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scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 07:35 PM


Just a bit of info from needed if anyone can help out. I was in a car crash a couple of years back and did actually hurt my neck it wasnt life threatening or serious and had never thought about claiming but recently have been bombarded with calls telling me I could claim.

The issue I have is I was in a friends car and dont want to make a claim if its going to raise his policy price or mess his current policy up.
Does anyone know if I did put a claim in would it effect his insurance policy ?

I would be very greatfull for any advice or info you have.



Moley 22 February 2012 10:00 PM

If you didn't need compensation at the time why do you need it now?

scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 10:10 PM

Hi, I was going to claim at the time but my mate thought it would mess up his ins and with these companies calling me all the time asking me to pursue it I thought Id check to see if it would effect his ins.
I know your the ins expert on here so u may be able to give me some info on this if thats possible ?



Midlife...... 22 February 2012 10:13 PM

You will likely fall foul of the statute of limitations / time expired, and as Moley says why claim now ?


Midlife...... 22 February 2012 10:14 PM

And the medical evidence will be long gone...........

scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 10:26 PM

Hi, as said I didnt claim at the time because i didnt want to mess up his ins policy and to be honest im not someone that would make a claim, but with these companies ringing me daily I thought I would look into it, if it didnt effect his policy then why not claim I had to take time off work due to the neck injury that cost me and had to go to physio which was more time off work so I thought hey why not. I have 2 kids one aged 3 the other 11 months and thought it would help out the family with the little extra cash.

I have been told you can claim up to 3 years and all medical info from doc will be held on my file at the docs.

I was just asking a genuine question and was just wanting a little info on the subject.



Moley 22 February 2012 10:37 PM

I can't understand why you didn't ask at the time if it'd effect his policy, but you'll ask now, a few years later.

Well, i do understand why, but i should keep my opinions to myself.

scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 10500928)
I can't understand why you didn't ask at the time if it'd effect his policy, but you'll ask now, a few years later.

Well, i do understand why, but i should keep my opinions to myself.

I did ask at the time but was told it could effect his policy so the info given may have been wrong I dont know and thats why I have asked on her.
My circumstances are different now to what they were 2 years ago and with these companies hounding me at every given chance I thought Id look into it.
So will it effect his policy or ins ? He has said he is still with the same company and it was a 50/50 payout.


Moley 22 February 2012 10:44 PM

Ask the compo company, make them work for their £2k(+)

Moley 22 February 2012 10:47 PM

If anyone wants to know why their premium is so expensive, this thread explains it.

scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 10500940)
If anyone wants to know why their premium is so expensive, this thread explains it.

I kinda resent that comment, I havent even placed a claim or even decided if im going to as yet I was just doing a little foot work into it.

The reason ins has gone for us all is because ppl make a career out of blagging ins companies the have got whip lash along with the other 4 members of the family that were in the so called "shunt"

I on the other hand was in a crash on the motorway in my friends car when he was hit by another car changing lanes and we crashed, I was injured and because I didnt want to mess my friends ins up I didnt claim so NO your wrong this isnt why ppl ins has gone up.
I possibly could be making a genuine claim for compo there was no thought at the time when we were driving down the motorway did we think ( I have an idea lets crash and all put a claim in) It was an accident where I was actually injured.

People that make a career out of putting in claims and having gods knows how many claims in different names with a car full of ppl that purposley brake to cause the accident are the ppl that have caused ins to go up.

Yes I agree there will be a percentage of genuine whip lash claims that will drive up the ins for everyone including me but that doesnt mean its wrong to claim or in my case just ask for some information about it.

I was only asking a question.


Moley 22 February 2012 11:19 PM

My point is that if you weren't injured enough to feel you need compo at the time, why wait untill now?

It comes accross (hopefully wrongly) that you've been contacted by the 'no-win-no-fee' parasites, and think you can get an easy £2k.

And yes, like it or not, it's exactly this that's putting up premiums, not just the people who have false claims to make a living.

The other persons insurers could happily take you to court if they wanted to, so a judge could decide if you should be compensated or not, so it's them you need to convince, not us.

Insurers are doing what they can now to stop getting stung by these type of claims, so don't expect an easy ride.

Even David Cameron and the Goverment are trying to stamp it out apparently.

scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 11:30 PM

Im right with you on all you said and Like I said at the start of the thread I was just after some imformation about it.
I have to agree it is those "parasites" so to speak that has prompted me into looking into this further having said that once I have gathered all the information about making a claim I may or may not pursue it.
I always like to put some ground work into things before I make an informed decision. I appreciate your input and will take this into concideration when I make my choice of what to do. Having said that you still didnt answer my question but not to worry I can see this subject has rattled your cage so to speak so I wont ask any further question and will take my (only question) else where.



Moley 22 February 2012 11:41 PM

It hasn't rattled my cage as such, it's just that i have people moan at me all day because they think they pay too much insurance, and when i try to explain why, they think things like this don't happen, so it's actually done me a favour to prove it does!!!

If your friend has informed his insurers that the accident happened, then it shouldn't effect him, as a claim willl have been noted already. If he didn't notify them then he'll have to if you claim, which could effect him.

Terminator X 22 February 2012 11:48 PM

Compo britain, no wonder our premiums go up every fookin year! Will peeps never learn :(


scoobywrxwagon 22 February 2012 11:50 PM

Thanks for the advice and your thoughts on the subject as said I havent even decided if I am going to follow this up as yet im still looking into it.

Thanks again


P.S - I was prob one of the ppl asking why my ins had gone up as my ins is through you.

Terminator X 22 February 2012 11:53 PM

Why do you think you need / deserve a few grand due to your sore neck or whatever?


Moley 22 February 2012 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by scoobywrxwagon (Post 10501033)
Thanks for the advice and your thoughts on the subject as said I havent even decided if I am going to follow this up as yet im still looking into it.

Thanks again


P.S - I was prob one of the ppl asking why my ins had gone up as my ins is through you.

Now you know ;):D

The law says you may be intitled to claim, just consider all insurers are really clamping down on PI claims at the moment, so it may not be as simple as the no-win-no-fee company will have you think.

LUCKO 22 February 2012 11:56 PM

no insurer in the land will give you a penny for a 'whiplash' claim from a couple of years ago but hey give it a go and when you fail you get to pay the legal costs :lol1:

words fail me

scoobywrxwagon 23 February 2012 12:08 AM

To all that are burning me, It was a question just remember that. I find on here ppl are always so quick to jump the gun and not actually read the post and make assumtions based on the last few comments.

I thank you all for your informed information and interest it helps me a great deal.

Many Regards

Terminator X 23 February 2012 12:22 AM

You've not answered my question fella? I'm genuinely interested in the answer.


scoobywrxwagon 23 February 2012 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by Terminator X (Post 10501039)
Why do you think you need / deserve a few grand due to your sore neck or whatever?


I have never at any point said I need or deserve any compo, I was merely spending some time looking into the process and possible outcome if I persue with a claim.

Could I ask you the same question, why are you interested in that side of things when the post was to ask something completly different.

P.s - Why does this feel like a witch hunt when all I did was ask a question about claiming. I havent claimed I was gathering info about it.Is that not one of the joys of the forum/internet. You use other ppl experiences and knowledge to help when you need it most.


Terminator X 23 February 2012 12:39 AM

If you're thinking of claiming then my question is relevant - why do you need or deserve some cash?


scoobywrxwagon 23 February 2012 12:44 AM

As a recompense for loss, injury and suffering. Is the definition so thats the reason I guess. I dont make the rules I just live by them.


LUCKO 23 February 2012 12:54 AM

dude go for it ill p155 my pants laughing when you fail :D

scoobywrxwagon 23 February 2012 12:56 AM

As said before thanks for you input.

The joys of the internet

Makes me laugh


LUCKO 23 February 2012 12:59 AM

your welcome, always happy to help yet another 'whiplash victim' from West Yorkshire

hang on West Yorkshire??? thats Bradford aint it?

:lol1: :thumb:

scoobywrxwagon 23 February 2012 01:11 AM

Bang on r kid me an mi brudas were in da car init and we breaked to get some compo init.

Your ignorance and cheap way of having a pop at me is actually funny lol As u will well know West Yorkshire is a county and yes bradford is in West Yorks along with 6 other cities. Im quite suprised you know that. Well done.

Anyway, im not getting dragged into coversation with someone that has nothing construtive to offer the post, but thanks for your entertaing input. Night Night


Terminator X 23 February 2012 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by scoobywrxwagon (Post 10501077)
As a recompense for loss, injury and suffering. Is the definition so thats the reason I guess. I dont make the rules I just live by them.

What have you lost? How have you suffered? Can you understand where I'm coming from here? If only 99% of claimants just "got on with life" society would be better off & we may even see premiums go down :idea:


LUCKO 23 February 2012 01:28 AM

Rich come back dont take the internet seriously

what response did you want?

gave up to easily ;)

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