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Big-G 03 June 2007 08:05 AM

Banning Classic Cars - SAVE OUR CLASSICS
I've just been looking at some of the petitions on the No.10 Downing Street web site.

It seems that there are EU plans to ban the use of cars older than 10 years.

"Several EU proposals across the years are dangerous to the classic car movement. One that has been under consideration is to ban the use of cars older than 10 years. Similarly, Edinburgh City Council is considering the banning of cars over 15 years old from the town centre. These, and similar, proposals directly threaten the classic car movement, and encourage the manufacture of new cars, with the attendent environmental issues of sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, distriuting and scrapping the spiralling supply of new vehicles."

Now, I think that I can understand why they want to do this, probably the usual pollution and safety argument. (is a 40,000 mile 12 year old Classic less safe than a 100,000 mile 2 year old car?)
The likes of Scoobynet has grown-up on the back of older cars, if this proposal came to be a reality it would be a disaster to us Classic owners.

petition is here :-
Petition to: Reject any proposals to ban or restrict the use of older cars.

If you don't trust links in threads then copy and paste it to the address bar on your home page.

we can't let this happen, please take time to sign the petition.



Alan Jeffery 03 June 2007 08:13 AM

This is the sort of thing we've been waiting for.
I've been kicking up a fuss about the activities of "Friends of the Earth" etc. for ages now. They are just the sort of Eco Fascists that have infiltrated national and local government departments.
Don't sleep walk into it! give it ten years, and you'll all be on the sodding bus.
Sign the petition, and every other one you see as well, and get everybody you know to do the same.

Big-G 03 June 2007 10:49 AM

Thanks Alan,
Please,everyone, feel free to put this message on other forums or else we are in danger of becoming a Classic-free country.

I've had other thoughts about the reasoning behind this, it maybe another stealth tax on the way, the older the car the more road tax you will have to pay, or will it be an 'age tax' escalating according to the age of the vehicle?



Smilbertilgy 03 June 2007 11:00 AM

Cheers Buddy, petition signed. :norty:

It's all wrong, some of us can only afford a classic cars....... they must be just annoyed that they cannot charge us the higher 4x4 tax on cars build before 2001/02, lol


andythejock01wrx 03 June 2007 11:05 AM

I don't think classics should be banned, even if they are a bit tinny ! :D ;)

Will sign the petition - agree that Eco Homos seem to drag us around without us making a peep !

andythejock01wrx 03 June 2007 11:07 AM


rooter75 03 June 2007 11:12 AM

signed matey :thumb:

come you classic owners, don't let the b@stards grind you down!

wrx-kris 03 June 2007 11:12 AM

Signatures: 8,341 :eek:

Wmscooby 03 June 2007 11:14 AM

Do us tax payers have a voice anymore ? Or do we just follow the EU

Thats gonna screw alot of european sheds of cars in certain countries anyway. Least we have a system of road use here :)

andythejock01wrx 03 June 2007 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Wmscooby (Post 6980722)

we just follow the EU :( :cry:

As above.

sc00by_rich 03 June 2007 11:28 AM

Signed petition. Cant see that banning ten year old cars europe wide ever bieng enforced but it wouldnt be the first time theyve tried to enforce something on us without conforming themselves.

RA Dunk 03 June 2007 11:55 AM

lol i posted this up months ago and signed it too:D

seen on the news a couple of weeks ago there trying to ban smoking in your own car too :razz:

MrRA 03 June 2007 11:57 AM

What is our World coming to?

RA Dunk 03 June 2007 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by MrRA (Post 6980797)
What is our World coming to?

the worlds not comming to anything, but the UK is going to sh!t :(

lem6 03 June 2007 12:26 PM

this country just gets worse!..can't wait to emigrate!

JackClark 03 June 2007 12:31 PM

Whilst I can agree with your wanting to continue to use your 10 year old car, I can't agree with your calling it a 'Classic', that still makes me laugh too much.

worbs 03 June 2007 12:43 PM

My signiture has just gone down,

How fcking pathetic, just another typical example of the ever expanding "NANNY" state we live in, Its dam communism.

404BHP 03 June 2007 12:58 PM

:lol1: Signed it this will be Blairs good bye pressie to all the classic car owners fook them all:wonder:

RA Dunk 03 June 2007 01:28 PM

maybe if he didnt tax us to death on every single thing we make and buy more people could afford newer cars, bit of a no brainer really just goes to show how thick those cnuts are TBH

wrxcraig 03 June 2007 02:01 PM

it would be impossible to ban classics over 10yrs old, i know i would still drive mine.

Steve Whitehorn 03 June 2007 03:14 PM


Big-G 03 June 2007 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by JackClark (Post 6980855)
Whilst I can agree with your wanting to continue to use your 10 year old car, I can't agree with your calling it a 'Classic', that still makes me laugh too much.

They are referred to as Classics as in 'classic shape' as opposed to 'new-age'.

But, a few years down the line and they will be true Classic Cars, unless we are not alowed to use them on the roads.


amazingjames 03 June 2007 05:44 PM

does that mean i can get a rarri f40 for a song or maybe an e type for peanuts????.

Anger 03 June 2007 07:04 PM


rik-1 03 June 2007 07:19 PM

It gets worse.
How long before all new vehicles have to have built-in electronics so they can be monitored and controlled?

madbint68 03 June 2007 07:25 PM

signed :thumb:

love my classic wouldnt have any other car :thumb:

Alan MaC 03 June 2007 07:27 PM

Just signed.

The Bandits, after Brown has put the £300 tax on new performance vehicles, he is sqeezing us at the other end.

Don't let them have old cars r=that stops me getting my £300 from them.

What a bunch of Lick Spittles!!

Alan MaC

911 03 June 2007 08:11 PM


RA Dunk 03 June 2007 08:24 PM

just out of curiosity, say this actually did go forward, what would happen to all of the cars owners, i guess the cars would be taking off of us and those who still have HP would continue paying, and those who have no HP would end up with nothing, it would take years and years to phase them out as lots of people are into vintage cars etc and only drive em a few times a year to shows etc, so i would imagine these types of cars would be illegal to drive on a public road imagine the uproar (for good reason) if this was to go ahead

Sonic' 03 June 2007 08:27 PM


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