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Stevesbluewrx 28 November 2008 10:04 AM

Wisdom teeth
I had two impacted wisdom teeth removed on Monday this week (lower and bottom).
I'm taking the tablets as required.
Eating soft foods (living off soup is grrrrrreat :mad: )

Using salt water to rinse my mouth out and oraldene also. my mouth is pretty tender and I am getting this horrid taste in my mouth. Is it possible I could have an infection or possible abscess following the removal.
My stitches are still in place etc and not come out.

What do you think? Worth just carry on taking the required medication and ride it out or panic and call the surgeon for a quick check up?

OllyK 28 November 2008 10:07 AM

Won't hurt to give them a call. My other half had hers out and was sufferring with pain afterwards, it was dry socket apparently. In to the consultant the same day and her packed the hole with something and it worked a treat. She did have dragon breath for a few days after mind!! :D

HankScorpio 28 November 2008 10:10 AM

I would give it till monday, I had some brutal extraction work done earlier in the year and was tender for about ten days. They've removed bone from your face!
keep using the salt water and mouthwash.

Lesson I learnt - don't eat branflakes, the bits get into every little nook and cranny

HankScorpio 28 November 2008 10:12 AM

If it was a dry socket, you'd know about it, I was on cocodamol for week with mine!
The little teabag thing they put in does work a treat though (as can clove oil if you can handle it)

(my teeth were rotten in case you haven't guessed!)

Matteeboy 28 November 2008 10:14 AM

Agree - stick with the salt water.

I had 4 out under local.

1) 4 or the 8 injections didn't work - so had 12 in total - 4 through the roof of my mouth.
2) The amount of injections made me spontaneously throw up very badly as my throat spasmed.
3) I could still completely feel one tooth being removed.
4) Dentist burnt my mouth with the drill (he put gel on once side but forgot the other)
5) He slipped with the drill and went under my tongue - no feeling in it for three months.
6) Cracked my jaw slightly.
7) I got a nasty infection and had to rush to hospital three days later.

It wasn't a lot of fun! Healed in the end though.

cster 28 November 2008 10:16 AM

You've got what is called a dry socket.
There is an infection present, but due to poor blood supply to the area, taking antibiotics generally is a waste of time.
You can get a pain relieving dressing placed, or you can grin and bare it.
They usually last a week and the symptoms are pain and bad taste.
The pain should not get worse.
Hope this helps.
If you get swelling, then a visit to A&E may be called for.

HankScorpio 28 November 2008 10:22 AM

Dry socket isn't "tender", dry socket is pull your fingernails out to take your mind of it painful.
My dentist told me he's had women who have had children say it was worse that childbirth as it was just relentless.

EddScott 28 November 2008 10:25 AM

Jey-us! :eek:

Glad I kept mine in. I was supposed to have them out but moved areas and it never happened. The top ones are on about a 20 degree angle to the rest of my teeth and one has pushed the tooth left of the middle one behind the middle one so I tend to bite my tongue while eating.

Small price to pay for the above horror mind!

Scoobychick 28 November 2008 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by HankScorpio (Post 8306977)
Dry socket isn't "tender", dry socket is pull your fingernails out to take your mind of it painful.
My dentist told me he's had women who have had children say it was worse that childbirth as it was just relentless.

You're not kidding, I had one that took a week to heal. It was the worst pain I have ever had to endure, I barely slept, couldn't lay down, couldn't sit up, couldn't stand up, couldn't move, couldn't stay still. I cried, I screamed, I cried, I wanted to die. It was horrendous :cry:

Gear Head 28 November 2008 10:44 AM

God I am not looking foward to having mine out if I have to. :cry: I nearly punch my dentist when I had to have a filling! :rolleyes:

OllyK 28 November 2008 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by chrispurvis100 (Post 8307040)
God I am not looking foward to having mine out if I have to. :cry: I nearly punch my dentist when I had to have a filling! :rolleyes:

Don't know why. I've had 2 fillings in my life and neither time with an anaesthetic, neither time did it hurt.

McWRX 28 November 2008 12:16 PM

Oh great... reading this has put the crappers right on me now. Need to get one removed at the back top left as its making me bite my cheek whenever i close my mouth. Put it off for 4 months but I cant close my bloomin mouth without biting it now!

Danger will robinson (wave arms robot stye)

Think I would rather be knocked out for it...

Drill through the tongue?!?!?! what the...:(

HankScorpio 28 November 2008 12:26 PM

Don't be worrying, as soon as you get any deep, lingering, excruciating pain, get back to your dentist, he'll put a medicated pad in that will break up over a few days and allow the healing to progress, takes one minute to do and the relief is almost instant.

I can't remember the stats but it's something like 5% of people will get following an extraction, much more common in lower than upper.

Follow the precautions and get help when needed, won't be a big problem.
(don't use straws or blow up balloons, don't disturb the clot, do eat smooth foods, rinse after eating and before bed)

I was a baby about going to the dentist for 30 years but have found a great one and I wish I'd never put off all the jobs that needed done, I'm definitely paying the price (financially now and with pain in the past) but I've had about 14 appointments since july with another 2 hours on tuesday.
I don't enjoy it but having an excellent dentist makes it much easier and not the nightmare it was before.

rossyboy 28 November 2008 12:36 PM

I had both my lower ones out, with some bone hacked away and I didnt get dry socket, so thats something to counter the scare stories.

I did wake up chewing one of the blood clots though and with blood pouring around my teeth....

austinwrx 28 November 2008 12:36 PM

I had two impacted ones out- in hospital- dentist couldn't do them.

never known pain like it for the 2 weeks of recovery.

including my chest being bruised where they had clearly been kneeling on me!!

even became constipated due to amount of painkillers I was taking.

so watch for that !!

remember trying to drink a bottle of whiskey one night, just to ease the pain and to get a nights sleep.

good look mate, hope you get through it.

I went back to hosp on day 3- packing in the gums had moved.

personally I'd say any issues- get yrself back there.

Kieran_Burns 28 November 2008 12:52 PM

Is this a good time to say that all 4 of my wisdom teeth have never caused me a problem? ;)

One of them is lying on it's side, but the x-ray showed no problems at all, and the other 3 are perfectly straight.

Mind you - I do know the agony of dental pain. I had a fever one time so bad that I cracked a tooth wide open while my teeth were chattering.

I found the ONLY way to numb the pain long enough to get to the dentist was to sup FREEZING cold water. The relief lasted for about 10 seconds, so I was drinking loads. Great for the skin as well :)

Got to the dentist and almost begged him to stick the needle in.

salsa-king 28 November 2008 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK (Post 8307050)
Don't know why. I've had 2 fillings in my life and neither time with an anaesthetic, neither time did it hurt.

I too never had injection to have just a filling, or two.

Had my wisdom teeth out about 8yrs ago now, all 4, 2 at a time withing a month of each other. cost blinkin £98.. that was national health too!!

glad i had them out, wornt giving me any real problems.. at that time, but could have in the future.. BUT back then in a morning I used to have jaw ache, I put it doen to cold weather in the mornings as it passed off by mid morning, as soon as the teeth were out, it stopped. Told the dentist and he said it would be down to the wisdom teeth!!

SiPie 28 November 2008 01:16 PM

Dry socket isn't "tender", dry socket is pull your fingernails out to take your mind of it painful.

Leslie 28 November 2008 01:21 PM

Was the one they took out of your bottom painful?

Les :)

Simon C 28 November 2008 02:08 PM

Had all 4 out in 2000. Never had a moments trouble.

Advice was, salt water, don't smoke for a week etc etc. Stuff that, sparked up as soon as I was discharged.

Took the anti's and pain killers, kept smoking etc etc, only ate soup for the first couple of days though.

With in, 4 days, all the stiches had disloved, was virtually all healed in 6 days. The only problem I had was they disrupted the Sciatic (sp) nerve and I lost fine feeling in the right hand side of my tongue for 6 months. This I knew was a rik, having looked at the x-rays and knowing what I was letting my self in for.

Never looked like a hampster either, much to peoples dismay.. :lol1:

speedymonkey 28 November 2008 02:48 PM

I had all 4 wipped out under general anesthetic, went in about 12 midday, had the procedure done by 2, and was out around 4pm :thumb:

Apart from swallowing blood for a few days, and feeling these 'massive holes' that appear where the teeth used to be, my experience was fine really, so its shocking to read some of your experiences :eek:

Most frightening part for me was getting a garden pea stuck in one of the holes whilst eating my dinner, i was so worried as everytime i touched it with my tongue, it just got deeper! had to fish it out with a cocktail stick :(

MissyV 28 November 2008 03:34 PM

I really wish I didn't read this thread as I'm having an extraction on Monday...not for my wisdom teeth, just one upper tooth at the back...lets hope I don't have a horror story to tell like you guys! :o

McWRX 28 November 2008 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by speedymonkey (Post 8307625)
Most frightening part for me was getting a garden pea stuck in one of the holes whilst eating my dinner, i was so worried as everytime i touched it with my tongue, it just got deeper! had to fish it out with a cocktail stick :(

LOL! That did actually make me spit my drink out then... :lol1: :lol1:

Can image the worry! :eek:

McWRX 28 November 2008 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by HankScorpio (Post 8307245)
I don't enjoy it but having an excellent dentist makes it much easier and not the nightmare it was before.

I think you hit the nail on the head... my dentist has a monobrow, no facial expressions and is always dreaming of treatments that are needed for the next visit - but they never happen. Even told him that I have a fear :brickwall

Perhaps will investigate a new dentist :lol1:

Removed. 28 November 2008 06:00 PM

Still got all 4 of mine, according to my dentist I have loads of room for them due to my big head :lol1:

I have the same fear issues with dentists, but I have a very good, very understanding dentist, which helps a lot. The only trouble is he sounds like the dentist from "The Marathon Man"

"Is it safe?":Suspiciou

Stevesbluewrx 28 November 2008 07:50 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys. I've done the extra bit of salt water and funny enough feels a lot better already.

Sounds like some folks have had some terrible things to them on the chair.

I'll update this thread once I give up the horrid salt water and tablets. Austinwrx, I know what you mean with the tablets making you constipated.


Harryr34 28 November 2008 08:13 PM

I had 4 removed then 6 months later i had corrective jaw surgery - ouch.

My lower jaw was cut and moved back by 5mm and my upper jaw moved 1cm forward. It very very painfull, i couldn't sleep for two weeks! The worst pain i have ever experienced, had this done two months ago. It's ok now :)

+Doc+ 28 November 2008 08:17 PM

Im having a tooth out on Tuesday, can't wait as this one IS KILLING ME AND I CAN'T EAT ON IT! :(

MissyV 28 November 2008 08:51 PM

Mines on Monday Doc...I chipped it & now it has to come out...although the Dentist tells me it's because I eat too many sweets...I disagree :o

HankScorpio 28 November 2008 08:57 PM

Probably the best thing about my dentist is that he isn't in the least bit patronising, he knows people eat sweets and general crap the same as he does.
He gives facts and advice but is never holier than thou with it.

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