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robby 23 November 2008 03:16 PM

PS3 or 360?
A while ago i sold my Xbox 360 and have been regretting it for the last few weeks. I've since been looking at PS3s and have noticed the prices are a lot higher for these.
Is the PS3 worth paying extra over a 360?
It would be used on a normal TV (for now) so blueray (whatever that is?) doesn't matter

any thoughts?

Torquemada 23 November 2008 03:26 PM

Both are good consoles imho. Xbox360's now have more reliable chipsets and such, so they aren't failing as badly.
Sony's console is reliable and has plenty of great features but my personal choice for the moment is the 360 as I have a CRT still and the online gaming is far better set up than PS3.

I'll be getting a PS3 at some point but for the moment it just isn't worth the cost at all, several mates of mine have PS3's and I'm still quite happy with the MS console. Well, I was happy til it died a few weels back but it's off getting replaced/repaired, it was a near launch model and I don't have to pay anything for it to be fixed, so I don't really mind.

There are fanboys from both sides but it's ultimately down to what you will actually use the thing for and what you display things on. From what you've said, a new model 360 with the new chipsets is possibly the way to go, get a PS3 when you get an HD telly, hopefully they may also be cheaper by then too :)

Jamo 23 November 2008 03:27 PM

360 over a ps3 any day! ive had both. have 360 atm and its a much better machine imho.

GlesgaKiss 23 November 2008 03:28 PM


I have always owned playstations, but I have to admit I only use this one for dvd's.

Much better games and controller for the 360 IMO.

stonejedi 23 November 2008 03:31 PM

if i was you depending on your future plans for bluray or hidef tv i would get a ps3 reason being that it comes with all the future formats i.e wireless out of the box built in bluray player wirless controllers now with built in rumble free internet game service meaning you can play against other ps3 users around the world without paying a pennie,but saying that i have both and find most of my time on the xbox 360,but i think that the ps3 proberly by midway in 2009 will be getting used more when certain blockbuster games come out.the xbox 360 has been out now for about 1 year before the ps3,so has had time to get a player base but the ps3 is slowly but surely catching up plus you now get 80gb of memory and a dualshock 3 controller for the same price that they were selling the 40gb ps3 for so its quite a bargin.

Torquemada 23 November 2008 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by stonejedi (Post 8294542)
if i was you depending on your future plans for bluray or hidef tv i would get a ps3 reason being that it comes with all the future formats i.e wireless out of the box built in bluray player wirless controllers now with built in rumble free internet game service meaning you can play against other ps3 users around the world without paying a pennie,but saying that i have both and find most of my time on the xbox 360,but i think that the ps3 proberly by midway in 2009 will be getting used more when certain blockbuster games come out.the xbox 360 has been out now for about 1 year before the ps3,so has had time to get a player base but the ps3 is slowly but surely catching up plus you now get 80gb of memory and a dualshock 3 controller for the same price that they were selling the 40gb ps3 for so its quite a bargin.

:lol1: oh yeah, a real bargain!

Nah, not at all, the 360's you can now pick up come with 60gb HDD's, HD connections as standard and with the ability to download HD movies, blueray is not as great a thing as people like to say.

The new dashboard on the 360 and the online play is really quite impressive and wipes the floor with PS3's anyday.
Similar to the PS3, I do really like the use of media centre to beam movies etc. through to your TV and if you hack MediaCentre you can play divx movies etc. not sure but I think PS3 might do that as standard though.

Price for price, the 360 wins hands down, that's not to say the PS3 isn't a great console, it's just not nearly worth the money and things are becoming less and less centred around console exclusives as games companies are spreading their nets as wide as poss from what I can see.

Xbox now, PS3 when it's actually worth it and they lower the cost, well that's what I'll be doing anyway :thumb:

ScooByer Trade 23 November 2008 03:41 PM

I remember What tv & video or something, rated the Ps3 as their best bluray console,

Torquemada 23 November 2008 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by ScooByer Trade (Post 8294558)
I remember What tv & video or something, rated the Ps3 as their best bluray console,

He doesn't need blueray :thumb:

Shaun 23 November 2008 03:46 PM

That wouldn't be hard..... it's the ONLY Bluray Console! ;)

Unless you are after PS3 exclusives or want a Bluray player as well.... go for a 360.

I have both and have not really played the PS3 since I bought it, as I tend to buy the 360 ports.

At £130.00 for the base console it is a bargain for the tech / games available.

Sony best have something up their sleeve for 2010 when the predicted next version of the XBOX is released. I think they have had a rude awakening this time round. :)

phil_wrx 23 November 2008 06:57 PM

was chatting to the sales manager in game saturday as i was buying cod5 for xbox360, wii's are selling fast and so are 360's but ps3 just aint moving,

its £200 for a 360 pro with 2 controllers and 3 games and £320 for the 3 game ps3 pack so obviously thats a big reason

filfy 23 November 2008 07:13 PM

360 all day long for me:thumb: its a gamers console pure and simple.

P1Fanatic 24 November 2008 08:03 AM

It depends what you specs you want and from what you have said i.e. no HD tv then it makes little sense to go PS3 (and thus get the blu-ray).

I personally wanted blu-ray and did not want a seperate player under my tv taking up more room. I also wanted built in wireless and this then puts you in direct comparison with the 360 Elite where the price differential is not so much of a factor.

So Id say go for the 360 Pro but if you already sold an Xbox maybe you should try the PS3 for something different?


P1Fanatic 24 November 2008 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Torquemada (Post 8294557)
Nah, not at all, the 360's you can now pick up come with 60gb HDD's, HD connections as standard and with the ability to download HD movies, blueray is not as great a thing as people like to say.

Its blu-ray and its the single HD disc media format going forward. Its also the only full HD input for your HD tv (sky hd, consoles etc are not). So it will be the replacement for DVD. Take up wont be as quick for blu-ray from DVD as it was DVD from VHS as your in theory only getting a better picture, sound and possibly more content whereas DVD brought a lot to the table over what VHS offered. Oh and you need a HD TV which a lot of people still dont have.

Now I have a blu-ray player in the PS3 I cant see myself buying DVD's unless they are bargain basement clearance titles. Play having being doing 3for2 for a while now so you can pick up 3 blu-rays for £30 delivered.


Torquemada 24 November 2008 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by P1Fanatic (Post 8296212)
Its blu-ray and its the single HD disc media format going forward. Its also the only full HD input for your HD tv (sky hd, consoles etc are not). So it will be the replacement for DVD. Take up wont be as quick for blu-ray from DVD as it was DVD from VHS as your in theory only getting a better picture, sound and possibly more content whereas DVD brought a lot to the table over what VHS offered. Oh and you need a HD TV which a lot of people still dont have.

Now I have a blu-ray player in the PS3 I cant see myself buying DVD's unless they are bargain basement clearance titles. Play having being doing 3for2 for a while now so you can pick up 3 blu-rays for £30 delivered.


Yeah, certainly Blueray will be around for a good while but MS are defo going down the HD downloads route, be it 'proper' HD or not, it still looks decent enough. MS were even looking at a Blueray module instead of the HD-DVD but that is being dropped as far as I hear, for the downlads instead.

As you said, a lot of people (myself included) have not gone HD telly yet (personally my CRT does the job just fine, for now) so the only real draw of the PS3 is irrellevant to a fair portion of people.

Little Big Planet does look double cool though, I'm up for getting a PS3 for that alone, but probably after I delve into the world of HD tellies, a 32" will do me fine I reckon, don't need a cinema screen in my sitting room and they're coming down in price bigtime.

I do like the idea of having my PSP's all linked up and stuff though :cool:

andyseston 24 November 2008 11:51 AM

ps3 by far for me. i have both and had the playstation from day one but if i am honest never really played it for a year cos not many games but now on it every day and xbox just sits there and only gets used now and again.

i think the games are better on ps3 and you do have the bonus of the blu ray player which i use alot.

Torquemada 24 November 2008 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by andyseston (Post 8296570)
ps3 by far for me. i have both and had the playstation from day one but if i am honest never really played it for a year cos not many games but now on it every day and xbox just sits there and only gets used now and again.

i think the games are better on ps3 and you do have the bonus of the blu ray player which i use alot.

There are a couple of decent games that are only available to PS3 but most of them (well, ones that are any good) are also on Xbox anyway.

I'm yet to see any real reasons for someone who doesn't have an HD telly to buy a PS3. (I do still really want one though, I just like having all the toys :D)

scoobyverysoon 24 November 2008 12:08 PM

Each to there own and how people say theres no diffrence between blu ray and DVD is beyond me :eek:

On a 1080p TV is in a league of its own

Never had an xbox due to the stupid big and daft controller and the amount of breakdowns it seems to have or used to have

Torquemada 24 November 2008 12:17 PM

Yeah, mine was from around launch time so it lasted fairly well, considering. It's still the first console that I've ever owned that's failed on me, I've still got a damned Atari Jaguar that works! :lol1:

Don't think anyone would ever say there is no difference between blueray and DVD, that's pretty crazy. There is however, no point in it if you don't have a device to display it on. HD downloads still look pretty darned good from what I've seen.

DVDs, shock horror, are still able to give me the gist of what is going on in a film without making my eyes bleed! :eek: :lol1: :thumb:

CRT's still have a bit of life in them yet (not much, but a smidge), imho :)

P1Fanatic 24 November 2008 01:44 PM

A HD tv isnt a necessity for console gaming but with both the PS3 & Xbox I think your missing out on the nextgen gfx if your using a CRT. CoD4 looked distinctively average on my old sony CRT 32" and awesome on my 42" plasma.

Im not sure about the whole downloads thing. blu-ray is something like 25gb for single and 50gb for dual layer discs. So the amount of content film producers can store is very high. Dunno how large the average HD download would be but for arguments sake even a 5gb download everytime you want to watch a new film would be a ball ache. Wouldnt take you long to fill even a decent size ext HDD and what about your ISPs download cap / AUP?


Torquemada 24 November 2008 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by P1Fanatic (Post 8296895)
A HD tv isnt a necessity for console gaming but with both the PS3 & Xbox I think your missing out on the nextgen gfx if your using a CRT. CoD4 looked distinctively average on my old sony CRT 32" and awesome on my 42" plasma.

Im not sure about the whole downloads thing. blu-ray is something like 25gb for single and 50gb for dual layer discs. So the amount of content film producers can store is very high. Dunno how large the average HD download would be but for arguments sake even a 5gb download everytime you want to watch a new film would be a ball ache. Wouldnt take you long to fill even a decent size ext HDD and what about your ISPs download cap / AUP?


Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree, the infrastructure isn't there at the moment to be able to do what MS have been looking at doing (think it would be more of a streaming content anyway, but would still take a zillion years at most users current connection speeds). I was more looking at the overall longterm value of Blueray, as it is not really relevant to the OP's question.

Blueray will be the format that most will use, once more peeps have HD tellies, but MS keep dilly-dallying about whether or not to add a Blueray module (personally I'm surprisd they haven't done something to enable that already). Maybe they're only looking at normal film content for the mo', as opposed to HD, thinking from where you're coming from, it must be.

As for CRT's yeah, people say that you miss out on things but I really rely on decent gameplay, storyline and intelligent design/forward thinking first, and flashy graphics come in second to all that. Can't say I'm really missing out on much, I know that nex gen graphics are great but I'm after more than that from so called next gen games. Looking more flashy is not what it's all about imho.
A decent CRT will still produce a very good picture for gaming, mines not all that amazing but my pa's B&O is stunning, he had an HD B&O but went back to his CRT as he preferred the image. (personally I thought he was nuts, the HD B&O was luurvly and I would love one, but I could kinda see where he was coming from, it's all about preferences and use as a few have said)

I've always said that I'll wait til tv's are a bit more realistically priced before I go full HD, they're nearly there tbh. and then, hopefully PS3's will be a little cheaper too. There's no bleeding way I could afford a B&O telly though! :)

Boro 24 November 2008 02:21 PM

Price: 360 wins

Quality: PS3 wins

Reliability: PS3 wins

Game choice: 360 wins

Technology: PS3 wins

Style: PS3 wins

Usability: 360 wins

Overall, if you want cutting edge design, ultra reliability and more menu options than you can dream of, get a PS3

If you want fun gaming, get a 360.

Torquemada 24 November 2008 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Boro (Post 8296996)
Price: 360 wins

Quality: PS3 wins

Reliability: PS3 wins

Game choice: 360 wins

Technology: PS3 wins

Style: PS3 wins

Usability: 360 wins

Overall, if you want cutting edge design, ultra reliability and more menu options than you can dream of, get a PS3

If you want fun gaming, get a 360.

Aye, that pretty much sums it all up :)

Iain Young 24 November 2008 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Boro (Post 8296996)
Quality: PS3 wins

In some ways yes, in other ways no. The 360 pads for example are far superior (imo) than the PS3 pads.

Reliability: PS3 wins
There's nothing wrong with the reliability of 360 consoles now.

Technology: PS3 wins
Why? The technology has proven to be very similar between the two machines. In some cases the 360 wins, in other the PS3 wins. At the end of the day, as far as the consumer is concerned they are pretty much identical.

Style: PS3 wins
That's personal opinion. I prefer the look of the 360 over the PS3. My PS3 is always getting covered in fingerprints and dust :)

Overall, if you want cutting edge design, ultra reliability and more menu options than you can dream of, get a PS3
Erm no - PS3 has no more menu options than the 360 (in fact I think it has less because it has no media center support). Design is a bit old hat now as well. There's already rumours of a redesign surfacing....

If you want fun gaming, get a 360.
Agreed :thumb:

ScoobyWeb 24 November 2008 06:54 PM

We went the other way round. Got a free PS3 with a mobile phone contract. Then bought a 50 inch 1080p plasma so as to get the best from the PS3. Gaming is out of this world in HD and blu-ray films are amazing. Didn't realise what we were missing all this time.

theboy 24 November 2008 07:19 PM

I used to always have PS1 then 2 etc. But i bought a 360 a couple of years back and its been superb. The online community on the xbox is far better than the PS3. I have plaed on my brother in laws PS3 and to be honnest i think its poor for the money. Especially when you consider Sony already have the PS4 tucked away (it was judged to be too far advanced to release it so they made the watered down version:nono: :nono: )

robby 24 November 2008 10:26 PM

well i'm looking at getting another 360 now due to the prices but looking on fleebay there are a lot of faulty ones (inc the elite ones?) - are they still so unreliable?

Torquemada 24 November 2008 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by robby (Post 8298516)
well i'm looking at getting another 360 now due to the prices but looking on fleebay there are a lot of faulty ones (inc the elite ones?) - are they still so unreliable?

Apparently the new models with the new chipsets etc. are much better, use less power, create less heat and should be way more reliable. I can't be certain what the failure rate is though, if they are still breaking at all.

They pretty much had to redo all the major components of the console over the last few years, time will tell I guess on the latest batches. :)

Torquemada 24 November 2008 10:31 PM

Oh yeah, basically I'm saying that you'd be better off with a new one, can't remember but you should go for ones that are over a particular serial number to ensure you get a 360 with the new chipsets. :thumb:

P1Fanatic 25 November 2008 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by Iain Young (Post 8297046)
That's personal opinion. I prefer the look of the 360 over the PS3. My PS3 is always getting covered in fingerprints and dust :)

Dont touch it then. Matches the gloss black finish of my tv and stand so Im happy. You probably cant get to your 360 as its hidden behind your PSU somewhere :)


Iain Young 25 November 2008 09:12 AM

Nah, the 360 PSU is behind the tv, so can't see it at all :)

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