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Trout 21 November 2000 10:44 PM

Here is the letter I will send to the BBC.

Please sign below if you agree with or support the case. It would be useful, but not essential, if you could give your name and first three digits of your postcode as this I will print this and the other two threads and attach it to the letter - and I want the BBC to see that it is not just one of two of us that are serious.

Thanks for your support.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++

Dear Sir/Madam,

The programme Hard Cash that was transmitted on BBC1 at 1930 on Monday 20th November fails to meet the guidelines used by the BBC and that as a result of the programme I am potentially financially and reputationally disadvantaged.

The BBC requires that programmes are impartial and accurate. This was not the case for the Hard Cash programme, specifically the segment regarding ‘grey imports’.

Crucially the segment opened with a representation of grey imports that is blatantly inaccurate. The programme described a Mitsubishi Shogun as being imported, ‘illegally’ and then went on to describe this car as a ‘grey import’. This opening segment creates a clear impression in the viewers mind that illegal imports and grey imports are synonymous. This is inaccurate.

Transcript of the opening segment by Hard Cash Presenter

“This might not be the only trap - even if you succeed in getting delivery of your imported car, it may not be what it seems. Here we’ve got two new Mitsubushi 4x4s which look identical. Although, take my word for it, this one has been ILLEGALLY imported, and it’s not to UK specification. Which means it is not designed for use on British roads.
It’s known as a GREY IMPORT.”

The programme then featured a member of the public who had inadvertently purchased a second hand car that was not of UK origin. The programme stated that the purchaser was unable to drive the car for two years as it was a ‘grey import’. No specific reason was given why the car could not be driven. This is a misrepresentation of the truth, there is no reason why a legal grey import cannot be driven in the UK.

On the question of impartiality the programme only featured views that were emphatically against the grey import market which lacks any form of balance and does not meet the BBC’s requirement for impartiality.
The aforementioned segment features emphatic representations from a representative of Mitsubishi UK, a DCI from the Stolen Vehicle Unit and a well respected motoring journalist, Quentin Wilson.

First of all the representative of Mitsubishi states that differences in Japanese cars, ‘all have a major impact on safety’. The implication clearly being that they are unsafe.

The DCI states that a grey import, ‘wasn’t built for the sort of climate that we have in this country’. This was part of a segment regarding stolen cars, which led straight into a discussion of grey imports with no clear differentiation between the two. Even so, what qualifies a policemen specialising in theft to be an expert in the impact of climate on cars from different countries.

Finally this was followed by Quentin Wilson stating that, ‘for reasons I have yet to fathom, people carry on buying Japanese Grey Imports despite people like me saying in words of one syllable that they’re not a good buy’. Quentin Wilson is of course biased as he is a car dealer that does not deal in imports.

As the owner of a perfectly legal and safe ‘grey import I am now potentially stigmatised as the owner of, not only, an unsafe car, but in fact an illegal car. In addition to this damage to my personal reputation, I am also potentially going to be financially at a loss if the inaccurate views of the Hard Cash programme are not rectified.

There are a number of facts that are easily accessible in the public domain that an impartial and balanced programme on ‘grey imports’ should have included.

The most important is that there are facilities within the law that enable cars to the be imported to the UK that are not currently Type Approved for use on British (or European Roads). This facility is the SVA or Single Vehicle Approval test. In fact it is a requirement that the test is carried out for non-Type Approved cars as without it, it would be impossible to register, tax and insure the car for the UK roads.

The SVA test is effectively a ‘super’ MOT style test ensuring that any imported car meets the stringent safety standards that are applied to the majority of cars on the road in the UK.

Vehicles that are brought to the UK under this facility are typically called, ‘grey imports’.

Mitsubishi represented the Japanese differences as having a major impact on safety, and historically have been one of the most vociferous opponents of the grey import market.

However the programme did not highlight that Mitsubishi actually own a grey import broker, Ralliart. Indeed cars from Ralliart, imported under the SVA system, have featured on more than one occasion on BBC’s Top Gear.

Mitsubishi have also announced that they will service grey imports through their dealerships and have recently further announced that in addition to importing new grey imports they are also going to broaden their activity to include imports purchased second hand in the Japanese market.

Overall a programme that failed to be either accurate or impartial. A programme that was not open minded and fair, and did not show a respect for the truth. With many strands of thought that were both unreflected and under represented.

There is also no evidence that the programme makers were accurate or checked their facts, or sought appropriate advice.

The only acceptable remedy would be for Hard Cash to rectify this by representing a more balanced view of the car import market. This will ensure that some of the very valid concerns that are raised, which apply to all car buying activity, are made within an appropriate context.

Yours Sincerely,

[This message has been edited by Rannoch (edited 22 November 2000).]

Mr.Cookie 21 November 2000 10:52 PM


Sorry im not putting that info on here but you have mail

Simon 21 November 2000 10:58 PM

Totally agree.

L.Jeffery PL3

mattski 21 November 2000 11:02 PM

Agree 100%

Matt Duggan.

YOUNG GED 21 November 2000 11:03 PM


Although my Subaru is a UK car I totaly agree with the above.The standard of journalism in this article was pathetic to say the least.
I thought the part by Mitsubishi was particularly hypocritical as they now sell both new and used grey imports through their dealer network.

Chris Wilson


SimonM 21 November 2000 11:05 PM

Agree 100%... you have mail


Mossman 22 November 2000 12:09 AM

Totally agree.

Jon Moss

EvilBevel 22 November 2000 12:12 AM

Rannoch, excellent letter ! Very well worded and balanced. I really hope they are gonna take notice of it.

If you think my support would help, you can lookup my profile and add my name to the list of people (wouldn't it be a good idea to just have one letter "signed" by all who agree with it's contents ?)


CRAFT 22 November 2000 07:24 AM

Count us in. check your mail....

Chris L 22 November 2000 08:10 AM

I only saw part of the article - enough, however, to know that a lot of it was inaccurate. As the owner of a UK Scooby - you have my support. Email on its way.



NickM 22 November 2000 08:11 AM

I agree.

phill chinn 22 November 2000 08:32 AM

totally agree 100% !!
owner of illegal and unsafe STI

Trout 22 November 2000 09:08 AM

Thanks for the support guys - keep it coming.

I was thinking about clarifying the impartiality bit with a short paragraph stating that

Of the four spokesman on the programme

One was a member of the public who had been sold a car that was apparently misdescribed so it was a trade descriptions issue, not the fact that it was a grey import per se.

One was a DCI in the Stolen Vehicle Unit which is an unnecessary association with grey imports.

The final two represented car traders who are, in main, disadvantaged by a growing grey import market.



chiark 22 November 2000 09:14 AM

Rannoch, excellent. Personally I'd want them to point out the difference between parallel and grey imports too, as this was completely unclear and again designed to mislead the general public...

lee.burley 22 November 2000 09:14 AM

I agree 100%. Quentin has done a major dis-service to proud owners of imports. I was disgusted by the entire report, but not totally suprised, since the BBC have always had a two-faced approach to imports. They are quite happy to blast round in a Ralliart Evo on Top Gear, but pour scorn on Grey Imports. The BBC should aquaint themselves of the facts.

Rob B 22 November 2000 09:21 AM

Couldn't have put it better Rannoch and coudn't agree more with the sentiments above - the programme was uninformed biased and misrepresentative. I will forward you my full details by e-mail.

Steve Wilson 22 November 2000 09:22 AM

You have my details.


Geezer 22 November 2000 09:22 AM

I wouldn't bother sending this to the BBC, as they will probably just write you a letter saying sorry, and that will be the end of it. Send it the Broadcasting Comlaints Commission, who are independant and will look at your issues with far less bias than the Beeb, who made the programme.

If the commission finds in your favour, the BBC will have to broadcast this fact on national television, and the results will be available for anyone who wishes to read them.


[This message has been edited by Geezer (edited 22 November 2000).]

Trout 22 November 2000 09:31 AM


do not fear - all documentation will also be presented to the BSC

Thanks for your support.



Also, just heard that the Supra board have picked this up - can anyone associated with Evo, Skyline, FTO and other such communities please copy and post the Transcript/Letter.



[This message has been edited by Rannoch (edited 22 November 2000).]

RichS 22 November 2000 09:34 AM

Agree 100%

Richard S.

spence 22 November 2000 09:52 AM

I totally agree, I find it incredible how they can get away with misrepresenting the facts so badly. Who's pocket is being lined for this rubbish and why. Quentin Wilson is so partisan I am amazed he could keep a straight face whilst he was spouting! He talked about the public like they were idiots for not listening to him, and for having the bare faced cheek to do what they wanted to.

I hope they do have to issue an apology, point is the damage has been done as people seldom take note of these apologies and retractions.


Justin 22 November 2000 10:03 AM

Totally agree.

Justin Haley - Grey import owner.

Jay m A 22 November 2000 10:03 AM

I agree, you have yet more mail.

Well done that man.

DazW 22 November 2000 10:07 AM

Spot on. Agree 100%

Darren W.

Stuart H 22 November 2000 10:09 AM

110% agree.

A copy of the letter will be posted to them today.

ca 22 November 2000 10:34 AM

Not sure if you are planning a letter-writing campaign, but if you are.....

When letter writing on a large scale, it is always best to put your own views across in your own personal way rather than simply taking a copy of someone else's letter.

Your letter needs to be personal, while still getting the relevant points across. Dozen's, or 100's, or 1000's of identical letters will not have the same impact as the same number of individual letters.


Andrew Dixon 22 November 2000 10:39 AM

I too was fuming when I saw Monday night's programme.

The letter you have written is excellently worded. I hope the programme makers realise that they have been taken advantage of by individuals seeking to propagate misinformation for their own financial gain.

Andrew Dixon (prospective grey import owner)

Blow Dog 22 November 2000 10:46 AM

You are very articulate and the letter is written in a fantastic manner.

I have a Japanese Makinen, but it isnt safe on these roads because it doesnt have a UK plaque by the gearbox.

I have to sell it straight away to avoid any fatal accident in the future.

I shall put a copy of this letter on the LTR and get people to sign there. Once they do, you can print out the thread.


Blow Dog 22 November 2000 10:46 AM



Gadgetman 22 November 2000 11:14 AM

I'm fully behind you 100% (along with the UK Supra Owners)

I have a Supra TT Grey Import and have nothing but praise and confidence in the quality of the vehicle.

Watch as insurance companies get scared even more by this bad publicity and premiums rise. It's happening already.

Peter Betts CV8

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