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alcazar 09 December 2009 02:03 PM

Horrid experience last night.
If you are easily disgusted, read no further.:nono:

For some time, I've had a bit of heartburn at night, with some acid reflux.
I had a bit to drink last night and dropped off as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Around 1 am I awoke choking. It appeared that I had had quite a large acid reflux and then inhaled it.:eek: I was choking, gagging and my eyes were streaming.

I had to get up, and it took me FOUR Gaviscon, copious amounts of water and TWO HOURS coughing until I felt right. The rest of the time, breathing was difficult and my bronchial tubes hurt and burned, as did my throat. I kept coughing up acid phlegm.

I am going to HAVE to lose some weight, as my weight apparently exacerbates this.:(:(:(:(

Any other tips? I know red wine is a no-no too.:(

Coffin Dodger 09 December 2009 03:15 PM

Nasty isn't it :D

As you say lose weight, don't eat fatty foods, and drink less. I've had it a couple of times, really scares the **** out of you as for that short waking moment you think it's all over for me :eek:

Also find that raising myself up a bit with an extra pillow helps and not to sleep on my back.

Gear Head 09 December 2009 03:20 PM

exercise exercise exercise. :thumb:

BOB.T 09 December 2009 03:24 PM

I had this, the most horrific thing I've experienced! :eek:

PaulC72 09 December 2009 06:04 PM

go to the doctors get prescribed the tablets and you will be ok, I have tablets one a day for that and have no problems whatsoever.

SunnySideUp 09 December 2009 06:08 PM

Yeah, I've had this ..... not so much lately as I have lost quite a bit of weight.

hodgy0_2 09 December 2009 07:45 PM

I had this a few years ago -- I had to have a permy supply of Chocolate milk at my side, it would keep the pain away for an hour or too --only lasted a week, never had it back

it was just before zantac 75 was re-classified as a non prescription drug -- it was supposed to be the best

i used to carry around a few zantac 75 tablets in my wallet for a couple of years

r32 09 December 2009 07:47 PM

Need to get this sorted as continuing to have acid relux can be very bad for the throat etc, stomach is protected but the throat and bronchial tubes are not.

Moley 09 December 2009 08:19 PM

I get that all the time due to my hiatus hernia.

Waking up at night with a mouthful of stomach acid is great isn't it!!! :eek:

Try not eating or drinking anything after 7pm, as this is supposed to help.

Lisawrx 09 December 2009 08:41 PM

I have suffered terribly with acid reflux for a number of years now. It's horrible.

Tests haven't revealed the cause so far, but it's most likely down to diet, carrying a bit more weight than is ideal, and alcohol certainly doesn't help.

Tbh, there seems to be no sense to what sets it off, food wise. Things that you'd think would cause it, often don't and vice versa.

I'm currently on two different types of tablets a day to control it, and occasionally have to take what ultimately is unbranded Zantac75.

If you suffer alot, go to your GP. If it's occasional, then I'd suggest stocking up on some Ranitidine for when it flairs up. (Zantac75 basically, only alot cheaper)

The main advice is to avoid fatty/spicy foods, avoid alcohol or smoking, lose weight, oh and as said raise the head of the bed. Not with pillows, as you can slip off them during sleep, but actually raise the bed with books or something.

Hope you get sorted, it's quite frightening if it's really bad. I once thought I was having a heart attack or something.

J4CKO 09 December 2009 08:56 PM

Get tested for something called "Heliocobacter Pylori", a stomach bug that lurks causing excessive acid production, I used to end up having to sit down to allow the pain to subside, certain food could worsen it but sometimes anything would have me doubled over.

I went to the doctors and got a telling off for my lifestyle, i.e. having a drink, occasional curry, not exactly George Best or Ollie Reed so it felt a bit unfair as I wasnt doing much of anything, sometimes it stopped me exercising and one way of sorting it was to eat more to mop up the acid for some relief, the miserable woman doctor told me to basically do nothing that may upset it, I really tried but it made no difference, she suggested sleeping at 45 degrees, ur, yeah that practical !

So, went back and instead of the miserable old prune I got a reassuringly old, fat, red face Port enthusiast called Dr Stockley who was brilliant, got me tested for it, came back positive so was put on a course of three (I think) antibiotics and that did the trick, night and day different and now I only get a bad stomach after Stella abuse or eating real crap.

So, go to your doctor and insist on getting tested for it.

njkmrs 09 December 2009 08:57 PM

Yep ,been there .
Get to the docs for 20mg Omeprazole .One a day in the morning and keeps it at bay .I think it reduces the amount of acid produced (dont quote me on that .)

I have a hiatus hernia which allows this to happen and it crucifies me if I dont take the tablets .

As has been said already .Dont put up with it as it can damage the throat etc ,get to the docs .

Good Luck .

Diesel 09 December 2009 09:03 PM

God! Sounds scary! I cant believe it has any thing to do with red wine though - probably more to do with artificial low fat spreads ;) Avoid them. Red wine cures most things ;)

Also if you find you need Zantac regularly its time to look deeper... Such a powerful drug (compared to lifestyle/Rennies) should probably still be on prescription only - but saves them a few pennies I guess...

J4CKO 09 December 2009 09:04 PM

Yep, Omeprazole (Losec) really helped me, have a few in for post beer self inflicted acid stomach, pinch them off my mum, her Valium stash has been raided in the past as well :) a nice settled tum and an the edges blurred for a few hours, bliss....

Diesel 09 December 2009 09:08 PM



sarasquares 09 December 2009 09:20 PM

Ranatidine is another one. I was on Prednisolone steroids , the highest dose, for Anaphlaxis and the pain was unbelievable. It worked for me :thumb:

+Doc+ 09 December 2009 10:15 PM

Doctors! OMG near death experience and your asking these muppets?

SirFozzalot 10 December 2009 10:59 AM

Get to the doctors! After some tests he/she will probably prescribe with something like this.

Lansoprazole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


TopBanana 10 December 2009 11:22 AM

Ranitidine works well for reflux - my wife used it when she was preggers (ie fat).

Leslie 10 December 2009 11:23 AM

Thats pretty awful. I had troubles with acid reflux which is more common that one might think. As Sir Fozz says, worth going to the doctor and getting something like Omeprazole or similar. It fixes the problem completely and not only that, stomach acid in the oesophagus is very bad for you.


alcazar 10 December 2009 12:45 PM

I'm sort of resisting asking the doctor: a friend had similar, and ended up with a camera poked down his oesophagus. He said THAT made the acid reflux pale into insignificance.:(

Call me a wimp if you like, but I've had a couple of things poked into various orifices in my life, and now like to avoid it if AT ALL possible;)

Moley 10 December 2009 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 9092098)
I'm sort of resisting asking the doctor: a friend had similar, and ended up with a camera poked down his oesophagus. He said THAT made the acid reflux pale into insignificance.:(

Call me a wimp if you like, but I've had a couple of things poked into various orifices in my life, and now like to avoid it if AT ALL possible;)

Had that done twice, not nice at all.

Also had one up the other end aswell.... but lets not talk about that!!!

Lisawrx 10 December 2009 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by alcazar (Post 9092098)
I'm sort of resisting asking the doctor: a friend had similar, and ended up with a camera poked down his oesophagus. He said THAT made the acid reflux pale into insignificance.:(

Call me a wimp if you like, but I've had a couple of things poked into various orifices in my life, and now like to avoid it if AT ALL possible;)

I will admit, I had that done and it was probably the worst proceedure I have ever had. :eek:

However, it may not come to that, and even if it does, it'll sort of be worth it, if it shows something up that can be dealt with and give you a acid free future. :thumb:

Unfortunately (sort of) in my case, it showed nothing, so back to square one. I'm not sure if the fact I was still on my cocktail of drugs at the time influenced various tests I have had though.

alcazar 10 December 2009 12:53 PM

I'm sort of resisting asking the doctor: a friend had similar, and ended up with a camera poked down his oesophagus. He said THAT made the acid reflux pale into insignificance.:(

Call me a wimp if you like, but I've had a couple of things poked into various orifices in my life, and now like to avoid it if AT ALL possible;)

Lisawrx 10 December 2009 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX (Post 9092107)
Had that done twice, not nice at all.

Also had one up the other end aswell.... but lets not talk about that!!!

The other end is far less unpleasant. :Suspiciou

alcazar 10 December 2009 12:59 PM

I'm sort of resisting asking the doctor: a friend had similar, and ended up with a camera poked down his oesophagus. He said THAT made the acid reflux pale into insignificance.:(

Call me a wimp if you like, but I've had a couple of things poked into various orifices in my life, and now like to avoid it if AT ALL possible;)

Leslie 10 December 2009 01:07 PM

Well I have had to put up with the cameras into all places and it is not pleasant of course.

I did say that acid in the oesophagus is not only bad for you and is also dangerous to your health.

Believe me, the camera, although not very nice, is very much better than the alternative possiblity.

I had the camera job without the sedative since I had to drive home, and after the initial insertion was not bothered at all by the ensuing examination.


StickyMicky 10 December 2009 01:27 PM

I am working this sunday, covering for my weekend chap, who is away getting a camera poked up from his lower trap door :eek:

To be honest i suspect the oral version is probably a bit nastier if you are still awake?

Lisawrx 10 December 2009 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by StickyMicky (Post 9092192)
I am working this sunday, covering for my weekend chap, who is away getting a camera poked up from his lower trap door :eek:

To be honest i suspect the oral version is probably a bit nastier if you are still awake?

Much nastier.

Up the arse is not nice so to speak, but not really painful or unpleasant, without going into too much detail.

Camera down, well I was awake, not even sedated. Just had the throat spray, and tbh, that did nothing at all to help. It just felt like I was being choked. I've never gagged so much in my life, and they told me the spray would be better. :(

StickyMicky 10 December 2009 01:37 PM

What is the spray for?

Like a lube?

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