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STi go fast 25 February 2002 05:58 PM

wicked site folks! loads better than evo!

i have always wondered, on my way to work i cross two hump back bridges and i always seem to get a bit of air each time i cross them- but i was with a mate the other day and he said i could damage the suspension by doing this (i think he might just be p1ssed off cause he banged his head on the roof!)

anyone know if this is safe?


Mickle 25 February 2002 06:02 PM

oval shaped wheels spring to mind :)

Richard Askew 25 February 2002 06:06 PM

airbag detonation anyone?? ;)

STi go fast 25 February 2002 06:08 PM

actually thats a good point, can the bag be disconected so it doesnt go off if my jumps get higher?

pacenote 25 February 2002 06:20 PM

If your jumps get any higher you'll need a sump guard fitting to avoid leaving engine oil on the road when you come down.

STi go fast 25 February 2002 06:23 PM

a sumpguard is on my list of mods to get!

Richard Askew 25 February 2002 06:24 PM who are u on evo???

STi go fast 25 February 2002 06:27 PM

never posted on evo, been reading the forums for ages though.

STi go fast 25 February 2002 07:13 PM

what about tyre pressure? i have always run them low to absorb some of the landing but i suppose if they are to low this might cause the undernath of the car to bottom out sooner?


schuey 25 February 2002 07:35 PM

Thanks Rich!!!!!!!!!!!
flew mine big time off a hump back bridge, landed nearly 20 yards further down the road coming down from about 3 feet on the front towing hooks.
Set off the airbags. ( expensive )
Wheels and suspension OK, infact when I took it to powerstation and they saw the shape of the front towing hooks, they could not believe the suspension and tracking were OK.
Still fly it now, but keep to low level sorties.


STi go fast 25 February 2002 07:38 PM

i find if u keep it pinned as you leave the bridge then it doesnt drop onto its nose so much.

Stuart J 25 February 2002 07:46 PM

I know somebody who did it in an Impreza
Various bits of damage but car written off as oil filter ripped off & block damaged so be warned

evo kid 25 February 2002 07:47 PM

a mate of mine broke a drive shaft once doing this !
if you keep your foot down as you lift off the engine will 'rev 'up quickly and when you land your wheel speed will be a lot faster than your actuall road speed and it puts alot of strain on your drive shafts and gear box .. just a thought

Richard Askew 25 February 2002 07:51 PM

Didnt Roger Clark say he had to lift off cos the Escort was prone to that and he kept losing in the end he kept it flat out???

TonyBurns 25 February 2002 08:03 PM

I feel the words "knackered and scoob" come into this if your flying over bridges, say goodbye to your backbox, your sump, your front bumper, your radiator (if you come down nose first) your bearings (as these are going to cop it big style) your transmission, your alloys, possible blow out on one or more of your tyres if you go too quickly over one.....
Not a very sensible option...


[Edited by TonyBurns - 2/25/2002 8:04:10 PM]

STi go fast 25 February 2002 09:06 PM

just been out and had a blast- didnt go over it to quick as it was dark and wet but as i lifted of going over it the dump valve made a little old lady nearly fall of the bridge into the river!


sempers 26 February 2002 11:35 AM

About the worst thing is to land with the revs down on where the roadspeed is - bloody big shock, and destabilising. Then again, wouldn't want to fly on the limiter either.

Difficult call.. not sure I'd fly the scoob too much - particularly with peeps comments about airbags. Airbag deploys, then you drive into hedge.... Ouch...

That aside, depending on how high/long you go, I wouldn't say it's that big a deal. No worse than hitting a big pothole. In my experience, the landing is usually pretty soft - unless major distance / height is involved. Bridges are the worst 'cos you launch fairly up, and can easily outpace the downslope. Shallower crests are great :cool:

My old (2 cars back) Saab 900 took major air on a 12-car.. novice nav, missed calling a humpback bridge on the exit of a corner. Grounded on the upslope, *35* feet downrange to landing (went back later to check!), remove an inch of tarmac from the road. Fortunately the engine's sat on a beam which acted as sumpguard. No damage other than removing the 'zorst in it's entirety. Deffo not recommended.

Have fun.

[Edited by sempers - 2/26/2002 11:41:24 AM]

Brendan Hughes 26 February 2002 04:14 PM

Wasn't there a vid about this doing the rounds, about a year ago, where some guy killed himself? I'm serious. Never saw it myself (don't have the bandwidth), but it got a lot of threads.

Toerag 27 February 2002 10:14 AM

Watch out for bends straight after the bridge, old roads tend to follw the riverbank then turn 90 degrees, go over the bridge then turn 90degrees back to follow the far bank. Friend of mine nearly wrecked his XR2 in this situation, the jump was fine, but he had a job getting round the bend straight after!

STi go fast 27 February 2002 10:19 AM

there is a bend but i normally get so much height of the bridge that i can see round the corner (over a small brick wall) and so, if nothings coming, i can take a racing line throught the corner.

HamsterWheel 27 February 2002 11:22 AM

Tried it in my Pug 205 GTi - resulted in a crease in the roof as the car tried to bend in two. Luckily sold it very quickly after that and explained the crease as being caused by a roofrack...

Then tried it in a borrowed Hyundai Stellar (got BIG AIR), with 5 big lads aboard. Made a real nasty noise on landing and from then on the steering was rather interesting........

Gotta be done though !

The cars they used for jumping on The Dukes of Hazzard were only used for one jump each - after that they were undriveable.

Gordo 27 February 2002 01:29 PM

I love hump back bridges.

I must admit I learned my lesson after blowing the engine on a Mitsubish Galant 2.5l (don't ask). The third time over the bridge (it was good, ok?) it landed so nose heavy a can of coke that was open exploded all over my girlfriend. checked the front, kicked the skirt back on (company car)and off we went.

80 miles down the motorway it coughed its guts and seized the engine (sump cracked, slow leak, warning light didn't come on). £6500 later it had a re-build engine and I've respected hump backs ever since - but still can't resist it! :) :) :)


dsmith 09 August 2002 10:09 AM

Birth of a Legend

Neil Smalley 09 August 2002 10:32 AM

STI GF Keep fishing m8 you'll catch a few everyday.

Can anyone say "Wind up"?

Tiggs 09 August 2002 10:35 AM

neil, if the mods hadnt moved his "coming out" post to the muppet forum yesterday there would be no fishing to do!

Neil Smalley 09 August 2002 10:36 AM

No fish in the muppet forum?

bioforger 09 August 2002 10:41 AM

the General Lee in dukes had like 20shock asorbers fitted to for each jump scene, so the guy driving wouldnt break his back! :eek:

mutant_matt 09 August 2002 12:30 PM

I missed this one the first time round, so thanks for sharing it again....;);):D:D

Matt :)

Scoobychick 09 August 2002 02:02 PM

Welcome back Dave :D:D:D:D:D

Dave T-S 09 August 2002 02:10 PM

*blush* Gee, thanks Sal;) - was that a compliment:D

But it was true...:eek:

BTW, i've never been intefered with by a moderator before - lucky it wasn't Neil.....:eek:;)

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