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Son of Quatto 22 September 2006 05:37 PM

Can we say anything towards Islam?
Sick to death of Muslims making every excuse under the sun to start a jihad over any sentence a westerner says against their religion. I can't even watch the News now in disgust at what a pathetic waste of space this country has become.

Is their another country in the world that panders so much to the minority. Christ they are burning our churches in some countries yet we have to sit back and tolerate their actions to us, Yet one word against old Allah and all hell breaks loose. :razz:

DCI Gene Hunt 22 September 2006 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by Son of Quatto
Christ they are burning our churches

Pisses me off no end..... but to blaspheme and complain about burning churches in one sentence is good going..... :lol1:

PS when was the last time you went to church?........ :)

Turbohot 22 September 2006 05:43 PM

Obviously, you can say anything towards Islam, as long as it is not criticising Isam.:)

Moley 22 September 2006 05:43 PM

I must admit i do find it quite strange. If i had been promised lots of virgins i'd be a lot happier than they are.

They're almost as bad as women!!!

Imagine this......a Muslim woman on rag week!!! :eek:

TBH from what i can make most of the real Muslims are absolutly fine (i am friends with a few), it's the ones who become religious when it suits them who are the problem.

Turbohot 22 September 2006 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt

PS when was the last time you went to church?........ :)


He may not ever have gone to church but as long as he is to shun or, burn a church, it's ok. Others can't. Specially, Isamic people.:D

Maz 22 September 2006 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by Son of Quatto
Sick to death of Muslims making every excuse under the sun to start a jihad over any sentence a westerner says against their religion. I can't even watch the News now in disgust at what a pathetic waste of space this country has become.

Is their another country in the world that panders so much to the minority. Christ they are burning our churches in some countries yet we have to sit back and tolerate their actions to us, Yet one word against old Allah and all hell breaks loose. :razz:

Have you passed on my message to Tony? By the way I would keep a low profile if I were you, Cohagan has you in his sights!;)

kingofturds 22 September 2006 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX

They're almost as bad as women!!!

Imagine this......a Muslim woman on rag week!!! :eek:

could explode at any minute:eek: literally!

vava voom 22 September 2006 07:54 PM

Its amazeing how many di*k heads like SN members read b*llocks in papers and beleive it all:lol: :lol:

kilo_4que 22 September 2006 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by Moley_WRX
I must admit i do find it quite strange. If i had been promised lots of virgins i'd be a lot happier than they are.

They're almost as bad as women!!!

Imagine this......a Muslim woman on rag week!!! :eek:

TBH from what i can make most of the real Muslims are absolutly fine (i am friends with a few), it's the ones who become religious when it suits them who are the problem.

Its not about becoming religious mate. Its more about becoming an extremist.

Extremism is where things go wrong but of course islam condones extremism. The thing is, the media loves to to portray the message that Islam has adopted extremism.

Black Cok sorry Black CTR what do you mean by f u ck off. I think your mere ignorance has kicked in. We are not talking about asians here mate, we are talking about muslims who come from all races. You get muslims who are black, brown, white etc etc

You get muslims who are born and bred in England. Where do they stand with your comment, since the back door leads them to where they are already standing.

Dont know who rattled your cage but you sound like one pi$$ed off bunny with only a handful of posts and straight into topic like this :lol1:

Brit_in_Japan 22 September 2006 08:14 PM

I'd say the problem is fanatacism rather than extremism. Anyone should be free to believe what they want, however extreme, so long as it doesn't harm others. But fanatics think that everyone should believe the things they do and do what they do. Fanatacism, in whatever it's form, is what's dangerous.

kilo_4que 22 September 2006 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Brit_in_Japan
I'd say the problem is fanatacism rather than extremism. Anyone should be free to believe what they want, however extreme, so long as it doesn't harm others. But fanatics think that everyone should believe the things they do and do what they do. Fanatacism, in whatever it's form, is what's dangerous.

Very true and to add, it is this that tarnishes the reputation of certain communities. People lose trust and begin to raise eyebrows

Turbohot 22 September 2006 08:21 PM

Anyway, has anyone seen that?>

Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf said the US threatened to bomb his country "back to the Stone Age" after the September 11 attacks if he did not help America's war on terror.
Quite a serious threat there!:cuckoo::(
Although Armitage denies it, there might be something in it?:confused:
Americans are off their heads too:mad:

kilo_4que 22 September 2006 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Turbohot
Anyway, has anyone seen that?>

Quite a serious threat there!:cuckoo::(
Although Armitage denies it, there might be something in it?:confused:
Americans are off their heads too:mad:

Nothing can be written off but my only question is, why has he left it so late to let the whole world know. America is a big bully, starting wars in different countries and then dragging the UK in their mess to help tidy up. One reason why Blair gets on my nerves is that he finds his relationship with Bush more important than the many lives of our troops who were killed in pointless wars which had/have nothing to do with us.

eClaire 23 September 2006 12:11 PM

PMSL @ goole ads when youre not logged in...

Saria Shattaf bidet spray
Convert Toilet into Bidet! $24.99 Free Shipping


kingofturds 23 September 2006 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by eClaire
PMSL @ goole ads when youre not logged in...

Saria Shattaf bidet spray
Convert Toilet into Bidet! $24.99 Free Shipping


goole?:Suspiciou bit early in the morning to be drinking isnt it:D

eClaire 23 September 2006 12:17 PM

I'm a jock, behave yourself! :D

Anyway, you know what I meant.

I'm going to stop muppetising this thread now, sorry.

J4CKO 23 September 2006 12:22 PM

Edited in the spirit of global togetherness !

kilo_4que 23 September 2006 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
I wasnt very happy with Islam yesterday, couple of Asian guys nearly caused a smash running a red light in a Lexus, B19 BOS, arrogant pair of w4nkers, why do they always colour the badges gold ?

Must remember it could have been a white arse just the same. Like it could have been when my uncle was knocked of his bike and the culprit drove off.

I really try to not to think like that, but sometimes my resolve gets tested very hard.

And how do you know for certain they were muslim, they could have been Sikh, Hindu etc etc

I see many white ass holes but doesnt mean that I blame christianity for their actions.

gatty 23 September 2006 12:49 PM

England is finished !!!

islamic state of britain is the new name aint you heard?

J4CKO 23 September 2006 01:04 PM

They had a all the garb hanging from the rear view mirror, they werent wearing Turbans, cant for sure say what they were other than arseholes, didnt put an hand up as an apology, just brake tested me because I had the cheek to blow my horn at them. I wasnt blaming Islam for their actions, I was blaming them, their arrogance, their lack of consideration and driving skill. Rather than wait they decided to run the light and chance causing an accident, at this particular junction I always check the other way even if the lights are green for me but many don't assuming it will be clear, good job I do as other wise I would have had a Lexus GS300 into my side.

kilo_4que 23 September 2006 01:11 PM

So if your not blaming islam then why start your original post with

"I wasnt very happy with Islam yesterday"

That to me seems as though ure implying it was because they are msulims they are acting the way they are even though you still cant really be 100% sure they were muslims. Did you know some sikhs dont wear turbans, did you know there exist hindus who also dont wear turbans.

Couldnt it have been more appropriate to start your post with something like, "I wasnt very happy with some asian dudes or asian priks" etc etc, that is if you werent pointing fingers at Islam.

Or isnt it safe to say, that since you are saying your not blaming Islam for their actions that your post is rather pointless in this thread. Or were you just adding your fare share of hate towards islam Mr Jacko

Turbohot 23 September 2006 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by kilo_4que
And how do you know for certain they were muslim, they could have been Sikh, Hindu etc etc

I see many white ass holes but doesnt mean that I blame christianity for their actions.

Because, 99.99% don't give a fcuk to Christianity themselves!:D

Maz 23 September 2006 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by kilo_4que
So if your not blaming islam then why start your original post with

"I wasnt very happy with Islam yesterday"

That to me seems as though ure implying it was because they are msulims they are acting the way they are even though you still cant really be 100% sure they were muslims. Did you know some sikhs dont wear turbans, did you know there exist hindus who also dont wear turbans.

Couldnt it have been more appropriate to start your post with something like, "I wasnt very happy with some asian dudes or asian priks" etc etc, that is if you werent pointing fingers at Islam.

Or isnt it safe to say, that since you are saying your not blaming Islam for their actions that your post is rather pointless in this thread. Or were you just adding your fare share of hate towards islam Mr Jacko

Valid point very well made even if it isn't exactly de rigeur.:D

J4CKO 23 September 2006 03:21 PM

I will accept I was wrong referencing yesterday's incident to Islam and for that I apologize.

I am however sick of hearing about Islam, get on with being a Muslim if thats what floats your boat, it doesnt mean I hate Islam, I just dont give a fcuk about it, its about as relevant to me as any other religion, its called indifference.

Trouble is, at the moment Islam seems to be doing a collective 'Did you spill my pint' thing, i.e. overreacting to minor things like silly cartoons or speeches by the Pope. This makes it difficult to ignore, in the past I took an interest in other peoples faiths but now it just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

Maz 23 September 2006 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
I will accept I was wrong referencing yesterday's incident to Islam and for that I apologize.

I am however sick of hearing about Islam, get on with being a Muslim if thats what floats your boat, it doesnt mean I hate Islam, I just dont give a fcuk about it, its about as relevant to me as any other religion, its called indifference.

Trouble is, at the moment Islam seems to be doing a collective 'Did you spill my pint' thing, i.e. overreacting to minor things like silly cartoons or speeches by the Pope. This makes it difficult to ignore, in the past I took an interest in other peoples faiths but now it just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

Fair play for apologizing Jacko, you are a reasonable man.:thumb:

kilo_4que 23 September 2006 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
I will accept I was wrong referencing yesterday's incident to Islam and for that I apologize.

I am however sick of hearing about Islam, get on with being a Muslim if thats what floats your boat, it doesnt mean I hate Islam, I just dont give a fcuk about it, its about as relevant to me as any other religion, its called indifference.

Trouble is, at the moment Islam seems to be doing a collective 'Did you spill my pint' thing, i.e. overreacting to minor things like silly cartoons or speeches by the Pope. This makes it difficult to ignore, in the past I took an interest in other peoples faiths but now it just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

Firstly to you it may seem minor but for a person who is devout to their religion, even the smallest of insults is bad enough. I guess it boils down to what a lot of Christians already say that Christians don’t give a flying fuk about their religion unlike Muslims.

Furthermore, if you don’t give a fuk then why add to a thread and bring it back to the top. Isn’t it better for you not to reply and let the thread die out. This is going back to square one, you start something, when someone questions you on it you suddenly don’t give a fuk. lol well why start in the first place.

If you look on SN, every second friggin thread has some element of Islam in it, it would help if SN admin put a foot down on not only Islamic threads but all religious threads which are looking to cause flames. Sorry to say but there is a lot of incompetence on SN

Btw appology accepted ;)

J4CKO 23 September 2006 04:54 PM

Yep, you are right, far to much discussion that isnt really healthy and to be honest I give my opinions and then I change my mind depending on the prevailing conditions and it is emotive, I am not informed or clever enough to really know the score and to be honest I dont think anyone does, we all come from our own narrow little perspective especially those in power, I really dont think they know what they are doing, ditto the terrorists.

As you say its getting a bit old and I think that I for one will not mention anything Islam related in future threads or respond to Islam related threads.

Keep it trivial and light hearted in future.

PS. Still pissed off at nobs in the Lexus (whose faith is irrelevant), that scared the sh1t out of me.

kilo_4que 23 September 2006 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO
Yep, you are right, far to much discussion that isnt really healthy and to be honest I give my opinions and then I change my mind depending on the prevailing conditions and it is emotive, I am not informed or clever enough to really know the score and to be honest I dont think anyone does, we all come from our own narrow little perspective especially those in power, I really dont think they know what they are doing, ditto the terrorists.

As you say its getting a bit old and I think that I for one will not mention anything Islam related in future threads or respond to Islam related threads.

Keep it trivial and light hearted in future.

PS. Still pissed off at nobs in the Lexus (whose faith is irrelevant), that scared the sh1t out of me.

I respect you Jacko for your replies mate. It does get on your nerves when you get idiots thinking they own the roads and it is understandable that stereotyping can occur. We are no different, i myself have been in situations similar to yours.

DCI Gene Hunt 23 September 2006 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by kilo_4que
Sorry to say but there is a lot of incompetence on SN

Scoobynet's just like the real world then............ :)

DCI Gene Hunt 23 September 2006 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by kilo_4que
I respect you Jacko for your replies mate. It does get on your nerves when you get idiots thinking they own the roads and it is understandable that stereotyping can occur. We are no different, i myself have been in situations similar to yours.

There are tw4ts everywhere....... white, black, brown, christian, muslim, catholic, hindu, whatever......... but lets just keep it old school......... a tw4ts a tw4t WHATEVER colour or religion they may be....... :thumb:

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