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VTR steve 07 March 2010 11:47 AM

Fuel prices????
Is it just me or do fuel prices seem to getting very high again???

I am paying on average £1.20 a litre for v power. Seems that there is no outcry about it are people just not bothered anymore i am finding it quite difficult to run my car as an everyday car with fuel at these prices.:cuckoo:

CrispyK 07 March 2010 11:52 AM

same in bristol about £1.20

SunnySideUp 07 March 2010 11:59 AM

No outcry, because it is not the taxes which are responsible.

Just in the same way your grapes go up and down in price over the seasons, so it is with oil.

The price our petrol costs us is really in our own hands, we can run 20 mpg cars and pay up - or, we can buy something which returns 80 mpg and save a huge amount ... choice is ours.

There are claims here that a re-map would result in a much better mpg ... up to 2 mpg better in fact!! Could be the way to go? Not sure how many miles it would take to re-pay itself, mind you?

richard1522 07 March 2010 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9269633)
There are claims here that a re-map would result in a much better mpg ... up to 2 mpg better in fact!! Could be the way to go? Not sure how many miles it would take to re-pay itself, mind you?

Very true the remap i had on mine has dramaticly helped the MPG. I live in gloucester and regualy go to see family in london and on a fair trip there and back it would cost me roughly £60 in juice but after an extra 110BHP and remap i can do the journey in £50 comfortably as well. its got to £1.25 in gloucester for v-power.

hoskib 07 March 2010 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9269633)
No outcry, because it is not the taxes which are responsible.

eh? how do you figure that? granted it's not purely down to tax/duty but we had a duty rise when VAT was dropped, then VAT went back up and there's a further duty rise due soon.

all in probably at least 8p on the litre.

and when was the last time you saw petrol prices falling?

bluenose172 07 March 2010 12:40 PM

$80 a barrel today, it was upwards of $140 a barrel last times prices were this bad, hmmm.......

IggyRB320 07 March 2010 02:09 PM

£121.09 for V Power in Cardiff!

340BHP-WRX 07 March 2010 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by richard1522 (Post 9269708)
Very true the remap i had on mine has dramaticly helped the MPG. I live in gloucester and regualy go to see family in london and on a fair trip there and back it would cost me roughly £60 in juice but after an extra 110BHP and remap i can do the journey in £50 comfortably as well. its got to £1.25 in gloucester for v-power.

Has it gone up that much in Gloucester already ? I got some V-Power from Shell on the Longford bypass last week and it was 117.9p :wonder:

I've heard it will be going up around 5p per litre in April :mad:

EH52WRX 07 March 2010 02:23 PM

£113.9 Tesco's ------- £116.9 V-power Edinburgh

Shaun 07 March 2010 04:09 PM

If you can't afford the fuel get a push bike! :D

STI Mav 07 March 2010 04:36 PM

Tesco's at Lakeside in Essex was 117.9 for 99 Unleaded last night :nono:

zs_phil 07 March 2010 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 9270049)
If you can't afford the fuel get a push bike! :D

i have a push bike and cycle 5 days to work come rain or shine ,that doesnt phase me
but im not one for getting my pants pulled down and raped for my hard earned wages ,id rather give the money to my children ,it has gone up what 20-30p a litre since last year so that is a lot of extra toys or whatever they want

Norman Dog 07 March 2010 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9269633)

There are claims here that a re-map would result in a much better mpg ... up to 2 mpg better in fact!! Could be the way to go? Not sure how many miles it would take to re-pay itself, mind you?

Mine gets another 20 miles per tank since being remapped, seeing as I was only really interested in performance gains, a bit of a bonus. ;)

Cost me over £60 last time I filled up though, don't know how the hell we have such a low inflation figure. :mad:

scoobydirectory 07 March 2010 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by VTR steve (Post 9269615)
I am paying on average £1.20 a litre for v power. Seems that there is no outcry about it are people just not bothered anymore i am finding it quite difficult to run my car as an everyday car with fuel at these prices.:cuckoo:

We do pay R7.50 to R7.90 at the moment. No idea what the Rand/Pound ratio is a the moment.

Shaun 07 March 2010 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by zs_phil (Post 9270125)
i have a push bike and cycle 5 days to work come rain or shine ,that doesnt phase me
but im not one for getting my pants pulled down and raped for my hard earned wages ,id rather give the money to my children ,it has gone up what 20-30p a litre since last year so that is a lot of extra toys or whatever they want

No ones "raping" you.... it's your choice. You could say that you are "raping" the planet if you choose to use fossil fuels..... what would your kids think of that in 30yrs time. :D What is being charged now is nothing compared to what it will be like in 5yrs, so you best buy it whilst it's cheap. ;) :cry:

zs_phil 07 March 2010 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun (Post 9270635)
No ones "raping" you.... it's your choice. You could say that you are "raping" the planet if you choose to use fossil fuels..... what would your kids think of that in 30yrs time. :D What is being charged now is nothing compared to what it will be like in 5yrs, so you best buy it whilst it's cheap. ;) :cry:

ok no ones raping us why is it then as said in this thread that in australia it is a hell of a lot cheaper and across europe with the exception of ireland
:rolleyes: but yes must be just me thats being raped .... theres enough oil to last the next billion years
the government is still playing the green card

2010richmond 07 March 2010 09:49 PM

I worked for a large utility company and the money that was wasted was shameful.

but to put into context. The company is a dwarf compared to the finances the government has through it's hands, which made me simply consider the extent of waste they were responsible for.

doesn't matter who you vote for because the government always get in

SunnySideUp 08 March 2010 12:04 AM

I think you are on the wrong thread :lol1:

We are talking here about the Oil Companies ripping us all off - and how (if we really cared) could reduce our fuel bills by 75% .... by buying a sensible car - or by keeping your Scooby standard.

Woody182 08 March 2010 01:13 AM

Guys I'm in Inverness and Im paying 1.24 for v my scooby.... But struggling

corradoboy 08 March 2010 01:26 AM

UK petrol tax rises are SIX TIMES higher than the rest of continent | Mail Online

Add to this the deliberate devaluation of the pound to stave off financial catastrophe, and we're gonna get raped !

lunar tick 08 March 2010 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by SunnySideUp (Post 9271305)
I think you are on the wrong thread :lol1:

We are talking here about the Oil Companies ripping us all off - and how (if we really cared) could reduce our fuel bills by 75% .... by remapping your Scooby


Matt78 08 March 2010 05:56 PM

1.18 for V power where I am in South Somerset.

chrisUK300 08 March 2010 06:54 PM

£1.15 for vpower when I filled up other day.
Total garage 3 miles down road charging £1.25 for super unleaded :wonder:

scooby1doo1 08 March 2010 09:57 PM

118.9 today v power

zs_phil 08 March 2010 10:04 PM

what did it get to a couple of years back when oil got to $147 a barrel
was it 1.23.9


seddomyster 08 March 2010 10:50 PM

went tenerife an think unleaded was around 63p litre. we are being raped an taxes too high then they use that to claim for a swimming pool in there back gardens. if we wasnt being raped they wudnt be claiming

paulbu 08 March 2010 11:24 PM

The price of petrol isn't high enough. The government should put the price up by around 20p per litre, scrap road tax with all its silly differentials including some being allowed on the roads free of charge, and then the real polluters, those who do the most miles per annum would pay for the privilege. Those of us who do around 5k per annum and paying £400 plus road fund licence are the ones being raped.

seddomyster 09 March 2010 07:34 AM

what the government wanna do is bang the tax on the ale an lower tax on the fuel

Abx 09 March 2010 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by paulbu (Post 9273589)
The price of petrol isn't high enough. The government should put the price up by around 20p per litre, scrap road tax with all its silly differentials including some being allowed on the roads free of charge, and then the real polluters, those who do the most miles per annum would pay for the privilege. Those of us who do around 5k per annum and paying £400 plus road fund licence are the ones being raped.

Spot on, been saying this for years, my mate has his own company and a fleet of vans, pays hardly any roadtax on them and does 50k in each a year destrying the roads way more than I do by driving 6k in my scoob a year and 500 max a year in my midget!

ScoobyNoobie 09 March 2010 08:32 AM

We're paying about the same in Ireland.
Only we get Ron95 for what you pay for Vpower.
About €1.25-1.29 a litre. Diesel is cheaper here than the UK though, mostly at 1.15 a litre now.

But like someone said already, when oil was near $150 a barrel we were paying €1.35-1.40, now its about 80 and we're only just short of that price??
Duty in Ireland has gone up 13c a litre on petrol an 9c on diesel since then, but it still doesnt add up.

Most of europe is still dearer than UK an Ire though. France, Germany and Spain anyway AFAIK.

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