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ex-webby 17 July 2007 02:33 PM

New ScoobyDraws - Free Prize Draws!
Hi All

As you will probably have noticed, we have the first of our new regular feature : ScoobyDraws, which are free prize draws to members.

Some are for Plus members only, some for plus members and full members, and we may at some point run them for all members, but the service has been set up primarily as an additional benefit to those paying for premium memberships.

Thank everything, this is us giving something back.

And to those companies offering prizes, I think I speak for the ScoobyNet community in saying "thanks for your support!".

All the best

Simon, Shaun and the ScoobyNet team.

ex-webby 17 July 2007 02:35 PM


All you have to do to enter any of these prizes is this :

If you see the Green ENTER button on the right hand side of the big prize draw banner, you are eligible to enter (you can also see who is eligible by looking at the row of three orange lights next to the enter button - orange bars are elibible). Simply click it, and your account will be automatically entered into the draw. :)

SirFozzalot 17 July 2007 02:49 PM

:cool: :thumb:

bibo_boy 17 July 2007 02:58 PM


V4JDMSTi 17 July 2007 03:07 PM

:thumb: This sort of thing always goes down well Shaun.

ex-webby 17 July 2007 03:17 PM

Thanks guys

Keep your eyes on it, as we'll regularly be running more than one prize draw at a time, and they will have varying durations - some as low as a few days, so stay tuned!

In fact, there's another one starting later today I believe.


Sonic' 17 July 2007 04:53 PM

I just clicked on the win a £1 Million today, that wasn't a scoobynet draw though, but it is the banner ad at the bottom of this page :D

Not seen any green buttons though :confused:

Allan 17 July 2007 05:11 PM

Cool Simon, just entered for a PSI3.......:thumb:

Markus 17 July 2007 05:45 PM

I'm going to be honest here and say that I was about to ask "Where the heck is this Scooby Draw thing then?" I then happened to notice it in the banner area. Maybe it's just me but it wasn't obvious to me at first that it was the draw entry. It could be that I usually ignore the top banners on the pages, then again maybe it needs to stand out a little more.

Anyhoo, I've seen it and entered the draw now :)

Dare I mention that the banners aren't centered when using full width view? :D

ex-webby 17 July 2007 06:47 PM

thanks for the feedback guys.


You may be right, something isn't grabbing me either.

Dare I mention that the banners aren't centered when using full width view?
no! :D

Markus 17 July 2007 07:12 PM

Have created a thread here rather than taking this OT with any possible issues.

Jaybird-UK 17 July 2007 11:26 PM

well done guys.

Some nice changes going on in SN recently

ex-webby 18 July 2007 12:56 PM

and that's another one launched :)

That's three prize draws totally nearly £700 launched in 24 hours.. and there's more to come within the next few days also :)

SwissTony 18 July 2007 03:08 PM

:thumb: fabularse idea

mickywrx 18 July 2007 07:06 PM

Good stuff :thumb:

Lets see if I win anything :)

As a slight aside, did anyone ever win the rally day? :wonder:

T5NYW 18 July 2007 07:54 PM

good to see that there are prizes for ALL levels of Scoobynet membership :thumb:


ex-webby 18 July 2007 11:07 PM

lol @ mickywrx

Yes :)

Story will be published after the event with pics, etc.


Jamo 19 July 2007 10:53 PM

nice touch :thumb:

andythejock01wrx 22 July 2007 12:03 PM

Came back from the pub last night, a wee bit tipsy. Went on onto Scoobynet, clicked on the green box saying "click here", then thought "Damn, hope I didn't just enter a dodgy porn site !".

I'm pleasantly relieved. :D

Cheers for the draw Shaun & Simon. ;)


Scooby-kid 23 July 2007 12:01 AM

I may just be a little confused, but i'm sure that these are getting longer. I remeber entering one (either the data monitor, or the sat nav) thinking, "ooh, there are very few people entered, i may be in with more of a chance as there are only 2 or 3 days to go" and this was i think on friday or before, now they have like 8 or 9 days to go? are these a new competition - they cant be as it says enterend? they have not been extended have they?


Scotsman 28 July 2007 08:38 AM

Simon - do you have any rough plans on how many free draws there will be each month? Will they tend to dry up after this initial bunch?

Bit concerned that these new features might stop after the intial launch - just like the 'blogs' - none of which have been updated since the first launch of them.


ex-webby 28 July 2007 10:51 AM

Fair comment Richard

We have approximately £2000 worth of prizes waiting to be released, we just don't want too many running at the same time.

The Blogs are just about to start again. There were some complications from prodrive's side which has just been sorted out (literally last week) so they are actually being worked on right now.


Scotsman 28 July 2007 10:58 AM

Sounds good Simon :thumb:

ex-webby 28 July 2007 11:12 AM

In fact..

one's JUST gone live! :D

I promise that was a coincidence!!

Scotsman 28 July 2007 11:45 AM


Flaps 28 July 2007 02:33 PM

Great idea for the users and the site. Must have made quite a bit out of extra subscriptions now ;)

BRI4N 31 July 2007 10:30 AM

Excellent feature these prize draws.:thumb:

How do we find out who's won?

Is there a thread running somewhere?
Cant seem to find it if there is.:confused:


ex-webby 31 July 2007 12:03 PM


So far there have been two prizes one. The global gathering tickets, and the data monitor, which was won today.

We announced the winner of the tickets in your newsfeed, and have asked the winner today if they mind us announcing them as the winner. :)

swampster 31 July 2007 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 7151478)
...and have asked the winner today if they mind us announcing them as the winner. :)

Well it's not me then! :cry:

Mr Footlong 31 July 2007 01:16 PM

Personally I think that announcing the prizewinners is worthy of adding to the personal newsfeed non? I found it useful when the global gathering prizewinner was annoumnced on there. Is it because you think it might bother people that you aren't continuing to do it that way? I don't think that it is annoying myself as they are going to be fairly infrequent and only require a click of an x to go away :).

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