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ian/555 09 January 2001 12:07 AM

I think that maybe a lot of people might be flashing lights as a sign of respect for the Scoob you are driving.

Or maybe they are just jealous gits

Gary Foster 09 January 2001 12:18 AM

I normally use a 'double flash' and thumbs up hand signal to indicate 'cheers mate' is this confusing maybe ?

There's a dual carriage way near my house where there is *always* some guy in the outside lane overtaking nothing (the turn right junction is only 2 miles down, so I guess you need to get in lane early )

This happens without fail, I sit in the Left hand lane for about 400 metres matching his speed, then get bored and undertake (allegedly officer). Every single day I get my retinas burnt out as the headlight's come on for at least 5 seconds.

I assume the guy is just saying 'oh yeah cheers, I'm not overtaking anyone so I'll just move into the left hand lane, it just slipped my mind'

We'll thats how I take it anyway

GaryC 09 January 2001 07:59 AM


Why do people flash their headlights at you when you have overtaken them? I'm not taking about when someone has been 'trying' to keep up, or when the overtaking was even the slightest bit dangerous, just normal 'Mr-Oliver-Molehusband-doing-45mph-on-straight-A-road-with-no-oncoming-cars-and you-overtake-still-within-speed-limit' or 'Mr-mondeo-driver-on-a-dual-carridgeway-doing-50mph-that-you-overtake-and-have-the-gall-to-pull-back-into-the-inside-lane-200yds-later'. WHY??

Are they so upset to have been overtaken? - or is it just the 'scoobysport-exhaust-in-the-face' that upsets them??

Curiouser and Curiouser??

EvilBevel 09 January 2001 08:08 AM

They think you both are trucks, and they just want to signal you you can get back in lane ?

Seriously though, I have the same thing from time to time with the Scoob, less so with other cars, so the soundtrack might have something to do with it - i.e. they might genuinly suddenly have been scared/woken up ?

Darren Thompson 09 January 2001 08:40 AM

It's because there going quite fast enough as they are employed by the government to drive round the country controlling the speeds we travel at on the UK roads. The flashing of lights is simulate gatso cameras so we panic and slow down, the correct age for this job is 70 + and even though you have not broken a law or done anything to endanger anyone you must be punished.

Or it might be they are complete W4NKERS !!!

The choice is your.


chiark 09 January 2001 09:34 AM

Might be courtesy?

On the other hand, if you follow the Roadcraft principle of flashing whilst in the outside lane prior to the overtaking move, perhaps they're flashing you back because you confused 'em?

Finally, people don't quite realise the gaps that the Scoob, and indeed any performance car, can use?

AndrewC 09 January 2001 09:35 AM

Happened to me only last night, the guy was so ferocious in his flashing that I stopped thinking there was something wrong with my lights/car/wheel hanging off...

Came up behind this chap doing 25 in a 40 limit, well lit rural bypass, I waited till the road widened and overtook him (admittedly in 2nd with the SS blazing ), anyway as I got past and lifted of at about 50 (oops) let the speed drift back to about 45 he accelerated and started with the lights?

I pulled off into a bus stop to quickly check the car over as I was so concerned and he drove past repeatedly sounding his horn?

I ask you, what did I do wrong, I drive a Wagon, no 747 size wings or stickers, nice shade of blue I even had my little girl in the car which means I always behave myself.


hudster2 09 January 2001 09:35 AM

Errr, I think I need to come clean - I've be know to do this myself a few times on the motorway.

What happens is, car overtakes me and then pulls right in front of me, sometimes so much so that I cannot see the bottom of their wheels! They often then slow down to the same speed I was traveling at, meaning I have to slow down lots to create a 2 second gap. It really drives me .

Not that I'm saying you do that Gary

BarryK 09 January 2001 10:26 AM


They'll be police cars wanting to give you hard time again.

Kev 09 January 2001 10:51 AM

About 6 years ago one filthy winters rush hour night along the A45 into B'Ham I was indicating to pull into the outside lane ... no-one was letting me into the steady stream of traffic then great a flash of headlights .... what a gentleman .... or so I thought... about 500 yrds down the road the blue lights in the grill came on and he pulleed me over. He then went on to show me the video of me "cutting him up" pulling into the lane in front of him ....

I argued with the guy saying he was very unfair and he flashed me in .... he then went on to preach the highwaycode about nothing been in there about "flashing" other than to use them as a warning to "let drivers know you are there" & " A warning". But I calmed down and explained I took the headlights as a signal to move across he told me he flashed them to warn me he was there ie not to pull out ..... I could'nt win but in the end I calmed down and took the ****ocking and I got away with no ticket ..... but it really grieved me take it .....

On a lighter note ... It was allways HGV drivers who flashed other HGV's in but it does seem to be spreading to middle aged ford escort drivers .... perhaps they think that the rear spoiler blocks your view and you can't judge the gap ... or simply they are retired HGV drivers who miss flashing drivers back in ...


fast bloke 09 January 2001 11:30 AM

Occasionally the driver can be being helpful... In the good old days (1987 I think) I has a mini cooper with an exhaust made from copper pipe with some wire wool for a silencer. Everyone I passed flashed their lights and made strange hand signals, holding their ears in the same fashion that the cast of Star Trek used to use when they where being zapped by aliens. Anyway, one evening I passed a guy in a 205 GTI who was sitting about 40 on a B road. As soon as I pulled in he acelerated to them same speed, started flashing and making hand signals out the window. I knew his car was much faster but though he wanted a race (Hey, I was young and stoopid). After about 10 miles I started to think he was a nutter, so I slowed right down. He stayed behind me. I started brake testing him and returning my own bunch of hand signals. Still he stayed behind me. After another few miles I decided to stop and have it out with him. I stopped and jumped out of the car. He got out and said "I thought you where never going to stop" I said "?" It turned out that my boot was open, that I had lost my spare wheel just as I had passed him and that the battery was about to follow the spare down the road. He decided to follow me in case the battery let go and hit someone, or in case I simply broke down having lost the battery. He was also able to tell me where I could find the spare wheel.
Did I feel sh*t for the abuse and brake testing I had given him? You bet

mutant_matt 09 January 2001 01:03 PM

I get this a lot!!!! I've never got it in any car I've had previously and it never happens on the Bike. I think that often it is because the speed at which I may close up on someone startles them - e.g. car doing say 40-45 in a 60 and I'm doing 60 (or more if conditions allow!), I catch them up quite quickly (particularly if there are bends in the road and if when I get there the road is clear, I'm out real early and cruise by, pulling in lots later (just like you are supposed to (in Roadcraft)). Now the amount the "average" driver looks in his mirror, it is quite possible that the first they know about me is when I'm alongside and that MUST be startling for them!?!

They probably think that we're being reckless when in fact, we're just cruising in a Scoob!!! This is even more true when it's wet as the performance get increases several times.

Anyway, that's what I think.



DrEvil 09 January 2001 01:12 PM

I've had this a couple or so times.. all occassions loads of visibility, no oncoming traffic, pull in a good 4-5 car lengths in front...

But get this... the other night on the hogsback (A31) just outside of guildford.. plonker in a golf sitting in the fast lane, no traffic ahead, over 1 miles from where the road forks (left A3, right guildford town center).. I approach.. they don't move over.. I use the right indicator to ask politely if I can pass.. nothing.. i think, ah perhaps they havent noticed a car approaching in the dark, so flash them once... nothing... I don't normally do this... but gave them a demo of the driving lights and full beam... they move over... and signal me (hand wise)..

Now is it me, or am I wrong in assuming they are the w@n**rs for not sticking to the rule of not being in the overtaking lane when there is nothing to overtake??

They were very sheepish when they then pulled up along side me at some lights in the town... grrr

[This message has been edited by DrEvil (edited 09 January 2001).]

scoobysnacks 09 January 2001 02:06 PM

I've had this happen to me a few times as well, after overtaking in very safe place without speeding in a 60 mph limit. I think some people assume any kind of overtaking must me dangerous because they never/can't do it in their usually slow and boring cars. It's a bit like when you accelerate out of a junction in a 30 zone and leave it in first gear for that extra kick and people give you a disapproving look even if you don't exeed the speed limit i.e. change up at 30 mph and then cruise. The annoying thing is, they wouldn't even give a second glace to the next car behind driving more dangerously at 40 mph, just because it's in 4th gear and they can't hear it.... The ignorance.

mattski 09 January 2001 02:17 PM

I had a van flash me for ages the other day along the A45, he then proceeded to overtake me. The fool, I had my revenge and let rip with a full compliment on main beam and PIAA torpedo's

Also a bit odd how, if someone is coming toward you with lights blazing, they dip them if they get a warning shot across the bow with the PIAAs

JoeyDeacon 09 January 2001 03:29 PM

The reason Lorry drivers flash each other when they overtake is to congratulate the other driver for holding up so many cars...

330sapp 09 January 2001 03:35 PM

Ive experienced this a few times myself. Last time was a couple of weeks ago when I overtook a lone car bumbling along at 1am. You could see the road ahead and there were to hidden junctions, houses or turnings onto our streach of road. It was a safe manouver, i left plenty of room and there was no danger to why the long main beam flash?????

The very same people think nothing of sitting within one or two car lengths or traffic whilst travelling at 40 mph on a busy road.......infinately more dangerous. Nuts


330sapp 09 January 2001 03:38 PM

Ive experienced this a few times myself. Last time was a couple of weeks ago when I overtook a lone car bumbling along at 1am. You could see the road ahead and there were to hidden junctions, houses or turnings onto our streach of road. It was a safe manouver, i left plenty of room and there was no danger to why the long main beam flash?????

I reacted in this instance by jumping on the brakes (with loads of room between me and them) and slowing to the speed they had been driving at. Thier reaction? Them drove up behind me and sat on my back bumper with thier main beam on!!!!! Im mean, come on now, what the f'ck?

The very same people think nothing of sitting within one or two car lengths or traffic whilst travelling at 40 mph on a busy road.......infinately more dangerous. Nuts


boomer 09 January 2001 06:59 PM

What worries me more about these Mr (or Ms) Angry flashers is the _time_ that it takes for them to respond.

You catch them up, wait for the opportunity, overtake briskly, get several hundred yards ahead and FLASH! Not only were they not aware of the fact that you caught up with them, or the fact that they were dawdling along oblivious to other traffic, but it takes them umpteen seconds to spot you in front.

Imagine of the "in front" was a child running out into the road, or a horse rider around a blind bend, or temporary traffic lights on red. Is it acceptable that they take *umpteen seconds* to see the plainly obvious?

I think not!


Big Col 09 January 2001 08:37 PM

The problem here is there is no definate meaning for flashing yer lights.

It can mean anything from 'hello' to 'you go first' or 'look out for me'.

The flashing when overtaking thing often happens to me and I some times think it would be funny to stop them and go 'What is it??'

Hamish Lindsay 09 January 2001 11:01 PM

Have to say it but your obviously not going as fast as you think you are !
When I over take in the "Dog Car" MG Meastro people flash.
When I overtake on the bike people don't !
The difference between these two vehicles is about 100mph !
So there lies your problem.

ROB MOONS 09 January 2001 11:25 PM

Its not always wise to react when this occurs.It happens to me on a weekly basis and after my experience i give em the bird and disapper.I overtook a shgged out XR2 in my MR2 turbo and happen to glance accross,the driver was going wild calling me every name he could. I floored it and pulled in way in front to a blaze of full beam.The red mist came down and i lost it, smacked on the brakes and jumped out the car,only to find him doing the same but with a crook lock.Now an argument at the side of the road is one thing but a full on battle with a crazed loon and a weapon i was not going to risk.I legged it(if i had the golf clubs in the boot it may have been different)very red faced thinking why did i bother stopping?
My advice is to just chill out and ignor all the twats.THERE IS ALOT OF LOONIES OUT THERE

Hamish Lindsay 09 January 2001 11:29 PM


Gussie Cup 09 January 2001 11:44 PM




Mac's Power 10 January 2001 02:09 AM

Yep it's not only an English problem. We get it here in Ireland too. Funny that you mentioned the Bikes. I never get it on my Honda Blackbird with race pipes. Then again I'm normally going faster than the speed of light on the bike so I guess I'm gone before their main beam hit's me.

Seriously though. I just can't figure it out. It's exactly like you say. Sometimes even several hundred yards later. Tossers

Did stop a few of them to ask about their actions. I even had one guy follow me with main beam on for almost 3 miles while I couldn't overtake the car in front due to corners. I stopped in the middle of the road and got out to the "man" 17 years old and a fiesta. he rolled down the window and asked if all was ok. I just politely said will you please lower your main beam. Ohh sorry he said and lowered it. As I got back into the car he put it on again.
I got out walked back to his car. leaned in the window and removed his keys and threw them as far as I possibly could down the road. Got back into scooby and smiles all the way home. Not to be recommended though.

I eventually got my medicine when I stopped after a car had flashed me ten times for overtaking him at a reasonably civilized speed. Off duty sergeant!!!! :O He brought me to court for dangerous driving but I won the case and didn't get a fine/ban but only due to a technicality

Mr.Cookie 10 January 2001 12:12 PM

Erm Gussie do you have a problem with the A31

Been an interesting read this little lot, i think most of the time is coz there pee'd off that you can and they cant.


johnfelstead 10 January 2001 06:19 PM

Happens to me ALL THE TIME. grrrrrrrr

It's nowt to do with noise, as i drive a bog standard sport, quiet as a mouse, most of the time.

I do drive quickly, but i dont chop people up or pass where there is even the remotest chance of putting anyone in danger.

It's very odd, cos in my cossie i only got flashed when i did sommat a bit wild like chucking huge flames out at the poor buggers.

I never get flashed in the westfield though, even though that thing is masively faster, especially when overtaking.

I don't get it.

Scott W 10 January 2001 09:31 PM

Following on from this very lively topic I'd just like to say that I fell foul of the "flashing of headlights" syndrome.

On the way home from London tonight I came off the M3 at Bracknell/Woking and headed towards Bracknell (A322) - as you come of the exit there is a dual carriageway with a set of traffics half a mile or so down the road - this is where the syndrome started to build - as I go through the lights in the right hand land travelling at a great speed of 30 mph some dozey f*!cker in his Mitsubishi Shogan V6 decides he wants to share the exact same piece of tarmac as me, and decides to pull across from the left hand lane without indicating - I blast the horn to let him know I'm there whilst braking to avoid him and he still pulls across.

Then just up from the traffic lights there is a lovely right then left followed by a section of dual carriageway that splits in two to either go to Bracknell or Ascot - I move across into the left hand lane to go towards Bracknell nice and early - Shogun driver decides to leave it late and decides to try finish the job of ruining my new Scooby again, and pulls across without indicating once again. At this point I'm really starting to get jacked off and decide that I will just simply pull alongside him, give him the bird and bugger off down the dual carriageway - except for the fact he gets out in front of me and decides to stay in the right hand lane doing 60 mph whilst the inside lane was free.

This is when the syndrome finally came over me and he got a full dose of my main beam.

At the next roundabout I thought that I could get past him - but the Shogun driver had other ideas and deliberately blocks me by pulling over in front of me as I'm exiting the roundabout with the turbo wound up and blocks my lane without anybody being in the left hand lane.

At this point he gets the horn blasting at him, lights flashing and hand signals galore - so I'm sorry to everyone who owns a Scooby for bringing their reputations down to these morons - but on the other hand he deserved it, whereas 9 times out of 10 we don't deserve to be flashed for no apparent reason

Tyson 10 January 2001 09:55 PM


I do this journey each week day (in my P1, not a Shogun, so I can empathise!!! Best to stay well clear of these bast**ds as they are SICK.

It's a fun road on a normal day though

Scott W 11 January 2001 09:15 AM


I'm a lot more relaxed now, but if I saw that Shogun again there'd be trouble! :-)

Anyway, are you going to the meet at Fleet this weekend?


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