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Scoobychick 05 April 2002 11:28 AM

Sometime during last night our 6 month old Staffie puppy got hold hold of my (bloody expensive!) glasses and completely destroyed them, even managing to break the lenses :eek: :( I managed to recover all the pieces!

Then this morning whilst I was in the shower she removed the brush tool from the Dyson and set about eating that :eek:

She's got loads of toys that she plays with which are all miraculously intact still so why my specs??? :confused: (Rhetorical question - I know there's no answer!)

So please cheer me up with your tales of items chewed by your dog, I'm sure there are lots worse :D

Sal (hope I've typed this ok, can't see without my glasses :rolleyes: :D )

PS. A friend had a Boxer that once ate a glass fruit bowl, they never did find all the pieces :eek:

MarkJackon 05 April 2002 11:30 AM

The leg of the breakfast bar, until I coated it with Tabasco, I have never seen a dog look so worried, didnt clean her underside for over a month !

Darren Thompson 05 April 2002 11:33 AM

My dog eat the remote controls and my phone charger wire while it was plugged in !!!!



LeighJ 05 April 2002 11:34 AM

Car stereo facia, no music in the car for two weeks, little sh!t!

Shaolin 05 April 2002 11:34 AM

Stupidest thing my dog has chewed............................................ ............................................ME. :D :D :D :D :D

druddle 05 April 2002 11:37 AM

My mums King Charles Spaniel ate my Nans false teeth. Not nice (you havent seen my Nan !! :D :D :D)

Seamus300 05 April 2002 11:40 AM

My mums Springer chewed the little aerial and battery off my mobile phone, then just as I saw him proceeded to throw it in the air, maybe he just wanted to finish it off..

taz 05 April 2002 11:46 AM

My dog chewed Linolium, carpet, Bounce(from tumble dryer), remote controls and she drank a litre of cooking oil once.

She is still as mad as a puppy and she is 7 years old!!!!!!!!


JoanUK300 05 April 2002 11:47 AM

My knickers.:eek:


simon_prickett 05 April 2002 11:49 AM

My passport!


TonyG 05 April 2002 12:01 PM

Years ago, one of my relatives had a dog which chewed through plaster on the wall, dug up part of the floor, and finished off with part of a door(!). Oh and various items of clothing. Think it was called separation anxiety syndrome (the condition not the dog).

simon a 05 April 2002 12:12 PM

here goes....

kitchen table and chair legs
kitchen lino
dug out the plasterboard from the walls
tumble drier vent hose
other halves knickers:D
telephone cable
4 remote controls (had to replace the sky one)
garden ruined (rebuilding it now)
hoover attachments
mop bucket
carpet and underlay from car boot (luckily its the 205)
and numerous other things.............

the culprit is toby a 2 year old yellow lab, at last starting to grow up a bit now (only a little bit though):D
lttle sod:D
wouldn't be without him though


bigmac 05 April 2002 12:31 PM

When I was working in Brussels, a Belgian chap I worked with was telling me of the new job his wife had got working in a place where they cut/prepare diamonds.

A few weeks later he came in and told us that she had bought some diamonds home (to this day I'm not too sure what sort of work you can do from home relating to diamonds?!) Anyway, when her back was turned, their dog (who had already had a reputation for eating anything and everything) had swallowed the lot.

The vet gave the dog some tablets to make it sick, this recovered about 10 of the 20 stones. As for the rest, he said they would simply have to wait for nature to take its course.

Each day in the office he used to give us an update on what they had managed to salvage. Of course we were all very sympathetic. Without going into too much detail it involved a sieve!

Weeks later they were still searching, but some stones were never found.

He was fuming because they had to pay for the diamonds they didn't find!

Scoobychick 05 April 2002 12:38 PM

I'm feeling so much better reading all these :D :D :D

Mind you I was kind of hoping that this is just a short lived phase she's going through due to coming into her first season, but reading all the above I'm starting to doubt it :eek: :eek:

bald_rick 05 April 2002 12:43 PM

My bitch used to chew my nuts when she was on heat.

ChrisB 05 April 2002 12:50 PM

Don't think Toby chewed much. Had some strange tendancies though.

As a pup, we'd leave him shut in the kitchen (he has the run of the house now). There's a gap at the end of the worktop which is about six or eight inches wide and we keep a load of trays, chopping boards etc in it.

We'd come home, find all the trays thrown on the floor and him asleep right at the back of the alcolve.

His otherwise favourite trick as a pup was to get inside the waste bin in the lounge (without knocking it over) and sit there looking round the room.

Bless ;)

ptholt 05 April 2002 12:56 PM

not in any particular order :-

1. electric braun razor
2. lino & carpets
3. all the handles to our kitchen cupboards in last house - even coated them in chili powder and tobasco, she seemed to like this even more!!
4. shoes - lots of them, lost count, has a fondness for heels tho.
5. cuddly toys, lost count of how many, but with a baby and a three year old she never runs short of something to nibble
6.the entire kitchen including the oven!!!!! (details below)

i used to work nights, and when my missus would leave for work she would shut the dog in the kitchen/dining room bit till i got home and she'd come upstairs with me while i got some sleep (was a six month old boxer dog).

came home one morning, shed been in there about an hour and a half, and had opened every single cupboard door (chewing all the handles, empited the contents from all cupbaords onto the floor (ready brek mixing with chip fat from up turned deep fat fryer - not good!), plates, food, tins, everything then as a parting shot had managed to rip the oven out the wall and it was lying face down in the middle of the kitchen floor.

She'd been chewing the oven door, and must have noticed pans on the oven and decided to investigate, in order to reach she had opened the oven door, and must have jumped on the open door, launching dog + oven into middle of kitchen with leccy wires dangling everywhere and a very scared puppy cowering in corner of room (tho wagging its tail like mad when i opened the door to what i thought was the scene of a burglary).

What did i do, take the dog upstairs with me, and call the wife to say her dog had made a right mess and she better leave early to clean it up and went to bed :) (well it was her dog at the time).
I'm not even going to comment on what a a load of ready brek and chip fat does to a dogs stomach, but from what i saw it doesnt stay there long!

scoobylover 05 April 2002 12:56 PM

We've got a boxer who was a rescue dog, who ate her way thro anything and everthing when we first got her. We had to put child locks on cupboard doors to stop her from getting into them, she even opened the oven door and jumped on it and the cooker went flying across the kitchen. Fortunatly she seems to have got out of the chewing habit now and we only have the occassional soft toy chewed.

as put above hehe:) i was not amused at the mess i came home from work while hubby was upstairs snoring his head off.

[Edited by scoobylover - 4/5/2002 2:41:57 PM]

[Edited by scoobylover - 4/5/2002 2:43:41 PM]

CraigH 05 April 2002 01:09 PM

When I was younger we had a Collie which was (unfortunately) blind.

I also had a couple of gerbils - who oneday manged to escape.

You'd never think a blind dog would be able to catch and eat 2 small rodents would you.


It wasn't amusing as a 7 year old but it seems highly amusing now :D

SWRTWannabe 05 April 2002 01:15 PM

My Grandmothers dog chewed the corner of the stairs :confused:

ptholt 05 April 2002 01:15 PM

ooo snap dear :)

at least yours was slightly more tasteful and a bit less graphic.

Chelsie-Bun 05 April 2002 01:55 PM

When I was living at home with my mother, we had this white Samoyed, she was great If you where in with her but when you went out she started.
Yellow pages,
The hallstand made of wood and copper where you stand your brollies
The furniture, I could go on.


Redkop 05 April 2002 02:38 PM

A really loopy Irish Setter I had ate a Venetian blind, a can opener, pair of curtains, a cat-flap and numerous other things :D :D

ADP 05 April 2002 02:40 PM

ours swallowed a sock once, the vet told us to feed him cotton wool sarnies to puch it down.

Needless to say it worked and came the the other end the next day, put it in the washing machine and it was good as new, only joking

PeteT 05 April 2002 04:06 PM

My sister's dog once ate two unopened plastic tubs of vitamin tablets and a bar of soap!! Didn't half put a spring in it's step!

PG 05 April 2002 04:48 PM

Very thick Boxer who eats sheds,carpets,doors,shoes but most of all loves to get a hold of soap !
One day in particular she managed a whole 4 pack of Iperial Leather bath soaps. She had a rabid froth at the mouth and the mother of all cases of the runs !!

Oh and there was a Guinnie Pig but I wont go into that! (although CHRIS G may fill you all in just to make me feel even worse about it !!)

MATTeL 05 April 2002 04:52 PM

One dog chewed through a mains cable... dug it up first... survived that though did look dazed for a while.

One of the other dogs we had as a puppy used to eat the lino floor until we started putting Engish mustard down. Made from the powder you can buy, with very little water. She stopped eating the flooring and was content to lick the mustard up. As soon as we stopped the mustard (worried about her health) she started earting floor again!:rolleyes:

scoobylover 05 April 2002 07:00 PM

the one thing i did forget to mention that our boxer loves to chew and eat is nappies, especially dirty ones. Amazing how she can sniff them out of the rubbish even with them in a nappy sack.:)

gossythevaleter 06 April 2002 07:36 AM

We got a lab as a puppy from a rescue home any way for the first nine months or so was as good as gold then the fun began
shoes the more expensive the better
the wifes hand bags my wallets
but i think the worst was the doble bed yes he ate thruogh the double mattress always wondered whta was in a mattress
So we thuoght we shuold get him a companion so wegot a black lab cross well that was when the fun began cause this dog can open doors which ever way they open suffice it to say that we now have a kennel in the garden which they go into when we are not home or we have to pay a friend of the family to doggy sit!!

Stil cheaper than keep replacing things or claiming on the house insurance

mega_stream 06 April 2002 07:52 AM

I had a BIG acoustic shelf full of KEF speakers.
Took it out my car, left it indoors for 4 hours, mums dogs ate the cones, ruined them all.

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