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pslewis 09 September 2005 01:27 PM

PANIC buying PANIC, PANIC!!!!!!

Who's going to start fighting for petrol this weekend??

The whole country is going to go mental if it's announced on the news that blockades are planned!!! :eek:


STi wanna Subaru 09 September 2005 01:28 PM

Going to fill up now but only because I have to. I'm quite happy to stay home and watch the footy and cricket.

Patt@firstime 09 September 2005 01:31 PM

I'm going to fil up later because I need too but wouldn't just because of protest rumors.

paul-s 09 September 2005 01:35 PM

I just wont use the scoob if it gets silly, dont really need it to get by. me mum works in a petrol station so i can avoid all the queues and get straight to the front if i need to :D

16vmarc 09 September 2005 01:35 PM

I wont be driving this weekend

paul-s 09 September 2005 01:36 PM

Id like it to but i dont think itll come to anything.

lightning101 09 September 2005 01:40 PM

I have filled all three cars, filled the deep freeze with bread and milk and butter and shelves have multiple four packs of heinz beans and spaghetti.

Oh and two jerry cans of fuel.

I live 1.5 miles from work, so there is no way in hell I'm walking or taking a bike or sharing a bus with commoners :(

So I guess its a case of i'm alright jack/pete/tony. :thumb:

Tomos 09 September 2005 01:42 PM

I certainly wont be panic-buying! If i dont have enough petrol to get to work, then too bad... i suppose il just have to stay at home! :D

lightning101 09 September 2005 01:44 PM

Its not your employers fault you can't get to work. If you choose to live miles from public transport and drive a gas guzzling leviathan that your call.

I can see a few P45's being issued to the sluvenly masses who didn't heed pete's warning :mad:

EddScott 09 September 2005 01:44 PM

My misses wants me to drive half way across the country this weekend so the sudden absence of fuel would suit me fine!

Plus at a decent walking pace my work is only 25 mins anyway.

ALi-B 09 September 2005 01:47 PM

I knew there was a reason why my Land Rover has twin tanks :D

sarasquares 09 September 2005 01:50 PM

i am going to the USA today, wonder if i can bring some back with me:p

Patt@firstime 09 September 2005 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by sarasquares
i am going to the USA today, wonder if i can bring some back with me:p

Hand luggage :freak3:

Bald Speed Racing 09 September 2005 01:56 PM

If it gets bad I will just ride to and from work on my MTB. Less cars on the road the better, less chance of getting knocked of by a dick who does not look where they are going. But saying that there will be less cars to kick the wing mirrors off..........bugger

sti-04!! 09 September 2005 01:57 PM

Panic buying :rolleyes:

Wont be me, got tanks with thousands of gallons of nice white diesel ;) :D:D:D

Dracoro 09 September 2005 01:57 PM

Gonna drive in calmly to the petrol station and fill up with a minumum of fuss and no commotion. I won't panic at all :D

pslewis 09 September 2005 11:27 PM

Anyone seen any queues building??

Nowt will happen on Wednesday will it??

All bloody talk .......................... as usual!!


Puff The Magic Wagon! 09 September 2005 11:31 PM

I fill up every 2 or 3 days 'cos of my commute. If I run out of diesel then I just won't go to work :D

That won't be a problem as work won't be doing much with no fuel either!!

Fabioso 09 September 2005 11:37 PM

I filled up 2day, people I know are all filling up now...........its only a matter of time.....and it will be a self fulfuelling prophecy.........:)

a1oku 10 September 2005 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Fabioso
I filled up 2day, people I know are all filling up now...........its only a matter of time.....and it will be a self fulfuelling prophecy.........:)

fuel-filling policy???

SiDHEaD 10 September 2005 01:43 AM

I will be "working from home" ;) if there is no fuel.

Newbie123 10 September 2005 02:22 AM

Very good article on the bbc website about the prospects of protests ........

"So can we expect blocked roads, picketed refineries, soaring prices and empty pumps?

Mr Handley believes not. He is sceptical of Mr Spence's tactics of announcing his planned protest.

"The reason why it was successful in 2000 is because no-one knew it was going to happen. Something needs to be done, but it has to be done discreetly."

Rhys Park, whose organisation briefly joined with the People's Fuel Lobby in 2001, is also dubious.

"As for doing something on the scale of the 2000 protest, I wouldn't have thought that would happen," he says.

Neither Mr Park nor Mr Handley holds out much hope of forging an alliance like that of five years ago. Although the groups remain united in their belief petrol prices are too high, it appears they are united by little else. "

The discreet methods Mr Handley talks about are the fact that the farmers and Road Hauliers are lobbying government directly for an essential user rebate. So they will get cheaper fuel for themselves thereby increasing their profits, but the rest of the general public will still have the usual high prices. The fuel lobby are threatening protests on behalf of the public but they are really in it for themselves. If the government tomorrow offered the farmers and hauliers this essential user rebate, you wouldn't hear a peep out of them about protests and high fuel prices.

There will never be a cut in fuel duty in this country, ever. The essential user rebate could very well happen. But will that help you fill up your scooby.......

steffiraf 10 September 2005 02:45 AM

It will happen lol.....but i'm alright jack :)

Leslie 10 September 2005 07:20 AM

This thread is the sort of thing which starts it off!

Les :(

dpb 10 September 2005 09:07 AM

pete you dont w**k for commercial union do you......:mad:

druddle 10 September 2005 10:00 AM

I will be filling up today but thats cos i am running on fumes and have to go see my Mum in Southend for her 50th birthday. If i run out when (and if) there is a protest then whatever. Work from home...............or get the bus to work/car share, etc.


Clarebabes 10 September 2005 11:24 AM

I work about 4 miles from home, so if the worst comes to the worst, I can cycle to work. I should do it anyway to be honest. Save me some pennies, especially when petrol prices are so high!!

pslewis 11 September 2005 07:39 PM

Well, it's started!!

People queuing and fighting over petrol!! :eek:

Hope you have got YOURS!!!!


SiDHEaD 11 September 2005 07:41 PM

Was ok when i went earlier - and I went because I only had a small amount and work is 80 mile trip.

ajm 11 September 2005 07:51 PM

Another one of Pete's self fulfilling prophecies! ;)

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