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CoobyS 16 August 2006 10:41 PM

What has non-circumcision ever done wrong?
whats the point of getting a part of your manhood chopped off when it was God who put it there?:wonder:

Tim-Grove 16 August 2006 10:53 PM

It tastes nice fried up with some eggs and brown sauce

CharlesW 16 August 2006 10:54 PM

Apparently it will reduce your chances of acquiring HIV.

speye91 16 August 2006 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by Tim-Grove
It tastes nice fried up with some eggs and brown sauce

Have you tried it :wonder: .......:nono:

w00t 16 August 2006 10:56 PM

I'm circumcised but I'm atheist! :wonder:

Tim-Grove 16 August 2006 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by speye91
Have you tried it :wonder: .......:nono:

the bacon in my local cafe looks like chopped up foreskins. So unknowingly probably yes:eek2:

speye91 16 August 2006 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Tim-Grove
the bacon in my local cafe looks like chopped up foreskins. So unknowingly probably yes:eek2:

:lol: :lol: Fair play

CrisPDuk 16 August 2006 11:05 PM

Originally Posted by CharlesW
Apparently it will reduce your chances of acquiring HIV.

So will not sticking your old man up other chaps' dirtboxes:nono:

speye91 16 August 2006 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by CrisPDuk
So will not sticking your old man up other chaps' dirtboxes:nono:

:lol: :lol: :luxhello: Well said..Pmsl

SPEN555 16 August 2006 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tim-Grove
It tastes nice fried up with some eggs and brown sauce

lol! :D

lpski1 16 August 2006 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tim-Grove
It tastes nice fried up with some eggs and brown sauce

2nd'id :thumb:

Lee247 16 August 2006 11:19 PM

My son had to be circumsised (sp) when very small, medical reasons. One of my clients came to drop his accounts off and told my son he was special, as he had also had this done. I said "I never knew that", he said, "well I am hardly likely to drop of my vat return and say btw I've been circumsised :o :o

AudiLover 16 August 2006 11:21 PM

Some woman was telling me that sex with a chopped up willy is less pleasurable than a natural non tampered with version.

lpski1 16 August 2006 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300
My son had to be circumsised (sp) when very small, medical reasons. One of my clients came to drop his accounts off and told my son he was special, as he had also had this done. I said "I never knew that", he said, "well I am hardly likely to drop of my vat return and say btw I've been circumsised :o :o

are you trying to sell some old bacon (wannabe) rind ? :mad:

MODS, 84 doesnt have a sellers subscription. :razz:

speye91 16 August 2006 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by lpski1
are you trying to seel some old bacon (wannabe) rind ? :mad:

MODS, 84 doesnt have a sellers subscription. :razz:

What's for sale...??:wonder:

Lee247 16 August 2006 11:27 PM


lpski1 16 August 2006 11:28 PM

its not the first time youve mooned at me :o

lpski1 16 August 2006 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by speye91
What's for sale...??:wonder:

i was going for the geordie accent for 84, i guess you missed that.

ive edited :thumb:

Daz34 16 August 2006 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by AudiLover
Some woman was telling me that sex with a chopped up willy is less pleasurable than a natural non tampered with version.

Yeah because they really love the cheese & fluff :lol1:

Lee247 16 August 2006 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by lpski1
its not the first time youve mooned at me :o

I can't remember doing that :wonder:

AudiLover 16 August 2006 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by Daz34
Yeah because they really love the cheese & fluff :lol1:

The cheese is comforting, and good insulation for those cold winters.:)

lpski1 16 August 2006 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by 84of300
I can't remember doing that :wonder:

thats just bladdy typical :mad:

Hoppy 17 August 2006 12:07 AM

You can sew a lot of foreskins together and make a very nice wallet.

Give it a rub and it turns into a suitcase ;) :D

Shark Man 17 August 2006 12:16 AM

Apprently medical research companies pay for foreskins.

Wonder how much I would get paid to have my genitalia mutilated for outdated, incorrectly assumed "medical" excuses, common mis-diagnosis or batty religious belief? :wonder:

brumdaisy 17 August 2006 12:23 AM

skinned willies are nicer :D

AudiLover 17 August 2006 12:31 AM

Or How I Spent a Year and a Half Restoring My Butchered Foreskin

by Rio Cruz

I'd never seen an uncircumcised dick before and was racked with mirth by the deformity. Bob Ramsey and I had just come into the 3rd grade bathroom at Little Lake Elementary and saw Tomás Sánchez whizzing away at the open urinal completely unconcerned. Bob and I looked at each other, then back at the funny dick and burst out laughing.

"What in hell is that thing," we asked Tomás. "Looks like something the cat chewed on for lunch."

Tomás didn't miss a dribble. "Why'rya laughing at me," he said. "You guys are the ones with half yer dick cut off." As he said this he reeled in, zipped up and strode out the door without even looking back.

The weird part was that until that moment I had never realized I had anything missing, that an important part of my anatomy had unceremoniously been hacked off. I just assumed my dick was as nature made it and had never known, until that day, what a real intact penis looked like. It was a revelation beyond the capacity I had at the time to understand.

I really didn't think much about it after that. In fact, I don't ever recall seeing another normal penis until adulthood. In all those years of gym classes and communal showering, every dick looked just like mine: sliced, diced, folded, creased, stapled and mutilated. And when you are surrounded by other guys whose peckers have all been routinely butchered at birth in the same way as yours, and look just like yours, you tend not to give the issue much thought.

However, as I got older, I noticed that my dick kept getting less and less sensitive so that when having intercourse or beating off, it was hard to cum. I mean the old willy was just not as responsive as once it was. I wasn't too concerned, though, and just chalked it up to getting older. C'est la vie.

Well, one day I was listening to the Dr. Dean Edell show on KGO in San Francisco and he was going on and on about the evils of male genital mutilation as practiced wholesale on baby boys in our society. It was especially interesting coming from good ol' Dr. Dean because he's Jewish and ritual circumcision is a big part of Jewish culture. Not only that, but like most Americans he allowed his first three sons to be circumcised. Fortunately, Marilyn Milos (Saint Marilyn for all in the anti-circ movement!) got to the good doctor and helped him see the light. His last two sons were spared the gruesome cut. Since then he has become adamantly outspoken in his condemnation of this primitive practice of tribal amputation and has spent good portions of his hour long programs on the subject during his daily radio talk show.

As he was expounding on this subject, he mentioned that one of the results of circumcision was a decreased sensitivity and difficulty in achieving orgasm, especially as men get older. This got my attention. He went on to explain that the male glans and inner foreskin, just like the clitoris and inner labia of women, are actually internal structures covered by mucous membrane that, when exposed to the air and harsh environment through circumcision, develop a tough, dry covering to protect the delicate, sensitive tissue. It's sort of like if you went around with your eyelids pulled back or your tongue sticking out all the time or if a woman were to walk around with her labia pulled back exposing the clitoris and internal lining to the air. The moist, warm membranes of eye, tongue, clitoris or labia would react to the dry air and defend against it. The nerve endings would become dulled because layers of cells build-up in a process called keratinization. This keratin, a tough, insoluble protein substance, is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs. Over time, these once exquisitely sensual organs acquire all the sensitivity of a rawhide rope.

God-fearing, Puritan, Judeo-Christian, anal-retentive America, something on the order of 60% of all males are circumcised. Still. Even as we speak. The practice grew from its introduction back in the early part of this century when that tight-assed Victorian bunghole John Harvey Kellogg-the All Bran laxative king- and other constipated hairballs of his ilk began proselytizing for mass circumcision as a deterrent to masturbation. Their purpose was to keep the male youth of America from jerking off and going blind and insane with hair growing on the palms of their hands. The mass severance reached a peak in the 1980s when over 85% of newborn boys were circumcised. It is dropping back now but it's still a national scandal.

Contrast this with Europe, non-Muslim Asia, and Latin America where newborn males are not subjected to the ghastly deed. The truth is, throughout the whole world, about 85 percent of males are NOT circumcised. In fact, the only people who routinely cut off the most erogenous part of their boys' penis are Jews, Muslims, certain tribal groups in far-flung parts of the world and... the United States. Everybody else leaves their sons intact as nature made them. Leaving aside the dopey religious reasons for circumcision, the incontrovertible evidence shows there is absolutely no rational, no scientific, no therapeutic reason for the general, mass circumcisions practiced in this country. None! Zip, zero, nada, niente, zilch. Every major pediatrics society in the world, including our own, says so. Inertia, more money in the pocket of the attending physician and flat-out abject ignorance seem to be the main reasons it is still done. That, and our uptight, puritanical, neurotic attitudes towards masturbation and our goofy notions of cleanliness. It's enough to make you insane. No wonder the Americans and the Semites and other primitives create such havoc in the world. Their males start out life getting their little weenie all skinned and filleted and they go through the rest of their existence taking revenge on everything in sight.

Good ol' Dr. Dean went on to explain that some men had gotten pissed about the whole thing and were going about the process of restoring their severed foreskins to help reverse the damage caused by their butchering at birth. He mentioned a book, The Joy of Uncircumcising by Jim Bigelow as well as several sites on the web dedicated to foreskin restoration along with many other sites exposing the moronic practice of infant circumcision and what it does to the once-intact-as-nature-intended dick, the negative effects on women during intercourse, the continued psychological and physiological effects of circumcision, the pain, suffering and trauma to the baby during circumcision, the violation of human rights and on and on in an almost endless litany of grim and grisly consequences of this barbaric stupidity.

And what is really frustrating is that we have in this country a vocal, sexist coterie of people like Barbara Walters yelling and screaming about female circumcisions in Africa and other third world countries while these same dipstick door jambs blithely go about the routine amputation of an extremely important part of their male infant's anatomy. Makes ya just want to ram hot pokers up their butts! [-Editor]

Well, like I said, Dr. Dean did get my attention. So I went on the web, dialed up, read what was needed and embarked on a year-and-a-half-long adventure to restore my amputated foreskin. And I must tell you boys and girls, if you knew what you were missing you would rise in arms against the bureaucratic quacks and lame-brained medical establishment that keep the practice going. Sex for me now, with a restored foreskin, is much more pleasurable, more complex, more intense, satisfying, interesting and just plain fun than it ever was as a circumcised male! There are subtleties and nuances of sensation I never knew before. There is a whole array of sensations and stimuli that come into play. Waves of Technicolor sensuality and outlandish orgasms that take me to the brink of coma. It's like the difference between black and white tv viewed on a Sony Watchman, and full-blown, full-size color with stereophonic sound. Color tv is just more interesting, fun and entertaining. So is uncircumcised sex.

Well, actually, naturally intact sex is like full-blown color tv. There are lots of guys who went under the knife as adults and know the difference. Restored sex is more like those early color sets that came out in the sixties. Not as good as the tv today, but a damn sight better than a black and white Philco.

Not long ago there was some study published on the difference between sex practices of the circumcised versus the naturally intact. The main thing the researchers found was that circumcised guys had more, and more varied sex than did their uncircumcised counterparts. To me, this study made complete sense. When I was circumcised, I had to do all kinds of things, get into all kinds of positions, use all kinds of special effects just to get off. Banging on a toboggan at 50 miles per, doing it in alleyways at rush hour, doing it in the "Downward Facing Dog" yoga posture while swinging from a chandelier, stuff like that. The sex act by itself was simply not stimulating enough to lead to orgasm. It wasn't as satisfying, either. With all the recovered sensations, feelings, sensuality and complexity provided by my new restored foreskin, I have no need to go through all those machinations just to come. Intercourse... just plain old, missionary position, normal, slow-motion intercourse is interesting enough.

w00t 17 August 2006 09:14 AM

Load of cr4p by bitter and twisted americans who didnt have a choice imo

I didnt really have a choice either but I was old enough to remember what it was like before and I prefer the after! :p

as do most of the ladies I've been with :norty:

AudiLover 17 August 2006 10:34 AM

lol I can go circumzised for a day if I wish, and after about 10 minutes my dick will be no thank you.

miss*scoobygav555* 17 August 2006 10:49 AM

Sounds sore!!..:( Females being circumcised is more crazy, makes me cringe!:eek:


w00t 17 August 2006 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by AudiLover
lol I can go circumzised for a day if I wish, and after about 10 minutes my dick will be no thank you.

ha ha :lol1:

well yeah it's not comfortable at first but you do get used to it and it feels totally normal

Originally Posted by miss*scoobygav555*
Sounds sore!!..:( Females being circumcised is more crazy, makes me cringe!:eek:


female circ is just plain wrong :freak3:

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