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Tiny 28 November 2006 06:26 PM

Please read - Like to hear your ideas / suggestions please

Really like to read your views / input on this topic

Always striving to improve the ESC If possible

I Was approached by Tissy regarding a website for the ESC , This i may add i have been asked numerous times & i have declined as i dont not want to move the forum away from Scoobynet.

So the idea is to have our own site , Where you can look @ Members cars . Members faces , Order ESC shirts On line , Stickers , Showplates , Download a E Style newsletter , We shall be able to archive old editions of the newsletter as well here , The options are endless & i would like to hear if any of you have any other ideas / suggestions that you would like to put forward

The other thing is , Where does the URL - / need to Forward you to @ Present punch in either of those addys @ it will bring you here

How about redirecting the / to this other site & then to simply get back here " Click on FORUM " Within the new site , That way every new member see's what the ESC Is about rather than trawling through loads of threds on here to find out imformation ( i:e Pink shirts , Mugshots , Members cars , ) This other way everthing will be under one roof as to speak


Tissy has kindly knocked this quick demo site up for us all to look @ , Nothing is " Live " yet & Will need lots of other work on it , If we do decide to go down this route , But please take a look @ the Gallery , Shop , & the newsletter section so that you get the idea , Simply click on forum & you return here ..


Subaru Impreza CarPC

That's really about it , I Hope that you understand where im coming from , If this gets the go ahead then i would like it to be all in place in time for a fresh start in 2007 , If not we shall just carry on as we are

I Have added a poll to this thread , Just to try & get as much input as possible

Thanks for taking the time to read

Please add all your comments to this thread

wozzaa 28 November 2006 06:33 PM

Good idea :thumb:

Tissy 28 November 2006 06:44 PM

What an excellent idea :D !!

Seriously though, i am open for any other suggestions, graphical changes etc etc. But you need to get involved.........and be constuctive !!

If the ideas are good ones then i will ammend the current demo site within 12hrs so you can see your changes along with everyone else. I think this is an excellent opportunity to widen the base for ESC.


Tiny 28 November 2006 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Tissy
What an excellent idea :D !!

Seriously though, i am open for any other suggestions, graphical changes etc etc. But you need to get involved.........and be constuctive !!

If the ideas are good ones then i will ammend the current demo site within 12hrs so you can see your changes along with everyone else. I think this is an excellent opportunity to widen the base for ESC.


Steve massive thanks from me with regards to the work that you have put into this so far , We shall let it run until boxing day & see what the outcome is

Love the idea of live updates to the demo site :thumb:

Tiny ...

Fishuk 28 November 2006 07:04 PM

if calsberg made car clubs id think they'd have there own website just redirect us to the scoobynet forum

Spec'c'57 28 November 2006 07:15 PM

:thumb: excellent...

Turbo_T 28 November 2006 07:16 PM

allways thought it be a good idea to have a site just for the ESC myself i think it be a good idea ive run and modded on quite a few sites and this one is nice here but not the easyist 2 use if u just want 2 do this 1 room for everything i only go in for sale and here and thinks its alot easyer with a site just for esc

BRI4N 28 November 2006 07:49 PM

Fan-Bloody-Tastic idea.:notworthy

I think this would work really well alongside S-net.
Gives a very professional image and would allow people to easily see what the ESC is all about.

I know I'm still fairly new round here but I say GO FOR IT!:thumb:

Nate 28 November 2006 09:01 PM

Big Boy,

I think t would be a great idea to have ceratin threads on here knocked on the head ie Birthday, mugshots etc , which clutter up the board, these could be relocated over on the new site .

Gets a big :thumb: from me !!!!

wrx_yank 28 November 2006 09:16 PM

im in.... now who can cut me a sticker that says
because currently i have my previous crew... written on my car like a billboard and i want to represent the greatest suby crew in the U.K.:notworthy :thumb:

MrBush 28 November 2006 10:07 PM

I think its a cracking idea! :thumb:

Makes the ESC a touch more professional (not that isn't already!) but with its own web site!.........................I LIKE! :D :norty:

Her at the back 28 November 2006 10:11 PM

Can local people/business advertise on this site?

Tissy 28 November 2006 11:30 PM

Well first day almost over and 100% in favour so far, i'm impressed. Keep the positive views coming in and spread the word people !! There are minimal suggestions of other things the site could contain, so get them thinking caps on, for colour schemes, graphics, logos etc etc.

HATB - My personal view on advertising is that it the web site is a gateway to the ESC. So as such i feel that it shouldn't be littered with sponsors and adverts etc. However, your point is valid. How about a suggestion that this site is only sponsered by a single company which changes on the first of every month. So in effect throught the year there will be only 12 sponsors, each having 1 month of fame. With this option their sponsorship fee can go towards the site upkeep. ie when this site migrates to its own server there may be a small monthly fee involved which can be covered by the advertisers?

I wonder who could be the first Sarah.......:wonder: .........:idea: ...........ABW by chance ??

SirFozzalot 29 November 2006 11:27 AM

I like the idea of having our own website, especially with the forum staying here. Best of both worlds then.

As Nate says, might help tidy up this forum a bit too.

Would be nice to have a really professional look and feel. Make the ESC look like the special club it is and not like a bunch of Chavs in fast cars. :D ;)

Maybe we could look at a fresh new logo to launch the new site too. :thumb:

bibo_boy 29 November 2006 11:37 AM

A great idea and not a bad looking site...... :)

Only complaint...... I wanted to read the previous months Newsletter .pdfs lol!!

Seriously, it's a great idea....


Mrs Baz 29 November 2006 12:36 PM

Site looks very very good :thumb: I think as an idea for the gallery is to maybe have a pic of the persons car, a pic of the person who ownes it and a little bit about that person i.e. Age, location, proffession, & username and if they do anything for the club, what it is i.e. Tiny - Regional organiser of the SIDC etc etc.

Also the bit about sponsering the the site, good idea for the upkeep of the site but will the newsletter then loose out on being sponsered i.e. if ABW do sponser the site for a month will they still want to sponser the Newsletter in that month? :wonder:

Also was suggested to me via pm could the newsletter have a new members section for newbies to be introduced...maybe this could be put on the site again with a pic of their car, username etc etc and how they found out about Essex Scooby Crew.

All of the above just ideas and my opinions :D

But fantastic work and if I can be of assistance let me know ;)

V4JDMSTi 29 November 2006 12:56 PM

I like the site.

IMO the ESC is big enough to have it's own site including a forum. I'd be up for moving it. At least that way the ESC would have full control over who contributes to it. Unlike here for example where people are banned for having their website address in their user name, even if they are not making a profit.

Surely the ESC would benefit for charging a few quid to advertise there rather than it going in someone else's pocket!

However, if the forum remains here, then the link should point here. Otherwise people may find it difficult to find us. But it's a top idea for having all the who's who and members cars sections else where.

baz69birds 29 November 2006 02:19 PM

As i never got to vote :(
i Like the site,
& think it needs more than just 13 votes to make it happen
e.g more input from the Poeple who would use it??
Leave this thread going for the next month (think it will happen)
so people get to know we may be moving/Having an OFFICAL SITE.


Tissy 29 November 2006 02:27 PM

Photogallery Updated
Photogallery has been updated to take on board some of the suggestions made by Mrs Baz. Your views everyone ??

bibo_boy 29 November 2006 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by baz69birds
i Like the site,
& think it needs more than just 13 votes to make it happen

Just my opinion, but I think the title of the thread is lost slightly at the top of the page? How many people have been on the forum but not voted?

baz69birds 29 November 2006 02:56 PM

Voting Corner

Originally Posted by baz69birds
& think it needs more than just 13 votes to make it happen


Just seen it runs untill 26 December Not November (DDEERRRR)
But when i logged on i couldnt vote (hensce thought it had finished, But thinking now, the wife probably voted??)

Originally Posted by bibo_boy
Just my opinion, but I think the title of the thread is lost slightly

Yes i feel it should say somthing like NEW ESC HOME, to get people looking??

Mrs Baz 29 November 2006 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by baz69birds
i Like the site,
& think it needs more than just 13 votes to make it happen
e.g more input from the Poeple who would use it??
Leave this thread going for the next month (think it will happen)
so people get to know we may be moving/Having an OFFICAL SITE.


Sorry voted last nite and forgot you were logged in :rolleyes:

Her at the back 29 November 2006 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Tissy
Well first day almost over and 100% in favour so far, i'm impressed. Keep the positive views coming in and spread the word people !! There are minimal suggestions of other things the site could contain, so get them thinking caps on, for colour schemes, graphics, logos etc etc.

HATB - My personal view on advertising is that it the web site is a gateway to the ESC. So as such i feel that it shouldn't be littered with sponsors and adverts etc. However, your point is valid. How about a suggestion that this site is only sponsered by a single company which changes on the first of every month. So in effect throught the year there will be only 12 sponsors, each having 1 month of fame. With this option their sponsorship fee can go towards the site upkeep. ie when this site migrates to its own server there may be a small monthly fee involved which can be covered by the advertisers?

I wonder who could be the first Sarah.......:wonder: .........:idea: ...........ABW by chance ??

How small and possibly

Her at the back 29 November 2006 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Mrs Baz
Site looks very very good :thumb: I think as an idea for the gallery is to maybe have a pic of the persons car, a pic of the person who ownes it and a little bit about that person i.e. Age, location, proffession, & username and if they do anything for the club, what it is i.e. Tiny - Regional organiser of the SIDC etc etc.

Also the bit about sponsering the the site, good idea for the upkeep of the site but will the newsletter then loose out on being sponsered i.e. if ABW do sponser the site for a month will they still want to sponser the Newsletter in that month? :wonder:

Also was suggested to me via pm could the newsletter have a new members section for newbies to be introduced...maybe this could be put on the site again with a pic of their car, username etc etc and how they found out about Essex Scooby Crew.

All of the above just ideas and my opinions :D

But fantastic work and if I can be of assistance let me know ;)

ABW will not leave you Di :D

V4JDMSTi 29 November 2006 04:39 PM

ignore my other post. was in a bit of a mood and didn't read the initial post from tiny properly.

what about a feature car per month? i know of an amatuer photographer who wants to start putting together a portfolio and who is willing to take some snaps ;)

wozzaa 29 November 2006 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by wrx_yank
im in.... now who can cut me a sticker that says
because currently i have my previous crew... written on my car like a billboard and i want to represent the greatest suby crew in the U.K.:notworthy :thumb:

All ready sorted with wrx yank & USA flag & of course or is

Andy-C 29 November 2006 05:23 PM

Excellent idea, think it should be done :thumb:

Tiny 29 November 2006 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by wozzaa or is

Either we own both ;)

Well Boss does :D

Tiny 29 November 2006 06:32 PM

Amazing response so far ....

:luxhello: Brilliant response so far everyone :luxhello:

I Will qoute / Comment all replies when i have a bit more time ( Probably over the weekend )

Please keep the comments coming

Great to see comments from the OLD SKOOL Esc members as well

Tiny ...

Tissy 29 November 2006 06:48 PM

Looks like i'm going to have my work cut out then Tiny !!

As Tiny said, great response by all so far with good positive ideas :luxhello:

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