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vallumlj 04 May 2011 09:51 PM

Has anyone lost weight recently if so how did u do it.
I could really do with losing a stone or two but everytime i try i give up to quick.

Has anyone drop weight recently if so how did you do it?

I was thinking about trying to get back into the gym or going running / cycling.

Any tips would be good.


astraboy 04 May 2011 09:53 PM

Nothing for breakfast,

Mackrel and salad for lunch,

Can of slimline soup in the evening.

Cup of green tea then an hour long walk in the evening.

When I felt hungry, drank water to fill me up and make them go away.

Managed to lose two stone in two months.

hodgy0_2 04 May 2011 09:55 PM


cut down/out drink and don't eat carbs (pasta potatoes rice) last meal of the day

pslewis 04 May 2011 10:11 PM

I lost weight once .... I ate less calories than I burnt up.

Amazingly, it worked!! :thumb:

Sadly, I then ate more calories than I burned and put the weight back on ..... which is a right pain in the rear!!

davyboy 04 May 2011 10:20 PM

Eat less, do more. It is no more complex than that.

I lost 3.5 stone doing it. From XL to M clothes :)

I counted calories for about a week or 2, including beer, sauces etc, I tend to eat the stuff each week. Also did some cycling which I really enjoyed.

ditchmyster 04 May 2011 10:21 PM

Yes ME :luxhello: i've lost 12 kilos in about 6 months, just stop eating carbs and crap, no bread chips rice or pasta eat a good breakfast, i have bran flakes weetabix and muesli with a banana in the same bowl, protein at lunch and usually a chicken or tuna salad for tea.

I started with 10 press ups and 20 sit ups and a 10 min jog as i was so unfit to do more would only cause injury and as previous injuries were the main reason for my getting so unfit i thought it best not to over do it.

Now i'm doing 100 sit ups 1hr mixed weights/ bag work and a six mile march / jog as i have a dodgy knee and if i run too much it gives me problems.

My Main tips would be eat at regular intervals avoid carbs in the first instance and drink lots of water as this helps speed up your matabolism.

Do some form of work out every day no matter how little, DON'T over do it listen to your body.

Stick at it and in a month you will see the results, you did not gain the weight in one week so don't expect to loose it in one week.

It's not easy but i look soooooo good now it's really worth it:D

As kate moss said nothing tastes as good as thin feels:thumb:

dpb 04 May 2011 10:25 PM

That is jus so much much rubbish - how can anything look as good as a pint of bitter :cuckoo:

davyboy 04 May 2011 10:26 PM

....despite what others said, I still ate pasta, 'tatuz and rice.

ditchmyster 04 May 2011 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 10022996)
That is jus so much much rubbish - how can anything look as good as a pint of bitter :cuckoo:

Shut it fatty.

I did not say anything about ale, i wouldn't be without the odd pint of bitter either.:D

Graz 04 May 2011 11:10 PM

Last year - just getting out on the bike most evenings for a 10 mile circuit. No significant changes to eating though I did give up bread for lunches, instead had salad + ham/cheese or some other protein fix.

Plan to be out on it again except it needs repair. Must get around to that!

lordharding 04 May 2011 11:57 PM

I have lost half a stone in the last 2 months

Cereal toast and tea in morning

Sandwich and crisps and yoghurt for lunch

Meal as normal at night varies

Stopped drinking a pint of milk just half now and no more crisps,and cheese and biscuits at night ,just an apple

Only exercise is walking a mile or so at night ,no gym or silly exercises or kebabs or pints of beer or fizzy drinks

Just over 13 stone and 6th tall was 14s a year ago

Brun 05 May 2011 12:12 AM

Has anyone last weight recently if so how did u do it.
Had a poo - a good 2 pounder :D

Frosticles 05 May 2011 12:13 AM

Cut out sweets and chocolate. Bought a mountain bike and play squash 3 times a week. Working for me so far and lost over a stone in 2 months.

SiPie 05 May 2011 06:39 AM

Not me personally but a friend cut out dairy and wheat and the weight just fell off

Stevesbluewrx 05 May 2011 06:40 AM

Good thread this.

I used to be up until I was 18 toned (six pack the lot) due to playing sports and swimming.

I then had money from my job and found I was spending it on drink and fast food. By the age of 21 my weight match my age.

I then started playing football again and lost all the excess weight etc. However I found my weight going between the 16-19 stone mark all the time.

I got married in March and prior to that I lost weight leading up to the wedding day and the day before I wed i weighed 16.2 stone.

I have since then due to the good weather (BBQ's,drinking,lazy days) and crappy nights at work have put on 2.5 stone since 25th March!! I need to get my butt down the gym but cannot manage to find the time due to work and family.

I am going to start as of today cut out fizz,crisps,coffee,energy drinks and snacks also to start going back down the gym. Will also include more fish and drink more water.

Fingers crossed.


hutton_d 05 May 2011 08:20 AM

Eat less is all you need to do. And that means eat less of the "cr*p" and more of the healthy foods. Less grains and sugar and more unprocessed food. People actually survive quite happily on much less food than they think they need.

Exercise helps but not as much as people think. I think the main weight loss benefit from exercise (and this is from someone with 4 London Marathons under his belt - as fast as 2-38) is the fact that you have long periods in the day (before and during exercise) when you can't eat .... though obviously exercise has other health benefits!

Oh, and plenty of water and sleep also help, but cut out that 'orrible food stuff, that's what puts the weight on.


pimmo2000 05 May 2011 08:54 AM

Start now, none of this I'll start on Monday rubbish, or this is the last day before my diet, I'll eat what I like .. all ****e ..

If you want it, start it now.

Clarebabes 05 May 2011 09:52 AM

I lost weight when davyboy put me on his strict diet. Lost a stone in about 2 months. It has plateaud, but now I am seriously cycling again, I am finding more is coming off. We don't cut anything out really, but we don't eat unhealthily either. I cannot remember the last time I cooked a roast dinner or had much red meat. It's mainly veggies, prawns, chicken and fish. Noodles form a large part of a few dishes, but I still eat pasta and rice. Curries can be low-fat and exceptionally tasty, even with low-fat cream in them. I haven't cut out bread or crisps, I just choose what bread and crisps I have, i.e. multi-seed loaf and baked crisps.

Just watch out for portion size and reduce it. Eat small and often if you get hungry, eat slowly, have water with your food, don't drink fizzy drinks, cut out sugar in your coffee which you should have black. Common sense should prevail really.

Clarebabes 05 May 2011 09:54 AM

By the way, you can lose weight by eating healthier alternatives to what you eat now. If you do this instead of radically changing your whole diet, it becomes a lifestyle change rather than a completely new diet - which we all know won't be sustainable for long periods!

Leslie 05 May 2011 10:10 AM

Just stop overeating. It worked for me.

Les :)

Leslie 05 May 2011 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10022963)
I lost weight once .... I ate less calories than I burnt up.

Amazingly, it worked!! :thumb:

Sadly, I then ate more calories than I burned and put the weight back on ..... which is a right pain in the rear!!

Go on Pete, show us the photo so we know what to aim for!

Les ;)

Luan Pra bang 05 May 2011 10:35 AM

I lost a lot of weight and put loads of muscle by going to the gym 5 days a week and eating as much food as humanly possible, 2 bowls of weatabix or branflakes in the morning , 2 chicken breasts vegetables and rice for lunch, same again or with fish or steak for dinner, more cereal before bed. The trouble started when I had a week off the gym on holliday and never went back. I put on three stone in six months.
I would personally say that you should eat plenty but keep carbs to the right amount for the exercise you do, eat as much lean meat and vegetables as you possibly can. Avoid carbs unless you are exercising. The trick is to try to to at least 20 minutes hard cardio in the moring as it keeps your metabolism up all day.

douglasb 05 May 2011 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by pslewis (Post 10022963)
I lost weight once .... I ate less calories than I burnt up.

Amazingly, it worked!! :thumb:

Sadly, I then ate more calories than I burned and put the weight back on ..... which is a right pain in the rear!!

For the second time in as many weeks I find myself agreeing with Pete! I must be turning into an old fart as well. :D.

I also lost weight a good few years ago. The secret was to eat fewer calories than I burned up each day. If you do that and stick to it you will lose weight. Thinking that the odd Mars bar doesn't count won't work!

I allowed myself a treat of 3 pints with friends on a Sunday night, however I had no alcohol at other times and the total number of calories averaged out fine over a complete week.

I used the F-Plan diet (which gives a good idea of when I did this :D) and found that it worked for me. The idea is that you limit calories but eat a lot of high fibre foods. These tend to be bulkier than low fibre so your stomach doesn't feel as empty. Also, as there is a lot of fruit and veg involved it's basically a healthy diet as well. (Your body gets used to the higher fibre and the "Johnny Fartpants" effect doesn't last!)

Like Pete though, I went back to curry and Guinness and put the weight back on.

ChefDude 05 May 2011 11:07 AM

i lost 4.5 stone over 6 months without doing any exercise - 15st down to 10.5st.

no processed food, so fresh vegetables and fresh butchered meat.
no processed sugars, just fresh fruit really.
I was actually on a low salt diet, so this pretty much cut out breads too.

and add up the numbers. always less than 1500 calories per day.

remember: 3500 calories you aren't disposing of will end up as 1 lb of fat on your butt ;)

i wouldn't advise this though - i got pretty down about my strict diet.

corradoboy 05 May 2011 12:43 PM

5st in 5 months.

Breakfast - Sausages, bacon, eggs, mushroom, tomatoes. Decaf tea/coffee (with saccharin sweetener), and made with soya milk.

Lunch - Fish (chip shop), a leaf salad with either mackerel, tuna, roll mops (pickled herring, yum), chicken pieces (drumsticks, thighs etc) or whatever.

Dinner - All the usual; steak, pork chops, fish, mince in chilli's, Bolognese etc, curry (home made), any meat or fish basically, but served with steamed non-root veg (broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, green beans, asparagus etc). No rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, sugar or sweet stuff, and no starchy veg.

hutton_d 05 May 2011 12:57 PM

Those that use artificial sweeteners, there is a current theory that they can actually make you gain weight. The usual link between 'sweetness' and 'calories' gets broken when you use these meaning your body's regulation of calorie intake goes to pot thus you "need" more sweet things ... QED.

Or so the theory goes but, as with most diet/nutrition "experts", it's all theory anyway.


ScoobySteve69 05 May 2011 02:15 PM

The people who cut out carbs, where do you get your energy from to excercise? I tried that once and I had no energy at all for my cycling :cuckoo:It`s all about balance and cutting out the `crap` :thumb:

Hysteria1983 05 May 2011 03:19 PM

I went out one day and replaced all my baking trays, life's dishes for smaller ones.
This resulted in smaller portions, and that on it's own made a huge difference. I used to just make a huge meal and then thought that I could freeze the leftovers for the kids, but I just used to put more on the plate.

I have also done was Clarebabes said, and replaced certain items with a healthier alternative.

The only thing im struggling with is the beer. I have been drinking rose wine instead, which is fine, but I really cannot cut out alcohol altogether.

fivetide 05 May 2011 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by ScoobySteve69 (Post 10023767)
The people who cut out carbs, where do you get your energy from to excercise? I tried that once and I had no energy at all for my cycling :cuckoo:It`s all about balance and cutting out the `crap` :thumb:

The idea is that your body burns its sored enery instead - i.e. fat.

Didn't really work for me either but I know some people swear by it.


ScoobySteve69 05 May 2011 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by fivetide (Post 10023869)
The idea is that your body burns its stored enery instead - i.e. fat.

Didn't really work for me either but I know some people swear by it.


That`s not the right way to do it though. You need carbs to burn for energy. When your carb levels are depleted and you start burning fat only, that`s when problems can occur (so I believe). If I`d ever tried doing a 100 mile Audax cycle ride with no carbs, I`d have `bonked` / hit the wall way before the end.

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