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EvilBevel 31 December 2001 06:35 PM

In the spirit of the year change ... what moment of this past year was the most memorable/enjoyable/shocking etc for you ?

11/9/2001 ... we all know that one, and I would like to disqualify that one because of the impact...

Driving your scoob (or in some sad cases a german tank ;) ), yeah I know.

But apart from that ?

My moment was realizing that Metallica split up and probably will never perform again live.

Go on then :D

Happy NYE BTW.

Edited to say that SDB's little flick at MIRA was much *really* fun as well, but that might seem like sucking up :D

[Edited by EvilBevel - 12/31/2001 6:37:45 PM]

fdpxfunix 31 December 2001 06:39 PM

23rd June 2001. My wedding day.
1st September 2001. Germany 1 England 5.


davyboy 31 December 2001 06:49 PM

I just could not tell ya!

Probably illegal in some places!

EvilBevel 31 December 2001 06:51 PM

You could always call it "tumble" weed ;)

davyboy 31 December 2001 06:53 PM

OK than I have been to amsterdam twice!

And 2 sex shows, that was cool! one of them with our very own muppet Clarebabes!

Spudgun GTR 31 December 2001 06:59 PM

blimey, i didnt know metallica had split:eek:

EvilBevel 31 December 2001 07:02 PM

Spud, not "officially", but Jaymz is in a drug rehabilitation centre, and Jason left the band in March :(

Oh, and Kirk was looking for a 22B on (do a search there :) )

Spudgun GTR 31 December 2001 07:05 PM

ive got all their albums, but i'm not a big fan, if yer know what i U2, if they split, there would be tears at bedtime:(:D

never mind, might get a good 'best of' album from metallica now:D

Neil Smalley 31 December 2001 07:18 PM

Ok, Edited highlights(not in any order, cept the 1st one)

1. Birth of #2 son, Peter
2. Attending SDB's world record attempt
3. Obtaining AP 6 pot brakes for 800 quid
4. Saving 300 quid on car insurance.
5. Still being healthy, financially sound and married to the most wonderful woman I know of for 10 years.
6. Attending many meets and getting to know y'all better.
7. Getting a 2500 quid tax rebate
8. Watching my sons grow up
9. 5:1
10. Catching up with some old school friends i'd not seen in 20 years.

My overall feeling of the year is one that I am incredibly blessed to be where I am, the time i'm living in and to know the people I know.

davyboy 31 December 2001 07:21 PM

oh yeah how could I forget.

Getting promoted the day before work finished for xmas, nice pay rise and money to run the scoob!!! Doh

ChrisB 31 December 2001 08:22 PM

Toughie this...

Finally buying a Scooby - was one heluva of wait!
Driving over 400 miles in a day on the Tour d'Ecosse - stunning roads and scenary
The Broad Street Bash a couple of weeks ago
'Doing' my first RAC Rally
Pax'ing out to the Nurburgring at Easter. I'm surprised my liver is still working
Getting out in John's turbo nutter Westfield at Donnington and Oulton - awesome rush
Pax'ing with our esteemed leader around Dono - thanks Simon!

What will probably be the longest memory is making so many new friends on the meets and events over the past 6 months. <Oscars Weepy Bit> I love you all </OWB>

Thanks folks. :)

See you all in Chat around 1am throughly pished!

[Edited by ChrisB - 1/1/2002 1:03:11 AM]

shunty 31 December 2001 08:53 PM

Well one of my most enjoyable parts of 2001 was being able to relocate to West Yorkshire with my family, which was a huge move, schools, jobs & house of course. My kids coped really well & have settled down great.
& the other main one was being able to get some decent mods on the scoob:D:D I've just told the wife tonight that I've finished spending on the car for this year;)

Hope you all have a great NY & good luck for 2002:)



Luke 31 December 2001 09:12 PM

Getting married 48. hours ago!!!

Tim W 31 December 2001 09:19 PM


'Ring trip at Easter - meeting loads of new people, trying to go sledging at 4 in the morning, after leaving the bar... meeting a real life Wookie, who I was later to discover went by the name of Theo ;)

'Ring trip in the Summer...

A wedding that I went to in the summer and had an interesting time with a bridesmaid :D

And a few other things...

Plus one thing I do not like, being stuck at home with a stinking cold for the third year running on new years eve when I could be a at a party, meeting a bridesmaid from earlier in the year [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

[Edited by Tim W - 12/31/2001 9:20:34 PM]

CharlieWhiskey 31 December 2001 09:51 PM

Okay here goes, not pished yet but working on it ;)

Getting to do WCT2 & 3 & ToD meets has let me see that organising is one way I can put a smile onto the faces of people I have previously never met, (whilst I enjoy doing it):D

I have become a true muppet! :D They are a great bunch so don't knock 'em! This is the real Scoobynet 'community' and long may it continue! :D

I have met some great people on this bbs over the last year, they know who they are! ;), and I hope we can continue to have a great time in 2002! :D

On that note it's party on and roll on next year :D:D:D

I is off to open another bottle ;):D

Little Miss WRX 31 December 2001 10:02 PM

Yep big up to the Muppets :D

I have come to know lots of them, they are a fantastic bunch - so come in and join the fun :D

Happy New Year Everyone - Muppets and otherwise :D:D

johnfelstead 31 December 2001 10:13 PM

too many to remember. thats a good sign. :)

First is an odd one. Spending every night for almost 6 months talking with my granddad whilst he slowly died of heart and lung illnesses in hospital. Some days and nights were hornedous but some were the most fun and rewarding i have ever spent. I learned an awefull lot about myself and my family but most of all i learned what a fantastic bloke my granddad was. I miss him but wont ever forget him. :)

Ok, more conventional stuff.
The many trips i took to the Nurburgring in my Westie. Every single one was an adventure. Highlights have to be scaring the crap out of askew to the point where he couldnt walk (i am not joking!). Turning up at the bar at 3:30am and being mobbed by a rowdy rabble of scoobynet loonatics, all trying to get in my car as i was trying to get out. Doing an 8min 10sec lap in scorching heat with an R1 chasing me to film, this is now the 2nd most downloaded video of the ring on the most hit ring video website in the world. (it was even on TV in the USA :confused: ). My absolutely crazy weekend trip to the ring where i left manchester friday night, arived 3am sat morn, spent on track from 10am till 7pm only to set off back to England imediately to be at the world record atempt at MIRA at 7am. What was i thinking? Red Bull kicks ass. LOL
Giving as many passenger rides as i can at the ring and other tracks, it's always fun. I especially remember taking the frog for an 8:20 lap, i was quite chuffed with that lap as i wasnt distracted once by sandy's atire (or the lack of it. :D). Is that something to be chuffed at? maybe not. haha Thanks gang, i had a great laugh at the ring with you all.

My final ring highlight was taking my Impreza Sport there just before the RAC and showing Jamie and my brother one of the few places that i find exciting. The beer was good too. :D

Non ring stuff. Simon De Bonkers setting the world record, i pressed the water spray buttons so it was all down to me really. ;)

Flying to the USA and competing in the Thunderbird Rally in -20 degrees snow covered British Columbia with my good pal Jamie (Subie Gal). That was one hell of an event, great fun. I got to drive on a frozen lake too. LOL

Being bailed out at the last minute by a brilliant scoobynet member who loaned me his 22B for the weekend to be my friends wedding car after rsquires (who had kindly offered previously) had his own 22B blown up just a couple of weeks before the wedding.

Spending the day at Goodwood amongst the legends of racing and all the old and not so old race cars i love.

Watching the first ever CART Champ Car race at Rokingham. (driving Rokingham months before any of those buggers too :) )

There is tons more. The last few months have been crap at times with having my wheels stolen and the tough times with gramps but it's good to know there is a real comunity of people here who are the salt of the earth. Priceless really.

Have a fantastic 2002, now where is my beer. :D

Type R 31 December 2001 10:16 PM

Met the most women in the world, and moved into our first house.

The Ring trip in June

Meeting like minded people at Trackdays throughout the year.

Spinnning at 110mph down Craner Curves, and getting away with nothing more than stone chipped alloys.

Jolly Green Monster 31 December 2001 10:18 PM

Seeing my Daughter walk for the first time and her saying "Daddy" as her first word... ;) :)

Nothing wrong with seeing BJ live.... I did that inb Wembley Stadium of all places... a few years back now..

You drove 3 22bs!!!! cool.... you luck .....beep.... ;)

how is you sisters job going?

ho ho JGM

Mr.Cookie 31 December 2001 10:28 PM

Getting a corner :D

CharlieWhiskey 31 December 2001 10:33 PM


Getting training from the Great Muppet Master himself: Billbill, on the art of cornering and then learning how to avoid Flood Control ;):D

Luke 31 December 2001 10:50 PM

John F.

What a great post.

ChrisB 31 December 2001 10:52 PM

Even if it was a bit short by his standards ;) :D :D

jamesa 01 January 2002 04:18 AM

Travelling 6,000 miles home not knowing if my daughter was going to come through a critical operation following a serious AWD accident - fall from a HORSE. Then watching her ride again shortly after ! - realising what being a ` family ` actually means.

First full season of competition with the Golf.

Coming to work overseas and appreciating another culture.


DocJock 01 January 2002 08:59 AM

Top of the pile has to be my missus opening her eys after 5 days in a coma. Also found out at this time that people from this forum who you've only met a few times can be true friends. (you know who you are :) )

Watching my 6 yr old lad score his first competitive goal at footy :D :D

Returning to the Ring after an 18 year gap.

Meeting even more of you b@stards ;) and attending loads of great events


Maz-old 01 January 2002 11:51 AM

Too may to mention. Best year I've had so far (but I've had some stinkers recently).

Being taken on in Chambers (full time barrister after about six years of studying) - this is the first time I don't have to worry about whether I'm going to make it to the final hurdle in qualifying and getting a place to practice.

Driving my first Impreza.

Germany 1-5 England (I know, but it gave me goosebumps - I was at the 1996 game and at Argentina in 1998 - we deserved it).

The day I defended a mentally handicapped girl and convinced a jury it wasn't in the public interest to convict her despite the overwhelming evidence against her. Can't believe the Police charged her in the first place. Rich 'victim' makes a lot of difference.

Lord of the Rings.

Oh, and snogging Sarah Michelle Gellar (erm, not sure that one happened actually...)

stu200 01 January 2002 02:53 PM

The last second before I hit the barrier in the Nissan, which resulted in it being written off :( ...

DavidBrown 01 January 2002 04:21 PM

Collecting a spanking new R34 Skyline GTR V-spec on a new '51 plate on Sept 1st, and having other motorway users give me the thumbs-up all the way home.

and collecting my Supercharged Exige the day before :)

Mellow Yellow ! 01 January 2002 04:50 PM

LOL.......spanking the EVO's two weeks ago at Oulton ;)

Fizz 01 January 2002 04:57 PM

1. Playing rugby again after suffering a serious back injury which left me unable to walk more than a few steps last Christmas.
2. Picking up my 01MY from the docks at dartford.
3. MY01 1000 mile service.
4. reaching 2002!!! After 1 above!!!

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