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pslewis 12 March 2002 01:03 AM

Will be sorry to see you go mate :(

Cant you just hang around to see if I do anything daft?? ;)


wah 12 March 2002 01:16 AM


It seems such a shame it has come to this but I must thankyou for recent advise you gave me even though the deal didn't come off, it's sad that in this day and age people still have problems with living in communities which contain a mixed race, at the end of the day we are all human beings we all have feelings.

It makes me laugh when people say things like this as if the tw@ts sit back and think they wouldn't have half the things they do now, they wouldn't be sat there tapping away on the computers for a start.

I hope you decide to stay with us Andy it would be a shame to loose you



( Wah )

paulwadams_my99 12 March 2002 01:18 AM

Orrrr Mate! Dont do that. Just ignore the people that u dont agree with. Don't let them make u leave cos its people like u that I come on here to discuss things with. It would be a real shame if you didn't come on here anymore! :(



Steve Williams 12 March 2002 01:22 AM

Sorry to see that Andy.

Met you once at a PE rolling road day, you seemed to be a top bloke, the only one who took the trouble to introduce himself....

Don't let the few to$$ers spoil it for you, there are still many more good people than bad here.

Little Miss WRX 12 March 2002 02:20 AM

Andy, please do not leave.

You have lots of friends on this board, me being one of them for all your sins......or mine LOL :D :p

Having said that, at least know that I will remain in touch and expect the odd drink off you every now and then ;)

Take care Andy, mail me.......


Brian Swan 12 March 2002 04:02 AM

Andy, i don't know you and i don't even think we've been on the same thread in the 5 months or so i've been on and off the board but your post count and the messages above show what others think of you.

I've been out of the UK now for 7 years and i have been going out with my local Hong Kong girlfriend for 6 of those. We have travelled around Asia, into the US once and did a tour of the UK together by car (figure of 8 from Heathrow-Bath-Glasgow-Dundee-Inverness-Cambridge) and have never had any problem.

If the events of last September taught us (most of us) one thing it is that we are all in this together. Almost every nationality from the largest to the smallest countries had people killed and so race has no meaning anymore.

If there are people who do not see or understand that simple fact then it is important to remember they are in the minority and should be treated as such. It is hard but they cannot win and we must show them we mean business. Racism is, in most countries, illegal and if there are tendancies for it to appear on threads on the boards here then it is your right to lock it and even prosicute (?) those involved. Freedom of speech only goes so far.

Stick to your guns if you can.

JohnMcC 12 March 2002 04:41 AM

Well said Brian.

And I, like Brian do not know you either. Similarly, I do not have very many posts to my name. But I have casually lurked for ages on this sight and have enjoyed many of your contributions in some of the discussions.

I think you have to treat any discussion forum, especially one as large and far reaching as this one, as a microcosm of the world we live in today. There are elements or certain people that hold very strange, immature and sometimes abusive views. Firstly we have to ignore these elements, but secondly we have to rally and try and clean up the place.

Obviously, at the end of the day, youve got to do what you think you have to do. I just think it is a shame, and as Brian says, I think it is evident that you will be sorely missed if you do decide to leave. However, at least you will still be keeping in contact and meeting up with the many friends you have made here.

I hope you dont mind a 'newbie' that doesnt know you commenting on this thread, but I just thought I would say my piece.

And, finally, sorry if any of my post is a little incoherent - Ive got a presentation to give tomorrow and I'm still furiously trying to get it ready> Hmm, not much sleep for me - bet its going to be a cracker... :rolleyes:

Best of luck in whatever you decide.

JohnBarnesAndHisGloves 12 March 2002 04:50 AM

who was being racist?
i think i missed that.
whoever was should be shot. its well out of order. (can sumbody gimme a link or the jist of things that happened pls?)
i was called things when i was younger (im not black or asian, but jus not ENGLISH is enough for some).
From what ive seen, andy is pretty much the most decent person here (and had the best car!), donnt go mate, not because of that, fair play if u go because the bb is inhabited by loads of complete twats (it is).
Ive got loadsa black and asian friends and am currently seeing a chinese girl (who is blatantly soo hot that even the most hardcore racist would want her).
I dont even think most people know why they racist, just gives them an excuse to let their anger out on somebody (most are all pussies who wouldnt say it in person in case they get the crap beat out of them, which is what id do to em).

Its pathetic, but this site can be at times


letdown 12 March 2002 05:49 AM

Boo Hoo!! Wheres the Kleenex!! sheeesh ......reminds of a friend I knew who used to take his ball home if he started losing!! ;)

Who cares if there is a few 'characters'on this board ! Learn to cut the wheat from the chaff !! ;)


stephen emery 12 March 2002 07:38 AM

hi andy
just read the thread, I am with you m8.
only going to keep an eye on meet threads and tech from now on.
hate my car better than yours threads ect

sammyh 12 March 2002 08:27 AM

Andy - ignore the bollox on here and what you have left is what we registered for in the first place. Ignore them!!!!!

Chris L 12 March 2002 09:00 AM

Don't let 'em get you down Andy - there will always be idiots who want to stir up trouble. Stay and enjoy the other 99% of this board.


AJF 12 March 2002 09:02 AM

Hi Andy
only meet you a couple of times please don't let them win .Had some good advise some years ago if you ignore them they will go away. It does work in the end.Please stay

cheers Adrian

MattW 12 March 2002 09:15 AM

Andy - I agree to a certain extent with what you are saying, but show us you are a bigger man than that and rise above it, besides it'll be a far worse place here without you.

barge 12 March 2002 09:19 AM

I have never met Andy, but I will admit to reading & learning a lot from his posts, his silver car was the dogs thingys.

What I would say is in the last few months since Christmas this site or the contents posted on it appear to have gone down hill fast, there used to people I thought of as regulars, who were knowledgeable & witty, the like of Andy, Dave TS etc etc etc the list is endless, but none of these people appear to post any more.

I admit that I now only occasionaly look in rather than keep itmopen all the time, I just cant keep up with the cr@p that keep getting posted, especialy about I dont like scoobys, my car better than a scooby, well why are you on here ??? s0d off to a site that caters for your type of car.

On a seperat note ditch the muppett & general sections, then things can filter back down to car related stuff rather than hos it is at the moment.

all the above is IMPO slate me if you wish, I dont care.

As always its Andy's choice to leave, stay, rename & keep looking in, but as some have said dont let the tw@t5 get to you.

EBRWRX 12 March 2002 09:26 AM


Being a newbie to Scoobynet I thought long and hard about my posts on the racism threads particularly as being a newbie I wasn't sure whether the topic was relevant until I read the Non-Scooby related thread (where this issue was) and the Muppet Show threads.

There is never a right answer on racism, religion, politics, sexism etc etc (look at the middle east at the moment and justify that to me). I'm afraid I cannot go through life watching what I say in case it offends people, but I can say sorry if I have done.

Quitting is definitely NOT the answer. We all share a common love and we're all going to have to agree to disagree on many subjects and topics that might be posted all over scoobynet. I'm confident that anything that is outrightly controversial or prejudiced (whatever form) will be clamped down on by the moderators with offenders warned and then censured if necessary.

Remember if there is anything you are particularly offended by which you can't turn a blind eye to, e-mail the perpertrator first (I don't think my e-mail is on EBRWRX at work but it is on EBR at home), to see what the response is, just in case you've misunderstood (it happens).

You do also have the option of reporting to moderators.

Don't quit, accentuate the positive, ignore (or complain) about the negative :) :) ;)

MATTeL 12 March 2002 09:27 AM

I am bucking the trend... I have met Andy a few times and like the guy.

In fact he was the only one willing to eat Haggis with me on Burn's Night! :)

Andy you know in your heart you should stay. You have more supporters than you might think when it comes to the small minded minority.

Take it easy,

BTW It is Racing Green!;)

chiark 12 March 2002 09:29 AM


I have to agree with the posts already made on here. The trivialisation of threads, and the racism thread in particular, is annoying. We can do two things: give it the two finger treatment and 'ck off elsewhere, or try to do something about it.

The second option is the harder one. And I'm going to try.


dsmith 12 March 2002 09:32 AM

Yet another, I'm off thread.

I suppose it was about time. If you're p***ed off with scoobynet - fine - If you're not going to post for a while fine. Just do it. Just dont expect your leaving to make one jot of difference.

You will be back. Everyone who has ever posted "woe is me, I'm off, please beg me to stay" thread posts again a few months later.

Isnt that right Arron ?

andrew6321 12 March 2002 09:33 AM

'imaturity' - was that a Freudian slip....?

blubs 12 March 2002 10:12 AM

dsmith is right.

Just do what I do. Nearly 3 years and not many posts. Have a look, if it interests you or you feel you can contribute, post.

If it is an impossible argument, such as racism, politics, my car better..etc, then don't post or even look at it if you think you will get hung up about it.


Scoob99 12 March 2002 10:15 AM

Andy.......For what it is worth I sometimes don't agree with some of the stuff that goes on here, but why leave??..... I mean P.S.Lewis might make a prat of himself again soon and you will miss it!!!!!!!!!
All the best

CraigH 12 March 2002 10:21 AM


Don't leave, just lurk.

You are one of the nicest and most genuine Scoob owners I've met - this board needs people like you to counteract people like me ;)

DrEvil 12 March 2002 10:37 AM


Mate, don't let them get to you. And DONT leave.
They're not worth it.


Luke 12 March 2002 10:38 AM

Ive never met you. Spoke to you on Chat last night. Your name is one of the first I remembered when I first joined. Racism does exist... Many times because I am white ,people speak to me thinking I am like them.. I dont go a day without hearing "Paki " "Coon" etc. I live in a major Jewish area. When I hear the word "Jew" there tends to be an Attitude about it... But I hear attitudes and racism from all Races and religions. Christ , look at the hate within the Jewish community. Look how Indians and Pakistanis get on. How do Indians talk about Bangladeshis??? How do Africans talk about each other?????

It happens all around the world. Sure no one likes to listen to racism. I am married to a Muslim( Non active). But I do remember all the talk about Muslims /Afgans last year on this Net. Did I find it offensive??? Yes and no. But I did notice that The Moderators Holding back.

Where does this all end up???? If it goes to far ..It might start to come back...

But Andy ?? Can you not laugh at some of it??

Andy Tang 12 March 2002 10:40 AM

Thanks to all those who left kind words. Including some muppets!!! :eek: ;)

To set the record straight, I am not leaving beacuse of:

racist comments
racist undertones
Or anything because I'm Chinese!

I'm leaving because a serious topic like racism is made fun of! It's the later comments about French, Essex girls, etc that really finalised it.

I appreciate that everyone has a right to their opinions, I carefully read all the ones made, before selecting my examples and life expereinces. Then to have it down graded for a 'quick laugh' pissed me off.

I have enjoyed Scoobynet, during all it's carnations over the last 3 years. I was introduced to trackdays, rolling road days, guru's, a local 'pub' and curry night, good dealers, loads of informations to make tuning a bit more DIY, good tuners (when it's more than DIY), Muppets and most importantly many good friends.

My cars have seen many states of tune and it's all down to Scoobynet!! :D From my first Green MY97 UK with exhaust and filter, to the Silver MY99 with 354bhp/299ftlb, with more or less everything in between tried! :eek:

I will still be going to the meets, whatever car I'm in as its less about cars and more a social get together. I will probably pop into chat after one or two beers (old habits die hard).

It's been fun, just less so now.

juan 12 March 2002 10:56 AM

Blimey Luke, dunno where you live but I rarely hear racist abuse like you mention on that scale.

I do not condone any kind of racism but comments about things like Essex girls and even many aimed at groups such as English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, French, German, Chinese or any other nationality are often made in jest. These do not offend me. We need some fun in the world.

I'll agree though that Britain has a strange yob culture, heavily influenced by booze, that is far worse than anywhere else in the world I have seen (and have seen quite a few places). You even see it anywhere abroad where brits gather for holidays etc. But I would have thought most of that lot would not be on these boards so neither would their cr@p.

I must have missed all this racist stuff that people keep mentioning, but I don't know how. I'm on here most days, except weekends, and its not the type of thing to pass me by.

s'up to the individual how you handle it; walk away, let it wash over you, or make a stand against it. Whatever works for you.

Richard Askew 12 March 2002 10:59 AM

Adios amigo :( - keep in touch via e-mail and stuff...
cya at a track day the front headlight splitter is still available for the Golf ;)

And so endeth another Chapter.... :(

Maxy_UK 12 March 2002 11:07 AM

Hi Andy

Just logged on to find the thread in Non ScoobyRelated has turned into a muppet thread :rolleyes: It is true Scoobynet (maybe because of its popularity) has gone downhill tremendously with regard to quality of posts since i first found it a year ago (IMO). Look what has happened because one person didnt think before he posted.

As others have said before, dont leave just lurk.


DavidLewis 12 March 2002 11:21 AM

I was only planning to use scoobynet to check for the dates of the next "Peel and Curry Nite" :)

I do sympathise, scoobynet has evolved and not in a way that appeals to everyone.

Keep in touch.

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