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Julz1983 10 November 2006 08:38 PM

Neighbour driving me nuts!!!!
Got to have a moan!!
My neighbour, well next door but 1, has his music on every Friday and Saturday night, so theres a house between us and the noise is still banging through the walls, our neighbour directly next door is in his 70's and has asked the lad numerous times to keep the noise down and gets a mouthful of abuse in return, this lad has no respect for anyone, he is the same age as me (22) and treats the street like it's his, I don't mind music as I'm young aswell but when my daughter gets woke up by it banging through the whole house it starts to take the pi55. He parks infront of our house when he can park infront of his own and round the back we have private spaces so he took it upon himself to use our space one day, he never asks, it was like the filming for the new fast and the furious the other day with all his mates cars and their all chavved up with loud exhausts, he comes in and out everyday like hes on a landing strip, now that aside, it's the music doing my head in, I've heard his reaction towards our elderly neighbour and thats what is putting me off going to his door and telling him to keep the music down, I'm sitting here now wanting to go and knock on his door (thats if he hears) and say something but I know he'll make everything hell after I do. What would any of you fellow Snetters do??

Scoob99 10 November 2006 08:45 PM

Sorry mate, but their is no way I would put up with that, I would bang on his door and ask him politely to turn it down, if he refused I would then call the police, failing that batter the little bastid.

Julz1983 10 November 2006 08:48 PM

LOL, the thought of battering him has crossed my mind quite alot recently, can a lass batter a lad :confused: I haven't really tried, I dread having to say something as I know he's a cocky tw@t and he's already told me he plays his music loud to pi55 our neighbour off, he does it like a vendetta, our neighbour just asks him politely if he would not make so much noise, sort his dog out etc and now thats what he gets in return, loud music and abuse, I don't want the same, but he spoils the estate, we're on a newly built estate, everyone is really nice, no other noise, then theres him, but then again, theres always one!

Jamie 10 November 2006 08:49 PM

Get someone to go round and give him a good kicking or phone the police and get a ASBO on him ?

Maz 10 November 2006 08:51 PM

There is only one way to combat this sort of selfish, irresponsible and downright dastardly behaviour. A good thumping should make him see sense.:thumb:

Nicks VR4 10 November 2006 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Scoob99
Sorry mate, but their is no way I would put up with that, I would bang on his door and ask him politely to turn it down, if he refused I would then call the police, failing that batter the little bastid.

I agree try and be polite at first, if he keeps it up police and in the end slap him a few times

Maz 10 November 2006 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by *Jamie*
Get someone to go round and give him a good kicking or phone the police and get a ASBO on him ?

That would be like giving him a medal of honour. The kicking idea is a winner.:D

hutton_d 10 November 2006 08:53 PM

Sometimes a girlie asking can make the difference where an old *fart* (not being derogatory towards your neighbour - just *paraphrasing what the yob must think of him) may just wind him up. Can you wear a skimpy top etc and ask him in your sexiest, husky voice to tone it down ..??

If it doesn't work then call the police/council and grass him up!


Julz1983 10 November 2006 08:54 PM

Like I say I would love to thump him, I might need some back up though. My hubby is usually working nights at weekends so he isn't around when I'm getting stressed out about it either, I could do without it at the mo. Theres that new number to ring up here instead of 999, 101 or something, for less serious things like nuisance neighbours, abandoned cars etc, might have to give it a go if I get no response or abuse from knobhead.

Julz1983 10 November 2006 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by hutton_d
Can you wear a skimpy top etc and ask him in your sexiest, husky voice to tone it down ..??

LOL :lol1:
Soz that made me laugh, I wouldn't dare, he's already had a string of different girls moving in and out in the past 6 months, I wouldn't want to be next on his list.

Maz 10 November 2006 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Julz1983
Like I say I would love to thump him, I might need some back up though. My hubby is usually working nights at weekends so he isn't around when I'm getting stressed out about it either, I could do without it at the mo. Theres that new number to ring up here instead of 999, 101 or something, for less serious things like nuisance neighbours, abandoned cars etc, might have to give it a go if I get no response or abuse from knobhead.

There's sixty thousand members on here, ample back up methinks!:thumb:

boxst 10 November 2006 08:59 PM


The Police will not and cannot do anything. They will give you the telephone number of a relevant council department.


Julz1983 10 November 2006 09:03 PM

Yep and then the council will send me a form to keep a 3 month log or something stupid like that to mark down the times and dates etc of when it's happening, by then I'll be nuts, not that I'm not already. :cuckoo:

mart360 10 November 2006 09:03 PM

we had similar happening to the old girl we bought our flat from, apparantly some of the larger male occupants of the neighbouring flats payed the young man a visit, and enlightened him in the ways of being a good neighbour. apparantly he moved out some time later ;)


Lee247 10 November 2006 09:06 PM

Environmental Health at the Council will take this up with him :thumb:
Or, you could do what we do. We have a builder doing a barn conversion next to ours. When the noise gets bad, the other half switches on his Amp, plugs in the drum machine and plays his guitar full blast. The house moves and usually so does the builder :lol1:

Julz1983 10 November 2006 09:11 PM

I have thought about pulling the car up infront of his house on a sunday morning about 6am, opening all the doors and the boot, putting the stereo on and leave the music blasting while I go back inside the house and have a cuppa or something, coz I bet he'd be the 1st person to be knocking on my door if I had music on at an unsociable hour for him.

FlightMan 10 November 2006 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300
Environmental Health at the Council will take this up with him :thumb:

Echo that. Ring them up, keep a note of dates and times etc.

FlightMan 10 November 2006 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Julz1983
Like I say I would love to thump him, I might need some back up though. My hubby is usually working nights at weekends so he isn't around when I'm getting stressed out about it either, I could do without it at the mo. Theres that new number to ring up here instead of 999, 101 or something, for less serious things like nuisance neighbours, abandoned cars etc, might have to give it a go if I get no response or abuse from knobhead.

Is 101 nationwide? I just thought it was Cardiff at present, nationwide in 2008?

Julz1983 10 November 2006 09:18 PM

We have it here, always an advert in the local paper with the area map and in orange is the area covered by 101, so we have it aswell.

Scoob99 10 November 2006 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA
There's sixty thousand members on here, ample back up methinks!:thumb:

Like that idea, what do you think lads turn up in a load of impreza's and blast the git out of bed at 6A.M.:D

Julz1983 10 November 2006 09:20 PM

I quite like the sounds of that, would make a change to his chavved up bmw and his mates in........well I don't even know what car is underneath all the bodykits.

Nate 10 November 2006 09:25 PM

Get some horns like mine ..... That will sort the git out !!!!

My Horns


Lee247 10 November 2006 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Scoob99
Like that idea, what do you think lads turn up in a load of impreza's and blast the git out of bed at 6A.M.:D

That's just given me an idea for when said builder moves into barn conversion. His workies said my car made the ground vibrate :norty:

Julz you are not that far from me, I shall send up the Amp etc ;)

Scooby Soon! 10 November 2006 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by *Nate*
Get some horns like mine ..... That will sort the git out !!!!

My Horns


Where did you get that horn!?????

Jonno_johnson 10 November 2006 09:38 PM

Give me £200 and ill make sure his music dont bother you again.

Bug Eyed Peas 10 November 2006 09:49 PM

I had a similar disagreement with neighbours a few years back. All it took was a few phone calls initially to report the disturbance to the local Environmental Health Agency about his constant noise. Then they monitored his house at various times with a decible reader. So the outcome was, letter, slap on the wrists :lol1: , problem gone. :thumb:
I do sincerely you hope to get matters resolved amicably. :D

Julz1983 10 November 2006 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Jonno_johnson
Give me £200 and ill make sure his music dont bother you again.

Do you think I'm made of money, I'll attempt to beat him myself before paying someoone lol.

84of300, I might have to borrow that amp, although we do have a nice bass bin and 2 amps spare in the loft, seems a shame to let them go to waste :idea:

He went out before, so music is finished, thank god, peace atlast, but I think I will see him tomorrow before he gets his music on and just let him know I'm not too pleased about his noise, if he then follows on to putting it on tomorrow night to pee me off I will then call on a few on here to come and park out the front on Sunday morning to blast him out of bed :hjtwofing . Breakfast provided :D

hades 10 November 2006 11:21 PM

Each time he does it, pop round at 6am the following morning to polite ask him to not keep you awake; he'll get the point that unsociable hours can cut both ways.

AudiLover 10 November 2006 11:37 PM

get someone to smash each of his windows when hes out at night.

Julz1983 10 November 2006 11:38 PM

mmmm, their not really his windows though, he rents the house, so not a good idea, but the car is his

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