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corradoboy 08 March 2009 05:11 AM

National Limit (60mph) to be cut to 50
Road speed limit cut to 50mph

Originally Posted by Link
THE government is to cut the national speed limit from 60mph to 50mph on most of Britain’s roads, enforced by a new generation of average speed cameras.....

....Local authorities will have the power to raise the limit to 60mph on the safest roads, but will have to justify it.....

....The cameras have already been installed at 43 locations. The Home Office is expected to approve their wider use later this year.....

....The nature of some rural roads, with dips and bends and difficult conditions, means that the 60mph limit is not enough. The 50mph proposal will be laid out in a consultation document to be published in the early summer.

There they go again, spoiling our fun :razz: Some of the best roads have already seen this taking effect, such as Cat'n'Fiddle and Snake Pass :(

hux309 08 March 2009 07:21 AM

Yup been happening down here quite a bit lately, some roads i can understand as it's getting quite congested but lowering the limit will really cost them votes now.

gpssti4 08 March 2009 07:30 AM

Looks like my front numberplate may "accidentally" fall off.

MattW 08 March 2009 08:33 AM

FFS it's a limit not a target, what is it with these people!

Nurse Gladys 08 March 2009 08:41 AM

Not another of Mr Brown's money generating ideas by any chance?:razz:

The way he's going it won't be long before we have recouped what the t*atish Labour Government has lost!

I guess the next step it to take our wages & hand them straight over each week.:cuckoo:

mart360 08 March 2009 08:49 AM

They are obsessed with control,
Be it a list or a target..

Some others to whet your appetite :(

Domestic violence

The HS is looking to put domestic violence offenders on a new domestic violence database

(why? so you can call up and see if your next potential partner has form?) subject to the usual data protection stuff lol..

WHY FFS we already have a register for offenders??, its yet again another list to store the Shhh "DATA" Shhh on...

Tagged sheep, whilst not a home grown inititive, we are now embroiled in this stupidity..

Basically the EU, have decreed that all sheep must be tagged and on

wait for it

another list :):( sheeesh....

the kicker is, we have openly admitted that the cost of implementing and enforcing this

legislation, outweighs the fines imposed for not following it.

BUT!!!!! were going to spend the money anyway, as its an eu directive...

and they wonder why people have no confidence in them...

back to the topic in question....

why are they reducing speed limits..... because its a way of putting more scamera's out there to generate more revenue

Just rememebr, "if it saves one life its worth it." thats what they tell us.......

pity they dont apply that mantra to gun & knife crime :(

Mart :(

Scoobychick 08 March 2009 08:59 AM

I honestly can't understand how cutting the limit by 10mph will reduce the number of accidents. Common sense to me says that most accidents are caused by poor driving. In fact I'd go as far as to say that cutting the limit might increase accidents as frustrated motorists get held up by drivers doing 40mph who think it's best to stay 10mph under the limit 'just in case', and therefore overtake where perhaps it's not always safe to.

If it was up to me I'd put a limit on the engine capacity size for inexperienced drivers for a few years until they'd gained experience and roadcraft skills and educate, educate, educate EVERY driver on the road. I'd make the driving test much harder so that driving became a skill that you acquired and not a 'right' people seem to think it is now. I'd also introduce minimum speeds on motorways, temporary maximum speed limits in rain and fog and make sure that all roads surfaces were kept in tip top condition.

I think we need less emphasis on speed, watching your speedo continuously and looking out for scameras distracts you from the road and takes your concentration away from everything that's going on around you. When I first started driving there wasn't this great big 'speed kills' nonsense going around and speed limits tended to be pretty much ignored. Instead you concentrated on driving to the conditions, the road and the vehicle you were in. I realise that there is a lot more traffic now than there was back then but if people who weren't good at driving weren't given licences we wouldn't have the problems we have now. They'd have to use public transport thus keeping more cars off of the roads making it safer for everyone else.

So that's my solution, don't give clueless numpties licences in the first place :smug: :D

hutton_d 08 March 2009 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by Scoobychick (Post 8561826)
... Common sense to me says that most accidents are caused by poor driving. ...

Come on. These are brain-dead politicians we're talking about who want power and control over our lives. Common sense departed from there many many years ago .... :brickwall


RyanSTI 08 March 2009 09:24 AM

who atually goes 60 in a national speed limit anyway? this will proberly only affect busy cool roads, such as snakes which if u catch it wrong is super busy, and u have to leap frog slow coaches down the road. :lol1:

dunx 08 March 2009 09:27 AM

Do some of you have licences ?



P.S. Politician = T*sser !

Nurse Gladys 08 March 2009 09:31 AM

You get my vote Scoobychick - will you be running at the next election? :hjtwofing

The only thing I would add (which may upset a few) is to retake the driving test every ten years (or 5 years over the age of 70).

I think it would take some of the 'idiots' of the road, or at least bring them in line with driving on todays roads.

I think they should look more closely at the speed limits in residential areas - outside schools in some areas here there is a compulsory 20mph at 9am & 3pm - protecting the kids which I think is a good idea. :)

Also we live on a residential road with 30mph at each end, although the stretch outside ours (for about 1 mile) is 40mph. In the time we have been here two young girls have been killed on it.

We have tried & tried to ge it reduced but are told there is no point as people will still speed................?:brickwall

corradoboy 08 March 2009 09:48 AM

My reply directly copied from last time this was suggested

Originally Posted by Scooby Blue WRX (Post 8561859)
The only thing I would add (which may upset a few) is to retake the driving test every ten years (or 5 years over the age of 70).

A great idea in theory, but when you consider that there are 30 million drivers on the roads, if they were to be retested every 10 years that would be 3 million tests per year, on top of the 2.1m they already carry out through the 1889 examiners. That would require a significant increase in personnel and resources.

Originally Posted by DSA figures
1,889 are driving examiners. In 2005/06 the Agency conducted over 1.9 million practical tests for car drivers, 113,000 vocational tests and over 87,000 motorcycle rider tests.

I do however agree with retesting at around 70, and if not a short retest every 5 years or so, then maybe have their GP's approval required on each renewal application, possibly including a relevent medical examination testing eyesight and reaction.
As for the general driving standards on the roads today, I feel the attitude and policy to traffic enforcement has left us without effective policing. The reliance on cameras for the single offence of speeding and the redeployment of traffic officers, along with those left backing up on the misguided speed issue means nobody ever seems to be brought to task for blatant poor driving any more. Paltry fines and mostly irrelevent (until you have nine) points breed arrogance and apathy in the driving public. I would like to see an increase in well trained traffic police who are able to issue minor financial penalty to cover the cost of the pull, but back that up with compulsory driver training orders, requiring a minimum of 6 hours with an ADI to rectify the fault witnessed. It is highly likely that during the tuition the ADI may identify and correct many more errors and bad habits, possibly preventing future accidents, thus improving driving standards.

warrenm2 08 March 2009 10:04 AM

where's the number of that emmigration agent again.....? :mad:

hutton_d 08 March 2009 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by RyanSTI (Post 8561847)
who atually goes 60 in a national speed limit anyway?

Ummm. Me when possible and safe to do so .......... Don't forget that a NSL of 60 applies to all single carriageway roads so that is the vast majority of the country ..


Kieran_Burns 08 March 2009 10:45 AM

50mph = 80kph.

Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not.....

cookstar 08 March 2009 10:46 AM

I was listening to some nobber on the news this morning saying that this cut was aimed at younger drivers that drive late at night after they had been drinking.

So.... the new limit is going to stop said drivers having accidents.:cuckoo:

The Dogs B******s 08 March 2009 10:54 AM

F*cking joke:mad:

JonMc 08 March 2009 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Scooby Blue WRX (Post 8561859)
The only thing I would add (which may upset a few) is to retake the driving test every ten years (or 5 years over the age of 70).

I think they should look more closely at the speed limits in residential areas - outside schools in some areas here there is a compulsory 20mph at 9am & 3pm - protecting the kids which I think is a good idea. :)

On the first point, my father-in-law has never passed a test - he was given his licence by the Army when he did his national service and at times being an the car with him terrifies me (although he probably says the same about me). By his own admission he is getting a little slow. Conversely there are still a lot of drivers above tha age who claim to be very good drivers and may well be. The test will merely sort the wheat from the chaff, so I am and always have been for that.:thumb:

As for residential areas, halleluljah; I live at the end of a road that leads of the high street. The driving has always been bad with the road being used as a rat run to the local school and golf club. People nearly always cut the corner so that they can maintain their, often excessive, speed, rarely check before pulling out, when they do turn left they nearly always drift onto the wrong side of the road because of the speed they are carrying and just to add insult to injury, they do it in 2-tonnes 'off-roaders'. And as the weather improves and the kids want to go out and play, the water companies have dug up the high street and put in temporary traffic lights meaning even more people now use the rat run to avoid the hold-ups.:brickwall

TBH it is only through sheer luck that there hasn't yet been an accident on this corner. Will we get speed bumps or other traffic calming measures. :freak3:

And then when the school run does get there they all park on the pavement because they are not allowed to park on the yellow zig-zags on the other side of the road. It is carnage at 9am and 3pm.:mad: The school has complained directly to the council so what do they do, send a traffic warden down once every couple of months to ticket people - like they care:nono:

Steve_PPP 08 March 2009 11:01 AM

what a load of rubbish :razz:

boomer 08 March 2009 11:04 AM

If this stupid :mad: idea begins to happen, we might start seeing a lot more of this!


f1_fan 08 March 2009 12:46 PM

Group buy on red flags, top hats and long coats anybody?

It's pathetic - while the country is falling apart with a failing economy and more people losing their jobs every week this government finds time to carry on the with the 'nanny state' programme.

Glad to see Cameron saying he will reverse this decision when he gets to power.

mykp 08 March 2009 03:48 PM

as said before, its a pity some people in government and local office have got bugger all better to do. So they drop the speed limit by 10mph, it wont make a blind bit of difference in the long term to the number of deaths, it will however make a difference to the amount of CASH they make.

The cat and fiddle and snake pass are 50mph and have been for a while but has the accident rate come down, has it buggery!

TonyBurns 08 March 2009 04:29 PM

It just means that trucks wont be able to do 56mph on those country roads whilst following their satnav :lol1:

Really though, its common sense and driving ability to understand that around that next corner there is a queue of traffic, a bit of debris, a couple of horses and riders etc, the money is best put into teaching these lessons rather than getting people to find out the hard way :(


hux309 08 March 2009 04:45 PM

This will be a pain as a good bit of my work journey is nsl, a good 10 miles of it, it's the main a38 in cornwall.

Tam the bam 08 March 2009 04:54 PM

The place I used to live have already reduced all the NSL roads to 50 or 40 limits, total PITA, especially the dual carriageway as everyone sits in the inside lane at about 45mph, getting on is almost imposable, still they are making a fortune with all their newly bought speed trap scameras, so it's definitely working for them!

kingofturds 08 March 2009 04:58 PM

Are labour trying to vote themselves out of power for the next 50 years? or will there be a "terror attack" before the next election. And voting suspended

Jamz3k 08 March 2009 04:59 PM

I use NSL areas as personal Race Tracks, i just thought i'd point this out:thumb:

richs2891 08 March 2009 05:05 PM

Absolutely stupid idea - just shows they are simply messing to make it look like doing some thing and can produce some nice meaning less statics at the end of a few years.
Better driver eduction and spending money of proper maintained roads is the only thing that will reduce the no of road deaths.
Or am I been more cynical than before - reduce the speed limits - dont have to spend as much on road maintenance and sit back count the money that comes pouring in from fines from going a few mph over the posted limit ?

Echo what is been said about more accidents as everyone will be looking at their speedo and not the road.
All I can see will be a rise in cloned number plates, cars not registered and non readable number plates.


filfy 08 March 2009 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by Jamz3k (Post 8562533)
I use NSL areas as personal Race Tracks, i just thought i'd point this out:thumb:

:lol1: me too :lol1:

renny 08 March 2009 06:47 PM


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