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Norman D. Landing 12 July 2001 11:48 AM

Oh yeah, I forgot.

I'm not trying to make an excuse here (much :) ) but how many of you use a mouse mat ? I dont, just use the surface of the desk as I like my mouse sensitivity set to default on cs which means to do a 180 degree turn I need about 1 1/2 foot of space.

Now to the point, fired up cs last night and couldnt understand what was wrong first few rounds. My mouse control was feeling a bit weird. Then realised, the missus had polished my desk and my wrist/lower palm was sliding about everywhere. It really does make a difference.

Have now told missus to stop cleaning my desk. You can imagine the 'You ungrateful b@stid' comments etc. Big mistake, she was miffed enough at me playing as I'd just come in from the pub and gone straight to the pc for the second night running ;)

Lesson learned, a rolling stone wait.........dont look a gift hang on............

Thats it, Hell hath no fury like a woman ignored for CS :eek:

Edited to say, she didnt speak to me this morning, looks like no cs for the weekend :(

[Edited by Norman D. Landing - 12/7/2001 11:50:14 AM]

Steve Perriam 12 July 2001 12:54 PM

i got him once to !

cya tonite / tomoz or sunday.........

[Edited by Steve Perriam - 12/7/2001 1:08:19 PM]

Damaja 12 July 2001 02:51 PM

Hey guys next time you play you should type the following in at the console 'net_graph 1' this will give you the low down on your frames per second, connection rate etc, there is a graph and this should be flat as possible. If this is not flat then there are a number of tweaks you can perform to get the graph flat and hence have a better and faster game. If anyone is interested I can send you more details on how to improve your game if using a slower connection.


[Edited by Damaja - 12/7/2001 2:55:42 PM]

Nimbus 12 July 2001 03:21 PM


I've only got a 56k modem myself, so could certainly use anything that can improve connection/performace.

I suspect my graph will look like the Himalayas :D

[Edited by Nimbus - 12/7/2001 3:29:04 PM]

Damaja 12 July 2001 03:22 PM

Hey Nimbus take a look at these pages, there are also some other links which give you a lot more detail on tweaking. Let me know how you get on. - look at the info regarding 56k modems

[Edited by Damaja - 12/7/2001 3:26:39 PM]

Nimbus 07 December 2001 09:37 AM

Had my best game :D. Can not remember the map. It was the one before Dust2. But a few points...

1. PTMW!. How did you do it! I moved up onto a balcony had one quick peek into the allyway and you shot me dead with one shot! I can see I'm going to need lots more practice. :D

2. Got two kills, one after the other. Who were you? I was playing the CT team and was at one of the bomb sites in the corner. Two T's came into view. I shot them both together :D :D :D

3. After that game I had a scoore of 3-20. Getting better ;)

4. My latencay was 300. Everyone else was between 50-150! I can see I will have to become even more skillfull than everyone else just to stay level ;)

5. When the game changed to Dust2 I could not continue. I didn't have that map and could not find it to download in time.

Top Game. Will try and make Sundays session :D

dsmith 07 December 2001 10:25 AM


Puff seems to have made a study recently of the darkest corners on each map to camp in. He got me the other day from the same place about 3 times (until he was silly enough to admit where he was :))

It gets easier as you learn the maps. You learn which corners people tend to be behind. This is where some accusations come from - "How did you know I was behind that crate - you must be cheating" - "But I *always* expect somebody to be behind that crate"

The great thing about C/S though is as its against people somebody will always find something new to do and throw you.


Puff The Magic Wagon! 07 December 2001 10:42 AM


Wasn't "that" corner ;) Anyway - it's team praccy nite & "education" is the name of the game :D Found someone doing it on public servers one day & couldn't resist imitating. Was funny watching you looking round & round :D :p Dunno if its my gamma/contrast whatever, but that corner is visible to me. I don't need IR glasses or torches - saves time & money. I always find it funny when I can't be seen :D

I think Nimbus was suffering the effects of being an HPB. By the time his computer looks over the top, I've already seen him, had a beer, drawn a bead & shot him :D Mind you, I think I remember the shot & it was more of a reflex shot - had been expecting a bit of fire. Nimbus, don't stand in the middle of the balcony against a light back-ground...

Very enjoyable sesh last nite & good showing.


Norman D. Landing 07 December 2001 10:44 AM

Well I thought a CS performance couldn't get any better than my famed killing spree on Inferno a few weeks ago until ............

...........Dizzy arrived

What the hell happened there then. Is that man related to robocop or something ? Talk about 'he shoots he scores'. :eek:

The number of times he'd made my head explode and made my missus shout 'What the bloody hell is going on in there' each time I shouted 'Again !! Dizzy you Ba***rd ! I'm gonna get you mark my f\/ckin words pal I'm gonna get you grrrrrr <Vains bulging on forehead>' only to have my head explode 10 secs into the next round by Dizzy again, round after round ! LOL :)

I think if we're going to form tactics we'd better ask Dizzy to help cos he's a one man team in himself.

Oh and King_ping, when I was AFK and you stood in front of me and looked at me for a second you should have pressed fire :) I'd just returned from the loo and couldn't believe my luck, pop pop pop to the head with my poxy pistol and down you went, must admit I felt guilty for 10 seconds afterwards hehe :D

p.s I'm putting a CS reward on Dizzy's head. First person to cap his a$$ twice in a row I'll buy their CS guns for the next 5 rounds :D

Are computer games supposed to turn you into a Psychotic nervous wreck ?

Damaja 07 December 2001 10:55 AM

I was having a bit of a mare last night 8(

Used the talk to everyone key to reveal what to do on the first map! Lurker in the shadows and man in window with sniper I knew you was there 8)

Got an amusing triple kill on aztec where three terrorists appeared to be having a cup of tea under the bridge.

My computer crashed though on dust and it took me 15 mins to get back on 8(

Good laugh, should be on form for sun though, just taking a bit of time to come back to me! I had a huge game after with 32 peeps which was absolute carnage.

Puff The Magic Wagon! 07 December 2001 11:09 AM

Yup - that Dizzy character was rather good :( 40-8 I saw at one point. Problem is that he always seemed to turn up at the right place - just in time to shoot me (Dust) :(

If that had been public server, cries of "cheat" would've been resounding :rolleyes:

Noticed that .Keldar was posting 10th Dec praccy in the middle of a team praccy - dedication but he should've been playing with us ;)

Also - Scoobs... :rolleyes:

Scoobs likes a sniper rifle. Problem is that his eyesight is not all that & he is positively ]dangerous if you're on his team :eek: Headshot right across a map when we were 2-1 against Merlin (I think). Use radar as well m8 ;) Other prob after that was that as he'd TK'd he was dropped the next game & I was left 1-4 :eek: Whopped his a$$ later though ;)

jjones 07 December 2001 11:18 AM

norm u b@stid!

couldn't believe it - came up behind you - thought about knifing you then thought - nah thats a b@stid thing to do! walk round to the front and thought that as you only had a pistol i would challenge you to a knife fight. i so i wat for about 5 secs then you appear and blow my head off. :( :( :(

anyhow bazza got you with a fake AFK the next round (or one after) and how i laughed :) :) :)

Damaja 07 December 2001 11:18 AM

Scoob cs crowd are good fun,Much better fun than being told by a 14 year old that he owns you and your mums crap in bed. oh yeah and I have not got a posh voice, for some reason you all thought I was prince charles or summing!

HHxx 07 December 2001 11:46 AM

LOL at Damaja:D

Everyone seem to own me last night :(

Must get practising :)

Hopefully it shouldn't be so laggy next week as my cable modem is coming :D Just hope I don't have to phone NTL for support.


Damaja 07 December 2001 11:52 AM

I use a mouse mat, to turn quickly I move the mouse quickly in one direction and lift it up slighty so the ball is not touching the mat, this makes the ball spin in the air, when turned enough I put the mouse back down. Takes a while to master but I can spind round extremely quickly with about half an inch movement. This way I don't loose the precise control for aiming. I also use a standard microsoft 3 button mouse, they are the f*cking don, I used to have an optical mouse but this was pants.

dsmith 07 December 2001 12:02 PM


surely if shes not talking to you that leaves more free time for C/S. It my missus complaing she never gets the chance to talk to me that causes the problems - if she'd give up and ignore me I could get on with more games ;)


Damaja 07 December 2001 12:05 PM

Oh yeah, take the ball out of your mosue and clean the rollers as well!

HHxx 07 December 2001 12:09 PM

Or use an Optical mouse :D

Damaja 07 December 2001 12:12 PM

Nah they suck big time!

Damaja 07 December 2001 12:21 PM

Hmmm this reminds me of last night!

I will not use the talk to everyone key next time at the beginning!

Damaja 07 December 2001 12:22 PM

this is what I was trying to do!

scoobs 07 December 2001 12:41 PM

Well, I played SH$t last night :( Couldn't shoot straight to save my life. Got chucked of inferno, cos my map was wrong, (Could someone give me a link to the correct ver).

PUFF: Sorry about the Head shot ;) couldn't see my radar due to it being washed out by the windows I was behind. Blinding shot though, just would have been better if it was Merlin :(

Need to fine tune my mouse settings, as I think I am moving Too slow. Arr well more practise.

Who Was the [mort]Gammon Roll Guy???????

Anybody ever played "Delta Force, Land Warrior" online before, Looks quite good.

Hope to do better on Sunday :)


orbv 07 December 2001 12:45 PM

p.s I'm putting a CS reward on Dizzy's head. First person to cap his a$$ I'll buy their CS guns for the next 5 rounds
It must be mine! I get the prize for shooting Dizzy :)

Opened up on one of them pesty CT's and he walked in front of the blasing gun! Managed to kill both him and the CT ;)

I guess the only problem was he was also a T :eek:

Nimbus 07 December 2001 01:06 PM

So, does anyone own up to getting wasted in the bomb zone with his buddy by a crouched down CT in the corner...? :D

Norman D. Landing 07 December 2001 01:29 PM

The manhunt is on for Dizzy then.

First person to kill him in two consecutive rounds on a booked scoobynet/barrysworld server gets the prize

Rule 1. Team kills do not count (Barry take note, you cant win if he's on your team) :)

Rule 2. If Steve kills him but Dizzy yells "WTF ? I was lagging", Steves kill does not count - pot kettle etc :)

Rule 3. If PTMW kills him whilst siting in a dark corner or if dizzy is laughing too hard at PTMW's mincing walk :D , the kill does not count

Any more rules I've missed ? :)

Steve Perriam 07 December 2001 01:49 PM

I object to Rule 2

and i'll stamp my foot unless its withdrawn.

how anybody would ever believe a rule saying dizzy is gonna have lag with his ping is beyond me :rolleyes: :rolleyes


HHxx 07 December 2001 02:36 PM

could have been me. I was wasted left, right, centre, above and bl00dy below. Having a mare of a time.....:(

Hopefully have a :) when cable comes next week:D


Neanderthal 07 December 2001 03:06 PM

HHxx....good luck with NTL, that's what I've got :rolleyes:

Once installed it took them 3 weeks to actaully get it connecting [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Now it is connecting ok and downloads are between 50-75kbs usually but most people would have noticed my ping last night was anywhere from 100 to 350. Cable should be 30-40.

Phoned up NTL support yesterday during the day (got straight through!!! the guy didn't know what was wrong with it and told me to email and they'll try and help. I had an auto response saying "One of our agents will respond to your email as soon as possible, and we aim for this to be within 24 hours of you having received this email."

That was 30 hours ago....


scoobs 07 December 2001 03:39 PM

I've got NTL 512k Cable modem, I tend to get betweeb 41-60 Ping. Not too bad I think :)

Don't help me at all I'm still SH$T


Damaja 07 December 2001 03:42 PM

I gotta 2 meg connection, ping of 23-30 :)

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