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DjacK 04 March 2002 10:48 AM

U see thats a nice reply from Chris T above, sensible and mature.. Some people really do nead to grow up when commenting on other people's actions, like the guy above, calling some one a wanker he doesnt know, and telling him, not to contribute to this board any more? I mean come on who are you to be stating things like that? I think YOU need to think about contributing more sensible mature statements to this board...

[Edited by DjacK - 4/3/2002 10:49:50 AM]

TonyBurns 04 March 2002 02:09 PM

Peccy, that car was probably nicked!
I tend to leave To55ers like that alone, had one last thursday on the M6 when heading towards Blackpool with the missus and her friend, just about to overtake a truck in the middle lane so was out in the overtaking lane, white van in front, plenty of room and some other git in his Merc van (seems to be all the rage in these vans!) comes on the inside doing about 10mph faster than me, nearly hits the back of the truck and one quick indication and pulls right in front of me! :eek: Now i was pretty close to the van infront (about 4 car lengths) but this guy dropped that to nothing :eek: gave him a flash and a hand signal ;) then he thanks me for letting him in :confused:
Then some boy racer in his dimma'd clio in Blackpool tried to race me around the streets at 12pm in the afternoon, he nearly went into the back of me when i stopped at some lights cos i didnt want to play (and my brakes are better than his ;)) anyway i had the better sounding exhaust as it completely covered the sound of his ;):D
Then after dropping the missus off i had mr white peugeot van man so close to the back of my car in a 30 that i couldnt see his numberplate at times! so when enering a 40 i knocked it down to second, blipped the throttle and gave him a shock ;) he kept his distance then as i dont think he likes flames ;)
I do try to be sensible but sometimes the old red mist can get the better of you, but there are sooooooooo many prats out there, esp on the snake pass, having seen an audi a4 tdi try overtaking 10 cars and he was 3 cars behind me :eek: and he had to force himself back into traffic nearly wiping out a DBM sport in the process.....
Sometimes just reporting these people is better but i dont think this lad learnt from his incident, hopefully the one that kills him will teach him not to do dangerous manouvers...


[Edited by TonyBurns - 4/3/2002 2:11:31 PM]

peccy 03 April 2002 09:02 AM

FAO Road Rage sufferers only, otherwise you wont understand.

last night some nutter in a 205gti overtook me and cut me up, so i gave chase in anger, on the next bend i was pushing him to his limit and he lost control of the car and crashed up the curb and almost ended up in a farmers field!

i had a huge advantage in performance / handling etc. Is this just as bad as attempted murder?

almost did the same too a VX220 driver this weekend while out in the countryside, his back end was bouncing all over the road, although he had the sense to slow down and let me pass.

anyone else taught someone a lesson this way?

[Edited by peccy - 4/3/2002 10:44:46 AM]

Scooby Dooby Blue 03 April 2002 09:20 AM

anyone else nearly killed someone this way?

No, and if i had, i sure wouldn't be bragging about it.
Most of these boy racers in their souped up 205GTis, 2L Novas etc. are little more than kids. They think they're invincible and want nothing more than to tell their mates they were keeping up with a Scoob in their pride and joy.
Take a moment to think about it next time and just let them go, it'll make their day and it also makes you the one mature enough to make the right decision. After all, you've nothing to prove, they do.


lpitt 03 April 2002 09:24 AM


so i gave chase in anger
I think maybe you need to grow up!

It's things like this that give performance car drivers a bad name. Ever heard the term 'boy-racer'?

Buying a 200bhp+ car is a responsibility, making posts like this just shows that someone isn't ready.

i had a huge advantage in performance / handling etc
But obviously not in common sense!

There are times for fun and times not. If the other driver obviously doesn't have any sense then stay away!



dosenöffner 03 April 2002 09:34 AM

Idiot. Please refrain from contributing to this board in the future. I use the term 'contibuting' loosely. Wanker.

peccy 03 April 2002 09:39 AM

hmmm, i see your point, guess it was one of those things where you had to be there to understand, dont you two suffer from road rage then???

if someone is driving like a **** like the guy i mentioned above i cant just sit back, i dont need to 'grow up' either, but could maybe do with 'anger management' theropy

maybe i did him a favour and he will drive more sensible in future?

Chris T 03 April 2002 09:44 AM


I shall refrain from giving you what ifs - since I am hardly blameless myself :rolleyes:

ultimately everyone takes responsibilty for their own actions - so if he thought his car could take the bend at that speed then more fool him.

Just be careful out there - no need to intimidate other drivers no matter how much anger you feel... increase the peace.

STi wanna Subaru 03 April 2002 09:46 AM

"maybe i did him a favour"

I'd say not..............:(

peccy 03 April 2002 09:48 AM

i try remember that Chris, 'increase the peace'

maybe just a flash of full beam instead next time.

bioforger 03 April 2002 09:48 AM

did him a favour? oh yeh im sure hes happy hes trashed his car lol what drugs are u on? Yes we all suffer from road rage, its human nature, but u dont go tailgating some1 into a crash just because youre mad. You DO need to growup! Mind you the 205 driver is just as much a moron as you are by the sounds of it. Good job no kids were around when you two were racing eh.

lpitt 03 April 2002 09:49 AM

if someone is driving like a **** like the guy i mentioned above i cant just sit back,
Maybe you need to learn to. A short spell driving a 2CV should set you right ( ;) )

The point of a normal drive is to get from A --> B. The point of using a performance car is to arrive at B smiling and look forward to the drive back again.

Driving like this will just get you from A --> and no-one wants that do they?

You're right BTW, I don't suffer from Road Rage. Used to years back but can't see the point. If you get cut up just let them in, if it's dangerous signal (light, horn) but NEVER give chase.

A few years back one of my friends was killed when his brother gave chase in a road rage attack. They leapt a humpback bridge at 80mph+ (police estimate) and implanted the car in a bus. Passengers could only watch and listen to the screams as they burnt to death. The car they were chasing got away as no-one could see the plates. That's why I had to comment here.

Have you tried track-days? A great way to exploit your car legally and safely?


peccy 03 April 2002 09:54 AM

bioforger, like i said in my original post, both incidents were in the country side, the only kids that were around were lambs, clalfs and ducklings.

anyway thats enough from me, guess i suffer from Chat Rage too.

STi wanna Subaru 03 April 2002 10:02 AM


Do you think you did the wrong thing? would you do the same again if faced with a similar situation. I'm sure we've all driven in a manor that later we looked back on and thought "What a prat I was" I know I have. The important thing is you learn from this.......that's why more experianced driver tend to be better drivers.

I just hope the guy in the 205 was Ok. He obviously was driving like a prat but (using the cold light of day) in these cases you have to be the bigger man. He may well have gone on to cause an accident at a later date but that is not something to be used to justify your actions.

Live and learn mate...


DJ Dunk 03 April 2002 10:04 AM

Maybe you shouldn't have given chase, but I can understand why you might as the red mist sets in, but, its was his choice to push to his car to limit you didn't make him ? He was in control of his car not you ? If he didn't want to race he wouldn't have. Serves him right.

By the way, I'm not condoning racing, but I believe you cannot force someone to race you.

davyboy 03 April 2002 10:12 AM

Peccy mate.

Since owning my impreza I have not suffered from road rage. Why? Well why should I care what other road users are doing, if they want to drive in the middle lane all day, so what. If they cut me up, yep its annoying, but hey, whats the point in getting upset?


Jen 03 April 2002 10:25 AM

I never suffered from Road rage whilst I was in the Corsa, but the Scoob is another matter :eek: . It's tempeting to put your foot down, but I always keep a safe distance (i.e. one I can stop in! ;)). I will say it takes a vast amount of self control and alot of swearing!

Mainly bacuase someone in a porshe overtook me once in a very dangerous manner (almost lost the front of the car, and I was braking!) - 3 corners later and I saw him in a hedge, wouldn't have liked to know what would have happened if wed've been racing...

I find a good blast of the horn when someones being mad (obviously just to inform them of my presence... ;) :D) and a flash of the lights (to let them know I wouldn't advise driving like that), certainly safer than racing. Also a good round of swearing as long as there are no kinds in the car!

Must get a new horn though - mine sounds pants! :eek: :(

Calm down everyone...


peccy 03 April 2002 10:28 AM


i didnt used to suffer from road rage or at least didnt know i did, until i changed to a scooby, and now it seems everyone thinks my first names Tommi and there in a rally racing me. didnt you notice a difference in others drivers attitudes to you when you changed to a scooby?

MW1 03 April 2002 10:29 AM

You must be stupid to brag about that. I wonder if any Police come onto this board. Maybe they would want to contact you about the crash!!! Maybe the others guys insurance company may want to get in touch?

GazP 03 April 2002 10:56 AM

One less muppet on the road. Sad but true. Hope he's OK and but it sounds like his car will be a bit worse for wear.

Dream Weaver 03 April 2002 11:05 AM


It's his own fault for not being able to handle a car - dont worry about it. :D:D

And I am sick of the politically correct idiots on here, that come straight into a post ranting and calling people Wankers. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

If one of your mates in the pub told a similar tale, would you call them a wanker and ask them to leave - no, I didnt think so.

It's funny how everyone is sensible as hell on here with the "dont speed" preachers, then when I go as a passenger on the meets that are organised on here, everyone drives like lunatics. Maybe thats cos I dont own a Scoob and dont really know ho much quicker they can take bends, but some of the speeds and overtaking moves I have seen on the meets (often by key members of the BBS) are far more deadly than I would do in my MR2.

Pepole need to lighten up on here and treat all posts as pub talk, and stop taking the moral highground when they know little about the situation. [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Rant over

Take care, be happy, and Peccy - no-one got hurt did they? From the tone of your post, I guessed you wanted a bit of re-assurance as opposed to blatant name-calling - It is sometimes like being at school again on here these days. :rolleyes:


TBMeech 03 April 2002 11:11 AM


I don't think its 'politically correct' but I think more than the fact that most people are worried / paranoid about say the police reading these posts and then we all get bad press or tugged more often for bad boy behaviour.....

Dracoro 03 April 2002 11:25 AM

It's all about self control. Road rage is no different from any other type of 'rage'. It's just the same as someone in a pub/club/on street winding you up. Yeah, sure you get pissed of about it but you don't go and deck them everytime they do it do you! You learn to turn the other cheek. Most of the fights you see on the street/in clubs etc. are a result in people not turning the other cheek.
In the case of the 205 - well if no-one rose to the bait then he'd soon get bored as no-one will race him. That's a better lesson than putting yourself and other people at risk. Ask yourself this question, when the 205 driver crashed, what if he killed people, wouldn't you feel guilty to have been a part of that? you'd almost certainly get done for dangerous driving at least(racing on roads etc.).
In short, we all need to chill out and calm down. I myself get wound up by other drivers but my self control stops me taking things further. There are rare exceptions (i.e. the prats on the street/club had just raped someone you know, or killed a family member etc.) but a little bit of wind up or cars cutting you up is NOT an exception. Maybe if they'd just run someone over or killed someone you'd give chase in the car, that's an exception - not silly bits of bad/offensive driving.

N E Way, gone on enough - Or have I got 'word' rage???

Elvis-Presley 03 April 2002 11:58 AM


You didn't cause him to crash - his stupidity did.

Anyone heard the one about casting the first stone, eh ?


Mash 03 April 2002 12:04 PM

I'm with dream weaver on this one too, why should some a-hole get away with such arrogant/rude/bad driving.

....if people choose to overstep the boundaries of social etiquette/acceptable behaviour and go out of their way to spoil some one else’s day, then they put them selves at the mercy or otherwise of that persons reactions...

can't say fairer than that, case closed....

jjk 03 April 2002 12:07 PM

Dont listen to some of the comments Peccy.....
Keep your chin up


Phill 03 April 2002 12:20 PM

Weird one, how did you feel immediately afterwards ??

Yeah the GTI was a being a tosser or at least it sounds that way, and if he cut you up then fair enough ....he's deserves what's comming to him....

One thing though, if this had of gone bad and he did hurt someone (hopefully himself) it simply would not be worth the loss of damage to a human life, chill, life is more than proving the obvious !! what chance did the 206 stand....I'm no angel but i know when to quit.

Keep it cool man, i dont think the accident was directly your fault but you certainly played a part in it, be safe and be happy !!!


Plantie 03 April 2002 12:20 PM

Peccy... I try and look on the bright side as apose to getting mad... smile about it... etc. ;)

On a lighter note.....

I had an RS Turbo come flyin' past me on a 30mph road.... once past me he immediately slowed down... here we go I thought... :rolleyes:

Knowing the road :p I was on I stayed at sensible speed 34ish in a 30.... then blipped the throttle to go nearer to him... 38ish now then came straight back off it to 34...
He then put his foot down, thinking I was gonna race him and went through a speed camera (GATSO) which I knew about and got flashed!!!! :D lol I then overtook him on the Dual carridgeway 1 mile after!!! :D :D

I could not stop laughing.... I thought that was well handled!!! ;)

Imcrease the Peace!!!! :D

skiddusmarkus 03 April 2002 12:33 PM

Something to bear in mind-if the police see you racing like this,the person at the front can claim they weren't,the one teararsing behind would have a little more trouble getting them to believe that.Personally I try and stick more or less to the speed limits but find that on windy country roads in a national speed limit zone then that's usually fast enough.I've had some complete loons trying to race me in my gtir and if they're that intent on killing themselves then I let them past and not take me with them.

peccy 03 April 2002 12:35 PM

i did stop after the accident to see if the driver was ok, i felt he'd got what he deserved, he said he was fine and was laughing? and even thanked me for stopping. seemed to me it wasnt the first time.

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