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Nicci 22 December 2005 09:52 AM

sore throat advice needed
Asking here because I stupidly am not registered at a doctors near where I live.

Here is my poorly story.

Got a sore aches and a sore throat last Monday, by the weekend the aches were beginning to go but the sore throat was getting worse..

Back of my mouth is swollen and red and sore, making it difficult to eat and sleep.

On Tuesday it started to effect my ear, giving me earache and a blocked ear.
The ear pain has gone but my ear is still blocked, my nose is only just beginning to get a little stuffy.

I am taking iboprofen and feel rubbish.
(Gone back to work today out of guilt and because there is lots to do)

I am worried it is going to go into a second week and ruin my xmas, any advice?...apart from to chop my head off?

ozzy 22 December 2005 09:56 AM

It's a virus. Take some paracetamol & decongestant; drink plenty of fluids and take some rest. Any chemist will give you advice on exactly what product to take.

Karl 227 22 December 2005 09:56 AM

Hot toddies :thumb:

I had those symptons a few years ago approaching christmas so I decided to spend an evening drinking hot toddies. By midnight I'd drunk 3 kettles of boiling water, a liter of whisky and a whole jar of honey, I then passed out. When I awoke two days later I was right as rain except for a slight headache :)

davegtt 22 December 2005 09:58 AM

boil the kettle and breathe in the steam it gives off, it does work to an extent, you have to do it a fair bit though if the virus as really taken hold, its like steam cleaning your throat/lungs etc....

p.s. go home, nobody else wants to catch it a couple of days before christmas.

Moley 22 December 2005 09:58 AM

I have had exactly the same. Lots of Strepsils, Beechams drink, and Ibuprofen. (Being careful to check your dose's)

Karl 227 22 December 2005 10:01 AM

He meant "check your noses" :D

Nicci 22 December 2005 10:03 AM

I am having tablets and throat lozenges, to help.

I haven't tried the steaming yet and I might skip the toddie.

No xmas kisses from me to

Bubba po 22 December 2005 10:04 AM

My old friend James Whitham always advocated a dose of "Dr. Whitty's patent sperm gargle" for female sufferers. :)

Chip Sengravy 22 December 2005 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by Karl 227
Hot toddies :thumb:

I had those symptons a few years ago approaching christmas so I decided to spend an evening drinking hot toddies. By midnight I'd drunk 3 kettles of boiling water, a liter of whisky and a whole jar of honey, I then passed out. When I awoke two days later I was right as rain except for a slight headache :)


Listen to this man, for he speaks sense :thumb:

GaryK 22 December 2005 10:28 AM

Sounds like a throat infection to me, I have had these in the past and if they are not treated with antibiotics they soon spread to your ear and you probably have an ear infection now which is causing the blockage. No amount of pain killers or throat lozenges will treat this you must get some antibiotics and it will clear up very quickly. I used to suffer alot of ear infections and they are *very* painful so get it sorted!


POC 22 December 2005 11:11 AM

Its 'doing the rounds' at the min, Im only just getting over it after the sore throat started last Wednesday :( Been brutal too! Kidneys hurt, throat raw, head ache, back ache, neck ache, ear ache, swolen glands in mouth, nose so blocked no amount of blowing would clear it (noses people!), ulcers etc...... been a nasty few days I can tell ya!

Hope it doesnt hit yer too hard for xmas :(

I have been feeding myself ibuprofen/paracetamol solid (prob why my kidneys hurt lol) and appear to be getting better.

Good luck!

Leslie 22 December 2005 11:15 AM

Is it really so difficult to go and see the doctor that you pay all that National Insurance for? He is the most likely bloke to recommend something to alleviate the worst of the syptoms.


mart360 22 December 2005 11:18 AM

As per bubba po..

a warm protein gargle works wonders!! :norty:

Mart :D:D

Nicci 22 December 2005 11:19 AM

POC glad you are getting better, glad it didn't last too long.

My nice docs is 95 miles away, didn't change it when I moved :( (I know I have been silly)

JTaylor 22 December 2005 01:20 PM

Just to say, for no particular reason other then that I'm feeling sorry for myself, that I'm terribly ill.

Thanks for listening

J :(

Nicci 22 December 2005 01:43 PM

Get well soon JT and anyone else feeling poorly.

JTaylor 22 December 2005 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Nicci
Get well soon JT and anyone else feeling poorly.

It wouldn't be so bad, but I still have to do my entire Christmas shop :cry:

Nicci 22 December 2005 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by JTaylor
It wouldn't be so bad, but I still have to do my entire Christmas shop :cry:


Neanderthal 22 December 2005 02:32 PM

Get well soon Nicci!! :D

New_scooby_04 22 December 2005 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Nicci

Good job you missed the comment on a warm protein gargle then!! :D

Don't bother with most normal throat lozengers, glorified cough candy. Only ones worth a light for a throat infection are the ones with an antibacterial and anaesthetic action e.g. Strepsils extra. Cloresceptic ultra spray works wonders at easing the pain. Paracetemol to bring your temp down and soothe the ear ache. Plenty of fluids, no alcohol. lots of rest.

See your doc asap, if it is a bacterial infection, antibiotics will do the job, if its viral, they['re as good as a fart in a thunderstorm and its just bed rest and symptom management, see above.

Feel better soon!


yoza 22 December 2005 02:42 PM

You dont have to go to your own doctor.....go to any.

Or visit a "walk in centre" this will do, you need a course of anti-biotics and its as simple as that.

PS. Are you male or female ?

New_scooby_04 22 December 2005 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by yoza
You dont have to go to your own doctor.....go to any.

Or visit a "walk in centre" this will do, you need a course of anti-biotics and its as simple as that.

PS. Are you male or female ?

Not if its viral mate; antibiotics would do diddly squat! :cry:

But she does need to see a dr to determine whether it is or not, cause if it is bacterial, then the sooner you get the antibiotics, the sooner you feel better.


JTaylor 22 December 2005 02:46 PM

Female, which is why she has a sore throat. I, on the other hand, have terrible, life threatening, debilitating, influenza.

ChrisB 22 December 2005 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Leslie
Is it really so difficult to go and see the doctor that you pay all that National Insurance for? He is the most likely bloke to recommend something to alleviate the worst of the syptoms.


My Dad rang up to see his GP. First appointment? A week away! :eek: :rolleyes:

Bravo2zero_sps 22 December 2005 02:55 PM

I've got the same - posted up on Monday and loads of people on SN have got it apparently. Thought it was a virus and wasn't gonna go to the drs but he phoned up after I had enquired as to whether there was a throat virus going round and the dr told me to take anti biotics (wrote me out a prescription while on the phone) just incase it was an infection, especially if its affecting your ears like mine was. That was monday, ear ache has gone and my sinuses have cleared but my throat is worse now than it was Monday and I am back at work just to show my face before Xmas and a week off. Feel like sh!te and not impressed my taste buds will be knackered for xmas lunch :(

Heres hoping for a miraculous disappearance of it by Saturday night for me and everyone else! :D

Tracktive Solutions 22 December 2005 03:10 PM


Is there an NHS drop in centre? If nothing else you maybe able to get a prescription from there....

Get well soon!

Nicci 22 December 2005 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by **************
I've got the same - posted up on Monday and loads of people on SN have got it apparently.

Too much close contact

Actually my symptoms first appeared 2 days after being with a few s/netters.

jaytc2003 22 December 2005 03:21 PM

maybe you have been taking to much of the special protein gargling fluid!

tarmac terror 22 December 2005 05:36 PM

Bird Flu anyone?????

Julz1983 22 December 2005 08:29 PM

Our 2 year old daughter has had the most awful throat and chesty cough all week, it's that bad that she is coughing so much she ends up being sick, awful for if we are out somewhere, she coughs all day, all night, shes knackered with it, just hope shes better for the weekend otherwise she will be so miserable for xmas, I have to get up loads through the night when I hear her coughing for a long period just incase shes sick again as she doesn't realise to sit up and she starts choking, I've had a sore throat and feeling like theres a tennis ball stuck in the back of my throat, but fingers crossed we're better by Saturday

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