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dpb 06 December 2008 10:06 AM

Most violent place on earth ?
BBC - BBC Two Programmes - Louis Theroux, Law and Disorder in Johannesburg

Watched last weeks in Philli - lol at the ginger fattie trying to keep the peace :lol1:

Iv just paid for gfrinds daughter to study away in Melbourne for 1 of the 3 years (she is on-campus in joburg) , but her cousin is 'in town' having paid to escape Zim... ( not my cash )

Christ i hope it was worth it for him :eek:

hodgy0_2 06 December 2008 11:03 AM

Most violent place on earth ? --- Luton

phil_wrx 06 December 2008 11:09 AM


Jamie 06 December 2008 11:11 AM

3rd that Luton

ronjeramy 06 December 2008 11:12 AM

Somalia? Pretty much lawless :)

subaruturbo_18 06 December 2008 11:15 AM

when i was a bit younger, if i hadn't cleaned up the dishes, my kitchen was the most violent place on earth :D :lol1:

Leslie 06 December 2008 11:25 AM

Got a friend who goes out there and says that it is only in certain parts where it is really bad.


phil_wrx 06 December 2008 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by ronjeramy (Post 8327307)
Somalia? Pretty much lawless :)

sounds like luton

dpb 06 December 2008 12:30 PM

Im sure theres no violence at all behind 12 foot high fences

bootsy 06 December 2008 12:54 PM


TomR555 06 December 2008 12:56 PM

Harol Hill :nopity:

David Lock 06 December 2008 01:41 PM

I'll watch the programme with interest. I used to live in Hillbrow in the apartheid days so sad to see it has gone downhill. Very mixed feelings about the whole situation now.

I worked in construction and the workers - the "boys" - would travel in from the townships by overcrowded buses or trains. The in-crime then was for a small gang to surround a victim and stick a sharpened knitting needle into his spine, thus paralysing him, before taking his wallet for a few Rand and his pass.

I previously lived in Washington DC which at the time was in the top five cities for world murders!! Guess I should move to Luton :D


Mus 06 December 2008 01:47 PM

luton seems ok i usualy go up there for a drive an grab an indian from there and im in london, if you guys think luton is bad come to tottenham or brixton and they are not even that bad. try the ghetto harlem, queens or even brazil. so trust me we got it easy up in here.

Jamie 06 December 2008 01:49 PM

I have been to queens and harlem,They are like a nice little village compared to luton :)

Luke 06 December 2008 02:41 PM

tescos last day before Christmas.

Torquemada 06 December 2008 02:41 PM

Any Woolworths store? :lol1:

Mus 06 December 2008 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by *Jamie* (Post 8327570)
I have been to queens and harlem,They are like a nice little village compared to luton :)

luton dont have bad boys all the bad boys there are just wana bees ive been in luton a few times and take it from me london is much tougher place i bet you couldnt walk in certain places in london with out getting jacked and thats a fact no matter what colour you are.

luton might have some maffia but they wont come and bother you in the street because they got bigger fish to fry:norty:
the ones you get in luton are just some hoddie gangster wanabees big diffrence pal

dpb 06 December 2008 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 8327554)
I'll watch the programme with interest. I used to live in Hillbrow in the apartheid days so sad to see it has gone downhill. Very mixed feelings about the whole situation now.

I worked in construction and the workers - the "boys" - would travel in from the townships by overcrowded buses or trains. The in-crime then was for a small gang to surround a victim and stick a sharpened knitting needle into his spine, thus paralysing him, before taking his wallet for a few Rand and his pass.

I previously lived in Washington DC which at the time was in the top five cities for world murders!! Guess I should move to Luton :D


That and the south africans now necklacing outsiders - doesnt bare thinking about

Mus 06 December 2008 03:34 PM

thats just stories or should i say myths they might pull out a gun or knife on you but come on dude if you were hungry and had no money to feed your family and theres no work for you because the country is a third world country would you pick up a no you wouldnt you would take a weapon that looks intimidating

David Lock 06 December 2008 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by mus 1st class sti type r (Post 8327740)
thats just stories or should i say myths they might pull out a gun or knife on you but come on dude if you were hungry and had no money to feed your family and theres no work for you because the country is a third world country would you pick up a no you wouldnt you would take a weapon that looks intimidating

It was certainly no myth. I lived there and worked alongside hundreds or blacks on a daily basis and got to know what was going on. Nice guys actually (most of them). The needle was not intended to be seen and look intimidating. The first the victim knew about it was when he felt it being stuck in his back from behind. Horrible. dl

Mus 07 December 2008 02:18 PM

man not nice at all wouldnt want to be in the end of that needle, but still i dont quite understand why people find luton rough?

Sti_Prodrive 07 December 2008 04:30 PM

Luton?!?!?! not at all, i go der all the time 2 go pick up car's for rental !

Got to be Liverpool ! u know wat i mean likeeeeee ...

Mus 07 December 2008 05:03 PM

im actuley a liverpool fan and ive ben out there a few times i think its where your go in liverpool huyton or i think they call it two dogs fighting is a crap whole. but the city center is great.
i still think you wont find rougher than london in the UK

The Zohan 07 December 2008 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by mus 1st class sti type r (Post 8329634)
im actuley a liverpool fan and ive ben out there a few times i think its where your go in liverpool huyton or i think they call it two dogs fighting is a crap whole. but the city center is great.
i still think you wont find rougher than london in the UK

Moses - is this you with a new username???:)

Hmm, i think you will find a few choice parts of our inner cities pretty rough and lawless with people who are happy to rob you and if necessary kill you. Lot of these people causing the problems appear to come from some of the lawless parts of the world - 3rd world and eastern Europe - oh and if you do not (want to) believe it then chat to any city copper!

dazdavies 07 December 2008 05:31 PM

All the above mentioned are nothing compared to Crewekerne in Somerset. I sh*t you not for such a small place based on violent incidents per head Crewkerne has to have that title!!

tanyatriangles 07 December 2008 05:32 PM

Johannesburg? SA? Hmmmm, now WHAT major world sporting event will be there in 2010? Remind me again?

Should be a laugh a minute:(

dpb 07 December 2008 05:59 PM

Was thinking of investing myself actually !

scoobynutta555 07 December 2008 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by hodgy0_2 (Post 8327287)
Most violent place on earth ? --- Luton

It's bad, but not the worst in the Uk let alone the world ;)

I must say though I've got a scar (40 stitches) from a knife wound whilst in Luton :)

twooo 07 December 2008 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by mus 1st class sti type r (Post 8329634)
i still think you wont find rougher than london in the UK

I've lived in London for over 6 years now and never had a single problem. Never been mugged, abused, beaten up or even gobbed off to, and I've been to some of the renowned rougher parts - Brixton, Peckham, New Cross in some seriously messy states at all hours. Christ, me and my sister both live in one of the alleged "rougher" estates in Hackney. Because of our jobs, we both regularly walk through it between 11pm and 2am alone and feel perfectly safe. It's all about how you portray yourself. Confident without being cocky and most people leave you alone. I've even had groups of youths round tghe estate ask my help with sorting out their cars and so on. It's just got a bad rep because people keep insisting on believing the drivel the Daily Mail and Express forces on it's disillusioned readers. The only reason there's more crime here is because there's more people. Crime-per-person is no worse than anywhere else in the country.

dpb 07 December 2008 06:57 PM

Indeed The divide between rich and poor is miniscule relatively

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