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The_Gza 22 January 2001 07:55 PM

OK, a small story for y’all.

Driving home this evening, nice and calm, pull out into outside lane of motorway to overtake 3 slower moving cars, no-one in rear view mirrors.

Few seconds later, headlights appear and then seem to fade into other lane. Motorway at this point is three lane, with Motorway about to split. Presume that headlights are going to bear left off onto other Motorway, but lo and behold am undertaken in lane 2 at approx. 90-100mph by car which then forces his way in causes me to swerve and brake heavily to avoid hitting him.
Pretty bad so far eh? But not entirely unique in the life of a Motorway commuter.

The plot thickens....

After being nearly hit by this nutter, to my horror I realise that I have seen this car before. Just before Christmas, I had a similar encounter. And yes you guessed it - its the same guy, except this time I am coming home from work.

Previously he had pulled the very same stunt on me - undertaking whilst I was overtaking slower traffic and cut in front. Gave him the benefit of full beam/blast on the horn that time, and then watch him do the exact same manoeuvre to a Saab that was in front of me. Shook my head, wondered at the amount of lunatics out there and drove into the work car park. Only to find said car 5 cars in front of me in the queue to get into the car park.
Decided that he definitely should receive my thoughts upon his driving and did just that when we stopped - all fairly civil with the fact that I am at my work uppermost in my mind. Anyway, he was pretty smug about the whole thing,, but whilst I was ‘talking’ to him another guy came up beside me and told me that this loony had done the very same thing to him only a week or so before.

So - spoke to colleague whose husband is a traffic officer, gave her the reg no - hubby said that they would keep an eye out for aforementioned nutter.

After tonight’s adventure, got straight on the phone to Police and told them what had happened. Gave them all the details, including previous run in. Apparently this car is registered in Southampton - so they obviously don’t have his home address up here to have a ‘quiet word’.

So, what do I do next? I would really appreciate Stuart H’s comments or suggestions on this, and anyone else who
has came across a similar situation.
Unfortunately because this guy works at the same place I do, that precludes me for taking more ‘direct’ action, but I would guess that I can report him to our HR department or something similar? Dunno what use that would be though, given that this happened outside work. I really would like to take this further, because it’s obviously not just a one-off, and the idea that he is tearing up and down Motorways across Central Scotland pulling the same stunts absolutely enrages me

Apologies for the length of post, but I am really fed up with people who seem to think they can do as they will, whether it be putting other peoples lives at risk or damaging everything you hold to be important, without facing up to the consequences of their actions. Time to make a stand (cue dramatic music) and hopefully teach this to55er that what goes around, comes around. I’m sure that most of you will have come across something similar before, so in the interests of hopefully seeing some justice done, I will let you know the outcome of today’s escapades...


Gastro 22 January 2001 09:41 PM


I've asked my other half about this one (she's a lawyer.....),
Apparently - very little unfortunately !
What you have done already is about it, unless :-
1) its a company car - report him to the company (+police)
2) You raised a civil prosecution - unfortunately there has been only one successful civil prosecution EVER in Scotland :-(((

She suggests if you see him again - report it again & time itself will play its hand with this psychopath (lets just hope that someone else doesnt suffer from it)....... Perhaps the cops will catch him before the next time.


Josh L 22 January 2001 10:09 PM

If it is a company car, have a go at the personnel dept.

I did that a few years ago when a Golf driver with VAG UK plates kindly tried to put me in the central reservation. Of course they said he had a different story, but it transpired that it was not the first complaint, and every time I saw him after that he was driving like a granny.

AWD 23 January 2001 12:03 AM

Best to leave the assaulting to his cellmate Bubba when this to55er gets banged up....

hooksin - when you get brought up on assault charges and they find out that you carried out an unprovoked assault on a cretin who drives badly, and that you know kickboxing - what do you think is going to happen next?

Also the to55er will probably get off the bad driving rap.

AWD 23 January 2001 12:04 AM

I'm sorry if I've gone off at the deep end, but people who do martial arts and then say that they will beat up others to solve their problems really pi55 me off!

I hope that I've just misunderstood what Hooksin meant...

[This message has been edited by AWD (edited 23 January 2001).]

Squizz 23 January 2001 12:12 AM

This is going off-topic now but...

Someone I once worked with was crossing a road at a junction. Chap driving hadn't indicated suddenly slowed down and turned into the junction. my colleague had to jump out of the way and waved his fist.

Nutjob driving must have been having a bad day obviously, coz he stopped, got out and indeed laid a right hook into the pedestrians face.

Smashed his glasses, broke his nose, badly bruised his face, etc. Drove off.

A witness stoped and got the, coz my colleague couldn't see!!!

End result? Driver got sent down for 3 months, and no-one had a very good time of it.

Anyway, I'm sure Hooksin doesn't pick on people smaller than him or children, etc. (Right). So can we all get back to helping Gza now?

The_Gza 23 January 2001 12:12 AM

Much as giving this guy a swift smack appeals, as Squizz and AWD have pointed out, the consequences far outweight any short term pleasure that seeing him flat on his back would give.

I shall leave it with the Police and my HR dept. at the mo, and see what transpires.

IntegraR - good idea mate, I think I will take a trip to the local police office (handily is also the Traffic Police HQ) and explain in more detail.

AWD 23 January 2001 12:15 AM

If you opt for the video evidence idea, make sure that the video doesn't incriminate you for:

1. speeding

2. driving without due care and attention (due to filming the to55er).

KF 23 January 2001 12:22 AM

Its quite simple. If he habitually speeds and drives like a tosser, tell the police which way he goes home, and then phone them as he leaves the car park. If you can pick a day that he goes to the pub at lunch, even better.
If you have reported him a couple of times (get your colleague too), then a discreet unmarked car doing proactive policing will surely have few stern words.

MartinM 23 January 2001 12:38 AM

...err, e-mail him the URL of this thread??

hooksin 23 January 2001 12:55 AM

AWD - who rattled your cage????

I didn't say it was the right way, just expressing my you are.
I have been watching this board 4 about 3 months now and have seen many comments like the one I have posted with most people having a bit of a say.
My point was that sometimes that is the ONLY way with some people and I stand by my comment. If someone endangers my life with a stupid driving manouvre, then does it again I would pull him of of his motor & give him a good-kicking!!!

airhead 23 January 2001 09:08 AM

so what does this t***ser drive, and is he old/young reasonable/total w**ker or what.

Why not put out a company wide e-mail (carefully written) saying what car reg'n x123xxx has done, and request the use of a few brain cells.

Just a thought. Shame them.

Andy Hall 23 January 2001 09:48 AM

If he parks in your carpark regularly, surely you could arrange for the Stuarts lads to have a quiet word, or failing that carry a passenger with a video camera.

I get a lot of this and really hacks me off too, though I've never had a "serial nutter" like this guy.

Good luck sorting it out


NeilR 23 January 2001 09:55 AM

Give us all his Reg number.

We can all report him...... just imagine that!


AMBER-PERFORMANCE 23 January 2001 10:05 AM

In the circumstances is it not worth doing a little P.I. work and somehow follow this guy home! At least you will then know where he lives and if he has to be reported again you will be able to 'assist' the police with their enquiries quite nicely. Either that or politely point out the error of his ways outside of work , working on the premise that if work are not prepared to help with what you have reported because it is 'outside the work environment' then they are not likely to help him either. Just a suggestion.



IntegraR 23 January 2001 10:32 AM

Gza, Just be careful of repocutions.
Now you've had a chat with him, it may be quite obvious to him who had a quiet word with the fuzz, and being as he sounds like a complete pr@t, he may start getting nasty.
I dont mean confrontational, but watch he doesnt start on your car or something, or did he not seem the type?
Good on you for doing something about this, these assholes need to be brought down a peg or two, disregard for other people and other peoples property (especially cars is bullsh1t, and Im just so sick of having to watch out for tw@ts that couldnt care less about anyone but themselves!!
Let us know how it goes, perhaps "civilian policing" in this sense isnt such a bad thing.
Rant over

The_Gza 23 January 2001 10:58 AM

Thanks for the support guys.

At the moment I have left it with the Central Scotland traffic department – apparently they are going to keep an eye out for him. Don’t know if that will be much use if its me in particular he is harassing – unless they want to come and sit in my passenger seat on the way to work every day

Can’t imagine that reporting him every time he cuts me up will do much good either – if they can’t do anything after he has done it twice, then more phone calls are only more likely to annoy the Police??

I am sorely tempted to do the company wide email, but don’t want to get myself in trouble. Will be speaking to HR dept his afternoon anyway, so will see what they have to say.

When I spoke to him previously he was really smug about his driving and basically said that it was my problem

If I don’t get anywhere then I will post his reg up here so you can all report him – either that or I will be forced into taking more “extreme” measures

AWD 23 January 2001 11:02 AM

If he has done this to more people (at least 2) then HR should do something about it.

If they say that it is a non-company matter, can't you send out an anonymous email (using a non-work id) or post a notice on any notice boards in the office?

The w@nker shouldn't be allowed to get away with it - also he will cause an accident if he keeps it up - it is a matter of "when" not "if".

Squizz 23 January 2001 11:04 AM

Got a video camera? Can you borrow one?

Tape your journey to work each morning in the hope of catching him on tape, with a suitably informative narrative by yourself. (Obviously I mean set the camera up, rather than hold it!!).

Evidence enough Stuart H, for handing to the police?

That's what I'd do...

Good luck, and let us know!


AWD 23 January 2001 11:04 AM

BTW what does he drive?

The_Gza 23 January 2001 11:16 AM

Car is an older style Honda Accord.

Quite like the video camera idea, but I would guess that it wouldn't be admissable as evidence - Stuart H might be able to confirm.

Unfortunately, following him home might be a bit difficult given that every time I've seen him he is travelling about 90-100mph would probably notice someone keeping pace with him - not that I would go above the speed limit anyway

Squizz 23 January 2001 11:26 AM

Organise the vid so it can see your speedo and him as he whizzes past.

That'd do nicely, as well...

I doubt "Our boys in blue" will quibble with a decent bit of tape showing Undue Care and Attention or Dangerous Driving. That requires no counter evidence such as speed, etc.

Or, send it to a local television station...!

hooksin 23 January 2001 11:28 AM

In my experience, there can be only one solution with a guy like this - a good right-hook without any words exchanged. I know it's an obvious answer(and not always the right one, so the wife keeps telling me) & I have used this solution many times before....

Squizz 23 January 2001 11:38 AM

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

Keep that up, and you'll be the one slopping out each morning.

Much as it appeals, vigilante measures are not the answer. As the law works in this country you are far more likely to end up in the dock!!!!

IntegraR 23 January 2001 11:52 AM

I also wouldnt recommend decking him, although that would be fun.
We have a police force, so use it, and maybe go down to a station, and explain in detail to one of the officers what the situation is.
If you relay your concerns to the police, they will have to do something about it, as imagine if they ignore it and he ends up killing someone.

AWD 23 January 2001 11:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by hooksin:
In my experience, there can be only one solution with a guy like this - a good right-hook without any words exchanged. I know it's an obvious answer(and not always the right one, so the wife keeps telling me) & I have used this solution many times before....


But they work in the same company. The above is a sure fire way to get yourself fired and prosecuted for assault.

AWD 23 January 2001 11:56 AM

Violence is not the solution!

Squizz 23 January 2001 11:57 AM

Mind you, asking some tasty-geezer mates to do the job for you...


Stuart H 23 January 2001 12:03 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Section 3 Road Traffic Act 1988:
<B>If a person drives a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for any other persons using the road or place, he is guilty of an offence[/quote]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>CPS Charging Standards in respect of an offence contrary to section 3:
<B>The following are examples of driving which may support an allegation of careless driving:

1)Acts of driving caused by more than momentary inattention and where the safety of road users is affected such as:
<LI>overtaking on the inside
<LI>driving inappropriately close to another vehicle
<LI>driving through a red light
<LI>emerging from a side road into the path of another vehicle
<LI>turning into a minor road and colliding with a pedestrian

If he's done it to other people at your place of work they will probably in the same mind as you.

Do the b****** before he kills someone.

[This message has been edited by Stuart H (edited 23 January 2001).]

IntegraR 23 January 2001 01:08 PM

but hooksin, then you are the one on the wrong side of the law, and thats the worst possible scenario.
Once it becomes a case of assault, the police arent going to care about your unsupportable claim of him speeding.
I dont recon going down for assault for some assholes driving is a good idea, and to top it all, he'll be on the outside still driving like a tosser.
Just my 2c, though agreed, it would be tempting to smack him one

[This message has been edited by IntegraR (edited 23 January 2001).]

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