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stevebt 19 December 2005 06:18 PM

would you refund
i recently sold some drop links and anti lift to someone on scoobynet for £100 he whinged on about posting so i said i would go halfs as they where heavy and asked for £5 even though i wanted the full price plus delivery, when i went to the post office to post them i found out it was £20 for insured delivery due to weight. i was no way gonna pay that as i have already been stung with paypal charges and that would of left me with £80 for myself for products which are worth more than that IMHO.

i then pm the guy and tell him i will refund his money as i didnt expect postage to be as expensive, he then says he will arrange for his own pickup!!! i think nothing of it until today, i gets a pm saying

"This may sound petty, but I paid you £105 shipped for the bits, which I then arranged my own collection, no probs there, however we did agree on a price of £100 + £5 shipping.

It would be nice if you would like to refund me the £5, using the refund option of the payment (you'll find it at the bottom of the payment section if you go into the payment details)

I look forward to hearing back"

i return the pm saying "i offered to refund him and he wanted to arrange his own pickup" so NO

after a couple more pms i then get this one
"I'm sorry that you have taken this attitude, but it shows a lot about who you are.

Ok I now see the type of rip off merchant you are, well I'll report it to PayPal, I still have all the PM's from you. I'll also pass on the info to ScoobyNet. I guess a fiver is nothing to you, but to me its a lot."

i have offered to refund if they are returned but i wont give some tight fisted get a fiver back just cause they wanted to arrange there own delivery!!!

am i being too hard or should i just of refunded his £5 !!!

RON 19 December 2005 06:24 PM

I wouldn't lose any sleep Steve.... if he can't afford to be reasonable about a fiver... how the hell can he afford to have a scoob....!!

stevebt 19 December 2005 06:28 PM

hes just pm'd me and called me a thief because he has paid for the delivery. but all i have ended up with is what i wanted for them £100 no more no less

R19KET 19 December 2005 06:29 PM


Honest opinion, I'm sorry, but you have no right to the £5.00.

Your offer was £100.00 + £5.00 for delivery.

You're not going to deliver, so on what basis do you now consider you are entitled to the delivery money ?

IMHO, it's black & White.


stevebt 19 December 2005 06:31 PM

Your offer was £100.00 + £5.00 for delivery
but i didnt end up with £100+£5 as the £5 was swallowed up in paypal fees which i didnt realise about otherwise i wouldnt be bothered about refunding it

R19KET 19 December 2005 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by stevebt
but i didnt end up with £100+£5 as the £5 was swallowed up in paypal fees which i didnt realise about otherwise i wouldnt be bothered about refunding it

Is that the guys fault ? You seem to want to penalise him for your mistakes, which would seem a little unfair. You asked him a price, he paid it. He's done exactly what you asked of him. Mark.

Nevetas 19 December 2005 06:55 PM

From reading the above I would say you owe him £5

briforbes 19 December 2005 06:55 PM

You should have been aware of the paypal charges, if you weren't happy about them you should have asked him to send payment via other means. It sounds like he's being quite reasonable as the £5 he paid you was for delivery which never occured, not for Paypal charges.

My tuppence worth...

fatscoobyfella 19 December 2005 06:58 PM

Come on Steve...Get ya £5 out..its christmas and you know you owe it him...;)

paulwrxboro 19 December 2005 07:02 PM

you owe him £5 no two ways about it imo

EddScott 19 December 2005 07:02 PM

In all honesty I think you do owe him but if I were in that position I'd probably let it go over a £5.

I've done it before on ebay. Quoted a few £££ for post then discovered its closer to £10. Plus if you sell anything of any value Ebay take a slice and then Paypal take a slice.

I guess in future (this is what I do now) is check out post first and if I'm feeling really tight ask for an extra 4% if paying by paypal.

G4Tyrant 19 December 2005 07:11 PM

Soz but have to agree with the others, looks like ya need to give the man his £5 !

ScoobLou 19 December 2005 07:14 PM

hmm tend to agree that you owe the bloke a fiver, but hey its xmas so why don't you both agree to donate it to the Ellie May fund?

Kroy 19 December 2005 07:22 PM

Its only a fiver for christsake!!:cuckoo: But if he's going to be silly about it, just give it him back.

Dan 2 19 December 2005 07:31 PM

Who cares........Donate the fiver to charity, I can see the guys point of view as he was going to pick up the parts himself, but if he can't afford a fiver HOW can he afford a scooby....After all you did offer him a refund!!!!!

sparky d 19 December 2005 07:39 PM

It sounds like you owe him a little blue one mate , But i do think its all gone too far over a fiver , As said above donate it to charity :thumb:


Trap2Terrorist 19 December 2005 08:03 PM

No chance, I wouldn't refund it out of priciple.

If the original price was £100 plus postage and you subsequently agreed to pay half HIS postage costs and he then arranges a pickup, tough sh1t on him for being a tight arse in the first place.

It sounds like you showed enough goodwill when he complained about postage costs so you don't owe him anything, IMHO.

If he wants anything, send him this....



Robocop 19 December 2005 08:05 PM

Lets say something breaks on your car. You phone up your friendly local Subaru dealer, who tells you it's £100, but it's not in stock. You need the part, but can't get there to pick it up. No problem says Mr Dealer, £5 and I'll post it to you as it'll be in stock the day after next.

You pay you £105 and wait for the bit to arrive. You then get chatting to you neighbour who mentions he/she is going right past the Subaru garage and they'll pick it up and you'll have it one day early.

Do you expect Mr Subaru dealer to give you an invoice for £100 or £105?

Trap2Terrorist 19 December 2005 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by Robocop
Lets say something breaks on your car. You phone up your friendly local Subaru dealer, who tells you it's £100, but it's not in stock. You need the part, but can't get there to pick it up. No problem says Mr Dealer, £5 and I'll post it to you as it'll be in stock the day after next.

You pay you £105 and wait for the bit to arrive. You then get chatting to you neighbour who mentions he/she is going right past the Subaru garage and they'll pick it up and you'll have it one day early.

Do you expect Mr Subaru dealer to give you an invoice for £100 or £105?

Firstly, would Mr Subaru dealer offer to pay anything towards YOUR postage, or would he tell you to pi55 off, "you want it shipped, you pay".

Secondly, does Mr Subaru dealer actually sell anything for £100? I always seem to come away at least a monkey lighter!!! ;)

Robocop 19 December 2005 08:16 PM

No, they'd post it for a £5 as I said, but it would have to be at Christmas time and a year that Haley's Comet was due to be seen from Earth (about every 76 years I think?).

davyboy 19 December 2005 08:16 PM

You owe him a fiver.

Forget paypal fees, he has paid for the items - you are in the wrong.

Robocop 19 December 2005 08:23 PM

I like most think you are in the wrong. The question is, are you man enough to admit it after what's be said between you so far?

It is Christmas after all, hell there was even a truce between the British and the nasty huns(Germans) in World War 1. Pay up and put a smile on your face. :)
Bah humbug :)

shooter4fun 19 December 2005 09:10 PM

Maybe petty however lets see some of his PM's to me today following me asking for my fiver.....



here mate piss off, either return them or shut the **** up

I'm not a shop and you wanted to arrange your collection when i said i was gonna refund you

thats was totally up to you not me


your an idiot do what you want you friggin muppet, if you have saved all my pms they will all have where i have offered a refund you knob

i cant belive how ridiculous you are

now is see why you where trying to barter me down as much on what was origianly a good price

your just one tight fisted penny pinching little man

Now can I get this all in context, I bought and paid for the stuff on 30th Nov, I was advised that they prob wouldn't get shipped till Friday 2nd Dec. We finally agreed on £100 for the bits and £5 for shipping (yes I tried to get some off but everyone tries this), on 8th I PM'd asked when they were shipped only to be advised of too dear shipping costs and he would give me a refund in full.

I offered then to get them collected at my cost as I wanted to still buy them, plus on the back of buying them and expecting them to arrive I had book my car in for a full alignment setup, I actually paid more to get collected and delivered as I got them picked up on a Friday and delivered to me by 9am on the Sat, so car could go in as booked at 11am.

I only contacted asking about the fiver as I have only just got back from working away, and I did hope that he would have refunded the money. So its only a fiver but its the principal, not the value.

Kuohu 19 December 2005 09:12 PM

When the buyer said "I'm sorry that you have taken this attitude, but it shows a lot about who you are" I think he was spot on. Why should you charge him £5 for delivery if he is picking the goods up? The fact that you had to pay Paypal fees has got nothing to do with it at all.

Just my opinion.

stevebt 19 December 2005 09:19 PM

like i said i was gonna refund you the day i found out about the postage price, as i said im not a shop!!!! im just someone selling some parts from my car i also have a life so if i never managed to get them posted in time tough. i never told you to book you car into a garage a few days after making payment, plus it shows how petty you are reporting me to paypal saying the goods were substandard !!! if they were so bad why have you fitted them you to55er

ScoobLou 19 December 2005 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by stevebt
like i said i was gonna refund you the day i found out about the postage price, as i said im not a shop!!!! im just someone selling some parts from my car i also have a life so if i never managed to get them posted in time tough. i never told you to book you car into a garage a few days after making payment, plus it shows how petty you are reporting me to paypal saying the goods were substandard !!! if they were so bad why have you fitted them you to55er

Reporting to paypal and saying the goods are substandard is outta order if they wasn't :cuckoo:

Robbie T 19 December 2005 09:30 PM

Steve you told him the bits were £100, if you didn't take paypal fees into consideration, then i'm afraid you fcuked up.
There is no delivery charge to you as the guy had the bits collected so basically you have just robbed him of £5 for no reason, admittedly the

"I guess a fiver is nothing to you, but to me its a lot."
is a bit lame, but its about principle and you have his money.

If it were me, i'd send the man his money back pronto but maybe i'm just old fashioned honest

Edit : Agree with above BTW for a balanced opinion with the facts presented

stevebt 19 December 2005 09:32 PM

Why should you charge him £5 for delivery if he is picking the goods up? The fact that you had to pay Paypal fees has got nothing to do with it at all.
he wasnt picking them up i was getting them delivered, but once i found out the delivery price for them at the Royal mail, i wasnt prepared to deal at that price, i only guesstimated at delivery costs,so i then told him i would refund his money. he then pm'd saying he would then arrange delivery as he still wanted them !!! plus i dont normally sell things thru paypal so i had no idea i would incur charges !! i thought it was only over £300 when they charged you. but now i do i would rather just ask for a cheque as paypal takes longer to get into my account anyway

RON 19 December 2005 09:34 PM

It's a shame you didn't say the £5 was for post and packing... that way you could have siad the packing cost a fiver anyway....lets be honest, you did spend time packing them didn;t you Steve.....

davyboy 19 December 2005 09:44 PM

Maybe we could have a poll?

Should Steve give shooter £5??



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