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Mr.Manchester 21 April 2002 11:18 AM

I dont now wether to buy an Xbox or PS2?
I fancy the xbox but im not keen on some of the games but on the other hand i think the PS2 will be a passing trend as there are a classic selection of games out for it already.

What would you buy?

[Edited by Mr.Manchester - 4/21/2002 11:19:34 AM]

ScottyScoob 21 April 2002 12:38 PM

PS2 just cos they Rock

Sorry cant think of anything else to say why

CRAIGFIN 21 April 2002 01:12 PM

Having seen both back to back I will be sticking with my PS2. I'd feel seen off buying an XBOX as they are PC's in a small box. I agree with Scotty, PS2's rock!!


netclectic2 21 April 2002 04:01 PM

ps2 because of the number of games available!

the xbox is rather hot though so it may be worth holding off til the game situation picks up!

Mr.Manchester 21 April 2002 05:43 PM

just been out and had a go of both of them at Dixons but i still cant make my mind up.............

PS2 has good gameplay but not as good graphics

XBox has very good graphics but not as good gameplay

AAAAAAAAArrrgggggghhhhhhh :(

ScottyScoob 22 April 2002 06:53 AM

PS2 GT3 hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

NeilT 22 April 2002 09:04 AM

easy - get an Xbox with Halo and Project Gotham Racing.

Halo rocks - if you're into FPS this is easily the best game around at the moment....

Wait until Aprtil 26 thou as the Xbox will then be £199!


Pete_UK99 22 April 2002 11:14 AM

PS2 does not "Rock" is sucks big time. Did you know that the texture space on that pile of poo is only 2 megs more then the PS1. I hate it and never want to work on it again.

DJ Dunk 22 April 2002 11:16 AM

. . . and the DVD playback sucks too :(

Mr.Manchester 22 April 2002 06:31 PM

still undecided :(

anyone else?

scooby nutter 22 April 2002 06:53 PM

PS2 rocks.
Hundreds of games,loads of extras available,plays Dvd at NO Extra Cost,plays older ps1 games/controllers.Easy modchip installation for import games.It also keeps the RIGHT time!;)

Look at the spec sheets and the X box kicks ass,But at the end of the day it is a computer put in a box.Will you have to upgrade each time a new game comes out like the PC's??

I predict 2 years and the X box will be dead.(unless Mr Microsoft buys Sony and stops production)Like He has bought Games developers and they can't work on games for other consoles!!Is he Scared??

X box RIP
Game cube RIP
Jaguar RIP
Dreamcast RIP
CDi RIP......

Pete_UK99 23 April 2002 09:17 AM

Oh well if the Xbox gets killed off we'll just have to enjoy the lovely low res textures on the PSpoo and the really fancy flicker you get from the graphics because they don't mip map properly. PS2 is just going to hold back the games industry for the next 4 years when we could be getting some really good looking games.

rik1471 23 April 2002 09:33 AM

The Playstation2 better come back with something good now.

Xbox is £199
Gamecube will be £129

Without a price reduction Playstation 2 will suffer.

ptholt 23 April 2002 09:47 AM

Just out of interest, what games developers has microsoft actually 'bought' ?

I know they have invested heavily and placed serveral under xbox only contracts, but that was specific games not everything the company releases.But that sort of thing has been happening for years.

NumptyScrub 23 April 2002 07:13 PM

My take? Buy what you want... the PS2 is older ie. more games, shorter lifespan. The Xbox is newer ie. more horsepower, and a wait for new titles. Having played on both (my PS2, a mates Xbox) I can't say you'd be disappointed with either, as they both do their job well.

Pete_UK99, I would guess from your replies that you've done some development on the PS2. Fair enough, I'm sure the graphics chipset is looking decidedly dated when compared to a modified GeForce3. This is the nature of the beast though... compared to the SNES, the PS2 must look just a desirable a development platform for 3D... :D


PS: As soon as some "leet hacker" puts an Xbox emulator for the PC together, I won't see the need to buy an Xbox at all... especially when you can run Xbox games on faster hardware at 1280*1024, something you cannot do with an Xbox console no matter how much you might want to. The only major difficulty would be getting controllers either working on a PC (needs a hardware solution) or emulated properly.

NeilT 24 April 2002 09:40 AM

I've found info on an Xbox hack already available with emu's coming soon (weeks away apparently) but you're gonna need a pretty hefty PC to run Halo as smoothly.

The reason I bought an Xbox was two fold

a) its a little more sociable and less geeky than having mates huddled round the 15" monitor in the office playing half-life

b)its the first console that is clearly up to the job of producing top notch graphics and gameplay (Halo, Yager, UC etc), the only other at present IMHO being the GC.

Also, have a look at this Yoshis Box- gr8!! :D,24330,3381725,00.html

btw how do I add a clickable link into my thread?



NumptyScrub 24 April 2002 12:07 PM


{url=}Scoobynet BBS{/url}

change the curly brackets { to square ones [ and:

Scoobynet BBS

Click on Edit to see the text (if it isn't your post, you won't be able to modify it but you can still see the text :))

RE: the emulators, given a similar spec to the Xbox hardware (1GHz CPU/GeForce3) I can't see there being a problem running Xbox software on a PC. After all, it's a PC in a smaller box, really...


Black Mamba 25 April 2002 02:26 PM


My advice is to buy a really high spec PC. You can get them fairly cheap now (like the Aldi Medion machine) and there are more titles out than you could ever dream about. It is a multitask machine. DVD playback is awesome, FPS are amazing (JediKnight II) and just about everything can be done with a PC. IMHO the graphics are superb and the range of games available (strategy, driving, "God" games) is immense. There is something for everyone. PCs are simply the best for games!

Black Mamba.

roadrunner 25 April 2002 04:07 PM


XBoxSucks 25 April 2002 04:15 PM

need I say more?

Modrapheniac 25 April 2002 04:26 PM

O.K. The Console wars rage on eh !
I have an extremely powerful PC that I built myself, I also have a PS2 and an XBox. If like me you like playing games, get a console and play on a lovely 46inch widescreen TV with your mates, or alternatively huddle round a PC monitor fighting for chair space !
Both consoles are qreat, they're cheap enough to enable you to buy both. Yes, the games selection on XBox is limited, but it was the same when PS2 came out ...... give it time !
Prices being dropped surely is not a bad thing, many more people will now buy the XBox, which in the long term is great, more punters = more quality games.
And. on a huge plus side, my Kids (5 + 6) can play both consoles without me having to re-configure the PC when they've finished.

I agree PCs are great, but so are the consoles, and they're far easier and more convenient to use.

Less of the bickering, and enjoy.......

Darrell :D

Edited to say .......... Corner ! :D :D

[Edited by Modrapheniac - 4/25/2002 4:27:00 PM]

Jabs 25 April 2002 05:01 PM

PS2 rock they have much better game selection!!!

viodea 25 April 2002 10:50 PM

scooby nutter: How well is the mod chip for PS2? How difficult to put the chip in? Have you tried any import games?
I really want to buy PS2. I love the ISS Pro soccer game too but too bad I'm in the US. We only get the MLS soccer which use the same engine but different teams. I want the ISS Pro but it can't be played on US PS2 unless I do the mod-chip.
Advice please!!!


AML 26 April 2002 10:54 AM



dogdogman 26 April 2002 03:14 PM

Modrapheniac, point taken about everyone huddling around a PC monitor! However, have you never tried the TV out from the PC's graphics card to a big widescreen TV? I play many of my PC games on my widescreen so it really is not a valid argument. I'm sticking with my PC as it blows everything else clean out of the water!
Happy gaming,

scooby nutter 26 April 2002 07:51 PM

if your into playing import games get a modchip like the Messiah.
You need a very good soldering hand to do the install but if you do a search on the web there will be someone near you that will install it.

Try looking on cdrom-guide .com under the ps2 section.

Catalunya74 29 April 2002 08:06 PM

If your going to play it loads, then you'd be better off with the PS/2 as there's loads of games out there for few pennies (chips anyone) But if you want quality Graphics, still with Gameplay then go down the xbox avenue, I've both and i much prefere Project Gotham to GT3, Plus here's the cheeeesy bit (just up your street Mr. M) ive got a spare xbox in its box which is yours for £160 and a spare controller for £10

Mr.Manchester 29 April 2002 11:15 PM

ooohhhh nnooooooo! :p i was tempted but ive decided on a PS2, theres a deal at PC World at the moment. If you buy 5 PS2 Games then you get the PS2 for £99!

cheers anyway mate.

JackClark 29 April 2002 11:18 PM

Got both and not impressed with Project Gotham and Amped in the way I was with SSX and GT3. Halo on the other hand seems to be a stunning game, although killing is not my thing.

I can see the XBox making the PS2 look pants in a few months and fingers crossed for a more comfy controller.

viodea 30 April 2002 12:16 AM

scooby nutter

Is a game shark or some short required to play import games after I install the modchip?


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