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P1555ED 29 August 2005 11:22 PM

Tw@t in Silver Classic Guisborough
Saw you at petrol station tonight next to WR1.... I thought you looked a knob in ya skin tight white top, carrying your heavy invisible shopping bags.
But soon as got down dual carriageway you actually proved yourself to be a total knob, I was right!

I passed you on dual carriageway, (not racing),had my five year old son in the car, you then had to pull out with that "I'm in a faster car than you bollocks".( I thought that was just BMW drivers)

Pushing me, but did you not notice the tractor in front...? where did you want me to go, under it?, it seemed like it as you nearly drove into the back of me when I broke, as you were that close?

I know how quick a Subaru is, had one for nearly three years!

I had the only P1 in Guisborough until recently.

Didn't have nasty Lexus lights that yours has though!

My husband is so P1555ED off that we sold the P1..........

but when we see tw@ts like you driving round in a Subaru makes us feel so much better we got rid of it!

We used to wave at other Scoobys...go to all the shows.... NBO, run to the lights etc.....since changing our car to a car that we know isnt as fast as a Scooby ..... seem to realise so far that the Subaru Impreza is the new RS Turbo of the 2000s.

I was only going for a run out with my son, stressed me out so much that I came back home, hating Scooby drivers. (not 1st time I've been pushed or raced since selling P1).

I dont think I was ever like that in P1 :(

I don't hate all Scooby drivers, now I have calmed down, majority are the friendliest on the road, I'm sure one day I will get another one......but for the time being I'm gonna try and enjoy myself in this...............

Mandi :)

turboDean 30 August 2005 12:03 AM

Nice looking car, my mate used to have one just like that and an earlier silver phase 1 model.
Be careful in it they are very unforgiving. I know of 3 people that have put the phase 1's on there roof's.
Your going to get lots of people trying to race you in that because of the way it looks and because they are quite rare.

I'd prefer the P1 personally, i'd feel safer.

22b corolla 30 August 2005 08:14 AM

lol you wasted your cash on a french car? and your happy? im impressed.

MaDaSS 30 August 2005 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by 22b corolla
lol you wasted your cash on a french car? and your happy? im impressed.

LOL, my thoughts exactly. Its fcuking french! Never.

veilsidewrx 31 August 2005 09:02 AM

Sorry but it sounds like you are Pi555ed because this scooby sat on your ass and your Renault is not as fast as you'd hoped.
Renault looks nice but thats about it,proper family car though isn't it?:p enough room for a family outing,i guess your son has plenty of room sat on the engine.

Swen6 31 August 2005 11:03 AM

The **** will never own up to it if he's on here....... who'd own up to wearing a skin tight t-shirt with the coat hanger still in it!!!!Swen6:D

trails 31 August 2005 11:48 AM

Mandi i agreed totally, seems there are more and more dicks in scoobs these days and it is embarrassing. I like your car and think its cool as, i'm sure your son loves it too...enjoy it and ignore the tunnel-vision numpties knocking you.

P1555ED 31 August 2005 09:29 PM

VeilsideWRX -

We knew Renault wasn't as fast as a Scoob, we had P1 for nearly 3 the post!

We just fancied a change, probably have this for 6 months or so and may go back to Subaru.

I was behind tractor and being pushed in what I thought was an aggressive manner.

Who said we wanted a family car? We've got one of them!!

Are you just proving us right that the knobheads seem to be taking over the Impreza scene?

Is this your car? Might have seen you playing with it on B & Q car park one night....

Swen6 31 August 2005 09:33 PM

:lol: :lol:

greenlightracer 31 August 2005 09:56 PM

i know what you mean but surely you get these knobheads in all makes of car i know ive seen a few even more so since i got the scoob, its a shame to tarnish the good nature of most of the scooby drivers especially as ive only just got mine but i guess this is what happens as the prices drop so people like me can afford one, i guess iresponsible tw@ts can too.

martyrobertsdj 01 September 2005 01:21 AM

By all accounts, the "Phase 2" Clio V6 is far more forgiving than the Phase 1 and on thing is for sure..............

It is WAAAAAAY better looking!!!

I'll keep an eye out for you around the area.....and I'll not get too close!!

Think I've seen the silver, lexus light'ed Scoob kicking about too.

veilsidewrx 01 September 2005 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by P1555ED
VeilsideWRX -

We knew Renault wasn't as fast as a Scoob, we had P1 for nearly 3 the post!

We just fancied a change, probably have this for 6 months or so and may go back to Subaru.

I was behind tractor and being pushed in what I thought was an aggressive manner.

Who said we wanted a family car? We've got one of them!!

Are you just proving us right that the knobheads seem to be taking over the Impreza scene?

Is this your car? Might have seen you playing with it on B & Q car park one night....

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: boo hoo my secrets out.I am in fact a 12 year old kid with a remote controlled Impreza.Thanks for sharing this with the community.

Am i a knobhead?? NO.
I too have a young son who loves my car however when i get targeted by the little penises who drive £3k of Scooby i simply ignore them,slow down and don't moan about it to anyone who cares to listen.You should have dropped to 30 mph and laughed as he diced with death!! Why not?
Sadly the type of car you drive be it your previous P1 or the Renault will always attract a minority of wankers who will try (and succeed in this case) to wind you up.If you don't like it buy yourself a normal car and stop moaning please.We all get it from time to time its because you own something rare and different.Get used to it or get rid of it.You don't need me to tell you what kids drive like these days. And yeah maybe i didn't read your thread in detail.:Whatever_

fromage au pantalon 02 September 2005 03:44 PM

please dont tar all impreza owners with the same brush ......scrotums in cars are a common thing these days. if it wasnt him it would of been a corsa , saxo or a nova.

i think most subaru owners are ...lets say a little more mature due to the fact of the running costs.

so .......your entitled to your opinion , but theres no need to slag us all off!!!

Patt@firstime 02 September 2005 04:47 PM

Think how I feel reading the various threads on here......

I drive a BMW :cry: ;)

Matt :D

Dav 27 02 September 2005 05:33 PM

ha ha ha
I dont believe some people me , pushing me toward a tractor ,what utter bollocks , i guess he forced you to go fast too, did he , utter ****e , to me if hes behind you and your not intrested in a race just slow down dont fly upto a tractors arse and slam yer anchors on ,thats how crashes are caused . secondly whats this thing about subaru drivers , its always the same ,soon as someone has a incident with a scooby driver ,like getting there arsed whopped lol. its always ( that scooby driver is creating a bad name for all other scooby drivers ) big wow , ha ha i cant believe the ****e i read sometimes ,like people have said before me if it wasnt a scoob it would of been a saxo or somthing and by the way does that cleo park on acklam road near the shops of cambridge road and i think i overtook it today , getting drove by a lad pulling off the a19 onto the a174 today ? looks ok i supose but yer always gona get contenders driving a nippy car like that , wait till i see you he he he only joking

RR 02 September 2005 05:46 PM

Theres a few silver ones with lexus lights around Teeside. I reckon if you dont want to play just keep your speed constant and let them get on there way.

terence 02 September 2005 06:04 PM

i live in this area (whitby) but work near redcar & attend tees uni and i gotta honestly say I hardly see any scoobs about :(

always nice to see fellow scoobs too! theres a few in Whitby & I see the odd 1 at uni...

you get it a lot tho as ul no in the whole area (same as any other really) with soo many youngsters out and about in corsas, astras, etc etc and thers a big interest i think in this area for those cars with engine conversions as thers a fair few about now (corsa's with 2 litres, turbos and likewise with astras).

anyways back to the point of my post, I pass thru guisbro everyday, I hope I pass ur clio as Ive only ever seen 1 in the whole area in my life (a silver 1 in scarborough earlier in year) and even if they arnt as fast as some scoobs, or they are french I still think they look like absolute beasts and have an awsome road presence - i think ther a monster :D and that colour is soo nice too!

... Hope I see your car around the area 1 day :)

ps ya can b rest assured if u c a mica dark red MY00 PPP scoob passin thru the area he wnt b drivin like a tw@t tryin to race lol

P1555ED 02 September 2005 11:20 PM

Dav 27 -

Read my post properly please!
I had seen the Scoob at petrol station, cos being a previous Scooby owner we always look at Scoobs. That's why we are on here!
He left petrol station before me, I drove down dual carriageway in outside lane and was surprised to see that the Scoob was driving slowly as outside lane was reasonably clear.As soon as I passed him he pulled out and accelerated up to me.(read my original post instead of just scanning thru and picking out the bad bits!)
There were two tractors ahead and people started pulling out including one tractor!!. I braked obviously to avoid collision as people pulling out, he seemed to brake at the last minute, then still kept so close as if he wanted to get in the back seat.... don't think he realised I didn't have a back seat :)

We had a Scooby until a month ago! We had a P1.....thats a SUBARU by the way! I have to point that out as you don't seem to have realised that.

CLIO - is not parked on Acklam Road outside the shops, are you sure it is a V6? I doubt whether anyone would park a V6 there (would you park a Subaru there?).

You seem to be proving my point about "some" Scooby drivers by saying; "Wait till I see you he he he" If your'e gonna race that one, your'e picking on the wrong one cos thats not us.
My car is parked under Teesside Magistrates Court, I'm a 40 year old solicitor, not a boy racer, just love my fast cars.
Doesn't mean I have to drive like a tw@t all the time.

veilsidewrx - You tell me not to moan, its not moaning...this is a car forum, for people to share their opinions and experiences! Everybody has their own opinion. If everybody agreed on the same thing there would'nt be much of a site.

martyrobertsdj 03 September 2005 01:34 AM

Hear hear!!

It's an open forum for us to air our opinions.......obviously those that are saying you shouldn't air your opinion are only airing their opinion, so Catch 22!!!!

Some Scoob drivers are knob heads
Some Clio V6 drivers willl be knob heads

I'm sure that most of us on here wouldn't like to be lumped in with that lot and most of us are probably quite decent people, but I'm sure that at some point, I will have driven in a manner that I thought was ok, but someone else would think I was dangerous/unsuitable for the conditions, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

I'm nearly 40, married with family, so I do drive a lot steadier that I did when I was 20, but I still like the occasional bit of "sport". is always well meant and mannered, and usually ends with a wave of appreciation that is normally reciprocated.

Mandi....your car looks the dogs danglies and is bound to attract a bit of attention from folks wondering "how it goes".

MaDaSS 03 September 2005 10:20 AM

Its still a french car! Pish.
(says the man who has ever only owned foreign cars, but french ones, tut tut)

mickyjeff 03 September 2005 12:17 PM

idiot or maniac
right bit of support for you mate, i have had dealings with this silver scoob with a total dickhead for a driver on portrack lane in stockton, he is an arsehole of the 1st degree, his driving is appaling he pissed me off completly and i drive a black stickered STI ppp with a few mods and very fast, do what someone else said see him coming and ignore the daft get and let him go kill himself,real nice motor btw i will keep my eyes peeled for you like i said i have a black sti with silver graphics so if you see me pull up and we can have a chat

RR 03 September 2005 12:37 PM

Nice car by the way Mandi, you dont see many so your going to get the odd little bit of good spirited play. Once the newness has worn off and its seen around a bit it will draw less attention. As for fast scoobs dont worry theres none in Teeside so if one gets on the back of you just put your foot down they will soon dissapear.

martyrobertsdj 03 September 2005 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by RR
As for fast scoobs dont worry theres none in Teeside so if one gets on the back of you just put your foot down they will soon dissapear.


You know there are plenty of fast Scoobs kicking about.
We don't all spend every penny on extracting every last bit of power out of our cars, but you know fine well that a 5 squillion BHP Seat Ibeeefa must have lost some of it's driveability in the quest for power figures.

My dog's bigger than your dog, my knob's bigger than your knob, etc, etc....blah, blah, blah.

Not taking anything away from your achievements, but it ain't all about who's fastest up the hill from Graystones roundabout!!

Talking of Graystones.......did you break down "up the hill" a few weeks ago??? My mate saw a blue Ibiza as he whizzed past in his 155Bhp/400Nm ever so reliable and economical Mondeo ST Tdci.

Hope it's pissing down when I meet your little blue rocket again!! LOL

mickyjeff 03 September 2005 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by martyrobertsdj

You know there are plenty of fast Scoobs kicking about.
We don't all spend every penny on extracting every last bit of power out of our cars, but you know fine well that a 5 squillion BHP Seat Ibeeefa must have lost some of it's driveability in the quest for power figures.

My dog's bigger than your dog, my knob's bigger than your knob, etc, etc....blah, blah, blah.

Not taking anything away from your achievements, but it ain't all about who's fastest up the hill from Graystones roundabout!!

Talking of Graystones.......did you break down "up the hill" a few weeks ago??? My mate saw a blue Ibiza as he whizzed past in his 155Bhp/400Nm ever so reliable and economical Mondeo ST Tdci.

Hope it's pissing down when I meet your little blue rocket again!! LOL

hear hear there are plenty of fast scoobs on teesside cant miss mine RR its black and sticky

RR 03 September 2005 05:18 PM

I knew i would have a bite before the end of the afternoon. And no it was not my car broken down, i saw it as well but i was coming the other way. It had 2-3 lads in it pulled over on the hard shoulder going up the hill. Theres a few about now. So i dont know the owner.

LOL at fast scoobs in Teeside...........wait one while i re-stitch my side's and dry my crying eyes. And for your next joke. LOL. See you about boys (in my rear view mirror).

Spotted a P1 today thought it was a Type r but it had a little silver badge in the bottom left hand corner at the rear, I think jennings were selling one maybe its that one, i am pressuming it was a P1. I had a look at it he floored it and i never even bothered giving chase. Its no fun when you know your going to win. + it was a 50 zone and i did not fancy playing on that certain piece of road. Still looks like theres a P1 locally its always nice to see one about. For how long i dont know No3 cylinder is probably getting ready to let go already.

Ninnybobs 03 September 2005 07:53 PM

I'm not biting...................much ;)


RR 03 September 2005 08:52 PM

Went trolling and caught a few....

Originally Posted by Ninnybobs
I'm not biting...................much ;)


Hello Martin, at the end of the day there ALL just pieces of metal and plastic with a wheel on each corner. I just could not help baiting the trap ( i am a bad troll) but i like scoobs and i am struggling not to go out and buy one. I have always fancied a Rb5 and i would take little pushing to buy one at the moment. But i would junk the 2.0L and drop a 2.5L in with a 20g straight away. I knew my no fast scoobs would draw a bite out LOL. Still to see a fast one though. Optimax £1.01 at Guisborough Today...ouch!!!.

Chip Sengravy 03 September 2005 09:55 PM

fromage au pantalon
:lol1:, nice nickname :D

Dav 27 03 September 2005 10:45 PM

on and on
p1555ed- for one you should of looked ahead at the road and knew what was going to happen if theres several cars in the inside lane behind two tractors ,in my eyes there was obviously going to be a prat pulling out in front of you or even a tractor pulling out in front of you so dont start overtaking everyone THINK ,think ahead you surly know guisborough road and its accidents dont you , Yes i know what a P1 is , er yes im 100% sure its a v6 seen a few about not just in mbro /guis either , i was having a joke with yer regards ( wait till i see you ) yes i would park my car outside them shops , i,ve seen allsorts of lovely cars parked out side them , i know its abit close to whinny bronx but its ok for nipping in the shops and no i,m not a boyracer ,im just like you n know what a good car is , I m not saying your cars crap or nothing they are lovely looking cars ,but ...sell it an get yer p1 back ....
i see r/r having a little go there about his little animal

Dav 27 03 September 2005 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by RR
Hello Martin, at the end of the day there ALL just pieces of metal and plastic with a wheel on each corner. I just could not help baiting the trap ( i am a bad troll) but i like scoobs and i am struggling not to go out and buy one. I have always fancied a Rb5 and i would take little pushing to buy one at the moment. But i would junk the 2.0L and drop a 2.5L in with a 20g straight away. I knew my no fast scoobs would draw a bite out LOL. Still to see a fast one though. Optimax £1.01 at Guisborough Today...ouch!!!.

bloody hell £1.01 thats were me money goes ......

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