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Chris L 07 December 2000 12:00 AM

Sorry to hear about this Jason. There are far too many of these stories around at the moment. Hope everyhting is sorted out quickly.


Markus 07 December 2000 12:12 AM

with regards to insurance, have a little chat with Rum* and see what he says, you never know.

RonaldoH 07 December 2000 12:15 AM

We had a boxter borrowed at the weekend, got it back on Tuesday early hours. MET Police did their stuff. For the record, it gets put on a briefing list to be looked for. I am sure Stuart will give you some advice.

Utter Bastids

KimA 07 December 2000 12:26 AM


Really sorry to hear of your loss - utter barstewards.

Not much more I can say, but sorry...


lordlucan 07 December 2000 09:38 AM

W705 YKK, MY00, DBM, stolen Monday from Tonbridge in Kent, extras are full SS exhaust, K&N 57i, Tarox 6pots, Oz Super Ts, full guage kit, full Alpine ICE, For the full account read below :

On Monday night at 2am my house was broken into while I slept and my lodger was also in his room. The thieves broke into the back of the house by forcing the door into a utility room, the washing machine was on masking the noise. My keys were in the kitchen with my mobile phone and a pay as u go mobile that I had purchased for my sister for Xmas.
They (I assume there were more than one) set my car alarm off by accidently hitting the panic button on the fob, this woke my lodger who then woke me, at this point the car was halfway down the road, interestingly the engine wasnt started near the house, was it known I had a loud exhaust ??
I quickly dialled 999 and the Police turned up 7mins later to document the whole incident.
At the same time a new M5 was also stolen by the same gang from my town, Technical CID from all counties are investigating this gang. I was told they originate from London and have been targeting affluent areas for a few now, the cars are taken to Essex and then to Africa, used as hard currency for drugs.
I doublt I will ever see the car again or be able to insure a Scooby for a few years. If you are reading this please for me take your keys to bed with you, I want some good to come from my sorry tale. For those in Kent a full story and picture is to appear in Fridays Courier newspaper to warn others.
Now comes the fun, my policy allows me to have a new Impreza, I think I will take the cash, just hope the insurance company pay out decent money, Rum - any advice appreciated ???!!!. I am insured with AXA.
Oh I have always been careful on my last mile home, the particular night I was not followed nor to my knowledge any other night.
Take care out there people...

Mossman 07 December 2000 09:41 AM

Really sorry to hear that.
Not a lot else to say.
Major sympathy Lord Lucan.


Rebecca 07 December 2000 09:41 AM

Commiserations, lordlucan,

I think it's one of the things we all dread.

RichS 07 December 2000 09:51 AM


Very sorry to hear your story lordlucan. Hope there's a happy ending......

Snake 07 December 2000 09:51 AM

I had my Mk2 RS2 taken.
Not as costly a loss as yours I know, but I feel for you.


lordlucan 07 December 2000 09:54 AM

Thanks Guys n Girls

Your notes do help the loss(cor its like someone has died !!) will keep you all informed.


RVeiga 07 December 2000 09:59 AM

What a bunch of scum bags!

I am really sorry to hear your news.


Martin Cook 07 December 2000 10:02 AM


I am absolutly gutted for you.
Sorry, but I'm lost for words.


Markus 07 December 2000 10:04 AM

I am so sorry to hear about this. I felt genuinely gutted when I read the thread.

Hope you get everything sorted as quickly as possible.

You say you'll probably take the cash instead of a a new imp, does this mean you'll not get another scooby? (sorry if I'm being silly, it's early in the morning)

In a perfect world the ****heads would be made to clean the car and return it to you, and you could then give them an ****ing good kicking.

I will certainly read the Courier this week. Guess it'll be in the Tonbridge edition rather than Tun wells though?

NITO 07 December 2000 10:10 AM

Sorry to hear it jase, I hope they fing the ****ers for you!

If it's any can get a brand new scoob from some dealers now for £18.5K should you want another when the insurance pays up.


lordlucan 07 December 2000 10:16 AM

Martin - thanx buddy, fancy a co-pilot for the clang 'n' balls next year !!!!

Marcus - All editions of the Courier I believe, they said it was a strong story that the police are trying to play down.

Nito - Love another one, dont think I will be able to insure it again though.

My current plan is to buy an old BMW (ahhhhh) and wait a couple of years and then get the new STI......



CC 07 December 2000 10:22 AM

bad luck indeed but what goes around comes around, they'll be rumbled eventually.

this also shows that it's important not to leave your car keys downstairs after you've gone to bed, i always take mine with me.

airhead 07 December 2000 10:43 AM

not intending to be rude or ignorrant, but didn't it have a tracker fitted.

JoeyDeacon 07 December 2000 10:45 AM

It's all very well taking your keys to bed with you but if someone wants my car badly enough to break into my house looking for the keys, I would rather they found them quickly and left rather than waking me up and "asking" for them.

Lordlucan, I know it might not seem like it at the moment but maybe you were lucky that they found your keys so easily?? I dread to think what might have happened if you disturbed them?? You only have to look back to what happened to George Harrison and that guy from Coronation street to realise just what can happen.

At the end of the day your life is worth much more than a piece of metal......

Martin Cook 07 December 2000 10:48 AM

anyway, you'll be fine in the beemer. Just leave 2 hours earlier.


[This message has been edited by Martin Cook (edited 07 December 2000).]

JAMES BUSHELL 07 December 2000 10:58 AM

Oh.... Jase.!

What a nightmare, shocked to hear your news and very sorry indeed......!

any time you want a ride on the C & B let me know..............? Glad to have you on board!


KevMac 07 December 2000 11:01 AM

The *******s.

But I have to say something which I mentioned before about alarms.

What’s the point in all of us spending hundreds of pounds on a good alarm (I’ve a Clifford 50x) for our car if the scum can jimmie the back door, walk into the house and take the keys?

Surely it’s just as important to get an alarm to protect your home?

Still sorry about the car.

lordlucan 07 December 2000 11:11 AM

On the tracker issue, I had the genuine stickers but no tracker fitted, the M5 that was stolen the same night had the top of the range tracker installed. As the Police said and I already knew is that the scum have ways around the Trackers now, the most primative to reverse polarity on the battery, they no where to look to remove the devices as well, I wont post what the Police did say the thieves can now do with Trackers just in case a car thief does read it....

JamesB - love to be a co-pilot someday, thx.


Pete Croney 07 December 2000 11:21 AM


Really sorry to read this.

I am not sure I would take the keys to bed though. If anything, I would leave them in a place that would ensure the villans were in the house for the shortest possible time.

If they are prepared to break in for the keys, they are probably armed in some way and best not engaged.

RB170 07 December 2000 11:25 AM

Sorry to hear that M8. I don't know how I'd feel if mine went seeing as it's taken me so long to get it.

CC 07 December 2000 11:33 AM

i doubt very much that someone would wake you up and 'ask' for the keys, alot of these thefts occur when a burglar breaks into the house for the usual booty then spots the keys lying around and then decides to take the advantage.

Also by intefering with the person, the criminal is then guilty of assault/aggravated vehicle taking which is much more serious than just breaking and entering/vehicle theft and they know this.

I have always taken my keys upstairs or atleast placed them somewhere secure, it's a good job too, because after our house was broken into 18 months ago i may not have had my car sitting in the drive the next day.

PS Why don't you just leave your tv's and videos in the backgarden than if u want to minimise risk?
Making it easier for these people is not the way.

robski 07 December 2000 11:44 AM

A friends house was broken into, they took amongst over things, a large kitchen knife.
They stole both cars.

This IMHO is not an opportunist thief, cars arent that easy to sell now are they.

And why the knife? Maybe he needed a new one? Or maybe he didnt want any trouble if he got caught!?


p.s. I like the idea of getting the car back washed (must be supervised by the waxey wizzard tho, to ensure a proper job is done!)
. I also like the idea of taking direct retribution to the value of your car, and I mean your valuation, not the monetary one!!

(have a friend who did do this. He and his brother escorted the car thief out for a drive to "worry" him a bit. They told the git that if he ever toughed anything of theirs again they would break every bone in his hand. Unfortunately for the git, he didnt believe them, and made a smart alec remark. Length of scaffolding pole and mr hand decided to play a little game......
not very nice. I dont condone it, but my mate felt much better afterwards!)

Rich_R 07 December 2000 11:46 AM

Unlucky mate

Since reading a similar thread earlier this year - I now have a Subaru keyring with an old set of car keys from a previously written off Peugeot which I leave in full view.


RVeiga 07 December 2000 11:49 AM

Spark plug to the petrol tank - would stop them....

Remenber to flick the bypass......and park on the otherside of the road!

Here's hopping for a quick settlement....

CC 07 December 2000 11:49 AM

excellent idea

Robertio 07 December 2000 11:54 AM

Very sorry to hear about the car, it is getting to the point where it seems there is nothng you can put on your car that will prevent it getting stolen if someone wants to take it. Since someone stole the rear spoiler from my car a few months back I have been keeping my golf clubs within easy reach of the bed, and get up if I hear any noise at night (which means I end up setting off the house alarm, doh!).
My deepest condolences.

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