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JeffS 14 June 2005 03:17 PM

This charming man
A heartwarming recounting of a karmic tale. Imagine the scene yesterday, lovely and sunny, taking a stroll to the park.
As I walk along the pavement I notice a Renault Megane driving down the hill at higher than normal speed. How odd I think at which point the driver decides to throw out his still lit cigarette butt which bounces off my leg and lands on the pavement. I don't like this and then it occurs to me he has his window open and he's stopped at the lights. Quick as a flash I pick it up and run towards him. He notices me doing this as I arrive and I say look at that and point to his passenger side. At this I sieze the moment and say "you dropped this" and fling it into his car. The lights then change and obviously still wondering what I'm talking about he drives away.
Hope his car set on fire.:p

bioforger 14 June 2005 03:20 PM

and you shared this with us for what reason? :cuckoo:

OllyK 14 June 2005 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by JeffS
A heartwarming recounting of a karmic tale. Imagine the scene yesterday, lovely and sunny, taking a stroll to the park.
As I walk along the pavement I notice a Renault Megane driving down the hill at higher than normal speed. How odd I think at which point the driver decides to throw out his still lit cigarette butt which bounces off my leg and lands on the pavement. I don't like this and then it occurs to me he has his window open and he's stopped at the lights. Quick as a flash I pick it up and run towards him. He notices me doing this as I arrive and I say look at that and point to his passenger side. At this I sieze the moment and say "you dropped this" and fling it into his car. The lights then change and obviously still wondering what I'm talking about he drives away.
Hope his car set on fire.:p

And I hope you get done for criminal damage.

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:25 PM

It's good to share. I can't see being done for criminal damage either unless he has some way of tracking me down through a photofit picture so your hope is a lost one ollyK.
Never mind the fact this douchebag likes to throw burning rubbish from his car at pedestrians. Someone did this when I was cycling past once and I was forced to kick their wing mirror off. Militant pink patrol doesn't take any BS.

Regacy 14 June 2005 03:25 PM

Good man, a small but significant statement against the ignorant inconsiderate masses.
Keep it up.

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:27 PM

Thank you regacy, imagine if they threw it out and it went down my bonnet scoop causing untold damage. Makes me sick.

cookstar 14 June 2005 03:28 PM

Just to share with you, i used to smoke and yes i flicked butts out of the window. I apologise for that. BUT

If that had been me in the car, i would have taken your actions on board, listened to your argument, then placed my iron bar that is carried next to driver seat, straight accross your head with some considerable force.

You sir are a tw@t

sti-04!! 14 June 2005 03:29 PM

Did you approach in such a manner as to scare ??

Or was he pmsl at the sight of you prancing down the street like a big pansy ??

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:30 PM

I didn't argue with him, I just pointed the other way and then said " you dropped something". No time for imaginary hero tactics from iron bar maniacs.
What do the folk who think returning the rubbish would be a better course of action considering that a scumbag threw it at me?

Alas 14 June 2005 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by sti-04!!
Did you approach in such a manner as to scare ??

Or was he pmsl at the sight of you prancing down the street like a big pansy ??


JeffS 14 June 2005 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by sti-04!!
Did you approach in such a manner as to scare ??

Or was he pmsl at the sight of you prancing down the street like a big pansy ??

lol I'm straight looking and acting and about 6 foot so just look like you Mr Average really not your stereotypical mincing poof (unless you have a request hun). He looked more confused than anything and seemed to have no idea I'd returned his burning rubbish.

STi wanna Subaru 14 June 2005 03:32 PM

I think JeffS is another of Tiggs creations.....

EddScott 14 June 2005 03:34 PM

Thats actually quite an amusing tale IMHO.

Scoobydid 14 June 2005 03:35 PM

Whilst its probably not very nice being hit by a fag butt, and I hate people bunging rubbish out the window. It is a bit extreme to bung something thats lit into a car which is made from mainly combustible materials. I have given people back fag packets and coke cans when in traffic jams, but I would draw the line at that.

Bubba po 14 June 2005 03:35 PM

I can play this song on the guitar, FYI. :)

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:36 PM

It would be better if I could have seen if it burnt his carpet or set fire to his car with any luck. Dirty litter dropping scumbags deserve whatever they get, even worse when it's actually on fire.
I don't think the driver would have cared what happened after it left his car, it could have been into a baby's pram for all he cared. As it was he hit someone who likes to take appropriate action in return.

Poor Guy 14 June 2005 03:36 PM

good work man!

hutton_d 14 June 2005 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by cookstar

You sir are a tw@t

Nope. The guy throwing the fag butt out the window was the "tw@t". Serves the bu&&er right if his car did catch fire - he was obviously an inconsiderate pri(k ...


PS: strange one - people who smoke generally don't think they smell because of the habit. But ask one why he/she doesn't put their fag butts out in their car ashtray they say '... because the car will smell ...' .... Que????????????

sti-04!! 14 June 2005 03:40 PM

All smokers smell !!!

Its disgusting :nono:

The worse when you wake up in the morning after a nite out & your clothes are stinking of cigar smoke :(

Ban them all i say :razz:

SiPie 14 June 2005 03:41 PM

Similar incident debated to death on here a few years ago....

Went on and on and on and on and on and on and on :rolleyes:

Anyway...the guy in the Megane was wrong and so were you..

Tossers x 2 :D

Two wrongs and all that ;)

cookstar 14 June 2005 03:42 PM

So he didnt even know what you did, didnt really make a good point then did you.

So he drives round the corner, parks up and bang car goes up in smoke, right next to 2 other peoples cars and poss many people. Still think it was clever?

FFS how old are you? Even my 6 year old son has more thought than to think ahead a bit more.

Three months later "er what you in for?" answer "well one day i was feeling particularly self rightious, and decided to throw a burning ciggarette end into a car, consequently causing many thousands of pounds damage and the manslaughter of a litter bug" -- "cor mate you really are a tw@t"

Jap2Scrap 14 June 2005 03:42 PM

He got some fecking distance on that fag butt that's all I can say. Or was it a LHD Megane?

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:49 PM

Some very strange responses here he would have worked out what happened when he found the smouldering remains of his rubbish sat in a neat little hole in his seat or carpet.
I think the scumbag flicked it because it bounced with some power off my leg, his car was a normal one and yes I still think it was clever and would do it again.

Iwan 14 June 2005 03:51 PM

A bloke i know was on a motorbike stopped at lights a while back, the car driver next to him flicked a cigarette end out of the window which landed in the gap between mateys leg and the motorbike's fuel tank. He had a hole melted in the leg of his waterproofs and his leg slightly burned before he was able to get it off.

I believe the car driver had to buy a new offside wing mirror, and have some large dents pulled out of the drivers door.

I think i'd have stubbed it out on the drivers forehead personally.

You definately did the right thing. :)

JeffS 14 June 2005 03:56 PM

I notice that the people ready to call me all sorts of names don't even have the ability to offer an alternative solution. Could it be that they indulge in the same sort of behaviour as the douchebag? If so you stink, literally.

SiPie 14 June 2005 03:58 PM

Could it be that they indulge in the same sort of behaviour as the douchebag?
Nope...non smoker, but you still were acting like a tw@t :D

This one's going to run and run ....... :rolleyes:

Here we go again

Jap2Scrap 14 June 2005 04:01 PM

I think you're a **** too, for the record. It was reckless and irresponsible. Haven't you heard the phrase, "Two wrongs don't make a right?"

Shout the odds at him by all means, even put the butt out and lob it in his car, but throwing a lit cigarette end in the car is stupid.

Personally I think the whole tale is a fabrication anyway.

cookstar 14 June 2005 04:03 PM

Still cannot believe people here are saying deliberate VANDALISM is a good thing.

Yes i am an ex-smoker, what the guy did was wrong, but did he aim at you no, and if he did he's a bloody good shot!

Accidents do happen, its life. If i had flicked a cig but out and had burnt trousers etc i would have said sorry and offered to pay for new ones. And i mean that.. If i had hit you with a butt i would have apologised.

But if you kicked my door in tried to burn my car rip my mirrors off, of course im going to react what would you do?

All the threads started on this forum about damage to cars done by "scum" and "chavs" etc, you are just in the same catagory for me. You could have made a better and more lasting point if you actually had a conversation with this guy.

All people that damage cars, will one day do it to the wrong person.

JeffS 14 June 2005 04:05 PM

Reckless and irresponsible? No it's called dishing out some well earned justice. As an agent of karma my credentials are undeniable. All this name calling is not needed either, I am only sharing my experiences with you. Unless of course you are the guy who was driving the black megane in which case "look where you throw your burning rubbish, DOUCHEBAG"

I was in my "short" shorts so he didn't hit my trousers either it was my bare leg. I don't think he aimed at me either, he just didn't give a toss where it went. As luck would have it a responsible citizen was around to return it to it's proper place, I did say "you dropped this" as I threw it in. I don't even think he was aware of what he'd done. Hopefully the burn mark or fire will jog his memory.

Jap2Scrap 14 June 2005 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by JeffS
Reckless and irresponsible? No it's called dishing out some well earned justice. As an agent of karma my credentials are undeniable. All this name calling is not needed either, I am only sharing my experiences with you. Unless of course you are the guy who was driving the black megane in which case "look where you throw your burning rubbish, DOUCHEBAG"

You do realise that shouting that at him through his open window would have had more effect than dropping the cig in unnoticed.

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