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Maxy_UK 29 January 2002 10:19 PM

Just been on the private cs server, people sure arent friendly in there......

Firstly, my m8 being accused of cheating coz he kept on voting zero.....god knows what that was but he isnt cheating. Then it started happening to me, in my case it was when i used my bind, at the start of a round, that allows me to buy weapons, ammo and armour quickly because of this i was told to stop using them or piss off. Apparently its only cheats who use these buy binds.......hmmmmm....i gave my m8 these binds as well which is probably what caused his voting spree.

Anyway thats it.....cant wait to hear the replies :D

Ian - [STi] [V]axy

Just to add, i think gaming is like road brings out the bad in people.

[Edited by Maxy_UK - 1/29/2002 10:25:39 PM]

RB170 29 January 2002 10:26 PM

Maxy m8

I was just on that server and I thought it was OK, a lot better than some of the servers you go on. I think these things can be viewed as quite cliquey but I thought the guys were OK.


Maxy_UK 29 January 2002 10:28 PM

I must admit, most of the time i get no bother....there wasnt anyone on the server tonite that knew me.

Steve Perriam 29 January 2002 10:30 PM

hi m8

i wondered what all the voting 0 was ?

whats wrong with binds ? aren't they part of HL scripting language ?

i've never got into using them but i do use a pogram that basically has set them up for me so in my CS config i can choose to bind lots more keys than normal ?

too lazy to do the binds myself !!!



RB170 29 January 2002 10:30 PM

Like me M8 I didn't know anyone so you tend to feel a bit of an outcast. I'll keep playing and soon enough they'll get used to me being around.


Steve Perriam 29 January 2002 10:42 PM

oh mike dont feel like that......i can hear the violins starting up m8 :p

believe me we play for fun.

was damn difficult getting STi started.......lots of no shows etc for games.

we used to play mostly on BW servers with about 6 people !!!!

last few months we've gathered a lot of new peeps...several of which had never played CS and even online FPS's til STi.

now with our own servers we're beginning to play almost everynite and get at least a dozen people :D

so stick with us.

maxy u to dude.

Maxy_UK 29 January 2002 10:59 PM

Could people post up their in game names, so i know who you are.

Steve Perriam 29 January 2002 11:03 PM

[STi] Kheldar

just look for the worst ping...........that'll be me :(

jimbrit 29 January 2002 11:13 PM

[STi]Jimbrit and as a newbie to [STi] but not CS stick with it. You'll get used to the moaning,abbrievations and the aimbots that some of the guys have ;) and I don't really know why the guys got so annoyed with the votes as they weren't even interfering with play AFAIK. Just my £0.01

[Edited by jimbrit - 1/29/2002 11:14:37 PM]

Steve Perriam 29 January 2002 11:14 PM

yeah look out for HH - aimbot king of CS :rolleyes: :p

Neanderthal 30 January 2002 12:05 AM

erm... [STi] Neanderthal ;)
Try the server another night. We tend to rip the pee out of each other :p and to a new person it might come across as being unfriendly.

I've had about a weeks break from CS and there were lots of new names on there tonight.


HHxx 30 January 2002 12:14 AM

Oii Steve.... its Bog you should be worried about ;) :p

I think you can guess my cs alias ;)

Don't worry about the accusations. Thats normal for STi members ;)

Have you guys got voice sorted???

a.k.a. [STi]-::: HHxx :::-

Damaja 30 January 2002 12:17 AM


if you kill anyone you get acused of being a cheat! You got the wrong end of the stick m8, friendly banter

[STi] Ghostdog

p.s. CHEAT

Puff The Magic Wagon! 30 January 2002 12:24 AM

[STi] PTMW! here :D

As usual missed all the fun as arrived late :rolleyes:

I can't do binds as don't know how to & am generally an easy target :rolleyes:

My stats have gone to pi$$ since all these new [experienced] people have come along - I just can't compensate for it :( I'm better on Public servers with cheaters :rolleyes: I enjoyed the good auld days when there was just a few "amateurs" ;)

We're probably over-sensitive to cheats (or perceptions of) as we're a slightly older clan ( ;) ) & can't bearsed with all the cr@p you sometimes get on the public servers. We just want a good clean game :D

I still get wapped :rolleyes:

Mind you - Ghostdog was licking my shoes most of tonight ;) :p :D

Join in & enjoy :D


orbv 30 January 2002 01:03 AM

The STi guys are a friendly bunch ;) but I guess its like walking into a village pub. Everyone will stare until they get to know your face :D

Dead Man Walkin

orbv 30 January 2002 01:05 AM

Ghostdog was more of a DeadGhost :D

Steve Perriam 30 January 2002 08:55 AM

nah HH - Bog is good, u r just an aimbotter :p ;)

cya all 2nite........

BarryK 30 January 2002 08:57 AM

Good lord young Maximilian. You know from last summer that you will be accused of cheating by me whatever you do.

It's hilarious. I was finally sussed for being a cheat last night when I finished De_Train on 1-17. Bah, software cheat detection! :)

I don't think you can cheat on that server anymore, well nothing "oficially" recognoised as cheating anyway. I have still seen people bunny hopping, though they tend not to do it for long.

All in all, as a team server when I am moaning about, how did he do that etc, I genuine ly want to know, so I can do it too! :)

Last night for example there were 2 distincly seperate games being played on the same map. Folks with double figure kills and a handful of deaths and the exact opposite.

Now given that there is an edge in reaction time/experience of maps, I seem also to be watching a different film some of the time, shot by people who are just dashing round a corner who fired once. But from THEIR perspective they were round the corner and shot me running towards them. My PC didn't show it that way.

I suspect that even over and above ping time, processor speed is playing a big part in it when we all pinging sub 50. I run a PIII 866 with 256MB of memory.

You persistent high scorers (you know who you are) what cpu do you run?

RB170 30 January 2002 09:00 AM

Orbv (Dead man Walking) m8 you must have killed me at least 20 times last night LOL but then so did everyone else :D

Are we on again tonight???? I'm getting ready to kick some


[Edited by RB170 - 1/30/2002 9:01:51 AM]

[Edited by RB170 - 1/30/2002 11:00:24 AM]

dsmith 30 January 2002 09:03 AM

if you "Vote 0" in the console, it apears on screens as a vote for player 0 to be banned.

There never is a player zero, Lots of people do it to indicate there is someone still at their spawn. They could be camping or more usually its at the end of a round and someones on the phone or something and they're stood still at the spawn. Where this isn't in the middle of the maps it can take ages to find them sometimes (e.g. CT spawn in siege) and the vote 0 is a hint to the last man to avoid having to wait for the clock to run down.


Tiggs 30 January 2002 09:37 AM


since i upped my PC from P3 500 with 128 ram to AMD XP1700 with 400 ram my FPS is now double and i seem to get loads more chances to get ppl before they get me- may just be me getting better ;) but it is certainly different.

and on the subject of newbies.... how come i am never there when a newbie gets pi55ed off! i thought on e of the benifits of all those 2v2 games on Barry Servers trying to get STi popular wasthat we could give greif to newbie cheats!!! but i always miss it!


Proff. Tiggs

Maxy 30 January 2002 09:39 AM

Barry, it aint the being accused of cheating that im trying to get at.......its the way someguy was reacting to a small problem that my friend and i were having lastnight.

Regards to being called a cheat, i couldnt give a f**k anymore, lifes too short ;)


BTW, im running a 1.1ghz on isdn.

[Edited by Maxy - 1/30/2002 9:45:19 AM]

Mike Burton 30 January 2002 09:40 AM

Sorry about last night if I came over the wrong way, having a bad time of it (again) at work due to the threat of job cuts.

I have to take out my aggresion somewhere ;)

If you get acused of been a cheat on the locked server, don't worry about it, its just takin' the pi££.

Mikee (Qwerty)
(the guy with the Thomas the Tank Engine Spray) ;)

Damaja 30 January 2002 09:42 AM

I think I know who and what you are talking about maxy m8,

something along the lines of "get rid of your buying scripts or p1ss off"

BarryK 30 January 2002 09:48 AM

That Thomas spray is excellent.

But I got shot twice pressing his buffers. They don't appear to work. ;)

Bog 30 January 2002 09:52 AM

lo guys
well i've only been playing with STi for a few weeks now and i think ur all a gr8 bunch o' lads, no brown nosing intended
i was apprehensive at first but think ur all very friendly, there's loads of banter which i'm now accustomed to and i think u should stick at it maxy and u and yer mate, skyline was it, should keep playing cos these lads are worth getting to know
ps i do cheat ;)
pps Maxy u rock btw

Mike Burton 30 January 2002 09:54 AM

Look, I again say sorry for any abuse I gave (in some cases) or appeared to give (not in some cases - see earlier post about cheating).

I was however getting a little hacked off (I wasn't the only one, but maybe my language got a bit strong)with the vote 0 thing flying up my screen all the time.

Please accept my apology for any offence caused, or bad feeling created by my comments !!!

In the meantime, if you do it again, I'll make you glow and take all your guns off u ;)

Mikee (Qwerty)

Tiggs 30 January 2002 09:58 AM

lol, "get rid of your scripts or pi55 off"

glad i was new back when the most offensive thing was steve telling you to download some map or other!!!

(funnily enough he still does that!)


scoobs 30 January 2002 10:00 AM


Play by the same name [STi]Scoobs.

When you get to know the guys in the [STi] clan you come to realise that they are all a load of wineing misserable sh!ts ;)
I best not play tongiht now, as I had might as well put a large red target on my Ass saying shoot me shoot me :)

In fact, I find playing with the STi guys about as good as online gaming gets, Good fun, Freindly banter, the odd pi$$ take, and lots of talk about BBQ's and this thing called Lagg (what is that again ;) )

Oh, and I have loads of binds, you can tell when I press the wrong key as a CT and it says "cover me I'm Planting the bomb" DERRRRR


[Edited by scoobs - 1/30/2002 10:02:15 AM]

Crispin 30 January 2002 10:01 AM

Where can I get an aimbot :D?

*slips H a suitcase of used notes....

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