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simog 04 December 2007 12:44 PM

Theives - How daft are they!
Hi all,

Woke up this morning to the wife saying "where is your car then?".
My heart sank as I looked out the window to find a nice empty space where my car once was! Then she looked up the road and lo and behold, there she was!!! Theiving gits had taken my pride and joy! :mad:

Now, my car has an immobiliser which they had gotten round. It is also pretty damn loud, but that didn't bother them....but a turbo timer....well that foxed them didn't it!!!

Looks like they got exactly 1 minute up the road which is exactly how long it takes for my timer to cut the engine off!!!! Funny thing is it is in such an obvious place and flashes when its on!!

So there you go, the cheapest piece of kit I have on the car saved it!!!

Now I am on the hunt for a new ignition barrel, door locks and keys and a new steering wheel surround for a 95 WRX Wagon. I have an ad in wanted but anyone have any ideas on prices new??

Theives, the lowest form of human scum. They should all be hung by their fingers over a deep chasm and have each of their digits pecked off by buzzards until falling to their demise. And then let worms and small furry mammals feast on their splattered remains. :razz:

Brun 04 December 2007 12:48 PM

Well that's proved me wrong - turbo timers do have a use after all :thumb:

LegacySTi 04 December 2007 12:50 PM

good to hear ye still have here..

simog 04 December 2007 12:58 PM

Thanks, yea it is great to still have her.

Apparently according to the police, car theft for Impreza's is way up in our area as they are now using them as getaway cars! Quite how that will work I don't know as most of us can be heard long before we are seen so finding one can't be hard!!

Steering lock has been broken, anyone know what has to be done to fix it?

help2003 04 December 2007 01:42 PM

Does your turbo timer start everytime you start the car, and have to turn it off manual if you want to go anywhere in it?

Might have to sent mine up like that,

l1verp00l 04 December 2007 01:54 PM

Good thing they didnt get the motor :)

[MikeyB] 04 December 2007 02:29 PM

Makes me think "what is the best way to secure your car"...

Mine has a tracker, standard alarm and imoboliser, plus one of those nice big steering locks that covers the steering wheel (£80 jobby), but yet I still don't think it's secure enough...

I've heard of something to lock up the gearbox, some kind of 'pin' or something, does this ring any bells?

With out going for a flamer kit to burn the *******s, what else can we do?

simog 04 December 2007 02:45 PM

The turbo timer is wired in the conventional way in that when the ignition key is off it cuts in. What happened though is they have turned it on but then turned it off again!!! Thus timer kicks in and they come to a nice hault!! Ha HA!!

I know what you mean about security...its all just a deterrent though isn't it, and such an expensive one too. They can always get round them if they are any good at it.

Not to say I am not about to spend a fortune on more security for my car though. A friend even said, what about a removable steering wheel??? That would confuse the fother muckers!!!

Flamers are a good idea, although I think it would be tough explaining to the police that the oven-fried human Mcain chip by the side of your car had it coming!!

austinwrx 04 December 2007 03:14 PM

being a bit thick here- but what is a turbo timer- whats its purpose ? :confused:

Shark Man 04 December 2007 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by austinwrx (Post 7459214)
being a bit thick here- but what is a turbo timer- whats its purpose ? :confused:

On a modern car used for commuting: To allow the engine to run for a few minutes without the keys and waste some petrol ;)

Although in this case it stoipped it being nicked :thumb: :wonder: (I would like to know who wired in the immobilser - if they bypassed it :nono: )

Essentially its supposed to allow the turbo too cool, but that is only needed if your doing 70mph down a motorway for 30min plus and plull straight into a service station and switch off straight away.

Driving slowely off-boost after a hard run for the last few mins of your journey is far more effective :)

ZIPPY 04 December 2007 03:47 PM

There was a company in Liverpool who developed the gearbox lock for cars.

I think it was called the barrier deadlock.

It was tested by car thieves and they never beat it unless they could gain access underneath and had a blow torch to cut it off.

I had one on my old MY01 and it was very easy to use it came with a special key to open it and you just pushed it into the transmission tunnel to lock it into reverse.

The only way to get the car was to sit in it with the clutch down whilst towing it or lift the whole car.

[MikeyB] 04 December 2007 03:49 PM

So even if they get the keys, they really wouldn't have a clue why it wouldn't move even thought they'd get it started....

Sounds like a plan!

simog 04 December 2007 03:50 PM

The immobiliser was already a "feature" of my car when I bought it and obviously not that good at its job, but then i'm not too worried about that as my timer seems to be a far more effective security device!!

I wonder if I put a button on the dash in red with big letters saying disable alarm, would they notice it???

I do make use of my timer, as I commute quite far and make regular stops and most of my journey is dual carriageways / motorways.

Still, it's not for everyone though.

Any recommendations for a really good alarm? Clifford / Toad etc??

spleenmachine 04 December 2007 04:44 PM

Not to say I am not about to spend a fortune on more security for my car though. A friend even said, what about a removable steering wheel??? That would confuse the fother muckers!!!

A removable steering wheel would be useless in my opinion as a lad i once knew told me years ago that people used to snap the steering wheel off altogether and use a big clip on wrench to steer the car.:Suspiciou

Also has anyone thought that thieves could be on scoobynet reading our crack to get tips or to find out what kind of security we are going for these days:wonder:

I think if they want it bad enough they'll get it

Arbiter 04 December 2007 04:46 PM

Stoplok will cause them problem without the key and should slow them down by 30 secs or so even if they have it.

Big_Papa_T 04 December 2007 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by [MikeyB] (Post 7459131)

I've heard of something to lock up the gearbox, some kind of 'pin' or something, does this ring any bells?

Think what you might be referring to is a DIPOL security lock. I've got one on my car and I can't recommend it highly enough, it's a superb bit of kit. Your right it's a pin that locks the gearbox in reverse. It's very discreet and the only way a would be thief is getting it off is with the keys.

Az Sti Type R 04 December 2007 05:28 PM

Thats a relief you've still got the car mate! :luxhello:

Whilst we're on the subject of locks, whats the one you can get that locks the clutch and brake pedal together? Has anyone got one of those? and what do they think of it if so?

[MikeyB] 04 December 2007 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Big_Papa_T (Post 7459458)
Think what you might be referring to is a DIPOL security lock. I've got one on my car and I can't recommend it highly enough, it's a superb bit of kit. Your right it's a pin that locks the gearbox in reverse. It's very discreet and the only way a would be thief is getting it off is with the keys.

Would this work with my PPG box, I assume I'm still using the standard casing of a WRX 5-speed..?

Az Sti Type R 04 December 2007 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by simog (Post 7459273)
Any recommendations for a really good alarm? Clifford / Toad etc??

Mate, read the post I put in the security section this morning, post headed 'Recommended toad alarm fitter'.


simog 04 December 2007 05:48 PM

Thanks mate, will take a peek! :thumb:

Simon 69 04 December 2007 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Man (Post 7459240)
(I would like to know who wired in the immobilser - if they bypassed it :nono: )

Ive wanted to talk to you about this since before Bobs car was stolen (but you arent accepting messages!).


magicgreg 04 December 2007 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by simog (Post 7458856)
Theives, the lowest form of human scum. They should all be hung by their fingers over a deep chasm and have each of their digits pecked off by buzzards until falling to their demise. And then let worms and small furry mammals feast on their splattered remains. :razz:

:lol1: :lol1:

That made me laugh.

Sorry to hear about your motor mate, I'd be devestated the same as you are if it happened to me.

Hope you get sorted out.


Phildodd06 04 December 2007 06:23 PM

I would recomend that the only steering wheel lock you use would be a disclok, any other type, they just cut through the steering wheel with a hack saw and slide the lock off.

Id recomend a clifford with proxy sensors, i allways hear mine as they are very loud, even at night (My car is parked below my bedroom window)

Phildodd06 04 December 2007 06:24 PM

Also the tracker is quite good, if i set the alarm off, i get a fonecall saying the alarm has been going off

Simon 69 04 December 2007 07:37 PM

That depends..... I have a small cigarette carton-sized device that blocks GPS signals. I bought this because my previous work vehicle had a GPS lo-jack, but it could also be used to defeat tracking devices. Blcoking the GSM signals isnt difficult either, so they couldnt even triangulate a position.


scoobeenut 04 December 2007 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Simon 69 (Post 7459960)
That depends..... I have a small cigarette carton-sized device that blocks GPS signals. I bought this because my previous work vehicle had a GPS lo-jack, but it could also be used to defeat tracking devices. Blcoking the GSM signals isnt difficult either, so they couldnt even triangulate a position.


I thought that was exactly the kind of tip that spleenmachine was talking about in his post. I wasn't aware that there was such a device for blocking GPS signals but I am now, and I am sure that several theiving scumbags are aswell.

Phildodd06 04 December 2007 08:52 PM

OMG the scum bags can over ride everything these days!!!
I think the disclock and alarm is prob the best deterant you will get then.

Norman Dog 05 December 2007 07:29 AM

I know the older models are easier to steal but can a more recent car be started without the keys :wonder:

scubbay 05 December 2007 08:49 AM

New Subaru lock set (2 keys) £108.68 plus vat 57400fao30 surround £41.14 plus vat 34340fa030ml I was quoted £100 for a second hand lock set !!

gotmashed 05 December 2007 11:54 AM

Theives should have a hand removed when caught. They would only do it twice.

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