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astraboy 02 February 2006 11:31 PM

Rave review, HTID 13, "Skool Of Hardcore" 27/1/06
The first major rave of 2006 was a long time coming. Traditionally, January has always been a quiet month for major events, with anyone wanting to go out having to scratch around and be grateful for what they get. This drought usually dries up on or about the end of January. People start getting paid again, people start wanting to go out again and as a result, the promotors usually face their first of many scrambles, to put on the first major rave of 2006.

This year, the honour went to HTID, with a party which whos location came as a surprise to few, you guessed it, back at Air one again, but the guts of the rave was definitely something to write home about.

HTID are practiced masters of the black art of putting a lineup together which most if not all will like. Ripping out the sofas of the Carbon lounge means they can go to three arenas, and as a result, can cram in Hardcore, Techno and Old Skool into the building and give an arena to each. All that is left to do then is fill it with DJs.

In this respect, it was another winner. Something for everyone in every arena. The list of superlatives would take quite a while to completely list out, but personal highlights for me include Neophyte, Marc Smith and Breeze in the main room, Re-con and Kevin Energy upstairs and not forgetting Altern 8 and Shades of Rhythm up top.

As well as that, once again, it was a themed HTID. With copyright preventing the proper namesake being taken, this was branded "The Skool of Hardcore" with the promise of a free whistle on entry for all those in schnool uniform and a certificate of excellence for all those who stay "Till the final bell", or 6am to you and me.

I never pass up an opportunity to go to HTID, even if, like on this occasion, I was incredibly tired. If I was honest with you, I would have preferred to have gotten some sleep after the week I'd had at work, but HTID has a more powerful tractorbeam than the Death Star when it comes down to it, so it was just after midnight when I touched down in the venue. This was handy, cos we literally arrived just as the night had kicked off. I didnt want to waste any time so my first stop was Kevin Energy in the Nitrogen room

No gentle easing into the rave here, Kev, alongside Odyssey and Sharkey on the mic tore the place apart from the beginning. Some of Energy's sets start of slowly (in freeform terms, anyway) and speed up towards the end. Not tonight.

Top end BPMs all the way and seriously upfront to boot. I didn't recognise one tune in my time up in the second room, but one thing was for sure, the triple freeform tag team set from Sharkz, Odyssey and Energy was just what I needed to start my evening.

If I started out off with furious Freeform, then there was only one way to follow it up and that was the reason I went to the main arena next. Why? Cos Neophyte was up next, thats why.

Fighting my way onto the main dancefloor, it was obvious I weren't the only one with the same idea. As MC Ribbz joined our man from Holland on stage and introduced him to the assembled mass of ravers.

From then on, the only thing in charge was insanity. Dutch Gabba ruled the roost, naturally, but this time with a slight twist. I've noticed a change in Neophyte's sets recently, with the clasic mainstream sets remeniscent of his legendary outing at Raverbaby 2 last year being consigned to the past and raw, undeground Dutch Hardcore taking its place.

The net result was the DJ and the MC collaborating with the ravers to take them on a journey. Neophyte leading the way with the bleeding edge music and Ribbz in his element as tour guide through the darkness. The set was so upfront that all I recognised was "To you who doubt me" the rest of was murky, dark and 'kin fantastic.

It was a shame to leave, but if you want to appreciate every aspect that HTID has to offer, you have to plan your night ahead. There's not much that will make me walk away from Neophyte in full flow, but the Carbon Lounge, and The Shades of Rhythm crew were calling.

These guys actually were the first rave act I ever saw, way back at a car festival in 1997. I remember very little of it, apart from walking away seriously impressed. I wanted more of the same and going on how packed the Carbon Lounge was, so did many others. The Old Skool Til I Die arena was just about the busiest I've ever seen it when I walked in, getting to the other end of the room took serious effort.

It was all worth it though, with the DJ stand in sight I could see the pair of artists busy setting up an apple laptop alongside the decks. I had no idea what to expect, but what I got was a very unique interpretation of the sound of yesteryear.

No new stuff (at least to my uneducated ears) was forthcoming, but the sublime tune selection more than made up for the lack of fresh material. A broad variety of the old skool cross section was dropped for the apreciative and friendly crowd, ranging from the more laid back efforts of "Every time I see the girl" and "Rhythm selection" to the more dancable rave oriented stompers such as "Everybody in the place" and "Let me your fantasy".

Finally, during the tail end of their set, they progressed in a more eclectiv directions, fusing the seriousness of "Dominator" and "Bombscare" with the less serious side of things and unashamedly dropping "Seseme's Treet" in the middle of it. Worth cutting a Neophyte set short? Definitley.

In the event I didn't cut it as short as I imagined. When I returned to the main arena, he was still going strong. Not only that, but Ribbzy had been joined on the mic by Sharkey for the tail end of the set. The last tune was a mystery to me, but it was obvious the DJ had been pumping out some real filth whist I'd been away, cos the last tune was dirty to say the least.

The next DJ up was the first of the RBC crew that I was to see during the night. Joined by Sharkey and Odyssey on the mic, Breeze steeped into the breech and started his set.

I dont know what Breeze has been up to in the month between this event and NYE, but there's one thing he obviously aint been doing and thats eating or sleeping. Instead of doing the things fundamental to human survival, he appears to have spent every second of January remixing tunes as if his life depended on it and boy were they out in force tonight.

While the unusual (but not unwelcome) accompanyment of Sharkz and Odyssey did the business of hyping up the crowd on the mic, Breeze was digging tunes out of what seemed to be a bottomless record box marked "remixes". One after the other they came, with new versions of "Heaven in my arms", "Connexions", "Dark Like Vader" and "Getting better" following each other in quick succession. As well as that, another tune which has fresh lyrics from MC Storm was also in there, but I have no idea what it was called.

By the end of the set, everyone was on their feet. With Sharkey Odyssey, Sallie and Sarah on stage and the ravers on the dancefloor. When the final tune "Slide away" came in, the place went off all over again and Sharkz asked the crowd who'd fallen in love during the set as the DJs changed over behind him.

Next up was a set I was NOT going to miss. No way. Missing the return of the Rave legend that is Marc Smith from a brief absence was not an option, but the concept of not doing anything apart from staying put (and raving, hard) was further re-inforced when Wotsee joined him on the mic, whilst Sharkey backed him up on the decks.

Coming from Breeze's set, you were not going to go away dissapointed if you wanted the BPMs to go up, Smithy and Sharkey duely obliged and with the crowd standing their ground, the freeform eminated from the system.

Wotsee was in his element during the set, with previous performances following the same format and getting results to say the least. Newport's finest export was soon at his favoured vocal delivery rate. Warp speed. Dropping lyrics such as "I wanna be famous" and "I'm an Em Cee!" to an appreciative crowd, it was good, no check that, great to see him up there.

But if Wotsee was in his element, then Smithy and Sharkey were at home, with their feet up and watching Eastenders. Proof positive that those north of the border are made of sterner stuff, Marc had recovered sufficently to go b2b with Sharkz for an hour, as well as collaborate together to produce a set to be proud of.

With "See you on the other side" and my personal favourite "Gravity" being notable highlights from and hard, fast paced and energy filled set, Smith, Sharkz and Wotsee proved their worth together as much as they do when seperate. I know I was soaked in sweat by the end of it, thats for sure.

I might have been a bit sweaty, but there was no chance of a rest. The reason there way was another one of my favourite DJs was about to start and the only thing I had to do was stay exactly where I was to experience it.

Sy and Storm. Formerly "Raver's Champions" and currently the official favourite in both MC and DJ capacities, replaced the freeformers and got busy with their chosen sound for the next hour. With the lack of a "morning glory" set to limit his tune selection, Sy and Storm slipped intot their well practiced double teaming of the crowd.

In the event, I'm not sure what happened during this set, mostly because I was too busy going for it and being surrounded by a sea of ravers doing the same. The place always seems to ignite when these two come on and tonight was no exception.

A definite sway towards original tunage dominated the set, with "Lets fly", "21st Century Rush" and "Makin me wanna Dance" all getting included, bot forgetting the addition of the remix of "Just a feeling" for good measure. Storm was just as forthcoming while all this was going off too. With "All about Beats, All about Bass" getting dropped during his set, not to mention numerous scratch offs with Sy throughout the hour.

When the (Little bit early, but, quite frankly, who cares) power hour had finished, I made my way up the stairs. I don's usually leave the main room for the final few hours, especially when Brisk is on, but there was a good reason for it this time.

This was becuase Re-Con was scheduled to play out a "Ruffneck/Gangsta/Terrortrax" classics set and I was looking forward to it to say the least, especially when Sharkey was listed to join him on the mic.

When I got into the Nitrogen arena, Re-Con was already well underway, with a sizeable crowd making full use of what he was playing out. I don't pretend to know what the specifics of a Ruffneck classics set is all about, all I know was it was very similar to the sound of the Early rave arena I attended last year.

What I do know is it was seriously fast, seriously danceable and seriously enjoyable. Breakneck speed being the most noticable of the three, not to mention my personal favourite. I didnt give a damn that is was 5am and I am usually exhausted by this time. Despite not having a clue what the tunes were, I know what I like and I know what I like to dance to. It was in the Second room, 4-5am, so I raved to it.

Someone else who was in the zone at this time as me was Sharkey. CLearly enjoying his work, the freedom offered by his radio mic meant he soon vacated the DJ stand to wander through the crowd whilst providing the lyrical accompanyment to his set. As always, his most popular lyrics ruled the roost along side all the random stuff he comes up with that I can never remember, but I do recall the ravers in the place being treated to "Chemical General" and "P.A.R.T.Y." amongst others.

Finally, with the closing hour of the rave looming, Re-Con had one last tune up his sleeve. Finishing his set in the best way possible, with Sharkey urging him to "Roll the Bass, Roll the Hardcore", Re-Con needed no encouragement and dropped "Jeee-Haa!". Needless to say, the place went ballistic till the final kick had played out. Triffic set.

For the final set, there was only one place to be. With the other rooms shut down, the main arena was all set to play out the "Morning Glory" set. When I say all set, what I mean is Styles was behind the decks, Storm was raring to go on the mic and the Oxygen arena before him was backed to bursting with Hardcore Ravers.

Having Hung round for a bit after Re-Con's set, the Morning Glory Hour had already started when I got there, so I made up for lost time by (somehow) finding a space on the dancefloor as quickly as possible. Eventually I got near the front, little bit to the left. Perfect.

When I had gotten there, my attention was quickly arrested with the set in progress. These sets always get me going for the final hour and this was no exception. With Storm giving it 110% (or "Business as usual" if you want the technical term) on the mic and Styles going for it with equal vigour on the musical front.

Most Finale sets at HTID are non stop classics, but in this case, the remixes of "Show you the way", "I can't stop raving", "Eyeopener", "Free your mind" and "Follow me" were also accompanied by a few new tunes I didn't recognise. Storm was bang on it throughout, giving the ravers all he had in the commitment department, as well as "Just accept it" and "Dark like Vader" when it came to the right moment to drop them.

This also made a gateway to the upfront sound and Styles took it, playing "Save me" as a supposed final tune. However, when it was all over, Storm asked the HTID ravers if they wanted one more. The response was immediate and their reward was "Field of Dreams" to finish the set, as well as the night.

Things I liked:

Being back at Air - Its been a while, so it was great to be back at Air. Specifically for the following reasons.

Sound system - The systems always tear me apart when I go there. Okay the Carbon lounge may be a little wimpy, but thats all the encouragement the promoters need to bring in extra kit and bring it up to standard. All three systems were crystal clear all night too.

Air-con - No chance of getting too hot here. In fact, I was a little chilly on a few occasions. The only cure for that is to rave harder, which is hardly a chore due to the next one...

Music - Top of the heap for tonight was the music I was presented with. Absolutely everything was represented on the night, with freeform, bouncy, upfront, Nu-skool, Old Skool, and classic bouncy techno making up my evening. The only thing that was lacking was upfront breakbeat Hardcore, but if I'd applied myself and got there earlier, I'm sure I would have found some.

Crowd - IIRC the place was a sell out. loads of ravers in the place and all of them up for a party.

Things I liked less:

Erm, if I'm really picky, only one of the lasers was working, but I werent about to slash my wrists over it!

You know how you never feel how pissed you are in the pub? You never seem to slur your words or fall over inside the pub, but as soon as you walk out the door come 11pm then you're face down in the gutter? This was similar to my experiences at HTID. I was exhausted. I was exhausted when I arrived and I was exhausted when I left. However, the strange thing was I never once felt the least bit tired when I was actually in the rave.

I dont know how they managed to do it, but HTID managed to keep a knackered, burnt out zombie, not only on his feet, but stomping his guts out all night long. It might have been the plethora of scantily clad schoolgirls in the place, it might have been the opportunity to feel instantly refreshed by walking outside into the outdoor compound, but I'm putting my money on the combination of exciting lineup, sensational music and seriously up for it capacity crowd.

The first major rave of 2006 is an important event. A lot is pinned on the first big get together by the UK Hardcore crew by a lot of people. Some even go so far to say it sets the tone for the rest of the year. I don't know about that, but if this one was anything to go by, my 2006 is gonna be a year to remember, just like this was. Blinder of a night out, in every sense.

StudentScooby 03 February 2006 12:19 AM

As said before.... a nice thread for testing out scroll wheel.!

astraboy 03 February 2006 08:46 PM

And it was just as funny the first time*holds sides together to prevent spilttage*
oh and here is what MC Storm gave to me during Sy's set.
Yes I am having it framed too.

EXSCOOBY 03 February 2006 10:31 PM

while you were comatose in a field doped up on ribena pro plus an vicks
the 80s rang and they want their silly ****ing luminous vest things and whistles back
for gods sake raving finished 15 years ago
give it up its embaressing

EXSCOOBY 03 February 2006 10:31 PM

big shout out to curly twirly and mo

EXSCOOBY 03 February 2006 10:33 PM

i bet you are the oldest raver in town
dont the kids stare at you??

Lucifer 03 February 2006 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by EXSCOOBY
while you were comatose in a field doped up on ribena pro plus an vicks
the 80s rang and they want their silly ****ing luminous vest things and whistles back
for gods sake raving finished 15 years ago
give it up its embaressing


astraboy 03 February 2006 11:40 PM

no mate, the guy to my right is the oldest raver in town.
I got a long way to go before I even get close to matching this guy. He's a living legend.
Went to his first rave back in 1988 and has been going ever since.
The respect I have for him is difficult to put into words, definitely the coolest guy I know.:cool:

Robbie T 03 February 2006 11:43 PM

Is that you? I think the 80's might want their haircut back as well .... errr hang on, news just in they said you can keep it :D

astraboy 03 February 2006 11:45 PM

meant to my right!
how could I ever pretend to be Paul!

Chip 04 February 2006 09:21 AM

Whats with the white gloves?


Patt@firstime 04 February 2006 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by Chip
Whats with the white gloves?


I think he might have been first on the murder scene :thumb:

Chip 04 February 2006 10:17 AM

Murder on the dancefloor:D


Patt@firstime 04 February 2006 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by Chip
Murder on the dancefloor:D



Chip Sengravy 04 February 2006 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by astraboy
no mate, the guy to my right is the oldest raver in town.
I got a long way to go before I even get close to matching this guy. He's a living legend.
Went to his first rave back in 1988 and has been going ever since.
The respect I have for him is difficult to put into words, definitely the coolest guy I know.:cool:

:lol1: where did you find him ? Should have gone to specsavers :thumb:

_RIP_ 04 February 2006 12:56 PM

I'm interested in knowing why you continue to post these reviews on SN? Surely you must realise by now that very few people (if any) attend raves or GAF about your reviews. Fair play on the quality (I guess) of the review, but why continue exposing yourself to ridicule?

T5OLF 04 February 2006 01:11 PM

You have missed the boat astraboy...should have been there in 88 - 92 its just comercial ****e now

T5OLF 04 February 2006 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Chip
Whats with the white gloves?


Maybe he reads old manuscripts at the local museum in his spare time

Chip Sengravy 04 February 2006 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by T5OLF
You have missed the boat astraboy...should have been there in 88 - 92 its just comercial ****e now

have you browsed the rest of the photo album as posted above? It looks like the rave was staged at a comminity centre just outside Solihull, hardly many people attend these do's?...that one looked like it had a turnout of at least 30 :D

T5OLF 04 February 2006 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Chip Sengravy
have you browsed the rest of the photo album as posted above? It looks like the rave was staged at a comminity centre just outside Solihull, hardly many people attend these do's?...that one looked like it had a turnout of at least 30 :D

I will have a look..then piss take..sorry astraboy

T5OLF 04 February 2006 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by Chip Sengravy
have you browsed the rest of the photo album as posted above? It looks like the rave was staged at a comminity centre just outside Solihull, hardly many people attend these do's?...that one looked like it had a turnout of at least 30 :D

Looks like someones living room...and just what is that on the floor the girl in green is pointing at?...look thats my brain on the floor i would pick it up but i can't open my eyes.

Man that looks messy

Diamond Dave 04 February 2006 02:09 PM

That looks really hardcore.

Diamond Dave 04 February 2006 02:36 PM

Good God|! He's about to be attacked by a moose.....
Is he trying to portray a "mean and moody" look?

I think you've been misleading us just how "hardcore" these "events" are. They look suspiciously like they were held in a community centre like somebody else has posted.
Aren't they supposed to be held in fields or warehouses?? :Suspiciou

Diamond Dave 04 February 2006 02:39 PM

Perhaps it is a Christmas do for the local mental patients. They've even got balloons. Which is nice.

paul-s 04 February 2006 02:44 PM

this is more my cup of tea, from something i was at last year

Diamond Dave 04 February 2006 02:57 PM

That looks like a proper event.

Chip Sengravy 04 February 2006 03:06 PM

This Hi-viz look that these ravers seem to it just me, or is it only astraboy that seems to dress like a tarmac layer?

and astraboy, I asked the other day, but didnt get an old are you?

T5OLF 04 February 2006 03:20 PM

Ou Betty

T5OLF 04 February 2006 03:22 PM

Hosted by the tallest man in England

T5OLF 04 February 2006 03:35 PM

Hello there, we have some tar left over from a big job, we can do your drive for 250 quid. Only today mind....

Sorry can't stop myself

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