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lozgti1 27 October 2010 10:15 PM

Do you eat properly?
Thankfully my wife is very good or i would eat chinese and pizza all the time!

Breakfast...porridge,ok,oatso simple but still ok
Lunch....Sandwich,maybe pasta
Dinner....proper meal,fish or something with lots of veg

NO snacks or crap(yes I do though:D) not often

Do you just eat biscuits and pot noodles all day or are you good? (mind you,heard you should eat a top quality English breakfast then work your way down to a lettuce leaf for supper! Stuff that!)

Hysteria1983 27 October 2010 10:24 PM

I'm pretty good, I don't like food generally anyway, and sometimes go hours before thinking 'oh I haven't eaten yet today'.

I don't eat massivly healthy, but I eat bad stuff sparingly, such as chocolate and crisps on the weekend as a treat when watching a film.

I wonder how I survive sometimes. Rice, pasta, chicken, cheese and potato gets boring after a while.

My mum uses to say I only ate White food, with chocolate as an exception. But now I eat peas! Lol.

Wagon Gaz 27 October 2010 10:30 PM

My wife being an excelent cook means there are always great things around to eat, I tend not to eat crap, just too much good stuff. :lol1:

Glowplug 27 October 2010 10:42 PM

Up until 7 months ago my diet was totally out the window. No breakfast, then a full english at 1pm. Choccy, sweets and chrips all day washed down with upto 4 cans of red bull and as much coffee as i could. Then some sh1t pasta pot thing for tea washed down with a couple of stellas and a bag haribo.:eek:

5'6" 11st, but had a very active job and a high motabilism so burnt most of it off. Luckily.;)

All change now, tea, toast or cereal for brekky, a sarnie and a brew or a snack midday and some thing proper for tea. Still washed down with a few stella though.

dunx 27 October 2010 10:49 PM

Four days I try, three days I "sin"...

Work feed me when I'm on "lates", Saturday evening is "Chinese" time, and Sunday is full roast day...

Left to my own devices I survive on porridge, sarnies, and coffee, plus the odd cider !


P.S. Luckily I'm still fairly physically active, so no serious weight problem, YET !

Hysteria1983 27 October 2010 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by Wagon Gaz (Post 9679991)
My wife being an excelent cook means there are always great things around to eat, I tend not to eat crap, just too much good stuff. :lol1:

Too much of the good stuff can still be bad though.

ScoobySteve69 27 October 2010 11:32 PM

I try to be good but living on my own, half the time (especially after 12 hour day shifts) I can`t be arsed to cook `proper` stuff :(

dpb 27 October 2010 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Hysteria1983 (Post 9680035)
Too much of the good stuff can still be bad though.

All the way up to your first heart attack :Suspiciou

tarmac terror 28 October 2010 12:55 AM

used to pay no attention to what I ate, and it really was pretty poor. At a shade under 6ft, and 13st I was a long way from being overweight. Had to visit a doctor for something which I can't recall, and she asked if I had ever had my cholesterol tested. Test results came back as 10.2, that got me taking things a bit more seriously. Was struck down with kidney stones at one point and ended up quite badly de-hydrated. From that point on have made sure I drink a pint of water at every mealtime.

Got married and my wife is a fantastic cook, who knows about food groups etc. We eat a lot of good quality fresh produce for which I feel the benefits. If only I could persude myself to get more sleep at night though!!!!

Wagon Gaz 28 October 2010 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Hysteria1983 (Post 9680035)
Too much of the good stuff can still be bad though.

Absolutely :nono:

Leslie 28 October 2010 10:55 AM

We eat pretty healthily here, Mrs Leslie sees to that, she is a good cook and what we do have is very good. Don't eat much meat but we do like fish a lot and we live in a good place to get very fresh fish, just after it comes off the boats!

Don't eat fatty foods and my cholesterol level was 3.4 last time.

I think sensible eating pays off,especially later in life.


ScoobyDoo555 28 October 2010 11:21 AM

Since the ole' chap's heart attack put the frighteners through the family (he's ok now :) ), we've changed our eating habits.

TBH, kids eat MUCH better than Wifey (who eats better than I do) - my poor (in comparison) eating is down to being force-fed stuff at as a baby that I can remember be sick on.
The kids pretty much will eat anything, or at least try it (which is most of the battle)
Fruit & veg - in solid form, I won't touch (with exception to potatos - and not just in chip/crisp form! :D)
However, I get around it by making fresh soup and smoothies etc - ie if the texture is changed I'll eat it. :confused: :D

However, we have pretty regulated meals, and I do 99% of the cooking - I love it. All meals pretty much comprise of a balance of foodgroups, usually with a glass of wine or a beer during the week (all food is home prepared and cooked - no box sh1te) - the weekend is cr@p-time, followed by a home-cooked Sunday roast of either chicken or beef :)

dpb 28 October 2010 11:27 AM

you put all your vitamin c thro a liquidizer ?

ScoobyDoo555 28 October 2010 11:27 AM

OJ etc :)

Glowplug 28 October 2010 11:53 AM

Look what sh1tty link just delivered.

Right, whats for tea.:p

dpb 28 October 2010 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by ScoobyDoo555 (Post 9680567)
OJ etc :)

No whole fruit an veg ! , cant imagine it myself

ScoobyDoo555 28 October 2010 12:29 PM

I blame my Mum!! :D

Jamz3k 28 October 2010 12:39 PM

Well its my day off and i'm about to take a drive to the nicest chippy in NI for a sausage supper. Needless to say, i eat complete shite. Its not all my fault, my missus is a terrible cook.

urban 28 October 2010 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by b13bat (Post 9680624)
Look what sh1tty link just delivered.

Right, whats for tea.:p

How about some of these :D

dpb 28 October 2010 12:50 PM

They look like theyve jus been deposited outta the back end of something !

Puff The Magic Wagon! 28 October 2010 12:59 PM

I don't for the amount of exercise I do but I'm getting better.

5'9" - 11st

I now tend to have at least 1 fruit for breakfast (banana/pineapple) + a minimum of a couple of bits of toast, though today I had eggs/bacon on toast.
Lunch is sandwiches + generally a couple of bananas and apples during the day.
Supper is poss a bit too late but varies from pasta on nights before karate but is generally fresh meat/veg and made up as opposed to MRE

I cycle 7 miles to work each way at a good pace and do karate/weights twice a week each plus other things sometimes (mtb etc). I am aware I'm not always getting enough in and now on karate evenings take in a tub of pasta to have mid-afternoon beforehand then allow myself 30 mins recovery + isotonic drink/banana afterwards before cycling home.

It is something I need to sort out as I also think I may have low blood pressure - quite often dizzy when standing up - which is not helped by lack of food I believe.

Glowplug 28 October 2010 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by urban (Post 9680713)

We usually make our own sauces', pasta, curry or fish, i have never liked them from tins/jars.:nono:

dunx 28 October 2010 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by dpb (Post 9680729)
They look like theyve jus been deposited outta the back end of something !



Jamz3k 28 October 2010 02:21 PM

my chippy and burger was lovely.:D

Glowplug 28 October 2010 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Jamz3k (Post 9680932)
my chippy and burger was lovely.:D

What happened to the sausage supper, or did you opt for the healthy option?:D

dpb 28 October 2010 02:39 PM

Mechanically recovered all the way

Jamz3k 28 October 2010 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by b13bat (Post 9680956)
What happened to the sausage supper, or did you opt for the healthy option?:D

meal deal, tempted me away from the bangers and on to the 4oz burger.:D

Lydia72 28 October 2010 03:23 PM

Seven of my mum's siblings have/ had terminal cancer and there is also a history of heart disease so I try to eat properly most days.
Don't eat much processed food and never have takeaways or ready meals. I do love food though so if I'm eating out I'll happily tuck into three courses. I wouldn't make myself miserable over it but I don't want to have regrets later in life. Also have saved £££'s by not having takeaways (used to have two a week), it's quicker to cook my own Chinese than it is to order one.

billythekid 28 October 2010 03:29 PM

Brecki is a bowl of something, corn flakes etc.

Lunch, depends on what work I am doing. If I have been sat in the office all day probably not a lot - biscuit and a cuppa or another bowl of cerial or similar. If I have been working doing more physical stuff then probably something like a sandwich or a noodle pot thingy (tiger?). I like to have a full english (which in my book is bacon, egg, 2 sausage, beans and mushrooms) once a week for lunch (had it today mmmmm) and I will generally have something from the chippy on a Friday - but dont like fried fish so tend to have chips and curry or a chip barm.

Dinner, well thats a different ball game. We tend to make something from scratch, pasta, stew, fish or beef. Quite like steak so we always have that once a week with pasta generally. But on the whole I would say I dont really eat a lot for dinner, bit of meat and some pasta or veg - small portions on the whole.

Snacks - almost never really these days. When I was younger and we had a venders at work - every 5 mins! But now, we dont really have snack food in the house or at work so I just dont eat it.

I actually think all of the above is acceptable TBH, so long as you do regular excercise or have a physical job.

Where the damage is done is take away food. Curry esp. I love the stuff, and we do tend to have a curry now and then but TBH of late I have really gone off it as there is so much salt and fat in them its just stupid. So I tend to make my own now and there is almost no fat in them if you make them yourself. Chinese is just as bad at times, although I tend to go for fairly low fat options.

I will eat a kebab now and then too, maybe a couple of times a month - but the salt levels are insane so I try and avoid them but satruday night is kebab night so its hard to avoid it....

So in terms of eating well, I would say only 50% of the time for me.

However, I do try and avoid high fat and salt takeaway foods.

My grandparents lived off a fry up and would have a hot breakfast most days - 85% of the time I would say. Lunch would be bread and an apple or perhaps a tin of fish. Dinner was meat and veg or perhaps a pie (home made).

Both lived very long lives and most of the family eat the same way and they are all in their 90s. Everyone made it into their 80s.

Never eaten a kebab in their lives though... even chippy would be once a blue moon - maybe once every 3 or 4 months.

In my whole life I never ever saw my grandparents eat crisps, chocolate, rice, pasta, pizza or anything even near to a curry or chinese.

Thats how they were brought up I guess. We live on fast food a lot more. I think thats where the damage is done. Pure foods like eggs and meat, veg and cheese are what we should be eating.

windyboy 28 October 2010 03:41 PM

I try to eat healthily and make stuff from scratch when I can but looking after a disabled girlfriend and 2 (somethings 3) kids and 2 dogs and 4 cats I don't always get the chance, most nights it is very late before I make my dinner so it's usually a Ding Dinner or pizza or something that goes in the oven. It the weekends I usually make a roast dinner on Sunday and something requiring pots and pans on a Saturday, I don't drink (hardly ever) either.

Herself had a heart scare over the weekend and was in Hospital so now she's on a diet so it means no more cakes and more fruit in the house so it means Iam on a diet too :( LOL


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