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bumpy 09 May 2002 10:53 PM

Was disapointed to find it's not up and running yet, anyone have any idea?

cheers :D

luv bumps x

ChrisB 09 May 2002 11:51 PM

No return date for it AFAIK.


gossythevaleter 10 May 2002 12:27 AM

rumour has it it wont return

imprezaturbo555 10 May 2002 02:38 AM

not trying to buy a scooby were ya bump ;) :)


Shaun 10 May 2002 03:46 AM

The problem with ALL rumours, is that they are FALSE!!!!;)

Please bear with us, as the Shop WILL BE BACK bigger and better.


Caronte 10 May 2002 04:19 AM

as the serach?!?!?!

MOUSEMAN 10 May 2002 07:00 AM

Will it sell SCOOBYNET stickers and smiles.

bioforger 10 May 2002 10:24 AM

Please bear with us, as the Shop WILL BE BACK bigger and better.
yadda yadda yadda, copy n pasted eh :rolleyes:

logiclee 10 May 2002 03:08 PM


Salsa-king is doing scoobynet stickers and smilies with Simons consent. :)

Drop him an e-mail.


Shaun 10 May 2002 04:11 PM


I will lie and say it is never coming back ALONG with the search.

I really love people that are sooooo supportive towards this service. Good job the moderators don't think the same, else you wouldn't have a BBS to moan about!!!!

Hos 10 May 2002 04:23 PM

A moderator that lies???

This will soon turn into the labour party ;)

bumpy 10 May 2002 06:25 PM

Thanks for taking the time to reply lads:)

Stu, I don't think I'm buying a scooby no, I'm still unconverted, I might have to drive yours a bit more tho, just to be sure ;) :D

luv bumps x

MichelleWRX1994 10 May 2002 06:46 PM

All good things come to those who wait.

As Shaun is saying, be patient!!!

EvilBevel 10 May 2002 06:55 PM

>>I really love people that are sooooo supportive towards this service. Good job the moderators don't think the same, else you wouldn't have a BBS to moan about!!!!

Oh ****, I shouldn't reply... but I am :(

Shaun, you know I love you :) but please get off your high horse here.

The BBS is about the people that post here. Sure, some folks are doing a lot more than just post, but they will feel good about it too, and they'll know that a number of people highly appreciate it anyway. Some just whine. Some are in between those 2 positions.

I don't think you can accuse me of being unsupportive of Scoobynet... do you agree ?

People may be ****y about search and the shop etc... and don't appreciate the work that it takes... but ... shouldn't you be GLAD so many people ask for it ?

This BBS needs search back as soon as possible. The shop should follow, as does the charity thing. And no, I'm no longer a candidate for doing that work for reasons that are way beyond Scoobynet (so don't ask me, OK ?)

I am NOT posting this out of sour grapes or whatever, things go the way things go, and I'm NOT posting this to prove a point or whatever.

I just think it's time to either take Scoobynet to the next level, and I honestly don't have a clue WHY it doesn't happen, or to wither away.

This will be my last post in General, I'll still be in Drivetrain if you guys will have me there, and I'm not doing a "Moray" (I'd rather ****in die), but you guys really need to get your act together.

No hard feelings, hope it is mutual.


PS: I still owe you guys 200 quid. Or even 400, don't remember. Please take me serious enough to actually come and get my money. Thanks.

carl 10 May 2002 07:07 PM

Shaun, do you have a stake in Scoobynet Ltd. ?

EvilBevel 10 May 2002 07:13 PM

Carl, you are being an asshole... dunno if you met Shaun already, but he is a genuine guy. You can trust me on this one.



carl 10 May 2002 07:13 PM

I was just interested....

chrisp 10 May 2002 08:38 PM

I know its annoying not having a search it not like it hasnt been tried and it nearly killed the server. I know from experience its takes a huge effort to write mega efficient code and yet still be bug free and still functionally rich. I dont envy Simons job as at times it seems to be unappreciated when things are working and chief villian when problems occur. Shaun also seems to come in for some stick which again I dont think is very fair. They are both trying to provide a FREE service to the scoob community. Name me another car related BB thats is anywhere near as big.

Personally I would rather having a working bbs than a search facility. What has impressed me is over the last year how little downtime there is has been for the amount of traffic. Aftering talking to Simon a while ago about the number of hits this site gets you would be amazed how the server and code copes, staggering isnt the word. I guess the figures quoted to me are even higher now. Just think how much time a week you spend on here and how many people who also just read and are not registered. Ignoring the muppets ;) have a look at the number of posts people have made. I perhaps only a post a few times a day and some days not at all and have racked up 1000+ posts.

I am sure Simon wants the shop and search up and running asap. The shop so that he can make a few quid ;) and the search to help out his moderators, members, newbies and the consequential managing of the increasing size of his database.

Just my 2p worth


Hos 10 May 2002 10:54 PM


[Edited by Hos - 5/11/2002 2:37:26 AM]

DocJock 11 May 2002 08:06 AM


This is meant in a constructive, non-sarcastic way OK ?
Would it be worth puttng up a *sticky* thread explaining this ?

May save you having to answer this (and the shop question) every 2 or 3 days.

Shaun 11 May 2002 10:29 AM

Comments simulated. :)

Don't think that I am ignoring your comment, if it doesn't happen (because it is a very valid one), but "the way forward" should become more apparent within the next couple of weeks.


PeteT 12 May 2002 10:28 AM

Is this the wrong time to mention Scoobynews again? ;)

Rex93 12 May 2002 10:45 AM

Being farely new to scoobynet(excellent btw) I have not seen the shop open.
Could someone please tell me what sort of things I/we can look forward to seeing/buying when its up and running.
I appreciate the amount of work involved in setting this sort of thing up, so please don,t take this as a "I want the shop open now" comment.

chrisp 12 May 2002 11:38 AM

From memory all sorts of things.

Books, badges, clothing, hats, caps, boots, a RC impreza, videos, stickers, keyrings etc etc

polarbearit 12 May 2002 01:44 PM

I've been on scoobynet for the past 18 months or so, in that time the number of users has risen hugely. Am I right in thinking there were about 3000ish 18months ago? Anyway now there are another 10000. So the BBS has grown vastly, but in that same time we've lost search, shop and been promised various things which never materialised. I'm sure that there are genunine reasons for this, but as it stands scoobynet has 'unhappy customers' waiting for a CD which was promised 'soon' on several occasions but has yet to materialise.

Scoobynet is not just a community, but a business, and as such promises should be kept. Even as a community scoobynet is only 'ok', it is let down hugely by lack of a search facility (this makes very useful threads useless after a few day :( and means the same questions are repeated).

Sort it out and get scoobynet moving, it is had a huge amount of publicity over the past year, now give it the backing it deserves to make it better than just 'ok'


carl 12 May 2002 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Shaun:

SINCE when has Scoobynet been a business!!!!!!!!!!
Since Scoobynet Ltd. (previously known as Naycroft Ltd.) was registered with Companies House? I would tell you the registration number and date of registration, but their website doesn't work on Sundays. I looked yesterday and I noted its last annual return was 31/7/2001.

To my mind, limited company that is not a registered charity is a 'business'. :confused:

DocJock 12 May 2002 05:43 PM

Oh FFS !!

If people are that unhappy may I suggest a solution??

All the *unhappy customers* post below and I'm sure Simon will be happy to refund all the money in full that you have paid him to use the BBS.

****ing British disease........ [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

carl 13 May 2002 12:21 PM

Whilst Scoobynet is part of Scoobynet Ltd (for legal reasons), Scoobynet or Scoobynet BBS do not work on a profit.
Sorry, this doesn't explain things at all. You are suggesting there are three separate entities:
1) Scoobynet
2) Scoobynet BBS
3) Scoobynet Ltd.

What are they all? And just because the company doesn't make a profit doesn't mean it's not a business. Any IT contractors caught by IR35 legislation are not allowed to make a profit (they have to draw everything, bar 5% expenses and a few other bits, as salary) but you wouldn't argue they were working for free or for the benefit of the community. For all I know, somebody could take what's left in Scoobynet Ltd. out at the end of the year as a large salary bonus (not very tax-efficient, but it's possible) then the company wouldn't 'make a profit'.

I've got no objections to Scoobynet being run as a business (somebody has to pay for the servers, bandwidth, and development) and I've got no objection to it making a profit (I presume this is the goal of the Scoobynet Shoppe?).

I guess the simplest thing to do is wait for the annual accounts to be published.

Lee 13 May 2002 01:41 PM

The problem here is that there are many rumours flying around which could be easily solved by a "coming out" process :-)

On my travels in scoobyland I have heard that SDB was giving up his "dayjob" and making scoobynet his living, if true no need to be ashamed its not exactly "fleecing the weak" is it - afterall the BBS is free to users...servers and bandwidth cost money... in some places on BBSs SDB has been adamant this is not true, some people believe they've been told it direct..

I've heard that the shop was generating too much work and was closed, I've also heard another that there were too many supply issues and customer support issues, yet another is that it wasn't making the money...yet another is that some advertisers did not like the shop and threatened to pull their advertising...

Thats just 2 separate issues. One thing is for hear so much that truth and lie just blends in until you don't know whether you're coming or going. I for one gave up bothering about a year ago now..I only check scoobynet for the computer section believe it or not !!!

bumpy 13 May 2002 01:55 PM

Can I just say here, that I wasn't intending to cause any bother. I wasn't aware that the question had been posted before, being a loiterer on RSOC bb and not here. I just wanna get the bloke something scooby related for his birthday that's all. If one of the mods could mail me when the shop opens that would be great. If anyone has any idea where I can get hold of subaru merchandise that would be lovely ta :)

I'll go now and leave you to your debate ;)

luv bumps x

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