy from the Conservatives in 1997 and then continually overborrowed on the strength of it to make the failing economy under their rule look better than it was.

How do you honestly think we would fare if Labour were elected and that prat Ed Balls got his hands on the exchequer? He was one of the Chancellor's advisors when Labour was in power. Look where that left us Pete!

I agree that the present fellow in charge and his mates are nothing much to write home about especially when it comes to achieving anything noticeable for the good of the people of this country, and his love affair with the Eu coupled with his manic fear of not doing what they order him to do in order to remain on popular terms with the Europhiles. People keep asking me what he and the other Europhile politicians expect to gain from the commissioners should they manage to con us into entering a Euro federation. We are already witnessing the death of democracy since they take no notice whatsoever of what the people want. A Euro federation would be like a totalitarian state!

How can we trust a man who promises a referendum on the Lisbon treaty and our own bill of human rights in order to get elected and conveniently dumps all that when he gets elected?

It is all very disappointing and at the moment there only seems to be one meaningful choice left to us

What kind of a better performance might you expect from the Lib Dems or your own hero Pete?

We would be a very successful country and leaving the others for dead if he had the guts to take us out of the Eu.


J4CKO 17 November 2012 01:19 PM

Pete, dont get excited that it is people switching back to Labour due to policies and thinking its a good idea, it is the middle class, higher earners making a point that they arent happy about the Child Benefit changes, they all turned out to vote against the Tories, not for Labour as they are effectively taking up to a four grand pay cut.

Leslie 17 November 2012 01:54 PM

The answer is to have only as many children as you can afford. It always used to be like that...down to peoples' common sense feelings of responsibility.


J4CKO 17 November 2012 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie (Post 10871961)
The answer is to have only as many children as you can afford. It always used to be like that...down to peoples' common sense feelings of responsibility.


Les, the decision for a lot of people to have kids may have involved getting the child benefit, also if people waiting until they have 150 grand per child in the bank they wont be having kids until their sixties.

I can see why it has been done and we will manage, I disagree with the way it has been done, if some one is on 60k they have a take home pay of £3400 which is a lot of money but, if they have a mortgage of £1000, council tax of £210, bills of £800, fuel cost of £200, food cost of £600, pension of £200 and all the other expenses then thats it, gone and they lose the top up fo £188 a month. Ok, I suppose they will manage

However, next door are each on 50k, they take home nearly three grand a piece, so a joint take home of six grand and the get to keep the Child Benefit.

pslewis 17 November 2012 04:37 PM

Child benefit should be for the FIRST Child ONLY!

tubbytommy 17 November 2012 04:40 PM

corby is a sh1t hole full of plastic jocks,eastern europeans and warehouses.
i can tell you this as i live 5 miles away.

Jimbob 17 November 2012 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10872101)
Child benefit should be for the FIRST Child ONLY!

You and your socialist masters will try and introduce 計劃生育政策 too I bet!!

pslewis 17 November 2012 05:07 PM

I think that children should learn Manderin - yes.

Leslie 18 November 2012 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 10871975)
Les, the decision for a lot of people to have kids may have involved getting the child benefit, also if people waiting until they have 150 grand per child in the bank they wont be having kids until their sixties.

I can see why it has been done and we will manage, I disagree with the way it has been done, if some one is on 60k they have a take home pay of £3400 which is a lot of money but, if they have a mortgage of £1000, council tax of £210, bills of £800, fuel cost of £200, food cost of £600, pension of £200 and all the other expenses then thats it, gone and they lose the top up fo £188 a month. Ok, I suppose they will manage

However, next door are each on 50k, they take home nearly three grand a piece, so a joint take home of six grand and the get to keep the Child Benefit.

I understand your points about salaries and I am already on record to say that I agree completely with what you say about total family income and how the child benefit is awarded. Quite ridiculous and illogical.

My parents managed to bring up my sister and me when my father was earning £3.50 a week and my mother had to go out cleaning houses to supplement our income. Yes it was a long time ago,but still a pittance of an income and my parents made many sacrifices for us both. My sister and I also got part time jobs to help out.

We still had a happy upbringing and also a good education. The 11 Plus exams had a lot to do with that of course.

Most working class people were in a similar position and they did as I said have the number of children which they could afford to bring up. It was the only way to manage.


Jimbob 18 November 2012 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10872101)
Child benefit should be for the FIRST Child ONLY!

Originally Posted by Jimbob (Post 10872116)
You and your socialist masters will try and introduce 計劃生育政策 too I bet!!

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10872138)
I think that children should learn Manderin - yes.

If you could figure out what 計劃生育政策 means you'd have figured out it was Chinese for "Family planning policy", as a responce to your previous comments.

So your masters in the Socialist Parties will be advocating a one child family as they do in China. But as a Socialist you want the rift between haves and have nots to be massive. Labour always claim to be a party of the people, but all they EVER do is screw them over, whilst they live the high life. Exactly like the no porno version of "The Animal Farm".

pslewis 18 November 2012 05:49 PM

You miss the point completely - thyere will be no penalty for having more than one child ........ just no hand outs from the state!

Jimbob 18 November 2012 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10873370)
You miss the point completely - thyere will be no penalty for having more than one child ........ just no hand outs from the state!

Thin edge of the wedge, as Labour have ALWAYS done, hiding legislation in with other more populist stuff. Sneaky underhanded back stabbers!!

pslewis 18 November 2012 06:11 PM

They shafted me over my Pension - I hold no candle for them ....... but, at least they knew what to do about the economy.

The Tory Boys ... and let's be clear, they ARE boys! Having never worked a day in their lives and having never gone hungry, or cold, once!

These boys don't have a clue - not a clue.

Jimbob 18 November 2012 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10873428)
They shafted me over my Pension - I hold no candle for them ....... but, at least they knew what to do about the economy.

The Tory Boys ... and let's be clear, they ARE boys! Having never worked a day in their lives and having never gone hungry, or cold, once!

These boys don't have a clue - not a clue.

Lmfao, what about our Gold reserves?? Brown broadcast that months in advance lowering the price by well over 75%, just think how much it would be worth now!!

But then Labour conquered boom and bust lmfao.

And if your MEN can do so well how are we right royally shafted now?? And you can't blame the world economy, as others haven't gone down the swanny, it was chronic mis management for DECADES!!

But you seem to know a lot about them Pete, did you attend the same PUBLIC schools as them, along with Millibrain and Balls-up. Atleast Cameron & co never cover up his past to prove something they aren't, unlike the privately educated Labour party claiming to be "working class" lmfao.

pslewis 18 November 2012 06:24 PM

Jimbob .... you speak wisdom by looking back - you haven't the ability to look forward, do you?

Jimbob 18 November 2012 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10873451)
Jimbob .... you speak wisdom by looking back - you haven't the ability to look forward, do you?

Yep, I learnt from the past to effect a better outcome.

Labour ALWAYS screw the country over, and leave the Tories to sort it out.

Whilst the communist unions brainwash the unintelligent into supporting a group of people they are paymasters over, so perpetuating the misery of the average worker, whilst they profiteer!!

Example 1. Skargill living in his mansion losing the jobs of the miners, whilst he was on a personal crusade. Millions out of work, but he kept his mansion!!

Example 2. Dave Prentis Unison, leading his 6 figure salary affecting the lowest paid in the country, holding everyone else over a barrel.

So to sum up, only an idiot would support a party run by Unions for Unions, at the cost of jobs and the lowest paid. Whilst their rabble rousers promise the world to the worst off, and give nothing, but take their membership money and live in their mansions and privately educate their children, just like the Labour leadership!!

pslewis 18 November 2012 06:37 PM

Jimbob - you don't go back far enough to be wise with the past ....... I go past through many Governments.

The basic principles remain as they always were .... Labour are Inclusive and the Tories are Exclusive.

Under Labour everyone has a chance .... whereas the Tories look after their own, the rich! That power comes, in the main, from heredity ....... look at that clown Osborne, handed a Paint Empire but as thick as a thick thing.

Jimbob 18 November 2012 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10873487)
Jimbob - you don't go back far enough to be wise with the past ....... I go past through many Governments.

The basic principles remain as they always were .... Labour are Inclusive and the Tories are Exclusive.

Under Labour everyone has a chance .... whereas the Tories look after their own, the rich! That power comes, in the main, from heredity ....... look at that clown Osborne, handed a Paint Empire but as thick as a thick thing.

Hahahahahahahaha, thats the BEST you can do??

But as you mention it, who is better with money, those who have always had it, or those who have recently acquired it??

Labour squander and spend like there is no tomorrow, and max out the credit cards, and have no idea. Conservatives have been around for hundreds of years, and made our country what it is. I mean where were they during the last few hundred years??

Thats right unable to vote, and doing what they were told, back when Britain was GREAT. Look at what they have done since, ruined us time and time again.

trails 19 November 2012 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by tubbytommy (Post 10872104)
corby is a sh1t hole full of plastic jocks,eastern europeans and warehouses.
i can tell you this as i live 5 miles away.

Agreed, but the skatepark is good (when the roof isn't leaking).

Leslie 19 November 2012 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10873428)
They shafted me over my Pension - I hold no candle for them ....... but, at least they knew what to do about the economy.

The Tory Boys ... and let's be clear, they ARE boys! Having never worked a day in their lives and having never gone hungry, or cold, once!

These boys don't have a clue - not a clue.

If I understand you correctly Pete, how can you possibly praise Labour for their abilities with regard to the economy?

It is saying Black is White!


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